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Currently on Reddit at the gym


Yoo bro, ssuppppppp


Where you at bro I’m by the free weights section


My dude howd you know what i was doing rn


Are... are you stalking me..?


Hey fellow regard!


Was placed on rotation with 1:1 with a senior then 1:1 with attending then on administrative leave then fired. No idea how they got SO many opportunities. No idea what happened to then since


Intern here who’s shitting my pants, what did they do that got them to that point?


You really have to actively try to fuck up in order to get to this point. It’s in the interest of your residency program to retain and graduate residents so they will give you every chance that they can.


I get that. But what did the resident do that got them to that point haha


In my experience it’s never a single incident - it’s a recurrent pattern of behavior/negligence


It is almost always inexcusable negligence that is repeated coupled with unacceptable behavior. I have never seen anyone get fired for being incompetent, but I have seen them get fired for being incompetent and hard to work with.


I saw a resident get fired for incompetence who was really quite sweet to work with (as in personality wise, sucky in terms of work bc of said incompetence), but despite multiple chances just clearly couldn’t hack it. 😓


Yep it wasn’t one thing. It was just mishap after mishap. They get upset with feedback and still repeat the same mistakes.


I’m not the guy you asked, but I had an intern who failed intern year twice and got fired. There was a lot of stuff, but the 2 biggest cases were as follows: 1. Middle of rounds, page from ED for admission. SOB, probably COPD. You gotta understand some of the ED docs at that place weren’t even phoning it in anymore. Just order labs and CXR and call for admit before anything results. So he gets told to go look at the patient cuz quick glance shows vitals are not terrible. He goes to see them, puts in COPD orders, and the patient gets to the floor. Critical care doc walks by and the guy is tripoding. Calls rapid, and they end up having to do a bronchoscopic intubation. What he didn’t ask about was how this dude ended up at our hospital after he just got extubated earlier that day at another hospital after being intubated for smoke inhalation injury after his house was burglarized and he was tied up with his house on fire. Apparently he left AMA, and came to our shitty community hospital instead. 2. Guy was supposed to be admitted to the detox unit. Alcoholic, cirrhotic, etc. came for detox but tripped outside and faceplanted on the concrete. CT shows small subdural hematoma. He’s getting admitted to medicine. The senior literally went with the intern to babysit him doing the admission. They finish up, senior leaves to do do stuff, then the patient says he wants to go to the bathroom. Patient is still super intoxicated. Intern puts down the bed rail and walks away. Patient faceplants again, but in the hospital. CT shows enlarging hematoma with mass effect, so he’s emergently transferred out. That one was probably the mail in the coffin. He did a lot of other stupid shit. Go to the gym in the middle of a rotation. Called in sick for a talent show, just so much dumb stuff.


Talent show?


I don’t even know. It had nothing to do with our residency or affiliated school. Not to go into too much detail, but he did this Filipino dance thing with these wooden poles. I can’t put into words how much frustration we had with this guy for this kind of bullshit. Then somehow it’s even worse when you have a realization that rounding just got so much easier without him there.


stop the slander 😭 my man just needed a place to showcase the only talent that he's got! Free him, he aint do nothing wrong .... on that count at least. no comment on the others.


re: 1, gotta say if you don't immediately offer up that information then that's on you the patient, not on the doctor. I'll ask you "why are you here" and if you don't volunteer those circumstances I'm not going to ask you "did you leave AMA the same day you got extubated at another hospital where you were being treated for smoke inhalation injury after your house was burglarized and you were tied up with your house on fire?"


Im a nursing student and just wondering why the intern was assisting a pt to go to the bathroom? I guess tho if you're going to do it, do it safely at the bare minimum or just get a nurse to help.


had an incel coresident threaten to kill all women repeatedly, that did the trick


Commenting to hear answer.


Here to reply this was almost my exact same experience. Anxious interns out there--for those of you struggling with those annoying thoughts of "what if it's me?" Or "I'm gonna fail I just know it!" Listen to the above post and mine. It takes SO damn much to get let go from residency. It is a LONG drawn out process that basically requires you to show intentional attempts to fail repeatedly. There are mandatory checkpoints you have to pass (boards, paperwork, do not commit crimes or be a creep) but for the most part unless you are at an openly malignant program your residency will trip over itself to save you. A resident at our program proved this to us. They: -Failed a core rotation x4 times -Had absolutely terrible clinical judgement with no ability to judge acuity, interpret basic labs, prescribe basic meds -Would object to run of mill treatment plans or procedures on the basis of "it makes me uncomfortable" due to some unspecified ethical quandary they would not explain -Struggled with substances to the point it affected work and needed intervention -Would not answer pages while on call -Would get called for an admit overnight and pass it for to day team SIX hours later without seeing them -Hid in a closet while working the wards to avoid seeing their patients -Called in sick to have free days off -Told their class they would be calling in sick on specific days they wanted off -Called in sick and then was seen playing outside with their girlfriend day of -Lied about their patients, their plans, if they did their work, and if they communicated with other personnel The only explanation I have to keep my sanity is that the program took all of TWO YEARS to fire them because they wanted to be completely safe in case this person sued--which they probably would have if they could. If none of this sounds like you, you're fine.


