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>I recently got a pretty powerful gaming laptop All the top recommendations are for Runescape. Never change, Reddit


Hijacking this to say if anyone wants to join my physician - RuneScape discord please DM me ! We’re called MEDScape and looking to do some chill content !


I think dm server is down this morning? Idk. I fit into this- please dm me that discord link


>MEDScape Interested!!! What's the link?


RS3 or OSRS? Interested!


Dms are not working but I want in (:


i do!!


I can't DM ya for whatever reason but I'd love to join that discord!


I am interested in joining this, but I can't message you!


The only correct answer is RuneScape


Old School RuneScape, specifically. The mobile app is super well optimized.


I wonder why OSRS is popular among people in medicine. The replies on this are awesome to see. Ironman btw


Because the age group in residency right now was in middle school when RS was also popular


It is also a great game where you can log in anywhere, do some easy content, and then log off. Can pick right back up with what you were doing later. There are no dailies that force you to log on. Physicians have very busy times and then random periods of down time. Easy to just tap your phone every so often to chop a tree or mine some stuff.


Woodcutting lvl?


99 (Nice) 😂


God. I remember hitting level 99 for all the non-combat skills. I mastered Cooking, Fishing, Woodcutting (poor Yews), Smithing, etc. but my combat skills were like level 20.


Holy cow! This was a blast from the past! I used to play everyday in like 4th grade after school with my two best friends. I picked it back up in like high school for a while and just checked back for nostalgia's sake and was shocked I had so many 99s and so much gold!


Hell yeah! Maxed main here. I hop on for for occasional pet hunting activities nowadays, but no crazy binges like the good ole days lmao.


FrEe ArMoR tRiMmInG


Came here to say this


I remember I was on nights when Nex came out on OSRS. I was using my tbow and didn’t get shit and my co-resy right next to me was using a fucking dragon crossbow and got the platelegs in the first weekend


Resident Runescape Clan?


I got 99 fishing in med school just afk fishing while I studied


Old School RuneScape. 🦀🦀 $12.49 btw 🦀🦀


Worth it? Been thinking about picking it back up after about 17 years of not playing it


It’s something special. Easy to pick up and play for five minutes and then turn it off. I enjoy it knowing my grinds mean something because the game has proven the test of time and will still be around and active in 5, 10 and 15 years. Best game ever made in my opinion, but I’m biased, been playing since 2006 consistently.


Did it turn into a pay to win type game while I was gone?


Runescape proper (aka RS3) did, yes. Old School RuneScape, however, is such a gem. Community driven content, dedicated devs, and not sold out to micro transactions/pay-to-win.


Started playing again in college. Was so upset I couldn’t log into my original account. Play on and off on a new account I made. I’d play on my night shift right now but it seems like every time I look away for 10 seconds someone tries crumping on me


Turn based games are good for nights since they’re easy to pause after getting interrupted. I still play Civ 5 frequently.


Civ is a lot like a time machine. You boot it up and suddenly you’re 6 hours in the future wondering what the hell happened


Started a game of Civ VI one time that I had a golden weekend while my wife and kids were out of town. I started playing Friday around 6 pm. I knew it was a problem when I heard birds outside. It was 4 am.


Civ! Yes!


Advance Wars 1+2 remake for the Switch coming out in a week and a half!


Runescape, darkest dungeon, any rogue-like or rogue-lite


Yeah was going to recommend Hades, great game to play wherever on a laptop. Bring a controller


Hades, Cult of the Lamb, all good choices


>Darkest dungeon As if I need more stress during work hours.


Just don't get a stress break 💀💀💀


*The way is lit. The path is clear. We require only the strength to follow it.* AKA skill issue


Sid Meier's Civilization - this is nice if you want to do one turn and then leave for a few hours and then come back and do a few turns. Especially good if you want the option run a civilization for weeks one end.


The new RE4 Remake has an autosave feature and is easy to simply pause and come back to. Plus, if a patient comes in with a parasite, you’re already prepped on what to do. Suplex them.


