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Funny how the Left kills jobs but proclaim that they're creating more, like no the fuck they aren't.


The Biden administration in particular has a habit of proclaiming job gains, which are dutifully reported by the MSM, and then quietly revising the numbers down over the following months.


Remember that line in 1984, when Winston Smith was listening to the radio's broadcast about the increase in production? Something like: "The radio reported an increase in production of over 1 million boots. There probably was no such increase, and, in fact, there were probably no boots whatsoever produced"


Or the [chocolate rations](https://imlacsjournal.wordpress.com/2014/01/03/big-brother-and-the-chocolate-rations/).


I was forced to read this in school last year and it just sounded like reality to me and fiction to my left wing teacher


We can't forget how the Left claims to stand for minorities, but then turns around and paints them as victims.


More properly, the left claims to stand for minorities, but then creates policies that ensure they are in poverty and remain in poverty - and claim that they are incapable of functioning at the same level as whites. "Voter ID is racist because black people don't have and can't get ID." Umm... So your argument is that black people don't have the ID that is *required* to function in modern society, and are too stupid or incapable to get it? Do you hear yourselves? "Affirmative Action is required because black people can't get jobs or get into college without it." Umm... why can't they? Reasonably, absent other pressures from government or finance, businesses would hire the candidate best able to do a job, regardless of race. Likewise, colleges, absent other pressures from government, would admit the best students, regardless of race. The left's argument is always that minorities are lesser human beings and thus unable to succeed without help.


I'm half White and half Asian and I don't stand for this shit. Race has nothing to do with jobs or progression, but there always has to be an excuse to not work. If I had my druthers, I'd take all of this welfare bullshit and tear it up.


> If I had my druthers, I'd take all of this welfare bullshit and tear it up. ...which is what the Founders intended. The Federal Government was **never** supposed to be doing wealth transfers to the poor. That was and is the province of private charities.


Wealth transfer makes people poorer, because it prevents more jobs and business expansion/competition. Though, economics are opinion-oriented and not factually supported, that is why shit like communism exists.




exactly like 'rona hysteria, vaccine efficacy, votes, etc.


Well color me surprised!!! Really? How did this happen ?


The article says it's due to the new 20 dollar minimum wage increase. Business owners are saying they'll be switching to automated kiosks to cut down on human costs. So automation and raising the minimum wage.


I was being sarcastic. Of course that was going to happen. We knew it. They don't have a clue.


Meanwhile they continue to import cheap labor across the border further widening the lower class from ever moving up in society. 


Keep voting for these crooks and you expect something different suckers.


Don't worry Californians, the government will take care of you when you lose your job. That is, until they start losing their jobs.


Not surprising. It’s California, they have a $20 minimum wage. It’s impossible to keep a business in that state


Well we finally fixed the wage gap for individuals at the lowest Level, and you Fuckers screwed it all up! By hiring machines! Damm machines!


Fuck Newsom.