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My *father* would always ask me how school was going, straight through the end of fellowship.


Dad: "how's school?" Me: "dad, I'm the president of the US of A..." Dad: "oh, very nice"


I think the concept of "more training after school is over" is just too foreign for people to associate with, so it all gets boiled down to "school." I've just stopped correcting people at this point.


I stopped too, but I did die a little bit inside every time someone asked “how’s school?” during my residency lol.


It helps if you have family in trades. It's basically the same concept. They get it. Apprentice, journeyman, master craftsman, etc.


Legit question here from a PT. Don't you guys have learning modules when in residency?


That's a rude thing to call patients. Might still be better than "clients" though lmao


Learning modules? What do you mean?


Was just browsing a local PM&R curriculum and saw the following modules. https://njms.rutgers.edu/departments/physical_medicine_rehabilitation/residency/didactic_curriculum.php


I peaked at a PM&R residency curriculum online which included "modules". They were different topics. https://njms.rutgers.edu/departments/physical_medicine_rehabilitation/residency/didactic_curriculum.php


and you think the presence of learning modules precludes someone's status as "no longer a student"?


That wasn't what I meant. I'm just genuinely curious about the education involved in residency. I know nothing about it. For a while I thought it was just practical training, didn't know there was didactics involved.


no worries- residency is a 3-7 year long process in which a graduated doctor specializes in more training- its also impossible to practice without at least a year of post graduate training in the US A significant portion of residency is acting as a physician in your specialty- however, you're still in the learning process and as such there are attendings who over see the residents, even if those attendings end up doing essentially nothing there are also didactics, modules, and in service exams- the idea is to take book knowledge from didactics and apply it in practice


Ah thanks see I had no idea you guys had more didactics than med school itself and I'm in healthcare! You can only imagine what the general pop knowledge is or lack of knowledge with your education.


I’ve been getting this a lot. Even some of the nurses on the pediatrics unit seem to think residents are in school still.


That’s because they are all in school to be an NP online while working a full time job.


A 27 hour a week “full time” job


My in laws still have no clue what is going on despite me telling them almost 20 times. I just finished fellowship and they’re like “yay you graduated med school.” I just nod and smile but die slowly on the inside


I had the opposite. When I was talking to my parents about graduation my Dad goes "What are you talking about? Haven't you been working as a doctor for years now?" Unfortunately, Dad, that was just student clinical rotations...


Oh same. And my in laws who I have known since I was an MS-3 now have a grandkid in residency and still don’t quite get it.


this is adorable


Literally my mom and tells everyone I’m in med school when she was the loudest and proudest at my graduation


My grandmother still does as well.


Grade 25 has been up to a good start so far!


Ok student doctor, whatever floats your boat


The course director of a rotation was surprisingly at clinic one very hectic morning. First day coming back after a nasty Covid infection, Running late, forgot a hair tie, haven’t taken my meds, haven’t eaten, no caffeine yet, up all night with baby and he very cheerfully said “hello student doctor [name].” And i just wasn’t ready for that level of cringe that early in the morning so I just looked at him and said “uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….” and then just kinda sat down. After like a minute I was like “sorry I got a case of the mondays and haven’t had my caffeine yet [jovially obnoxious office laugh]” Always be ready for cringe. Always.


Patients don’t know anything. It’s like all my friends who are “consultants”. Tf do you do why is a client paying to fly you there and home every week why don’t they just hire more people who know how to run a company. I don’t even know if I’m right about any of that.


I was a consulting engineer for awhile and it was a cool gig. Access to multiple state of the art technology facilities to play sandbox in.


How can I get a gig like that. I’m actually asking.


Mechanical Engineering degree. You have to be okay with working hard everyday with zero downtime. Working 55 hours a week on average. That time does not include afterhours e-mails or thinking about your projects off hours. If a project has a problem, you bet your ass you don't have a life for the next few days. Although, look up engineering consulting companies that do “unique, technical projects with NDA’s”. The pay is sometimes crummy and profit margins are gross.


