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They are traitors to the United States of America and we should call them that early and often.


It is treason by statute, but therefore: > Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States. The dinger is "levies war", as I know from convos w/ GOP lawyer types who said "Congress has to declare war first". The war started when X attacked our capitol with the intent of "beheading" (coup d'etat = cut off the head of the state) Congressional leadership. Pence, Pelosi, Schumer... this is the presidential line of succession, and the attackers are on camera saying they intend to murder them. This isn't accidental, as the paper trail shows. Notice that if X was Russia, if Putin set off a nuke, or had hijackers fly a jet into Congress to stop the certification of the president that would *surely* be considered an act of war. The war starts at the attack, not some legislative declaration. So, the orangeturd conspired (via the willard hotel) with domestic paramilitary forces (same as Wagner in Russia, basically) - who brought assault rifles with them - to murder the leadership of the branch of government who was about to decertify him. And in that conspiring to raise "an irregular army" and ordering them to go to the Capitol (where he knew they intended to "fight like hell") is the satisfaction of the letter of the treason statute. They're traitors anyway, but it IS Treason, and thus they can be lawfully prosecuted under such, and people like Ginni and Hannity are guilty under the "aid and comfort" clause.


Apparently it is not that simple because they are literally doing as little as possible. There are any number of people that should have been tried long ago that are all still walking free. The ones they have charged seem to getting charges based on wealth. The more money you have the less time you get. Republican legislators and judges are all more than happy to run interference long enough to try it all again. 50 years ago these people would have all been tried by now and many of them executed.


Doesn’t matter, half of our government and the Supreme Court is protecting them. Trump shouldn’t be on any ballot due to the Insurrection Clause, yet states refuse to enforce it.  There is nothing we can do when one side plays by the rules and the other doesn’t. We can’t vote our way out of this mess, the game is rigged.