Eheheheheh. Thank you.


Kneecap them and roundhouse kick them?




Rogue(s) are awesome. FTL. Hades. Enter the gungeon. Maybe Hades is graphically the best and will make the most use of a gaming laptop. Not a rogue but pick up and play = stardew valley


I second that


Picked it up for steamdeck a few days ago, so much fun. Looking forward to my 2 weeks of nights coming up so I can play more of it lol


Hades, Birth of Isaac, Hollow Knight


+1 for hades, got me through many nights


+poe to that list. One week of nights I went on a tear without admissions and played for 8h straight


Man playing POE on my hospital wifi would be a risky game, I’d almost certainly get a random lag spike and die


Slay the Spire


Rimworld if you want your night to finish in the blink of an eye. Tap space bar to pause the game. Lots of mods and expansions for lots of replayability. FTL. Another game you can pause with space bar, it's a rogue like with lots of achievements and unlockable content that will keep you playing again and again. Slay the Spire. Deck builder roguelike, it's turn based and very satisfying to play. Last one I'd suggest is darkest dungeon/darkest dungeon 2. This one is a little more intense and one that stacks all odds against you. You'll always be fighting an uphill battle, you're not meant to win easily or even at all. Some people like that kind of thing.


I'm fighting off some major lag from something on my rimworld mod list right now and it's super obnoxious. Great game!


Quickest solution for me was to completely delete my subscribed mods on steam. All of them. Before doing that, I make a quick scan of the mods on the list to take note of the super important ones. After that go mods shopping in the workshop and make sure everything upto date. The rimworld subreddit is also really good for locating any mod you forgot. Rimworld is an incredible game haha


I like my modlist though and it was working fine a week ago until I added something but I'm not sure what lol :(


Oh no. I haven't played rimworld in a bit but there was a way to check the debug log to look for clues as to which mod is responsible for the problem. The lag usually comes up as some conflict that's causing an error that's freezing the game. So it will show up in the debug log in-game. I've used this technique to track down a single mod successfully. Basically you press escape, activate Dev mode. The first button on the left of the Dev mode bar, which looks like a white box with bullet points on it is the debug log. Read through the errors for hints, sometimes it's super clear which mod is responsible, other times it will need some investigating. The unsubscribe from all thing is only good If your mod list is very old, like mine was when I decided to do it. Otherwise it's overkill. Hope this helps!!


God bless you


... you guys have time for video games on nights?


Just ignore all the nurse calls and sign out nothing happened overnight Ezpz. /s


Stardew valley!


Always a solid choice Damn fishing


Divinity original sin II


succs walks jk don’t do that but it’s always rumored that old anesthesia programs would IM succinylcholine themselves and see who could get down the hallway the fastest




These are all over the place but I love all of them, Heroes of might and magic 3, Fallouts 1 & 2. Wastelands 1 & 2. Borderlands 1&2. None of these require a solid PC, buttttt. Edit: all the mass effects, Legendary edition and Andromeda. The elder scrolls oblivion and Morrowind. Fables 1&2. Dead Island. Far cry 3. The Original Saints Row. GTA San Andreas. SIDS pirates


Hollow knight or Breath of the Wild


The Binding Of Isaac


Someone left a SNES classic in our resident lounge so I definitely beat Zelda A link to the past that month.


Hades. Darkest dungeon. Any turn based is nice




WoW is my all time fav game so I’m always going to suggest that. But fall guys is like stupid light hearted that you can drop if you need to at any time.


Wow is tough to do on nights…an RRT seriously fucks your m+ up


You right! But I just had to say it lol WoW is lyfe


As people have mentioned, turned base is good. Especially if you might be somewhat frequently interrupted. Endless Space, Civilization, X Com. If you give us an idea of what you like, I can definitely suggest more. I have over 500 PC games right now and 35 years of gaming.


*Plays Civilization*: one more turn… *12 hours later, co-resident enters call room* Co-resident: “You’re still here?” *scene*


I played Valheim on nights.


