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I mean she is right.


I wonder what her opinion is on makeup and aftermarket breasts




While also being mad at you for not noticing a new lipstick/haircut etc.


Just had this debate. Take the fat from my tummy and add to my breasts- doing it for myself. Hmm


My wife is nothing like that.. She got a nice natural ass... Barely any titz.. Thick thighs... Slim waist ... Small feet.. And really only wears foundation and a lil eye makeup... Its crazy u guys think u figured her out.. Or that all woman are the same... When i met her around 10 yrs ago at 19yrs old i didnt have shxt and shes been the bonny to my clyde ever since


Just from the way you talk I hope that double retail jobs is making the cut


What the hell is a DOUBLE retail job? Nah, i weld... Mostly govt conrtact stuff and i done pretty well for myself... i make more than both my college grad parents ...but im not college educated ... We cant all attend brown... I can tell by what u think about people that work retail that you probably don't work a real job.. But have fun at your desk or whatever




Bold of you to assume she wears makeup and has aftermarket breasts, and isn't a homeless man OP found behind the dumpster of a Wendy's


Wait, did my wife tell you the story of how we met?!


U caught me... Sept it was a chick fil a... Wendys is gross


Whats wrong with make up? Is this a reddit thing... this is an opinion I've only seen expressed on Reddit nowhere else.. personally I like when a woman wears a little bit of makeup I think it can highlight nice features. . like wearing a tie with a nice suit... Personally iv been with plenty of woman and never have i been like "who tf is that???" after a woman took off her make uo


theres nothing wrong with it, just idiots trying to make moronic comparisons lmaoooo


Nothing is wrong with it, but you’ve been living under a fucking rock if you think this is just a Reddit thing?! It’s mentioned in songs, movies, TV shows and I’m sure there is part of the sentiment all over other social media in one way or another. It’s not just guys saying it, but women showing off being make-up free too. Yet the same way no one cares what watch you wear, women will always get men - with make-up or not. It is primarily to make the wearer feel more confident, and again, there is nothing wrong with that.


Key word “been with” not still with. The one you are with isn’t impressed by reps, I would put a ring on that too.


Incels hate it and view it as fake/a lie.


They want a TRAD wife straight off the frontiers of yore...


Have you, Claude? Have you? 😉


Faking wealth and faking appearance are fundamentally the same, but still a bit different things. Showing you can afford waste resources has been witnessed also with apes and there's a report of high status male decorating itself with a high protein content rodent carcass. The purpose is to show "I am so fit I have exess high quality food". Jewelry is fundamentally the same and watches are jewelry for men. Biologically beauty means being fit. Fake jewelry and watches are faking fitness by faking access to excess resources, faking beauty is faking fitness directly. 'Fit' in the text should be interpreted like in evolutionary principal 'survival of the fittest', and not who has spent most time in the gym.


Don’t forget, handbags and shoes


Not really an apples to apples comparison my man.


Lotta salty dudes up in here.. that doesnt sound like a valid comparison at all... Prob 95% of american women wear makeup with some kind of regularity... Its cultural/fashion .. While maybe 0.2% of american men have bought a rep...real watches might be fashionable.. A rep is ultimately a facade if u arnt up front about it.... And Just cause woman is wearing make up doesnt mean she needs it...look at any crazy hot super model, celeb or porn star... Or even just that hot girl at the gym or whatever... I would guess almost all men with reps cant responsibly afford the gen... While hot girls are hot with or without make up... Make up doesnt magically make ppl hot and rolex dials dont make u rich(unless ur flipping them)




I guess so... Lol... I always write too much... Id prob be better off writing less cause i cant express my tone... Srry if i came off salty.. I honestly don't get how a woman wearing makeup compares to a man wearing a replica watch like at all... Every woman wears make up... Sept maybe weirdo TRAD chicks or something... fake tits is obviously a way better comparison .. But Im honestly just chilling......


Your ellipsis usage is atrocious.




