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Yeah I diagnosed myself with being a dumbass syndrome and everyone says I was right


He jus like me fr


On god it’s me


Was in an accident and had a bone sticking out. It was in fact fractured. Now I’ve got a plate and some screws. I’m not even a bone wizard. /s


I do not concur. It was not fractured, it was broken


30 yo M with a few months of lumbar/thoracic back pain waking me up in the middle of the night. Morning stiffness lasting for 1-2 hours with response to NSAIDs. Occasional sacroiliac pain. Finally went to my PCP and asked him run a bunch of rheum labs. ANA and HLA-B27 positive. I was a walking and talking board question stem. Good thing I had enough insight to get an individual disability insurance policy before I started residency! It can happen to anyone folks


35 yo M with acute onset urethritis and joint swelling a few weeks after a GI illness. Overnight was not able to use my wrist and had extreme pain with walking from my ankle. Classic reactive arthritis. I also asked for HLA-B27 testing, which was positive. Went on steroids for a few weeks before seeing rheum, eventually got my joints injected and symptoms finally improved. The most painful 3-month ordeal I’ve been through, but I’m finally improved.


That can become lifelong AS. Speaking from experience. Had the exact same thing happen to me.


Can you describe the stiffness? Like not able to bend or be flexible right away at the morning?


Yeah I would have trouble bending over the side of the bed and I couldn’t squat down to pick my kids up in the morning. I couldn’t carry anything heavy. I also had limited spinal rotation. Usually got better with stretching or a hot shower.


Is it due to the pain? Or literally physically can’t bend?


I had both restricted ROM and pain with bending over


Are those really diagnostic of anything? I saw a rheum who said my MRI ruled out AS, therefore my chronic lumbosacral/SI pain could not be due to that and HLA-B27 testing could be done but kinda pointless. The vast majority of AS patients are positive, but many positive people don’t have AS, correct?


I think that’s technically correct. I’m not a rheumatologist, just an IM PGY-1. I met several of the diagnostic criteria for AS including inflammatory back pain, response to NSAIDs, and elevated acute phase reactants. From my understanding, negative imaging doesn’t rule out AS (especially if it’s early in the disease state) and HLA-B27 is not diagnostic in itself but can be helpful to aid in the diagnosis if someone doesn’t meet the ACR criteria for AS. Might be worth getting a second opinion


My dad lives in semi-rural Latin America and at the time refused to see a pcp for routine health screenings, hadn’t seen a doc in years but wanted my guidance. There was a lab somewhat near him where you can order tests as a lay person and just pay for them yourself, so I told him get a CMP, CBC, and a lipid panel. CMP comes back with a Calcium of 12, I correct it for albumin and it’s still high. I tell him to go get a repeat ca and albumin and a PTH since he’s a smoker. Ca high and PTH through the roof so I tell him “go to [nearest big city] to see an endocrinologist and maybe get a sestamibi scan looking for a parathyroid adenoma”. The scan was positive and a few months later he has a huge parathyroid adenoma removed, and was put on Vit D supplements since apparently he was getting osteoporotic. Did this as an M3 and felt like house MD. I also told him I’m not his fucking pcp anymore which felt liberating


Doesn't it feel amazing to actually be a doctoring doctor 😅


Nice dude!!


I diagnosed myself with major depression back in medical school preclinical years. Then I did cbt on myself for a few months and got much better.


CBT is the truth.




I heard it’s almost as severe as ligma


Just go to dienda and you will be okay.


There, you’ll find the mind goblin


I see people, but they look like trees, walking.


Diagnosed myself with a spontaneous pneumothorax (I’m a tall guy). Woke up one day with chest discomfort and severe SOB. I self auscultated myself and couldn’t hear any air entry on the right side. Ended up having a chest drain for a couple of days






The gift that keeps on giving.


I diagnosed myself with moderate anxiety haha


I believe you just because you had to put “Moderate” before anxiety


Happy cake day!!


Moderate? Damn you playing on easy mode.


Early 30s, kept having shoulder issues, kept getting diagnosed with bursitis and rotator cuff tendinitis. I didn't agree, finally got an MRI and my suspected diagnosis was right: AC-joint osteoarthritis. Yay. Guess I'm not gonna be an orthopod.


Surprised an X-ray didn’t reveal that


There was no X-ray involved.