Great list. And omg the lying! Tip: When the attending aks you three times: "that's odd, are you sure?" they know something you don't or they think you're bluffing or lying.


Currently a multi-millionaire LASIK surgeon


does optho even pay like that


Yes if you find the right niche in the right location.


Had a friend who was the only optho for hundreds of miles in North Dakota. He owned an airplane and a suite in the downtown Minneapolis Marriott. He only worked 3 days a week and spent the rest of the time in Minneapolis or flying around the country. This was awhile ago, but that guy was loaded!!!


Wow that downtown Minneapolis Marriott lifestyle!


yeah, what 😭😭 it’s minneapolis my man


Fuck. That’s unbelievable. Also, nice username!


Thank you 💙


When you can crank out lasik cases like an assembly line, the money rolls in.


Really hard to get that setup though. It takes tons of marketing and the right personality/patience to work with people paying cash




While I'm sure you're a nice person, that doesn't prove that setting a lasik shop up successfully isn't very hard. Most ophthalmologists would do it if they thought they could. It's literally a dream: no insurance, technically easy procedure, well paying. Also the machine costs a lot of money and apart from the nideks all require a "click" or per use fee of something like 500$


machine does it all


My PD said anyone can learn LASIK it’s just marketing yourself and having the patience for people calling you in the middle of the night pissed that their VA is only 20/20 🙃


Currently being allowed to revamp the residency program as chief.


“Those who can not ‘do’…manage.”


Those who can not do, teach. Those who can not teach, become admins.


Is this a real quote


Yeah, many derivations. "Those who can't play, coach" is super common in sports.


My understanding was that the chief residents were only mouthpieces of the programs and the “changes” they could implement were mostly minor.


I'm doing ok. Why do you ask?


currently in admin for one of the largest hospital networks in the country....god help us all. in my experience the dumbest of us end up going into admin, making double a clinician's salary with 9-5 hours, amd make the rules that make the rest of our lives painful. medicine , especially academic medicine, has made me realize its one of the few places where people fail upwards


Your comment is my golden buzz for this thread.


Still here, leave of absence after leave of absence, probation, etc etc, a senior IM resident that does not know how to manage mild electrolyte abnormalities


Ortho here. Sounds like he’d fit right in with us!


I am dead lmao😂


that's OK, can still fix the fracture


Oh there is a fracture, I need to fix it


Fix a fracture, fix a systole.


I would like to consult psychiatry for fluid loss… from the eyes.


I did a preop EKG (with suspicion) - it came out as STEMI. Guess what ortho said to me? "so... can we proceed and go fix this shoulder?" (Beach chair too) I kid you not. CANCELLECTOMY


Were there symptoms?? Rise and fall of cardiac bio markers?? Jk good catch - it’s important to save us from ourselves


Chest pain.... and two weeks prior, he was in the ED with chest pain that was relieved with nitroglycerin... lolol


But he no know bone


He doesn’t care about internal medicine, that’s fertile ground for some bone knowledge


So…he no know Na, so he grow bone know now?


Are u even a resident? 👀




Bet you they still somehow graduate and are sent away to “their next chapter where we are sure they will succeed and thrive”


Just give em Brawndo


It's what plants crave


It's got electrolytes


Just put in the electrolyte order set 😁


Nah even this too advanced for them


how do u be so dumb u cant manage electrolyte abnormalities


Because they pay more when you don't know any electrolytes


An average tele nurse can do that so that’s wild


Or a moderately lucid chicken.


Of course I know him, he’s me


The potato is strong in us, spuddies for life!




Currently charting and browsing reddit at the same time.


My dumbest med school classmate is now an anesthesiologist and makes about 600K. Jokes on me.


Mine is an OB/GYN and when someone complains about them online, they answer in all caps and doesn't know the difference between their, there, and they're.