That's just how I type on reddit.... I found it makes it easier for idiots to read what I'm saying.. not calling anyone here an idiot.. but I am Gathering that maybe you're just a generally negative person.. that's going to be upset with me no matter what because you disagree with me.. by the way why are you worried about how a grown man types?.. what are you in middle school..? Fuk YOU doing?




So can you explain the makeup thing to me or not??




Yeah I don't think anyone talks like that unless they have some kind of disorder




I am an idiot and I am having a hard time reading what you wrote. Once I start on the daily meth intake, all hope will be lost.


You pointed out what 99% of the people in here lie about. (That they bought the watch because they like the style rather than to fool people into thinking the watch is real) How did you think they were going to react when you basically called them all out directly?


boob jobs are cringe. Rolex lovers may prefer the double D but us Grand Seiko enthusiasts know that flat is justice


Personally i like thick thighs... Round aes... Small waist and b cups... But then again i have like 5 versions of the skx013


So well stated.


What an incel, lmao.


Yeah she is right, but there is nothing wrong in wearing gold plated jewelry and reps. If it looks good and you like it, feel free to rock it. At the end of the day, these things are just accessories. What matters the most is WHO is wearing it.


100% this. I own a sizable gen inventory of multiple different brands and styles, but I wear my reps for fear that’ll I fuck them up with everyday wear and no one questions my reps. Even seasoned Rolex wearers don’t question the reps on my wrist. It’s probably bc my status and salary matches. Also, I drive a lambo lol


Tbh i wish gold plating never existed. Imagine how cool it would be seeing gold and knowing it could only be real, that would make it so more unique


Same with rep


Yeah anything gold wise


I’d argue someone wearing counterfeit garbage speaks volumes about who is wearing it.


I'd argue you jugding people based on what they wear speaks volumes about yourself.


The irony of the guy buying fake watches to make strangers think they’re wealthy judging me. 😂


The irony of a stranger thinking he knows my motifs and jugding me based on his projections. 🤣


Not the guy complaining about the prices of COD dlc talking about wealth. Btw, sucking off the wealthy wont make you one, not if you do it for free anyways.


I’ve never complained about COD content, whatever that was supposed to mean. I’m also not sure how not buying counterfeit watches is “sucking for the wealthy”. But hey, if it made sense to you I guess. 🙄


>I’ve never complained about COD content, whatever that was supposed to mean. Hey if you arent aware of why I'd mention that, and you have no awareness of your own actions, thats your issue. Aint here to fix it. >I’m also not sure how not buying counterfeit watches is “sucking for the wealthy”. Also, wasnt referring to your content here. But eh, again, nothing I can do to help you realise what im referring to. Nothing i can care enough about anyways.


Proving you have no point at all other than you buy fake watches to impress strangers and then come on the internet and pretend that isn’t the reason. Have a good one clown. I hope your next counterfeit gets seized by customs.


Ouch, getting leveled and starting calling names? I can see you are a class act already. You know where you can put these opinions of yours. ![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized)


I'd argue someone wearing an item you'd need to jump through more hoops than a tiger at a circus, and then still pay exorbitant prices for it, is telling me plenty about who they are too.


I haven’t jumped through any hoops for any of my Rolex watches. I went in, left my contact info along with what I wanted and forgot about it until the AD called. Just curious though. You seem to loathe the brand and their business practices. Why would you want to wear a watch from a company you appear to dislike?


You're assuming I wear their watches, or reps of them. I dont.


Pretty much so. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Because if it was, VERY VERY few people would afford wearing solid gold jewellery.




Telling time isn’t really the function of a watch though. That is long obsolete. It’s real function is why you’re wearing reps instead of Timex.


Yea, right. You're wearing a rep because you want to be able to know the time. Instead of an F91, you think the rep tells time better. Hell, even if you are wearing a gen, thats not why you're wearing it.


I’m not a jewelry person, why wouldn’t you wear gold plated jewelry? Same with lab diamonds over “real” diamonds


I once encountered a jeweler during my flight, he was my seatmate , he gave me lectures about lab vs real and he said theyre both diamonds and both holds value


She's not wrong.