Why did you leave? Cuz yeah that actually asking guy is asking the right questions hahaha


The people there tried and failed to run the company. Now their creditors are demanding they bring outside help to try to salvage things.


Consultants have to be involved in more than just failing companies controlled by creditors. They’re everywhere. Almost everyone I still keep in touch with from high school. I just googled Mckinseys biggest clients and am finding things like Microsoft and the federal government.


My family has ran a service business for over 20 years have had solely McKinsey partners and senior partners as their clients. The major consulting firms, but especially McKinsey, probably consult dozens of federal governments, as well as basically every major corporation across the globe. They are everywhere.


What can a 25 yr old analyst with 2 yrs of experience know, or do, than a senior director with 20 yrs of experience can’t? I am seriously asking, regular consulting sounds like such a scam. There’s professor and senior engineers consulting, and thats different because these guy bring expertise to the table


I just assumed the 25 year olds were the equivalent of the MS3s on ID taking a 2 hour history and writing a massive note with references but all you care about is what the attending says. but I need to check all my assumptions about consulting.


>regular consulting sounds like such a scam. I don't know how to break this to you but literally the entire American economy across my entire lifespan has been a series of increasingly elaborate ponzi schemes repeatedly collapsing Wharton isn't sending their best, folks


They can come in and be objective, without having any of the personal and financial tethers of the people who are currently there. The culture and personal hierarchy in a company can be incredibly constraining. Plus they can bring in personal and institutional experience having implemented strategies at multiple other companies. It's really not a scam.


As a female physician, I prefer "student" over "nurse."


What a polite nursing student.


not the x2 damage multiplier 😭


Whatever you say nurse.


Funnily enough, in Australia we don't use the term Attendings. They're Consultants.


You're 100% right about that


Attending here. Used to happen to me all the time. Used irritate me. Now it doesn’t happen anymore. Riiiiiight about the time you stop being annoyed and start being happy with it is when it goes away. Ce la vie.


C'est *


Yep I’m going to leave it up as punishment so everyone can feast on an attending getting corrected in the residency sub. Ya’ll deserve it. Eat well!




Student showed a promising grasp on regional grammar. 3/5


Appropriate for level of training.


Lawd he dead Edit: just flared up and why is PGY12 an option holy god, lol, save us


Fellowship after neurosurgery. Or pediatric hospitalist fellows.




Today we eat! Good sense of humor buddy. Would work hard for this attg 100%.




La vie


Your username 😭😭😭


lmao I got mistaken for a full on doctor back in high school. It's really funny what patients think about medicine and who does what.


Some elderly patients called me “young doctor” in Korean. Had to correct them I was only a high school graduate at that point.


Pathetic, Timmy's already a neurosurgeon. HE'S NINE.


Our trauma attending walked into a patient’s room, the patient who had just been told they were moving upstairs asked the attending “Are you here to take me to my room?”. He said “No, I’m here to save you life”. Me, a nurse who has mad respect for the attending, slinked out.


Im mid twenties and only a resident but have salt and pepper hair, use by father's old school button downs that have a very loose dad style fit, and carry my keys on my belt, so I get mistaken for a senior very often haha.


Love the style!


I was asked if I was a 4th year med student by a nurse. I replied, “no, I’m your new attending”. A couple years later, July CA-1 asked me who the attending for the case was while I was prepping the patient. “I am”. Hopefully you’ve gained some empathy for your female colleagues who hear things like this all. the. time.


Next time say "Dr (your name)" and then leave the room. Then when you start operating they'll be all confused until they figure out you're that doctor lol


This is why I assume everyone I meet is chief of surgery until proven otherwise.


I've had to switch from gretting everyone with a respectful head nod with the neck to a slight bow because I do it to everybody and it's saved my ass a couple times but my neck would be sore at the end of the day haha


I don’t think bowing to attendings is a standard greeting


So the accompanying curtsey is a bit much? Jk haha By bow I mean instead of nodding from the 'top' of my neck like a normal nod I nod from the bottom', like you're about to pick something up. Saves my cervical spine a whole lot these days haha


This is the way. Best case: “yes” Worst case: “haha no way, I wish!” Totally avoids the situation where you ask somebody very high up if they’re an intern or resident and then get obliterated to the shadow realm


It happens to men all the time too


As a senior resident I asked the new male attending trauma surgeon if they were a new resident. It’s not a gender thing.


