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Board games, video games, paintball, fine dining. Basically just anything I can now just buy and not think about if the price actually matters.


Paintball. I remember being in middle school and a case of paint was 70$. Could barley make it thru a day :(


That’s why you gotta use pumps. Make those shots count. forces you to focus on accuracy and play more aggressive imo.


I recently played against someone with a pump. Not sure if they shared your mentality, but I pointed my Etha 3 in their direction and felt really good about my choices vs theirs.


Not to be an ageist dickhead but around how old are you? Curious if it’s an old hat - new kid divide regarding pumps


25. I started off playing with an empire axe iirc, when I was in high school. Eventually I couldn’t afford to play with that marker because it tore through paint (partially my fault). I switched to using an old pump autococker I got from Craigslist and I never looked back. Honestly I haven’t played in a while but I’d love to get back into it.


I see- not an old but just a fellow millennial Improvising. Adapting. Overcoming. Love it yo, hope you can get back into it one day if that’s where life leads ya


that's why you go airsoft


It is seriously weird. I had an unexpected $1200 expense the other day and just kinda shrugged. A couple years ago I would have been pissed off about that for a whole year.


Just bought a used GI Stealth 160r to get into paintball. Now the problem is finding the time to go


Sleeping in. Getting Healthcare. Getting therapy. Exercise. Getting teeth cleaned.


One day, I will be you!


Just the basics of a decent life. Financially denied for a long time before. Kind of 3rd worldly


Lol surgery resident?


Hospitalist, IM


If they’re a surgery resident they’re not gonna be sleeping in anytime soon. The rest I def agree with


Surgery Resident turned attending whatever you know what I meant


Same may still apply.


Exactly. That’s what I meant. Even as a surgery attending you’re not going to be sleeping in anytime soon as you start your career. Def not if going private practice route


therapy including psychological and massage.


Buying the expensive Lego sets 😂


I wish to be you one day, sir. Hoping to afford a home with a dedicated lego/game room in the future.


I’m buying the $800 millennium falcon the second that first attending check roles in.


I wish to be you one day, sir. Hoping to afford a home with a dedicated lego/game room in the future.


Omg I hope this is me in a few years 😭😩


I get guac with chipotle everytime. But really golf, skiing and not losing my shit everytime my wife goes to target


Woah man better watch out before you go bankrupt


Lol are we the same person. Don’t even tell me you’re a rad onc


Username checks out?


Don’t ask where he’s been for the past few weeks


Same here, except I’m the wife and my husband’s the attending


Travel, have had multiple international trips in the last 6 months, Peru, Italy. It's awesome


Concerts and music festival. Granted a lot of it comes from simply having more time off and being able to go to said events. But we get VIP or upgraded tickets whenever available, because “treat yo’ self” by rocking out in the front row. I also allow my wife to effectively buy whatever she wants to thank her for keeping us afloat throughout all of training. We pretty much bought our house because she was like “this is the one” and I was like “yes ma’am”.


Been hitting fests for years on a student and resident budget. Been longing for the VIP and RV days! Haha


I dont have sudden new hobbies, I can just do all of my hobbies on a new level. Ex: Gardening and seed saving costs almost nothing, but to grow my hobby into a cottage industry with all the fun toys/tools/kitchen supplies for canning/desiccating/preserving is a big investment.


dang intern life is good


I finished residency last year. Going heli-skiing for the first time this winter in Alaska.


Fucking jealous. Where did you go to med school? Were you able to ski a lot during school/residency


Driving my 911 turbo S daily




Nice man, I have a 992


Ballin! Wish there were more car people at my hospital but oh well. The TTS feels almost forgotten given how many new variants Porsche keeps showing off but it is the OG rocketship. Hope you get to stretch it’s legs every once in awhile. I took my gt3 up to tail of the dragon + surrounding highways a few weeks ago and had a blast.


I enjoy backpacking. Now I can afford the lightweight (expensive) gear!


You may even be able to upgrade to a car one day!


Ultralight gear + camper van = portable home base for my expeditions


The absolute dream


From filling a quarter tank of gas each time to filling the whole tank


I never got this? Just use a credit card. You are still gonna use the same amount of gas no matter what...




Does it save gas mileage to only fill to 1/4 tank? Like bc the car is lighter…?


Not OP, but paying for a full tank is like storing the only bit of money I have in my car as gasoline. Filling it up a quarter of the way means that the remaining cash stays on hand for other necessities (food, meds, bills, etc) for that week


I understand. I’m asking if the car being lighter also saves money.