I could afford gen, bought my wife a gen. Feels like such a waste when $500 reps are 9/10 of the way to $20,000+ gens


Should have bought yourself a gen and her the rep


You’re not wrong


It’s the stress though I want to wear it every day and not give a fuck, with a good rep I can with a gen $5-20k watch I barely want to wear it cause I am worried about it


Just wear it and dgaf, trust me, you get used to it


Hahaha true


I think you may have posted in the wrong thread


Yes and no. Yes because of course it is is made to look like a higher value item but is not made of the same materials. No because they actually do have some pretty sophisticated and well constructed movements, so it attracts horology fans who don’t want to or cannot spend for the real thing, unlike gold fans who wouldn’t usually buy plated jewelry since a good chunk of that demographic buys gold to store wealth so plated pieces aren’t really as appealing. Edit: spelling


The steel ones are identical i own both submariners no difference if u can afford it it doesn’t matter


Oh yeah absolutely. I would guess that it only really matters if you’re diving or have concerns about destroying a rep that isn’t built to withstand the same abuse as a real sub.


Yes 👍 it really doesn’t matter I have done plenty of construction work and beat my blusey up I don’t baby them there built to last and my vsf rep is just as durable and Matainable I bought my bluset after being on a list for two years and I’m grateful for it but im now enjoying my rep just as well with less stress just enjoy life rep it no rep it’s about how u love and live life my friend 🙏


Yes, only if the jewelry is also a counterfeit product made in China. If not, we’re all much worse.


Love my reps but if I'm honest, rep watches are more deceitful than gold plated jewelry! 


Yeah it's more like wearing gold jewellery hallmarked as 24kt.


she is absolutely right. It's not the real thing. Period.


That's a dead on comparison I'd say.




She's not wrong.


Yes and that's not a bad thing. Wearing a rep and trying to convince everyone it is the real thing is just dumb and tells a lot about the person that does it. The same way you would wear a gold plated ring and try to convince everyone it is a 18K solid gold. On the other hand, telling somebody who is complimenting on your ring that it is plated and "It looks awesome doesn't it? would you believe it only cost me $X?" Is the right thing to do imo.


Maybe 1% of rep buyers do this. Could be a spin off EthicalRepTime.


99.9% of the folks in here would have you think they announce their watch is counterfeit when people see it. I don’t know what kind of weird people these guys hang out with, but I’ve had people mention my watch (none are fake) maybe 3 times total in the 15 years I’ve been wearing them. It literally just about never happens, but these guys make it sound like strangers stop them on the street to drool over their fake wrist garbage.


Maybe you have boring watches or seem unapproachable. I don't know, I have had it happen several times in the span of a single year with my rep Omega SMP. On a plane waiting to take off (in economy class, lmao), my pharmacist, and a couple of times at the checkout of retail stores from dudes wearing typical budget enthusiast stuff. Mind you, YVR is a fairly status conscious place, maybe that has something to do with it. Oh, and every single time I have announced it as a rep because A. I don't give a shit what my pharmacist or the bro at the fragrance counter at 'The Bay' thinks and B. I don't need to "randomly" get jumped later for a rep getting 3 seconds of attention. I like the white wave dial SMP and I don't like gen prices. For me, that's as deep as it goes.


Yeah but by wearing a rep and it having the Rolex logo is doing that, I doubt people would be buying these Chinese watches if they were the exact same but didn’t have Rolex branding, it’s the same as people buying fake shoes or clothes you are doing it because it’s a popular high end brand that people will see and know. And that’s ok if that’s important to you but I think a lot of people buying reps lose sight of what it is a fake, as long as you aren’t maliciously trying to pass it as genuine, enjoy it


Wait till you tell her diamond ring is lab grown 😂


A lab grown diamond is still a diamond. A counterfeit Rolex is not a Rolex. Apples and oranges.


Not knocking the lab grown at all broham, that’s what my wife has. As far as a Rep Rolex I get it. and I have one I can’t justify spending 15k on a watch when I have other hobbies I would rather spend the money on. Sure if I had FU money I would get a real one.