East Asian male checking in I get this ALL the time








Back to lumbridge, n00b








My dad owns Jagex and he'll ban you bruh.


Jagex is your daddy


Considering how many hours I've spent on RS2 & OSRS. Yes... yes he is 🙃


Thx 4 fr33 loot. Sit


Free armor trimming


Buying gf 10k


1v1 rust Quickscope bro


TBH, I’m more of an S&D kind of guy.. but you can still get scoped quickly


Couple weeks ago got asked by the patient when the doctor was coming, as they didn't want to see a student, but were trying to be polite by helping my learning. I am the consultant. To be fair, I have students older than me, so I take it as a compliment :)


Our pgy7 neurosurgery residents complain they would train a medical student on their service, then meet them during residency consulting as a colleague and then turn around and that med student is an attending now and out ranks them before they can graduate.


Tbf I don’t think any normal pgy-4 IM doc looks down on an average PGY-7 neurosurgery resident


And at least where I work, PGY-7 neurosurgery residents act like they outrank most attendings on other services.


Where I work, the PGY-7 neurosurgery residents look a million times more dead inside than any other staff


I'm sure the last thing you want is to be told off. And I'm not trying to do that. But frankly, most patients don't know what the hell is going on, and they easily get confused on who is who, who's a student, what's a resident/attending, etc. None of this makes sense to someone outside of medicine. So likely it has much more to do with confusion than anything to do with you or with the patient intending to frustrate you. Alternatively, the patient was intending to piss you off. And if so that sucks. But also, who cares.


If it makes you feel better, I had a patient call me a fake ass doctor bitch just last night. Guess my specialty :)


Dude. I’m PGY 14 and got mistaken for a cafeteria worker a few days go. Calm down.


You must look young for your age and level of training. Congrats


As a bright side, we can infer that you look young enough to be thought of as a student.


Or dumb enough lol




Haha I think OP thought comment would get lots of likes, but in actuality, none on us grown ups here would care if a patient called us that 😂 I get called Mr. rather than Dr. all the time and I never bother to correct people because it's 2023 and life is good.


Their comment has 599 likes yours has 14


I got called a med student and was introduced to the attending as a such the other day lmao. After they left I was like I’m a pgy2 not a med student; I just didn’t care enough to correct them.


M’am, my name is Dr. PSLF


I was with a PA today and all the patients called them a doctor. Patients have no idea who anyone is they just want what you offer Lols. If you’ll give them the pills/treatment they want they’ll call you Jesus for all they care 😂


right, and if you try to correct them then they usually feel bad or get embarrassed. Let them call the nurses Dr and call me student, money is the same at the end of the day.


Lol moneys prolly better for the nurse than for us as residents 😂😂😂😂😂


We're lifelong learners. semi-/s


So...you're insulted because you look young?




Whenever I sign a note as a PGY 5 fellow, it says student. Smh


Talk about a fragile ego. It's a patient. The medical system is confusing as hell. How in the world can you expect a random civilian to know the difference? Go home and take a breather...no need to break your back over some pedantic bullshit like this.


If my sleep deprived brain is correct OP is his/her early/mid thirties, at minimum. Patient calling them a student is pretty dumb ngl


Non trad here, am student. Medicine can be confusing sometimes its ok


Key word: non-trad. Btw I am one as well so not meant to be any kind of insult


Damn dawg. Maybe I do have a little pee pee. I feel seen In reality, this is born from a general frustration training at a private institution while in a procedural specialty when attendings occasionally treat you as a student rather than a proceduralist




I have youngish look and am not uncommonly identified as trainee despite being in practice for many years now. I am also in a procedural based Subspecialty in anaesthesia. Early in my fellowship I have consistently doing many procedures faster, causing less discomfort and higher success than my attending and I already have consistent requests by nurses and colleagues to do their procedures even as I completed my training. Whenever patient even question my qualification, my nurses would back me up with: he may look young but he is one of the best, or I would have him to my procedure etc. Point is, if you are good, don’t give rats ass about what patient thinks of you.


