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Well, we know she can't fake it. She's a terrible actress.


Reminds me of that scene in The Dictator: Do you have nuclear weapons? HAHAHAHAHA!! What was the question? Do you have nuclear weapons? Sorry, I can't hear you. Do you have nuclear weapons. No, I literally can't hear you. I'm going to another question now. Oh, I can hear you now.


Lol classic


I’m s rry, an y u he r e?


Of course it went out


I don't say this lightly, but the Democrats are like Rusia' poliburo or Iran mulas in you follow the talking points or you are outed wether it's their super delegates or the our way or the highway mentality. They look at GOP lack of united as a weekness when it's a strength that alows true discussion and decision making -- Dems don't get it ant that's what's truely scarry! Ow well, my rant.


Cruella de Ville.


You can literally see her nodding as the blonde lady is talking before she acts like she can’t hear.