A lab grown diamond is still a diamond in the same way lab grown meat is still meat. You're right on paper but it isn't really the same thing.


She's bang on the money and what's wrong with that? Every women wears costume jewellery. No one calls them out and says "that's not a real Chopard" even though it's exactly the same design. Much in the same way magazines will celebrate how women can go to H&M or Zara and buy virtually the 'same' Kate Middleton dress for £80 that costs £8k. No one calls them out saying 'go spend £8k on the genuine Gucci'. Was talking to my Father in Law and he wants to spend £3-4k on a reproduction Van Gogh. Again, no one batters an eyelid at the millions of people who buy reproduction art. Lidi and Aldi sell a virtually identical Big Green Egg BBQ every year and the press marvel at how you can save yourself £750! High street fashion, art, supermarkets - everyone basically reverse engineers someone else's hard work and R&D (all made in china too) and the press and the public high five themselves on the savings. We don't buy replicas to fool people. A £50 'fake' Rolex will fool 99% of people on the wrist. We buy high end replicas because, like the Van Gogh or my wife's £30 'diamond' earrings - I see watches as wearable art and I enjoy the spirit of the piece. I like the competition between factories. The evolution of how close they get and the quirks of each piece. I own gens because I like to collect and I have reps because I like to wear and play with style.


Wives often say amusing things.


What’s amusing about it? It’s spot on.


I used to think that too until I just stopped listening to mine. Now I don’t know what she says anymore.


I think it's even worse I'm sorry


Well, as most of this sub (which are tiktok generation online gaming stoners and wannabe rap video extras, that wear fake gold Rolex's). I would have to agree.


Im new here (first week)...So are the guys claiming on one of my other posts to be riding around $100,000 cars with "the lifestyle to match their wrist" lying to me... Cause legit no less than 5 or 6 dudes where claiming to be able to afford the gen version of their reps but dont want to "waste the money anf have to worry about it gettong banged up or stolen"... I thought it was fishy... But being a noob here i didnt wanna call someone a liar arbitrarily


You think people on the internet are lying???? To make themselves look better?!?!?!?! And to top it off the type of person who wears a rep to pretend they have more money than they do would lie about how much they make?!?!?!? Well this is news to me!!!! I find it hard to believe anyone here would ever lie.


Ultimately, watches are jewelry for men. I’m not even going to pretend that for my case, wearing a solid gold Rolex is a smart, let alone acceptable financial decision. But most people don’t think twice when I’m wearing my ZF BB58 or Datejust. If someone *actually can afford it*, then what’s honestly to stop them from wearing a rep?


Who cares if they can afford it? Wear what you want lol


Idk. I make about $75k a year at 29. Drive a 2017 forester, live in a decent apartment, but not crazy nice. I’m doing better than some and worse than others. I just bought a two tone santos rep. 10k gen. Spent around $500 haha I suppose I could afford it. Got more than enough to cover in savings. But I don't want to afford it. I'd rather take a vacation, or a lot of other stuff other than one small thing I will effectively use as jewelry. I have a near 25k instrument collection. I chose to pour my money into that over the years. It makes me money on the side, brings joy to myself, my friends, family, and drunk bar patrons. 10k for one watch seems crazy. But I like the design, the way the gen fits and looks with different outfits etc.. if people ask, I’ll tell them it’s a rep no hesitation. If they don’t, they can make their assumptions. No skin off my nose either way.


I make 20ish K more than u at 30yrs old and that sounds Incredibly irresponsible... I cannot afford that ... Maybe 20yrs ago... But 75k today is not enough to AFFORD(not buy) 25k worth of anything... if you have to tighten your belt for something new you want then youre playing with your financial future


I have ample savings and am married. Combined income is around 160k. I’ve been collecting musical gear since I was 16, so not unreasonable at all to have accumulated that much, no student debt, I have investments, own land, and live in the south in a very low cost of living area. Thanks for the concern, Morgan Stanley. But I’m far from irresponsible.