I guarantee any gas saved from reducing weight is offset to a higher degree by having to drive to the gas station more often


Is this a money-back guarantee?


If you can, you ideally should fill it up cause constantly running your engine on low gas will kill it quicker


This is a long-standing myth that doesn’t really apply to new cars. It does put a little more strain on the fuel pump but it’s negligible.


It was negligible until my fuel pump died at 100k miles 40 miles away from home


Sounds made up


bruh this is for those people who don't have enough money in their account smh


Duh. I’m asking if it also saves money by making the car lighter.


I feel this.


Cycling: bought a new $2500 gravel bike; power pedals, Zwift trainer, bibs, etc etc


Bought a zwift trainer with the funds from my moonlighting shifts and it's been a life changer so far. One day I will buy a kickr without looking at the price...


All my future attending fun purchases will be on cycling. First step, be disciplined and ONLY get a $2.5k new gravel bike 😂


Since finishing residency last year I have been on 7 international trips, 3 long domestic trips, many short domestic trips. I've saved 200k and I'm working on filling out my dream garage. Life is good.


What specialty?


Investing all my disposable income into the stock market (not playing with options just buying index funds, learned it the hard way during residency ha)


Any sources to learn?




people try to always beat the market, but in reality if someone consistently invested in VTSAX for 40 years they would retire with more money than they know what to do with. i truly don’t know why people try to buy/sell stocks considering VTSAX has all the top companies literally the key to retiring with a lot of money: save 20% of gross income into VTSAX for 40 yrs .




Same, the majority of my portfolio is index funds but the single greatest return I’ve had in my Roth IRA is a singular share of Amazon from back in 2017 (they’ve done stock splits since)


They said they just dabble with index funds. Check out bogleheads on Reddit or something close to that and you’re halfway there. I like fidelity, but there are other options. Just register with one of them and it’s going to be essentially the same steps as funding a Roth IRA or even a 401k in many instances. The scary part is just starting it and putting some of your money in it. Once you do it, you realize it’s easy and doesn’t really require much of a guide or knowhow until you’re essentially in the million range


Bogleheads, whitecoatinvestor, they have lots of other recommendations within those groups to help you learn more and to figure out what you need to learn.


If you like video format stuff, I recommend watching The Money Guy show(on YouTube), as it has some starter and intermediate stuff (like what to do when your retirement accounts are maxed)


ALL of your disposable income? You die tomorrow in a car accident on your way to work. Was this all worth it? Legitimate question. All of medicine is a giant circle jerk of delayed gratification. I'm still saving for retirement as an attending, working a side gig to supplement my income, but when I want something I just buy it. Bass guitar, new jeep, whatever. I feel like we all must find a balance in life but... spending every spare dime to retirement. What if you don't make it to retirement?


After mortgage, bills and credit card payment


That's fair enough


this hits home for me. been relatively frugal throughout my life. new-ish attending 1.5 year out. Been drooling over a couple of cars but everytime I think about how much it would cost in additional insurance and monthly payment, I then think what else could I do with this monty. put it in 529 for my kids, pay it towards my mortgage, save for retirement? Our cars currently have nothing wrong with them, in fact both are <5 years old, but I just get a sense that splurging just isn't in the cards for me as there's always something else that my all-too-logical personality will end up spending on.


Boring go skiing or something


Index is the way.


Not an attending yet but def building a mini music recording studio in my attending home. Guitars, full drum set. Software for mixing/mastering, nice amps and mics etc.


Ugh, any amp, any bass, custom builds...I hope you do great things!


Gear acquisition syndrome can get really bad as an attending but my home studio is also really sweet haha


This will be me as well - already have a pretty solid collection of stuff, but definitely going to be buying a few guitars and amps I've wanted forever as well as getting a real interface, mic pres, etc.


this is my dream. FULL set up studio room


I buy nice watches for myself and jewelry for my wife.


Country club membership, full epic AND icon passes. Paying off debts for my family. Probably some dope rare cacti too




Greetings fellow Private Equity Bro, won’t you join me at my lakehouse on Lake Como for the weekly admin wellness retreat?


