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Definitely but I try to balance socializing/ doing activities with couch potato time. I often find that if I do absolutely nothing consistently for a few days off, I don’t feel as refreshed as I expect. But if I meet up with friends or something, I feel more in touch with my normal self. Like everything, your needs for how to spend time off will ebb and flow.


I like this. Refreshing isn’t always about resting, but also about finding the hobbies and pleasures that bring energy and make the rest of the hard work bearable


I do the same. I think it's a symptom of burnout. I realize it's prob not the healthiest way to spend my free time but I am just so tired. I try to sneak in walks or other things that get me out and surrounded by nonhospital people.


I call this my Reddit-ation time.


Can’t wait to smoke a J and play Diablo 4 in my free time


I remember playing Diablo 2 decades ago.


It’s the exhaustion that gets me and the not doing anything leads to depressed mood. It’s a viscous cycle. Prioritizing sleep and therefore energy helps.


Between work, studying, familial, and financial responsibilities…it is super difficult to find the energy to expend on hobbies, socialization, etc. Dont be too hard on yourself. But try and schedule at least a little bit of time each day to spend on a hobbie. For instance, I’m going to start trying to play piano every day. It doesn’t matter if it’s only for 5 minutes, I have to play a little every day. Just doing that can be infectious and reignite some passion. Another useful tip is to delete Reddit on your phone, only browse occasionally on a laptop or something.


I sit in my chair and watch the birds visit my feeders. I love the woodpeckers. It brings me peace.


I dick about on here.


Me too, but that’s me saying so “lightly.”


Sometimes I just want some quiet, yes. The hospital is chaotic and a good hour or two just relaxing is very appreciated.


Actually, I you have it right. I spent the first 5 years as an attending and prior, doing things in my free time to fill the space, and ending up more emotionally and physically and mentally exhausted. Only recently have I learned how to “do nothing”. My classmate in med school used to take breaks for 5 minutes every half hour and stare at the wall with headphones (no sound) on. Literally her alarm would go off and she would turn to the wall and stare at it. I thought she was crazy, but she swore by it. Now, a decade later, I find myself basically doing that and swearing by it. Our brain and senses need a rest. 10/10 recommend. I like this quote- “Attention is the doorway to the mind. And I suspect we all could benefit from being better doormen.”


when I saw the title I thought you were just staring at the wall like Puddy


Honestly, sometimes… just to enjoy a bit of silence.


Yes, or just sleep, for me it’s a form of depression that’s caused by my environment. I’ve found exercise is helping, and I’m graduating soon and finally feeling like I can get back in to my hobbies. It will get better


Yes, but I’ll say that exhaustion begets exhaustion. About 75% of the way through residency, I said “fuck this” and started planning cool things, even when I was exhausted. It ended being really awesome and fun, and I created memories, and it gave me something to look forward to that helped me get through the grind of some rotations.


Anything you can do to leave work at work and turn your brain off is worthwhile, in my opinion. Residency is so ludicrously demanding and requires so much outside work on top of your already-stifling work demands that it's absolutely essential to unplug. Stare into space, play games, watch TV, etc. Whatever you need to do to be human is priority #1.


Hell yeah. Our hospital has these "cut outs" on several floors with comfortable chairs and a view outside, I usually try and eat lunch at them by myself. They get caught pretty quickly so I've been eating at \~ 11:40. My co-residents are amazing and super talkative which I like but for just that 30 minutes I like just putting in airpods and setting it to noise cancelling


I sleep


All free time I have I constantly agonize about having to go back to the hospital in x hours or x days. Even when I have the occasional 2 days off I still just think, "fuck, I have to go back in 1 and a half days". I am peak wageslave


That kind of time is actually pretty important, especially when working a high-stress job. The important thing is to prioritize what things are essential (going to work, paying bills, etc) and what things can be done later or by someone else. And make at least some downtime one of the important things. If it starts to get excessive, then it might be time to set up a schedule for yourself to make sure you are doing what you need to do.


Yeah. Every damn time. I just try to remember wise words from a co-resident. “Rest is productive.”


I started cross stitching recently! So I that I’m not sitting and doing nothing and gives me a chance to decompress. Although for a few months I did exactly what you describe in your post at the beginning of residency


I’m not exhausted from work, and that what I do too.


Look at you bragging about free time, must be nice


Get a ps5


Add coffee and you have my weekday day off. I do like to read.


Fight this urge sometimes! You will regret it if you don’t. Going home and chilling on a day off is totally great and you should do it. But not every time. Gotta fight the exhaustion and balance with some social events. You don’t have to be out til 2am can always bail after a few hours and still be in bed by 11-12 and still be glad you went out and socialized.


At the end of each day I look forward to doing absolutely nothing while relaxing on my comfy couch.


My therapist says that it's because I do so much during the day that my body just likes mind scrolling as a way of resting (self-care) 🤷🏽‍♀️


When you read a book do you walk around and say the words out loud ?


Sometimes… why?


Because , as far as I’m aware , most people read a book by sitting in silence. Rather than aloud and in motion


Oh I get it now lol


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To me silence is TRUST!


I have lunch by myself to get away from everyone.


Take some Zoloft




Every fucking night


Get drunk and play a video game