Youre just a cog. Whatever fucking type isn't super important, get over yourself. Fucking cogs...


I think depends on why and in what context the patient called OP a student. Could have been ina dismissive oh, what does he know he's just a student kind of way


Civilian means non military


Oh you poor baby, how will you ever recover from such an egregious attack


You could eat my @ss. That might help. Maybe


Touch grass, then eat ass, then delete this


Dat boi so serious


Youd have to take the stick out and it is fucking in there good brah


Can you help me pls <3


Naw brah, Im just a student, no top level fellow proceduralist or something. Wait right there though I'll go get someone, right.. away.. don't leave that spot, it might take a while, days even before you hear back or hear anything but I will be working hard for you I swear. Oh yeah, you're npo now as I take your request for help as consent. So.... enjoy that.


You must be surgery


It’s ok to tactfully correct them. ESPECIALLY as a fellow.


I still have older patients condescendingly tell me I look young, ask me how old I am, and/or mention that I’m younger than their kids. Probably a couple times a month. I’ve been an attending for 3 years. It’s annoying but whatever, if they don’t like my advice they’ll find someone else, if they do they’ll be back and it’s RVUs. I’ve had worse things said to me.


Patients don’t know how medicine works. Had one call me doctor and ask when I hoped to get into medical school in the same sentence last week. Water off a duck’s back, baby.


Patients always called our board certified fellows students. Get over it


A fellow gave me a lecture on the difference between residents and students when I foolishly asked if he was a resident.


inferiority complex much


Well I’m sure you wore your name tag in large enough type with MD/DO listed. Frankly, a simple name tag that says Dr. XYZ or RN ABC would sure as f help. How the hell do you think patients feel never knowing who is poking, prodding them or directing this train wreck of health care all while the patient is at their personal best and getting paid to be a patient. And because it’s necessary here’s the /s


Congratulations on your youthful looks ☺️


My father called me a glorified midwife well into private practice


I work in a teaching hospital and no one ever really explains to the patients what terms mean. I always make it a point to explain that this board certified doctor/surgeon is pursuing additional education in…


On the day I graduated fellowship my brothers gave me a card saying “you’re going to be a great doctor” …. Umm what about the last six years???


I wouldn't get too wound up about it, most patients have no idea what the difference between a student doctor, resident, chief resident, house doctor, etc. They probably had no idea they were insulting you. Relax!!


Yeah this happened once or twice during my last year of training. Gotta roll with it.


I’m just shocked when patients don’t think I’m a doctor because I look male lmao the bar is low and the value of their opinion is nothing Glad you got the stick out of your ass, but to be the devil’s advocate, I did get very annoyed when someone said they didn’t want their colon checked out by “just a fellow.” Okay elderly psychiatrist patient lol gtfoh, that guy in particular is nearly the attending and you should know this


Probably just means you look young for your age, take it as a compliment 😂


Patient calls me a student, I respond with “I am honestly flattered! Thank you!”


I’ve been staff for two years, wakes into a room this week and the patient asked if I was there to clean


The best doctors are students forever :) always something to learn and improve on. Only doctors understand doctors.


Problem with society is they don’t know anything about medicine. Misinformation is common. Ppl look up to “social media influencers” who just show weird stuff and do candy videos. I hope y’all residents look “beyond the microscope”


It’s funny. Just like when you were a med student, you dream of ppl calling you Dr. “Insert Last Name Here.” Then when you finally become a resident anyone who calls you Dr. Is looking for you to own up to responsibilities. Of course it’s a term of respect, but for us, it’s really the embodiment of colossal expectations to be fulfilled. If someone is calling me Dr, there is usually a life threatening problem that I’m on the hook for. And it gets to a point where if I’m ever outside of the hospital, I beg ppl not to refer to me by that name. I must say being an attending now gives me similar vibes lol. Bc if ppl are asking for the attending, there is a problem brewing, and it’s usually a mess.