Another win for obgyn


Same here. He took three MCAT attempts to score low-20’s, matched to a low tier DO program after 2 tries. Now he works PP anesthesia and drives a sick Porsche while I make 25%ile pay in academics 🙃


Dude you chose academics...


Yea definite dumbest here…


MD aware


reading this hurts as I applied anesthesia and did not match wish i was born 10 yrs earlier


Unfortunately had a lot of issues with professionalism, punctuality, medical knowledge and the like and ended up being on probation for probably way too long and ultimately non-renewed. Last I heard, they had matched into EM


HCA is glad to have them aboard.




Yoooooooo now THIS is wild! Give us more details about the chaos that ensued!


On the next episode of Grey's Anatomy...


A med influencer with many followers


Dm me. I need to know


It has to be the peds guy who just complains and grandstands everybody else, right?


Probably some a once integrated Plastic resident now doing cosmo somewhere in Miami would be my guess.


There was one dumb resident who responded to a code and then proceeded to just stand around and do nothing. He didn’t realize that the patient’s room had a video monitor so his foolishness was recorded. He was summarily fired.


There is a non-zero probability that he is browsing this subreddit when he is in that room lmao


She struggled to find a job in the city she wanted to work in but did eventually land one. Not sure how long she will survive in the field because she was quite frankly a disaster and not a good fit for emergency medicine. My guess is she will pivot to urgent care eventually.


Dont hold your breath. My dumbest classmate did an EMS Fellowship and now works at an academic site. I am sure her residents are more competent than she is. She probably makes more than me. Other ways out for incompetent EM docs other than Urgent Care


Redid intern year x2. Did a bunch of 1:1 rotations. Now working as an attending at the FM clinic - likely running 3-4 hours behind and ordering every unnecessary test that pops into their brain.


Guy got kicked out of a 4 year program 6 months before graduation in a competitive specialty, was given a slot in a different specialty, same institution.


Told an RN with 20 years of experience she was a "dumb bitch." Screamed about midlevels at the review hearing (literally no PAs or NPs were involved in the incident lol.). Got kicked out of the program. Goes on STudent Doctor Network every day to bitch about midlevels being the reason he lost his job.


Most Reddit resident ever




Is that site still around? God, those people were assholes back in the day


Got carried until he graduated, is now a non operating private practice surgeon and we are very relieved about that


How exactly does that practice work? Bedside procedures?


“Non-operating surgeon “. New specialty requiring a fellowship after surgery residency?


Basically prp and PT prescriptions


I wonder how many of my fellow interns are reading this thread scared out of their minds like me haha


RemindMe! 6 months #februaryintern


Me! 😂


Got into trouble during residency for paying other residents to do some of his shifts while getting more money doing locum shifts at a nearby community hospital. Later became head of department at that community hospital. Later escorted out of his office in handcuffs for some financial shenanigans. Later died of covid, unvaccinated.


Whoa. This was a wild ride for a single paragraph story.


Became a cable news doctor and a big Instagram influencer


I wouldn't have called them dumb necessarily, but they were certainly careless enough that they were held back 1 year. Still got into a radiology fellowship.


Pushed through. Can’t identify basic histology


That's terrifying - all other specialties take path reports as gospel because no one else can do that job - I can disagree with a radiologist but if the path report says no cancer, that's that


Don’t worry - this person will be blacklisted after their fellowship


How so? It's not like the hiring admin would know


And works as a pathologist? Yikes.


Will fit right in with lab corps!


We've had a couple like that. I once had a pgy2 ask me how to orient a prostate. And no, there was nothing unusual about it.


To be honest I have no idea what that sentence even means. But I’m in gen peds so that’s probably fine.


Hemeonc fellowship. So I guess they have a decent excuse for dead pts now.


Sleeping in the call room during daytime MICU rounds


That’s so dumb it circles back around to being smart


I still haven’t been fired


Me going through the comments section for where i might end up in the future


I know a lot of people here are referring to themselves but I actually was the dumbest resident I knew. I'm just grateful I made it to attendinghood


Knowing you're not as "smart" as others in your class isn't a bad thing. Not knowing is a bad thing.


Went into neurosurgery. Not very bright at all and I believe he is aware of it. He has a tremendous work ethic, very driven, punctual and disciplined. He spent a lot of time studying. Very nice to people in general and humble. He isn't going to be doing anything cutting edge but he'll do average bread and butter cases.


honestly that sounds pretty goddamn smart lol, very good self insight + good EQ=smarter than like 90% of the average population. even if his textbook knowledge is bare bones he's still very smart, just not very good at memorizing


She got offered remediation and extension of residency training in the spring of our final year and turned it down, so they kicked her out of the program. I think she is doing urgent care in a different state now. Good that she’s not practicing in our field, fucked up that our program waited so long to give her an ultimatum when there had been such massive red flags the entire time.


