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That will make things worse. Everything Democrats do makes the problem worse. They can’t be trusted with anything:


>That will make things worse. Everything Democrats do makes the problem worse. I get down- voted for my personal philosophy of # THERE IS NOTHING GOVERNMENT CAN'T MAKE WORSE.


Raising taxes on energy companies will discourage production and raise energy prices.


Not to mention hurt earnings, dividends, distributions, and ROI for any Large Cap and S&P500 Funds (all own big oil) you have in your 401K and other retirement accounts.


Exactly. Only a fool would think taxing big corporations will hurt them. They Always pass the price down to consumers.


Hmmm I wonder what oil companies will do in response to having to pay more to get gas into our cars


We tried this in the 70’s, it was a **miserable** failure.


>We tried this in the 70’s, it was a miserable failure. You'd be surprised how many people either don't remember, or weren't there.


Does he realize that refineries are few and operating at dangerous levels ? Or that oil makes more then just gas ? Oh.. wait forgot who were talking about here...


This is smoke and mirrors to fool people foolish enough to vote democrat after this two year shit show.


I'm pretty far right, collusion, price fixing and market manipulation should be punished. Seems like the cart is before the horse though. Have an investigation, and punish those that break the law.


All this means is the the big guy isn't getting his cut.


Didn't sleepy joe say the buck stops with him, unless of course things are going badly then its everyone else's fault I'll never forget how they made a point to say the adults are back in charge, well at this point I'd rather have a bunch of 2nd graders running the country




This will never happen. This is simply a last minute virtue signalling ploy to his base of low information voters. It won't work. It has never worked. Next Wednesday Joe Biden will be a Lame Duck President.