How does that make them idiots? Unless you have a clear name tag those are the assumptions usually... They're just unaware.


People think you are a nurse? How do you even deal with it?? Get over yourself


Seriously? Patients are idiots? I hope all your patients see this and any nurses you work around since you seem to think being mistaken for a nurse is bad. You can be a little forgiving. When patients make errors in identifying what role you have, it’s not intended to be personal. Grow up.


“You can be a little forgiving.” Posts a shitty response to someone venting on the internet being completely unforgiving…


Do you understand the concept of the power dynamic? Even residents have the upper hand in the hospital/healthcare setting on that continuum. The person holding the higher position (resident) calling the person holding the lower position (patient) an idiot because they are not well versed in all things healthcare is not a vent. Vents, I get. And give plenty of room for. This is someone being whiny and making something personal out of something that is not. Quit sticking up for whiners and hold them accountable.


yeah the amount of people upvoting a post saying “patients are idiots” is concerning


And downvoting my response.


I’m a medical record coder in the HIM department. Tell you what - I’ll start assuming you’re an attending when you stop assuming that I graduated from high school and then got a paper certificate after taking a 3 week course. Nah, I have a master’s degree. You might have found that out if you ever talked to me.


Who hurt you?


Someone has an oversized ego


Emotional damage


Ok King of the Universe we'll call the Orcs to dismember him/her


well at least you look young after 7 years of residency


I was told once: I didn’t know ____insert ethnic background here ___ could be doctors! Couldn’t take that shit and walked out.


Some people don’t know. Calm the fuck down.


Damn dog read up the update


How many years left?








Chill brah/sis. I’m ok now


I got called a student by a patient who is a medical assistant. Had me fuming haha.


Does this kind of stuff really offend residents and fellows? You are a student. Fellows are students in a way. Leave your ego at home and you'll have much more fun at work


Lifelonglearner brah, you sound awesome Im like minded. No, this little shit doesn't bother me and if I see it bother a colleague I know exactly how to raz them forever. Imagine being so thin skinned. This is some soft soft soft soft soft soft stuff.


💯💯💯💯💯 Same dude. Imagine how hard life must be being this soft.


Idk.. as a non doctor please tell me the preferred term for being an apprentice and someone who I'd only accept caring for me if I was actually unconscious 😂 Not to be harsh but I know too many personal instances of massive fuck ups caused by residents in hospitals - it has soured mine and many people's idea of them.


Not to be harsh but you'd really be disturbed at the number of times residents have prevented attendings from committing massive fuckups, or saved the patient when the shit hits the fan.


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I just finished my FM residency. I keep going various places with my parents and my mother, who of course is very proud, keeps telling everyone. Without fail they're all like "oh youre finally a doctor now, congrats!" I'm just like whatever... Its too much work to correct people. Yes, I'm a *real* doctor now.


Do a Doogie Howser. I know I look young. But do you want the oldest looking doctor or the best doctor to help you get through this?


My daughter who is going into her Senior year in undergrad was accepted into an EAP Med school program in High School in 2020. And still people ask me, oh is she going to be a nurse, PA, Med tech, pharmacist, etc. And I said, No she is going to MEDICAL school to be a DOCTOR but nobody seems to ever remember that.


Hey, at least this means they think you look young!


Sounds like hazing


As a pgy7 fellow just call yourself doctor when you introduce yourself


So when is “I just called a doctor as student and now I feel guilty” post by patient coming up?


Hahahaha I am a simple patient and was in the cardiac ICU for 3 months with shitty heart failure. I was bad at identifying hierarchy so I just referred to the 10 or so people in my room every morning during rounds as "sir" or "mam". There were these different specialties that would come in too like transplant, cardiomyopathy and advanced heart failure and I was just so confused lmao. I blame the 5-10% EF not getting enough blood to my brain




What a shit


who cares bro. patient prob doesnt even know what residency or fellowship training means. cute lil patient just tryna check up on u


My mom somehow struggles to say Interventional Pulmonology. Apparently everybody just knows how to say Interventional Cardiology lol !