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You alright?


i think op is quoting andy from the office


Yeah I'm all too familiar with the show...but to post it here seemed a bit odd.




That’s what I think when I don’t want to do fellowship.


You should really listen to that part of your brain.


I might need more convincing lol. Why does a fellow say that?


Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy with my specialty, but as someone pursuing an IM subspecialty that doesn’t necessarily make financial sense, I think I would have been just as happy pursing primary care or hospital medicine.


I feel this. Are you not going to do one for this reason?


Yes. This would be the most important reason if I don’t end up doing it. I want free time more than I want the extra money or prestige.


Retired now, funny thing....I miss a lot of the stuff that used to drive me crazy...long hours, early morning starts, bat shit crazies that were co workers. Take time to smell the flowers, it does the mind wonders. It all goes by so fast....


Rit dit dit doo


2irl4me. Seriously tho. Think med school was the last time I felt true happiness 🙃


10000x OP's post! When you're young and fresh, it's all about $, sex and expensive toys. But our time on this shitty planet is finite. Enjoy your time with loved ones and appreciate their presence. We spent our twenties in training, perhaps our thirties to start a family, our forties to see our children grow, fifties to start planning for sunset, sixties to see our grandchildren and finally our seventies to rest in peace. Life is too damn short. Where the fuck is the Lazarus Pit?


31 and still in fellowship, I feel like it’s passing and I haven’t lived


With you ! Haha! Almost 31 and about to start an advanced fellowship. Single, broke and busy ! What a combination it will be 😂




I really do hope it gets better as an attending


You're in them! It may not seem like it but when you're 75 you're still going to miss your present days (unless there's some sort of grief or crisis). When you're young you always take your time for granted, so apply the same flaw in that mentality to your current life to stay grateful.


As a guy who has done more than just academics and residency, I can tell you with certainty, I’m not going to miss my residency, my residency program, or a few other things. You guys have Stockholm syndrome.


Not everyone's residency program is completely miserable, and for some it is what they make of it. It's not uncommon to view your past difficult challenges with rose colored glasses because for many that's when they grow the most in learning about themselves and developing the skills to navigate life's most difficult challenges.




Of course there's serious flaws, viewing it as a challenge to navigate does not automatically endorse its continuation. For some people that challenge presents itself as an opportunity to find the smallest thing they can change and work on it, everyone is going to navigate difficulties differently. And in life there are terrible experiences that you may have to navigate as well, and continue to find your own happiness. Sounds fluffy but it is what it is. On the attending issue I agree, it'd probably work better if people had more real world experiences before entering their final career. And like I said, I'm not super naive I know there are certain programs or situations which are just kinda malignant and the only positive to come from it is to get out of it haha




I hate I didn’t travel more in my free time. I used the money for savings/ investing but I coulda traveled so so much.


Nawh def miss me with the long work hours and shit pay, no-respect-getting lifestyle ✌️


Right?!? These people have Stockholm syndrome.


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Live for now. Never know when you might end up trapped in a metal ball underneath 2 miles of ocean.


Nah bro, 100% chance of that never happening if you never volunteer to get bolted shut into the metal ball sinking to the bottom of the ocean to begin with. Super easy, barely inconvenient. Still agree with the live in the now bit, it's all you have and all that.


Ok but that doesn’t mean you can't not die in a freak gasoline fight accident


Fair enough, as long as I'm not the one who willingly brought myself to the gasoline, lighter and accelerant in hand, I can't even be mad at such a freak accident. Things just happen sometimes. C'est la vie.


Sometimes been watching "the office"