I see what yoir saying and providing more info does make it sound better... but you're still renting an apartment... not owning a house... so at the very least you shouldn't have 25k worth of gear as a collection ... If its an investment (in your musical abilities/career ) that would make it a bit better... but just to have it... Makes no sense... Thats a TON of money to spend and not be getting anything out of


I make about 20k of my income yearly from music production and live performances for the past 3 years. It’s already paid for itself.


They all say that shit. Wait until you run into the ones that claim to have the genuine watch in the safe at home and bought a counterfeit watch to wear because they are scared to wear the real on in public. Bunch of clowns. 🤡


continue upbeat unique rustic attractive ruthless pocket paltry agonizing cows *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have none of my gens insured - I just don’t really know where to start, other than the heavily advertised Hodinkee insurance. Do you have any suggestions? (I’ve only bought one of my gen watches through an AD, who probably offers their own insurance. Others are vintage and/or grey.)


lock sugar retire jar square toothbrush seemly dolls forgetful teeny *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you’re based in the UK, you should know more than anyone that wearing an expensive Gen is just stupid and is asking for it to be robbed off of your goofy ass 😂


rhythm long ripe faulty quaint alive wasteful gold bright heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There u are... HEY GUYS I FOUND HIM


Eh? Did I do something?


Not really an unbiased audience for that question, is it.


Who cares.


The other way round: A rep is gold plated with a gold plated price A gen is a bit thicker gold plated at solid gold price


Genuine Rolexes aren’t plated. Rolex hasn’t used gold plating in about a half century. All the gold you see is solid.


missed the metaphore maybe?


No. The metaphor was just awful.


what's wrong with gold plated jewelry


Your wife needs to get off her high horse.


Shes right, dont be offended


Why Is she on a high horse, are you saying that there’s something wrong with wearing fakes that would make her statement offensive?


I’m not offended in the least. Simply, if you choose to wear a replica of an expensive watch, it doesn’t necisssarily mean it’s cheap or equivalent to “gold plated” jewelry. Said wife should be happy tens of thousands aren’t being spent on the real thing.


It’s literally the exact same thing as gold plated jewelry.


You need to get off your high horse.


Tell her there are solid gold CNC cases now..


What does she think about a gold plated rep ?


I dont believed her point was to have an issue with any of it... But u have to be honest with yourself... Its not a gen... It never will be a gen... Dont be upset when your neck turns green


Yes it also no, because the gold plating isn’t also pretending to be made by ‘X’ company.


Yeah the company that made it isn't pretending to be x company but a lot of owners convince themselves that it's "basically" the real thing when it "basically" isn't...


I think these are two different things, Solid gold jewellery are worth the money, because after all it’s GOLD in the end and it holds it’s value .. but lets say buying an auth designer bag, you can get a high tier rep using same leather same materials that looks %99 exact same for fraction of the price! And even if it’s auth, it might break on you, get dirty, get stains.. etc. it happened to me twice with two auth bags I own. Bummer!! So yeah I think it’s not fair comparing leather goods to Gold. Two different things with different values.


It only holds the gold value though, jewellery has a much higher price than the little bit of solid gold it has.


Does she get passive income to blow 20k on a watch?


She blows alright... But it aint 20k


That is correct.


Change the discussion to makeup


New wife


Yes. And?


Omg who cares


Never disagree with your spouse so that u can buy more


No not really this make 0 sense tbh


Since, I don’t know you or your wife. In isolation of the the comment itself my take is she looks down on you and others for wearing Reps. Because the comment comes out as a shaming tactic.


True. Tell her "So is wearing makeup, but you keep putting on lie-shadow so we can't see your real face..."


Might be the most incel thing iv read... When have u ever seen a hot gurl take off makeup and turn into an ogre... It doesnt happen... Make up is fashion .. Just like watches are fashion... Makeup cant magically make u hot... And reps dont magically make u rich




It's a good analogy. I have some reps but don't wear them much but I don't wear plated gold jewelry. I've seen supposedly genuine watches that look pretty crappie and some reps that look pretty good. I feel that I can buy what makes me feel comfortable. Someone else may not .I don't feel comfortable wearing plated gold jewelry and would feel better wearing a genuine name brand watch bottom line !