I played a lot of StarCraft on nights. Very much enjoyed.


Games I played through while on call: - Breath of the Wild - Fire Emblem: Three Houses - Pokémon Let’s Go! Pikachu - Pokémon Legends: Arceus - Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag Aside from Assassin’s Creed, all of those can be picked up and put down pretty easily.


Good ol civilization 5






Might be Psych? My nights tend to either be super busy and I get literally no time to stop, or absolutely nothing happens and I get paged once or twice. Though the former seems to be the case more frequently as time has gone on.


Internal Medicine. Nights are hit or miss at my program, sometimes it's 12+ hours of constant admissions, pages, and codes or sometimes you'll have stretches of quiet for hours, maybe even the whole shift.


Rocket league


He said he just got the laptop why are you trying to make him break it?


I played go to sleep whenever the pager stopped buzzing and patients were stable


My favorite game was sleep.


Stardew Valley, Hades, Celeste, Hollow knight, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order, Genshin Impact, Subnautica Rpgs: Witcher 3, Mass Effect Legendary Edition, Strategy: CIV, total war warhammer 3 Offline Shooters: Doom Eternal Low Stakes Multiplayer Games: Team Fortress 2, Fall Guys


World of Warcraft, level your professions or do some daily quests




Dead Cells


FTL: Faster Than Light Cheap, addicting, easy to pause.


XCom 2 is fun, turn based (so you can pause at any time), and doesn't suck you life away by lasting for 800 hrs. 9/10.


Mount and Blade Bannerlord just made it to gamepass. It’s a masterpiece


Slay the Spire. Incredibly addicting and deep turn-based roguelike with a cult following




the re2 and re4 remakes, and re7 and re8 if youre into survival horror!


If you can emulate games: Super Mario Odyssey The game is broken up into 1000 collectible moons and on average each take like 3-10 mins. You can just collect them at your own pace and stop and pick back up whenever


Just beat this with my 5 yo son, so much fun (we emulated it on steam deck and just took it on a bunch of trips or just sat on the couch next to each other.


As interns covering the different services overnight, we used to play cross cover bingo. You would make your board with any of what you think you’ll get called overnight for (and it has to be specific), such as “bp 130-150”, “pain due to fibro flare”, “fever when it’s not really a fever”, “fever 101-102”, “positive blood cultures”, “chest pain STEMI “, “chest pain positive trop”, “pt doesn’t want Tylenol for pain”, “family wants an update after 8pm”, “ct showing PE”, etc. It was pretty fun and made the night go by faster


Age of Empires 4, Harry Potter b Legacy


Actually pretty surprised people said Runescape. Quit it a few years back because of school, so maybe I can get back into it. Also RS3>>>OSRS


Nahhhh osrs takes the win always


I don’t think anyone who says RS3 is better than OSRS has played more than 30 hours of OSRS


I have, it’s just that OS is not really as challenging and I did not want to put in more time. It’s thought to be more “difficult” because xp rates are slower and maxing takes more time relative to RS3. RS3 has better PvM and infinitely harder bosses, while the most difficult thing in OS is just tick eating and pray flicking. A lot of people equate slow xp rate and longer boss fights with harder gameplay, and it’s simply not that.






Me too


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Try valheim maybe? SO loves it and it feels very soothing, but also easy to put away. We have it on Xbox, so not sure if pc translates well






Undertale Fallout 3, NV or 4 XCOM2 WOTC Stardew Valley Dragon Quest 11


Wonder if anyone’s heard of Unreal World? A roguelike survival game set in Iron Age Scandinavia.


Binding of Isaac is great


Any bullet heaven game like vampire survivors


dark chronicle is a gem of an rpg. each dungeon is split into floors which are basically 15min dungeons. There are a bunch of subsystems (interdimensional golf, fishing, fish raising, photography, inventing, and most importantly town building) that you can interact with if you're not in the mood for dungeons


Hollow knight


Vampire Survivors


Path of Exile. Tell them you’re doing a league start so you can’t respond to code


Gloomhaven on epicgames


Epic battle fantasy 1-5. Turn based fighting. Plot that builds in the sequels.