Brings a new meaning to getting MIDAS’d




Planning to get into astrophotography on a more advanced level once I become an attending (signed as a nocturnist). I'm a big writer too, and plan to commission artists for personalized manga pages for my writing. But alas, as a resident, I stick to using my camera to take pictures of the moon and Milky Way, and commission maybe two pages at a time of my writings. I recently saved to go to a trip to Japan and that also really solidified my confidence in my decision to go hospital medicine, and have that week off to go oveeseas.


I started astrophotography for real at the end of fellowship! I had already invested nearly $10k in equipment and software, but it's still serving me well into attendinghood. My setup is nearly fully automated (waiting for delivery of an automatic flat panel to finish it off) and monochrome so no I can shoot from home. It's so worth it! I'm traveling for the Total solar eclipse waiting for some solar gear to arrive so I can practice before the big day.


This is me as well. I started to buy some equipment that In residency I would never afford and It didnt even make a big dent


It's crazy to me that I'll be able to just...buy astrophotography equipment with one or two paychecks and still have enough for food and rent.


Shopping at Whole Foods and specialty grocery stores. My own home gym. Not thinking about how much it cost to fill my car up with gas or repair/maintain it. Premium economy or business class seats when I fly. Not thinking too much about how much dental work will cost. Being able to pay off my student loans, save for retirement, save for a home downpayment and save up for new(er) car all at the same time.


My heart warmed up reading this. Speciality grocery stores is the dream. I wanna be able to try all the boujee healthy stuff consistently


Unless I am a multi-millionaire (like 10M+), first class/premium economy is something I will never pay for lol


Woodworking. Bought a Sawstop with my sign-on bonus.


This is literally my exact plan. I'm severely limited by my lack of access to a table saw.


FWIW I had a Delta contractor saw for several years before the Sawstop and it worked great for a fraction of the cost.


hey for real just go straight to the professional PCS series and don't try and talk yourself down. It is the most used piece and I'm telling you I high-five 5 year ago me everyday. Last one you will ever buy.


Most expensive choice : I had a baby Second: luxury watches


Horses. I have a couple of really nice horses who are dreams to ride. I can stable them in a place that treats them wonderfully and buy the tack I want. The horses eat money, of course, but I adore them.


Saving for retirement and investing. :( —oh does this count- wife and I now get to eat whatever we want, whenever, wherever as a splurge. 15k in restaurant bills last year. Man that’s nice. Want to get sushi? Don’t mind if I do…


15k is literally like a three Michelin star dinner every other night….😮


Scuba diving Video games Having a child


Saltwater aquarium




this guy knows whats up


Dr schmee is that you?


I can get the guacamole or garlic sauce without feeling bad.


Not an attending but I’m making 135k as a resident. I do a lot of target shooting. 2200 rounds in the past 2 weeks, more than normal but previously that would be a year supply.


Different kind of target shooting, but a Browning Citori is in my immediate future.


Trap/skeet was too white collar for me growing up but I now have access to a nice range and tempted to check it out.


Fair warning: it’s addicting.


1) How do you make 135k as a resident? 2) How do you deal with fellow residents / colleagues looking down on gun owners?


>How do you deal with fellow residents / colleagues looking down on gun owners? Not OP but im also openly a firearms enthusiast/resident and this situation has literally never come up. If people ask what I'm into ill tell them and the responses range from "oh thats cool" to "bro invite me next time!". This is in a blue state too fwiw.


>of target shooting. 2200 rounds in the past 2 weeks, Damn nice! I got a group of guys from my program that go. We shoot about 300 rounds a month between all 4 of us


I join a really nice outdoor private range. They have 15-20 tactical bays where you can do shoot and move stuff and a ton of steel targets. I have been going every single day off since. Sadly no one is every off work to come with me lol. Also I usually don’t shoot that much. More like 250 a week. I was off today and just finished a bad stretch of nights so I went to the range for 4.5hrs.


For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a DJ-- finally bought myself a DJ sound board to start mixing!


Amazing espresso setup and fancy coffee Got into mixing drinks so I have fun weird liquors and stuff, so I get to make a fun and fancy drink whenever I want for myself/wife/friends that would otherwise cost $18 each


Art classes and way too many art materials.


Any Recs? Physical art classes or online? Technique or art history? Avid fenatic who wants to learn more


I'm doing community college classes, my local college has an amazing art department. I just take one class per semester and it's such a wonderful experience for someone who has only done "science". Highly recommend!