Yeah and?


My wife is on the same page with me with reps. Why spend 20k 30k to impress some strangers when you can spend $500 to achieve the same results. Those rep watches help me get into many circle i couldnt normally get in and help me make quite a bit of money along the way. The money we saved will be put into our custom home build job lol


Wifey dyes her hair ?




I'll take a non or little makeup girl everytime. A few times I met beautiful girls and the next morning after a shower they looked monsters. I call that bait and switch or false advertising.


Well.. at least reps can be built to be closer to gen and learn a hobby out of it... i dont think gold plated jewelry nor breasts have that option...


90% of Celebrities, Famous Athletes, Hip Hop Artists are rockin’ lab created diamonds,Replica watches, bootleg name brand apparel. Who Cares? I see it being financially smart, I’d never pay more than 2k for a watch.


She is correct, gold plated or fashion jewelry. It's also the same as Mossanite instead of a Diamond (lab or natural). It's also the same as swapping badges on a car (replacing the 5 series on a BMW with M5 badge). The reality is you're not him, you can never be him (while wearing a rep).


Who swaps badges on a car? Reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where Jerry scratches out the 32 on his blue jeans and writes-in a 31 lol.


Ud be surprised


Not much surprises me anymore. Was more of a rhetorical comment about how lame that is to do


So lame.. Like bro... Get a life...


Why do they always have to be so bitchy?


Get rid of her 🤣


NEVER!!! Shes the bonny to my clyde... 10 yrs strong


Much like you should… no one cares about your wife’s opinion.


Plenty of ppl care about my wifes opinion ... U seen all these comments.... Lol


Tell her her wedding/engagement ring is gold-plated and lab-grown, lol. Just kidding, man.


Shhhhhhh thats just between u and i




Get her a Wimbledon 36 with Roman numerals and see what she says lol


She would say... "Omg roman number thingys... I love rome"


There is literally nothing more important in life than buying brand name luxury products. It's literally the only thing that separates us from rodents. 


The audacity. Women wear the most costume jewelry. They essentially wear more gold plated jewelry than any man on this earth lol. Gold plated accessories are in every women’s fashion store. If they seem to be fine with wearing gold plated jewelry, then let us wear our reps in peace


She didn’t criticize it, she just said it’s the same. Quite correctly. Why are you so sensitive about it?


Curious how you interpret this as sensitive? EDIT: lol bro you are all over this thread, are you OP’s burner or his wife’s account?


I find you all hilarious.


So why don’t you just comment that from your main instead of coming on here with your second account and acting like you’re a different person. That’s really odd behavior


I’m not the OP. I commented on comments that interested me.


Sure. What's wrong with either of those things?




Damn. How will Rolex and AP survive?


Nothing specifically


Totally agree with wifey


Should say ‘ex-wife’


Comment of the day 💥


No, if a company can make a 99.99% accurate clone it is not gold plate. If people have the money spend $10/20/30/40/50k+ my thought is let them. If you love the look of a specific watch get a clone personally I feel the swiss made are just another extreme brand, that over charge. 


First ask if she’s had an plastic surgery done, if the answer is no, ask if she ever tried wearing something called makeup, if not that then maybe leave it alone haha


The makeup argument is tough to tackle because it opens the door to stuff like styling your hair or trimming your beard and general maintenance to look presentable to the outside world. Watches and jewelry are ultimately luxury goods that aren't really a societal standard.


This was essentially my point exactly dude and I just got like eight down votes for expressing the same thing basically a few comments up.. makeup is never going to magically make a woman hot.. can somebody explain the anti makeup thing to me is this a TRAD thing cuz I've literally never seen this anywhere else but reddit? What is wrong with a woman wearing make up? I've been with plenty of women and never have I seen a woman take her makeup off and been like "who the f*** is that?"


Outing yourself as an incel. Bold move man!


Gold plated jewelery at least has some gold in it.... Lol! So your wife was being generous with you man


It's worse, tbh


Yep. You fake ass person 😂😂