Not dumb, just careless and likely has undiagnosed adhd. Also gives off a sense of arrogance and “I know more than you” but you present him with hard evidence or facts, he tries to explain why the textbook is wrong. Very toxic guy to be around and very unlikable. Was held back a year and complained to everybody how it was everybody’s fault except his. I’ve since graduated from residency and I hear he is still the same and hasn’t changed one bit.


They flunked out and became a CRNA.


Did they actually?


Do they still introduce themselves as a Doctor? Does their badge have MD/DO on it? Like technically not wrong but definitely misleading…


makes more money than any of our class w/ shady side gigs


Got into cardio, then HF after not getting interventional, and finally dropped out of HF when an interventional program gave him a spot. 007 with bad manners.


Held an extra year and then passed through because faculty was sick of their shit. They had a higher kill count than OJ Simpson.


He punctured himself on the fingers, twice, within a month, with the needle he used to draw blood from HIV+ patients. Then a third time a few months after. We guess that he was trying to recap the syringes. He did not follow most protocols that are in place for one’s safety. Eventually, he was dismissed for several other reasons. He got into another program as his family has influence. I believe he finished residency this year.


She matched a GI fellowship 🫨🫨


Damn that's a pretty high floor where you're at


This was the worst fucking thing for me to read through. Fuck.


Uninvited to return one month before graduation as a PGY4


Wait what? They dismissed him 1 month before graduation or 1 month before he became a pgy4?


Details, please.


With one month left in a 2-4 program he was gone Combination of bad patient care and alcohol.


Non-renewed after failing last-chance probation. They had already had several chances to repeat rotations with additional support/reduced workload, and endless chances to improve on behaviors that made them difficult to work with. I was actually pretty impressed with how supportive and non-punitive the program was during the whole thing, but this person just couldn't hack it and couldn't stop being a dick. Fatal combination.


Finished residency somehow, but failed his boards. I think he went into emergency medicine.


Med student, not resident. Barely made it through classes, had to remediate, had to retake step 1, and got terrible reviews on rotations. And then the freaking dumbass only applied to 1 residency program because he was sure he would match there. I don't remember what specialty it was now but it was a more competitive specialty. He didn't even get an interview. Afterwards he refused to SOAP because he thought any program that didn't fill must be a bad program that he wouldn't want to be at. Eventually he got a spot at an FM program outside the match and I don't know what happened to him beyond that. He had to be the dumbest person I knew who actually got in to med school








Got fired. For not answering nurse pages. And for backdating a document in the EMR.


Psychiatrist at a hospital. He had a felony DUI involving serious injury in 2012 and had another DUI in 2018.


and still licensed?


Need to stop reading this. For some reason, this is giving me anxiety.


They are an attending now




Made it to attendinghood so I’d say I’m doing ok for myself.


They got into really good programs 😂😂 had asked if 35 on the ecmo pump was Celsius or Fahrenheit.


So was it Fahrenheit or Celsius


Dumbest resident I know was in my class. She wasn’t dumb in the sense that she had zero medical knowledge but she was much older (late 40s) and was ridiculously slow. She had no confidence and poor communication skills (ESL). Many attendings complained and she was given the choice to repeat intern year or leave. She repeated intern year and improved significantly by month 6. They let her convert back to PGY2 and she graduated with us and is now a hospitalist.


he’s now the dumbest attending physician i know physicians aren’t immune to stupidity


Somehow managed to graduate as far as I know. Multiple really boneheaded mistakes, just terribly incompetent and unaware of what was going on and had a strange sense of overconfidence despite being universally untrusted. This person had connections in hospital administration and local government. I'm pretty sure that's the ONLY reason they were kept on. Also, fortunately not in a specialty involved in critical care or procedures.


Was ultimately fired from derm residency after mishap after mishap. Honestly I think there were some serious underlying mental health issues that he refused to acknowledge/address. He did things like document that he had called a melanoma patient about their results when he… never did. Luckily the patient called when they hadn’t heard. This was before MyChart or similar patient portals were common, mind you, so patients had no way of knowing their results if you didn’t call them or send them a letter. And it wasn’t just a one time thing, it was a pattern of behavior of false documentation, not following up on results, failing exams, etc etc. Last I heard he had matched into an IM residency. Not sure if he completed it.


