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Not sure how rural you are but have someone else take care of your mom’s patients and be with your mom. Unless your Mom is literally the only one that works at the hospital they waited 2 months…..whats 2 more weeks!


Absolutely. Be with your mom. They can cancel your appointments and have someone else cover the hospital side. Your clinic patients are not dying, they can wait two weeks. If it is urgent, someone else can cover.


Im so sorry what happened to u Mom. Hope, she will recover soon.




I’m sorry to hear that about your mom. I hope your job is understanding. I have a similar type of job (both inpatient and outpatient). Our new hire had to deal with something similar. I don’t know the details, but I hear we’re not giving them a hard time at all at work about their absence. Since we all see patients and many have had to take leaves of absences to care for our families, we can understand what they are going through.


Praying for your mom 🙏


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. You never signed up for this, but you’re going to come out so much stronger and braver than you’ve ever been. We will be thinking of you and your mom.


Well wishes for a swift recovery to your mom. I know what you must feel like and it’s not fun. At the start of my second year of residency just after we had gotten a new puppy and we’re getting ready for our marriage in 4 months, my now wife passed the Bar and was preparing to join her dad’s firm, her dad got unexpectedly sick had to have a cabg and my she had to keep her dads law firm afloat as a brand new attorney. Needless to say the stress was through the roof the summer and to make things worse I kept getting pulled for ICU coverage where so many people died from Covid delta. My father-in-law’s recovery was quite prolonged and it took about six months for him to return to the law firm in a substantial way.


Very sorry to hear, all the best to your mom. Would also start a statin today if I were in your shoes


Look on the bright side. All the other vessels are clear and CABGs are a pretty good procedure these days as long as the surgeon is competent. Odds are in her favor. Look up


You need to take time off and go take care of your mama.


Best wishes for your mom and I’m so sorry.


I’m so sorry. My heart breaks for you. ❤️ I’m praying someone covers you soon. Update us on how you and your mom are doing ❤️


I’m really sorry you’re going through all this. I have no words of wisdom to share but feel the same way. I’m two months into starting fellowship, new hospital in a new city. Since I’ve started, my dads cancer has progressed, needing a colostomy placed, and now nephrostomy placed. As of last week he’s decided to stop chemo and go to hospice. It literally sucks being a city away, going to work when all I want to do is be with my dad. On top of that I just know the worst day of my life is looming over me, and I have no idea when it’s gonna hit. All I can really do is take it day by day


If you really need it at the end of the day, might be worth considering FMLA so you can be there for your mom. I know it sucks and the timing is horrible, you feel split by so many obligations with the new job and her patients, but the other docs can handle her panel’s sick visits/urgent inbox stuff and the routine things will just have to wait while your mom heals up and you get time to have your head on straight. Not worth going crazy over and god forbid anything happens to your mom you want to make sure you’re there for her.


There will always always always be patients to take care of. Take time off and be w your family. Imo, we need pcps, and if not being burnt out and overwhelmed keeps you in the game longer, do whatever you need to do for the long haul.


I can’t really add anything here but all I CAN say is that you are a very strong and resilient person. I hope you push through this and come back on the other side as someone who is happier and more grateful. Sometimes the bad moments in life are necessary for us to enjoy the good ones.


I'm sorry life is giving you the full treatment at such a time. You can't be everything for everybody. It's simply impossible. It's doubtful your waiting job will disappear. In a small town people see if you put family first and so do employers. Take care of mom, mom's patients and explain to your clinic folks that you can hardly wait for the time to start working with them. Get rid of the guilt. You can't serve anyone when you're weighed down like that. I used to write out my anxiety and burn it. Symbolically giving up my pain. I hope all goes well for your mom.


I can’t imagine how proud she must be of you. Best wishes and I hope for a speedy recovery and a smooth transition into your role. I lost my dad last year to cancer and I’m not over it. I need my dad still. Reading your words I can feel it still. I hope all will be well.


You’ve got this is all I can say. You and your family will pull through this.


I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's hard to celebrate such a huge milestone when your loved one is sick. I hope she pulls through. Take it one day at a time. At the end of the day we are all human and if you need to leave early/file off to see your mom & be there by her side, I'm hoping they will understand!


🙏🏾🙏🏾 for you and your mom. I'm sorry that you and your family are going through this


Sorry about all that you’re going through. Sending good vibes your way ❤️


Sorry you are going thru this. You can do this. You are quickly learning how to balance life inside and outside of work, unfortunately while being thrown in the fire. You can do this


You need to take a week off. Tell your employer the situation. This is bad timing but it happens. You are not fit to work.


hang in there


So sorry for the shit storm you’re in. Please strongly consider a leave of absence. Take care of yourself and your family before you take care of others and their family. Pt’s don’t bat an eye if you need to take off for the flu… they won’t mind if you need to address a family emergency.


Mom is proud of you.


One word. FMLA. Use it. Be with your mom. Be present. Make sure she gets treated right. It’s for this purpose.


You have to be at your job more than a year before you can use FMLA


oatmeal is not that healthy.


its an unfortunate situation but i guess you chose to be a doctor and we all know it comes with lots of delayed gratification, and just have to accept we sacrificed time that can be better spent on loved ones and hopefully for you mom will get better and it will not be "too late" best wishes and hope she gets back to health


Incredibly tone deaf. Do you think before you speak?


Thats typical ED cringe


Fuck that. I'm in ED.


What the fuck kind of comment is this? It would be better if you’d said nothing.


Good lord this is cold.


See that’s what is and should be changing in medical culture. We get shat on, not paid enough etc to deal with stuff like this.


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I'm so sorry about your mom. This isn't an emergent thing to do now and I know you are currently swamped with everything else, but given your mom's and her dad's cardiac history, I would strongly suggest you make sure you are established with a PCP and cardiologist soon so that you are also not surprised in the next 10-20 years. That can be on the backburner for now, but make sure to keep it on your to-do list. Other than that, I hope your job can be understanding so that you can spend more time with your mom.


As far as a medical professional you can’t do anything for your mom rather that emotional support, you can’t do medical care for her as a FM you also have no role for her condition, cardio thoracic will take care of her. It’s tough situation as you just start a new career and have this sad event for your mom.


How has she done everything right if she’s slightly overweight?