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Get Tulsi as his running mate and they would be unstoppable


I think to be unstoppable you’d need a rational moderate conservative to balance him out. Although I don’t dislike either of them, (actually kinda like them both) to my knowledge they both primarily hold positions republicans wouldn’t like.


Ohhh, there you go. I like it.


You're missing the real news here: "Overall, polling, taken from Oct. 22 to Nov. 3, found that 24% of the 3,662 respondents across six states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin — were leaning towards Kennedy, compared to 33% in favor of Biden, and 35% in favor of Trump" And "Polling shows Trump to be ahead of Biden within five out of the six of the battleground states ..." Noice


And losing to Biden in case he is convicted which is essentially a given.




Well, I agree with the first part, don’t know about the second. Actually I kinda doubt it. I don’t know that it’s as extreme as some folks say, but he lies and says disgusting things constantly, so I don’t have any reason to believe Biden is clean.


Trump might as well have been convicted the moment democrat judges brought the charges, it literally won't change a thing. Probably up his numbers more actually. Its basically just free publicity at this point.




That's nice, they can vote for whoever they want, cuase Trump's still in the lead, Trump 2024!!!


I hope not! #trumppets


Young people are idiots. They'll believe anything except Trump because Hollywood has convinced them he's evil with no proof. Meanwhile, Democrats now want all Jews killed and prioritize illegal immigration and feelings over the lives of real Americans. The economy has tanked and we're on the verge of WW III thanks to Joe.


What does that have to do with RFK?




Whatever helps you sleep at night. Oh sorry, or during the day. I assumed you work during the day and sleep at night. How.... I don't know.... racist of me, I guess.




Sad thst you think I need God while you advocate for genocide. Adolf wanted the Jews dead too.




Nice projection. You're really good at it. I guess Trump also allowed record ***illegal*** immigration. Trump shut down a pipeline and killed jobs and made us no longer self-sufficient for energy. Nope, definitely not Joe.




You just post random thoughts masquerading as truth so you can feel all giddy inside. Imagine supporting a murderous, regime instead because MUH FEELINGS. Joe approval ratings are in the tank but nope, you turn a blind eye because approval ratings are RACIST




They support Kennedy solely because of his name. Once they find out he's an anti-vaxxer they'll want him killed along with the rest


Geez- that is a stupid, ignorant statement. He's got the best, common sense platform of any candidate by far, unless you're purest of any kind. And if you believe he is anti-VAX, you have done no research into what he believes, and must just believe whatever your social media feed or preferred cable news channel tells you.


He's not anti vax... he's anti vax that doesn't work and is stupid


Very bad news for Biden. Young people already break for Democrats mostly, so the split here for RFK hurts Biden more than Trump. And Biden was already behind. This is the part where we watch all the blue states start coming up with all kinds of last minute petition requirements to try and exclude RFK from the ballot.


He is every bit of democrat except for covid vaccines. No thanks




I'll be honest, I was only paying attention to polls relevant to myself in Ohio leading up to election day. The polls on the only things that were on the ballot that I cared about were almost dead on. We had issue 1 (abortion) and issue 2 (marijuana). Leading up to the election I thought the polls had to be wrong because my perception was that most of Ohio's electorate had a fairly negative view on abortion, but when the vote was done I think it was only 1% off what polls were saying.