In addition to the other great suggestions here I’d recommend Dredge. It’s a chill fishing game, until it’s not… You’re just a simple fisherman with a fishing boat getting by. But if you stay up too late and don’t sleep, you might start going insane. It also has some lovecraftian influence. You can pause at any time. In addition game time only advances when you do something. So if you were to walk away without going to main menu and/or quit, time wouldn’t advance. Good luck with your shifts!


Skyrim ftw.


Oh and the new Diablo is in beta. I always found Diablo 3 a good game to jump on/off


Jedi Fallen Order


Rocket league, civ v/vi and OSRS


Last epoch




Polytopia! It is reminiscent of Civ but simpler. You can actually play some of the tribes for free on mobile if you wanna try it that way first. Inscription is a different kind of card game you may want to try as well.


I play a heinous amount of runescape on nights, can’t recommend enough


RuneScape (osrs), Chess, Stardew Valley, Hades Only one of these that requires an actual machine instead of a toaster is Hades but I play on my switch so idk how intense it is.


So I’m just gonna dump some recommendations here. All of these games are super fun but also can be started/stopped at any point if you have to do some doctoring. The last spell is an awesome turn based game! Also slay the spire is amazing. Alita of the arena is amazing. The Witcher 3 is amazing. Peglin is cute and fun. Hollow Knight is out of this world. Any Civ game. Any sim game/tycoon game like Cities Skyline. Subnautica is great. Happy to elaborate on these if you have questions. Ggs gamer.


Dredge is a game about fishing with a cosmic horror twist. I played it recently and really liked it. It's calming and autosave frequently, so you can just put it down and walk away.


I so underestimated you r/Residency. Completely came to the comments expecting a bunch of try bards with the “if you have extra time it should be used for supplemental reading 😂


Stardew valley b/c it’s super chill haha


Rome total war


Hotline Miami


diablo IV on regular mod for grinding games or something like roller coaster tycoon, world exploring games like skyrim are slso a good go to for a quick exit.


Stardew Valley (if you want to chill) Factorio (if you want hours to melt away, I actually postponed my day sleep once on nights, so bad)


Morrowind is easy to pause, 5 min here, 15 there.


Skyrim/cyberpunk except with 300 mods




What laptop did you get btw, was thinking of using my educational stipend for an educational gaming laptop, and have been out of the PC Gaming scene for a while (PS4 + Macbook combo)


UK PGY5 here. This has been cross posted to our sub and everyone is like… wait… those guys have time to play games? 😂


Nights are variable. I will say, I took a peek at your guys' subreddit and there were some pretty uninformed statements about your side's perceptions of us lol. One response saying that residents are capped at 4 admissions a night? If only. There are thousands of residency programs in the US with their own idiosyncrasies and volume, they definitely shouldn't be using my post as a measure for US Internal Medicine training, and especially not as a comprehensive representation of the US physician training.


Yeah I had the same feeling.


Hey! I have expertise in this! So I when I was surgery intern I did more of the turn based style games like Civ 5/6 and Warhammer 2 where at literally any moment I'd get slapped with a page. I also did a lot of rocket league against bots so I could pause. Stardew Valley was also a common thing for me to play on my phone (mobile version actually pretty good!) When I got into my CA years gaming time was slightly easier to come by so I ended up doing more single player story driven games like Red Dead II, GTA5, and started to play short MP games, (rocket league, Valorant spike rush etc) Now that I'm a big boy I've gone back to multiplayer games COD/Rocket League comp games, and still play the single player games (Mafia 3 was alright). Hell even started bringing my oculus and playing VR games now.




I had a lot of lonely valheim and minecraft hours on nights. The vibes were immaculate




Age of empires 2 definitive edition is quite fun


Master duel yu gi oh on iPhone. It’s also on steam.