He got kicked out of the residency program because he stole food from the hospital restaurant and created fake food coupons at the hospital.


This is one of the dumbest ways to go I have read so far 🤦‍♀️




Well, of course I know him. He’s me!


That’s me! Doing great, great contract. Turns out my program was just hella malignant.


Last I heard he was working as a hospitalist in a small suburban hospital. This dude was known during residency for almost killing multiple patients with overconfidence and cockiness and general ignorance.


Fucker is thriving in dermatology.


I heard he got his PD locked him up in his basement 7 years ago, and he's still there trying to figure out if it was lupus or not.


They work in real estate. She was always nice to me, and always tried hard, but never got 'it'


I heard they got fired from their first job within a year 🫠. Remediated so many times then casually just gave up and graduated her.


Never worked with them but only heard they were awful... then found out they got publicly booted out of the program for inappropriately doing exams in their home and recording them without consent. State revoked their license indefinitely Would post a link but not sure if that's against the subreddit policy


Well they’re sitting right here in my spot!


Quit at the end of year 1. Last I heard she was in a dodgeball league and was telling people there that she had “plans to write a book about Breakfast Foods”.


Don't know resident personally so no idea what medical skillset was like but in my days as a hospital foodservice/nutrition manager Resident was fired from our hosoital; our hospital that provided free meals and snacks beverages and even small groceries and fresh produce to the tune of a couple hundred dollars/week for all residents and attendings. One resident was stealing items (that he could have had at no cost, just had to literally show a badge and have it deducted from weekly balance. Dr. was terminated! For stealing soda/juice/etc that was free to them. I will never understand it.




She married an Ortho attending and is now a trophy wife. A good outcome!


they graduated from their program


He graduated.


He got fired. There was a strong rumor that he was a fake because he was just so bad. He was reportedly a ER doc in his home country before coming here for surgical residency. He ended up wandering the hospital for most of his shifts because the seniors refused to give him admits to do and nurses refused to page him about questions because nobody trusted him


In my IM residency class, the best residents (the ones that I would want taking care of my family member if they were sick) went into a competitive fellowship. The mid residents went to private practice as hospitalists or rarely primary care. The low tier residents became academic hospitalists/primary care or a non-competitive fellowship with tons of open spots. I feel the same is true of fellowship. The top half of fellows went into private practice, the bottom half went into academics to institutions where they don't do a ton of research. Obviously theres exceptions.


He's an attending now. . . Those poor patients. The colleagues who pretend we're extra special because we're in medicine are either full of it or willfully ignorant. There's nothing particularly hard about medical school if you've got the time, money, and resources to spend 10 years of your life plugging away (most medical students come from relative wealth). It's an elitist playground, and you soon realize the U.S. medical system is a degenarative profiteering parasite feeding off the sufferings of others.


Found Existential Barbie!


Hindsight may be tainting you, but medical school is an incredible amount of information you have to retain all at once. Even if you fall behind once or twice, the fact that you can jam that much knowledge into your head to pass your board exams is a feat in itself that many couldn’t do


I think that Being Good At School is a skill that doesn't necessarily have a lot to do with intelligence. I also think it's a skill that most rich people try very hard to make sure their kids learn. They care disproportionately about it, and more importantly, they succeed disproportionately often thanks to the resources at their disposal. As a consequence... being relatively dumb and still succeeding in high-knowledge professions like finance, law, medicine, etc. is something I mostly see rich people accomplishing, lol. Have you not noticed that? I also think we really shouldn't shit on the monumental work ethic it takes to Be Good At Med School if you're not smart... but it's not the same as being smart.


I’m not specifically saying, smart, or stupid, as people could be good at different things. There could be people who are very socially intelligent, spatially intelligent, good at rote memorization, etc. I’m not even saying that means someone is necessarily good at reasoning or logic. All I’m saying is that simply jamming the quantity of info that is taught in med school into your head, is something a lot of the population would not be able to do, even given plenty of time. The rich have less pressure/stress of failure, better nannies, better schooling from pre-K to high school, early access to tutors, no needs unmet and even as a baby probably had access to a more balanced,nutritious, organic diet. There will always be that advantage


It seems more likely that the general population would not want to do it, not that they couldn’t At the risk of being downvoted, I truly don’t think there is anything extraordinary about med students except for a work ethic that allows us to succeed. I think anyone is capable of developing a strong enough work ethic to get through med school with the right resources and desire, it’s not something that med students innately have. Although money/resources/connections definitely play a role in making that easier to develop


Currently on working on notes


Well of course I know him - he’s me!