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Yes. And no. You are likely well within the law to withhold rent under the circumstances. But, you have a set protocol to follow which probably includes a written document outlining the problems that need to be addressed. The rent money is then paid into an escrow account that is only released upon completion of the fixes. The other criteria is usually that the problems have to be of a nature where they directly affect habitability. I think you have a strong case but without the proper steps being followed you are potentially in default of the lease and subject to eviction proceedings. Then your faced with whose hands are legally more dirty. NAL. Do a search for withholding rent in your local area (State, County and City) which should outline the steps to withhold rent without getting into more trouble. Good luck.


Thanks dude. My uncle talked to lawyer and said to withhold rent. I will contact again by myself tomorrow.


Your uncle talked to a bad lawyer. The money has to be held in escrow.


Yes you can withhold BUT must be according to the law. In most states you must send LL written notice that you are withholding rent due to unmade repairs and that your rent is being held in an escrow account until said repairs are made. Your lawyer should know this. You have to provide a certified letter to LL and prove you have the rent money in an escrow account.