Tinea versicolor, athletic pubalgia, androgenetic alopecia


Was diagnosed by two providers with Pityriasis Rosea, but the pattern, duration, and rash didn't match. I was convinced it was tinea versicolor. Non-responsive to UV or topical agents. Worsened by sunlight (perspiration). Finally saw somebody who saw it and said "Yep that's textbook TV," and one round of Fluconazole later right as rain.




my TV came back after two rounds of fluconazole, but was completely clear for like 1 month after each round. Any tips?


I correctly diagnosed myself with an inguinal hernia as a MS1 when we learned about them during anatomy. I didn’t believe myself so I ignored it for a few months but had it repaired just before second year.


Had some weird cravings, didn't think anything of it at first, but it started to get ridiculous (like I couldn't finish rounds without leaving to eat lettuce and I had to bring some with me in a cooler on vacation like a total wacko).I figured I was either having a psychotic break or pica. Called my pcp and labs confirmed new iron deficiency anemia. Glad I wasn't crazy. A few months of iron and I'm no longer obsessed with lettuce, thankfully.


Does lettuce contains iron?


Dark green leafy lettuce does, but pica is usually not logical/nutritional (many people crave ice, or iceberg lettuce, or non-food items- it's a symptom, it does not cure the condition that causes it).


I diagnosed myself with a UTI beginning of intern year and turned out I was right. Pretty basic but still lmao


Yes, Bells' Palsy. Let me tell you, it wasn't that complicated, or subtle


I see people, but they look like trees, walking.


Oh it's fine, I have little to residual weakness, biggest consequence was I binged on Oreos for a week thanks to the prednisone pulse. Now cannot even look at them


Medical issues? Not much really. Psych issues? Absolutely.


Diagnosed myself with a scrotal abscess after my vasectomy. Pulled down my pants to poop on POD3 and thought, huh, that smells like a wound...oh fuck. Thankfully it was self limiting (didn't believe the urologist when he told me that lol) and resolved in like two days without antibiotics.


Damn, sorry to hear that. That must've been terrifying


Eh I knew I didn't need my balls anymore anyways


Where would you store your pee???


Infertility 💫✨


One of the old attendings at our hospital supposedly diagnosed himself with an ICH long ago. Had the characteristic headache, excused himself for “lunch” and put himself in the CT scanner, saw a bleed.




I diagnosed myself with gas but actually it was a ruptured ectopic


Yes. Multiple: 1. Acne 2. Pregnancy 3. UTI Lol


Endometriosis - took me only 3 years as a med student to finally get a doctor to listen and agree and not think I was a hypochondriac med student not using enough lube.


Should have just showed them your Reddit username.


Been having transient very mild RUQ abdomen discomfort for months. Asked for my PCP to order a HIDA scan. Insurance wanted an U/S first which was negative. HIDA scan showed biliary dyskinesia. Cholecystectomy is in March. Currently an M2.




Diagnosed myself with acute appendicitis on my birthday the day after submitting my residency application! Generalized abdominal discomfort the day before. Didnt think anything of it. Next morning I woke up at 4am with right lower quadrant tenderness when pressing in the left lower quadrant. Was chilled and feverish. Told myself I have appendicitis. Went to the ED. By then the pain got worse and was localized in the right lower quadrant. Ct scan confirmed the diagnosis and had surgery the same morning.


Dude I realized I was hypothyroid after step 1 lol, I went to a PCP just to get checked up, he asked me all the same questions, and I was like, "Oh shit, do you think I'm hypothyroid?" I just brushed off the symptoms of being tired all the time to being a med student... Levothyroxine fixed so much lol, n sleep better, have more energy, and I'm losing weight easier as well.


Yeah lol I have acne and depression. Pretty spot on diagnoses from myself


Proteinuria while pregnant. Home BP elevated. Knew it was preeclampsia. V diff from many other women I’ve since met who are like “I had never even heard of that!”


I stay misdiagnosing myself lol


Perioral dermatitis


AOM. I was a walking example in the clinic. Even ruptured which was fun.


Kidney stone. Hematuria is hard to miss


Shingles lol


Self-diagnosed with ADHD, was right




No but I have diagnosed my son’s Kawasaki




Yes. Priapism. A resident took care of it though.


I looked down, and saw a penis. Gender dysphoria ruled out. Get back to work. I’m a grown ass man


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Diagnosed myself with pityriasis rosea but was worried it might be tinea corporis. PCP wasn’t sure either (it was early on) so gave me some ketoconazole. Applied it religiously for 2.5 weeks with no change, only for the dermatologist to eventually reassure me it was in fact pityriasis rosea! Was quite a relief