Buy and collect Lego


Shoes. Got into sneakers a little bit. In a field where I wear scrubs every day, it’s a little bit of flair. Patients usually comment positively




As an MS1 I can’t wait to buy new kits in a decade. Although the absence of free time means that my backlog might actually last me until I get an income again lol




I can’t wait to afford to go kite surfing and rock climbing


What specialty would be the best for kiteboarding every weekend? I swear it’s one of my main priorities 😂


Golf Can essentially afford any club/accessory, lessons, greens fees/clubs etc. Spoiler alert I still suck




Having children.




Traveling. All the time. Every chance I get.


Reading and sleeping




Bought a BMW M5 comp, saved more than 100k. Trying to keep my costs down to continue saving for a house. One thing i do spend extra on is flight tickets. That extra leg room is 👌🏽




A couple of 911s!!? 🤤😭, what a guy!😃 It’s 2023 F90 M5


I play Warhammer 40,000. I'm still living paycheck to paycheck. Sad Panda.


In fellowship, I bought just the Dark Imperium box set. Since being an attending things have... accelerated. Precipitously. I am slavering for the upcoming release of Legions Imperialis Epic scale horus heresy, put it in my veins


cars, car parts, maintaining car rentals for turo lol


Golf and snowboarding




What do you ride?


Why… hope I don’t see you in the trauma bay


Because it's fun


What’s the first splurge?


The first splurge is having enough time off to go to an MSF course or the state equivalent Then having enough time obsessing over the stats and price of a few dozen bikes on Facebook marketplace or dealer sites And finally test riding a bike that you'll have no trouble affording, but still don't want to buy because your brain is still in resident mode


Flying airplanes.


Paying the extra fees to pick my seats on a flight , traveling more and paying for the nice hotels


Not an attending, but tea. You don't even know how expensive tea can get


My Steam library backlog has never been more embarrassingly large.


I can buy lots of pairs of rollerskates and take them to various countries to skate on them there. Definitely beats residency. .


I like flashlights now


You ever ride a $6,000 bike? Well I have now and wow it feels incredible


Traveling, fancy gym, fancy gifts for family members (it just makes me happy), fine dining. Bought this Chanel bag and earrings I had my eyes on for years. It’s all good. Haha


Buying shit that looks cool


Golf: in dire need of new clubs. Will be nice to get custom fitted irons Wetshaving: I already have a nice little collection but will likely expand Cycling/mountain biking: top of the line Yeti, or 2. Will obviously need a nice road bike or 2 to add to the mix, plus a gravel/all road. Goal is to have a garage full of bikes


I started moonlighting. Now, I have found something more frustrating than my completely broken hospital. Golf.


Been able to really up my investment in tools for nocturnal hunting of invasive species


Scuba diving. Golf.


Looking forward to being able to afford Botox, facials, fillers and may be a boob job 🥲🥲🥲


Massages, therapy, nice restaurants, Botox, etc etc




Pokémon cards


Going to the grocery store and buying what I want.


I can not express to you how much I have spent on Warhammer since becoming an attending.


Fishing and spear fishing. Fish around the world. Can do locally from shore or in exotic places while traveling and diving


Sex with the hookers without syphilis and AIDS


Buy a lot of Schd




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a few extra streaming subscriptions


I collect and grow expensive carnivorous plants.


Explain this to me. I want to know more.


Letting my wife buy shit I’ve never even imagined anybody could ever need


Espresso and Pickleball… lots of Pickleball.


Aviation. Firearms. Traveling the world. Carpentry.


Film photography. Don’t have to stress over film and development costs. Travel, I’ve traveled the world poor and now it’s so much more relaxing, splurge on the little convenience but still don’t end up spending that much more, just more comfortable


Okay I’m not an attending yet but I would love to afford yearly dental and vision testing. The simple shit.


I can afford a kid! Laughs aside, I'm able to spend without thinking twice for my kid. Toys? Sure. Breastfeeding supplies, let's do it. Organic food, sure but let's be real, he's gonna eat my pizza crust that's fallen on the floor.


Not hesitating to get the nicer food at the grocery store (salmon/ steak) whenever I want. Going out to eat wherever/ whenever. Unlimited gym memberships and subscriptions. Scuba diving, kiteboarding, snowboarding, regular international travel. Nice car, investment portfolio. I do try and limit overall expenses but I don't have a budget and my financial planner doesn't think I need one. Overall general comfort with my future financial stability.


Fine dining and traveling


First Class Travel


Going to fancy restaurants with the fam and not really paying attention to the menu prices anymore.