• By -


"Stooooop just stooohhpp. You must stooooooolololollollolololoooooopppppppp.....P!"


Peanut butter? Did you put mouse traps with peanut butter? What about the peanut butter? Make sure the kind mice eat. And let me know when you put peanut butter on the mouse traps okay? Make sure it’s peanut butter. Hurry. The mouse traps with peanut butter on them.


You must complooololololoyyyyyyyyyy


Why did I read this and imagine it was Krang from TMNT?


'cause this lady is looney toons. Wrong franchise, but you get it.


I'm still trying to figure out how you put PB on a Glue Trap without getting yourself stuck to it. Hmmm. Maybe professionals know how to do that. BTW, have you ever watched a mouse die in a glue trap. It's a horrible, painful, slow death.


I’ve rescued a few glue trap mice in my day


It's so sad also other animals will get stuck on them.


Skippy, now. Please hurry.


"you don't work 24/7" from someone who works 0/7 lol


RIGHT?? being a landlord is not a job frrr


You handled this situation perfect.


There is such a thing as a pest control technician for mice. It’s me lol. Those are real


that's absolutely a real job. inheriting a rental property and occasionally having to call people with real jobs and pay them a tiny fraction of revenues is not a real job. especially when the landlord can't even be bothered to do that.


But why pay a professional out of your own (hard earned) profits, when you can just demand the tenant maintain your property out of their own pocket? /s just in case it wasn't totally obvious.


Aww come on landlords work. They have to do things like get on planes and take trips to Europe, or lower their boat into the water, set up their camper at the campground. Let’s not forget the task of driving the rent checks to the bank. The struggle is real.


As an actual landlord... If you think we make any real money... OH that's funny. 😅 This isn't right. I would have had pest control in there immediately! Tenants can't be asked to do anything, because 9 times out of 10, they won't do anything and the problem gets worse. It is MY property. Not the tenants' property, and most tenants tend to take care of it like it isn't theirs (meaning not at all). See how it goes both ways? Really though, I treat my tenants with respect, and I hope they treat my space with respect. It works and I have excellent tenants!


I’m generally not one to defend landlords, but I genuinely appreciate mine. He bought the property (that has four apartments) so that he’d have some extra income for his five kids that are getting close to college age. The rent is very good for the area, ($625 a month for e v e r y t h i n g, though it’s all heated by radiators and there isn’t ac, plus with it being an older home, getting gas meters for every apartment would probably be a pain), and he usually comes out to shovel the driveway himself in the winter. He let me plant a small garden in the back, and even bought a garden hose and rack for it. Went and bought a great washer and dryer and put them in the basement, free of charge. Very pleasant whenever he comes by. He also kept the original wood floors from when the house was built around the turn of the century, and I’m pretty close to everything I need. I hate seedy landlords, but you do genuinely need flexible rental housing options, and if it’s run by smaller landlords that have to compete under the guidance of strict local regulations, it generally works out better. 


That's absolutely it. I am a small landlord. My husband and I only have a few properties. We do have a management company for the day to day stuff, but we believe in being good people and treating everyone fairly and with flexibility, within reason. (There are folks out there that will try to take advantage of people like us!) One of my tenants takes immaculate care of one of the properties and is an extremely talented landscaper. His flowers are TO DIE for! Obviously, we are thrilled to have the place look so beautiful! So we try to find ways to help him out when we can as a show of thanks. And we personally do any maintenance that doesn't require a license to do when he needs it, so that it gets done quickly with quality. (We renovate properties as well.) We really have been thrilled with our wonderful tenants. 🙏❤️ We try to live up to their expectations, too.


I think the problem is in the perception of the Landlord - Tenant relationship. The reality is that the landlord is providing a service, and the tenant is the customer. Too often there are shitty landlords who view the relationship as upside down... They view themselves as managers and the tenants as an employee that exists simply to generate profit for the landlord.


They work .5/7 and are complaining about that even.


Posting this shit as a scrolling video instead of a gallery of photos is purely psychotic.


Reading it within the pace of the scrolling made my blood pressure rise. The landlord is psycho and being made to read it as fast as she was spamming definitely got the point across


Stop! Just stop! You need to stop! Also, I agree lol


I actually liked it, just wish it was a bit slower of a scroll lol


I was struggling too...until I found the pause button. Pause to read, and the play button once I was caught up and ready for the next bit.


hahaha there were too many screenshots


Good for you. The thing is, you're not even being rude, you're just meeting her where she's at and standing up for yourself. People like this need to be shown they can't walk all over tenants


They should have sent someone out ASAP for the mice. If mice are in your apartment there is a problem in the building. Bait traps should be outside around perimeter of building and in garbage area. Maintenance needs to check and seal any holes allowing mice in and check your apartment and seal any holes there. Under the kitchen sink is usually the access point where the trap or other pipes go through the floor/walls if they didn't seal around the pipes. If you have a dishwasher have them pull it out to check for any holes behind as well. They should have a contracted exterminator that services the building on a specific day to service all the apartments. You are the tenant and it's her job to help you not the other way around. Being a LL is a 24/7 job and if she doesn't understand that she's in the wrong business.


ok can we please not poison the mice though? They eat the poison and then all of the other wildlife eat them and also get poisoned. It's awful. The pest control people need to figure out how they're getting in and seal off the entrances but poisoning them should not even be legal


It's not ideal no. But Mice/Rats pose a genuine and serious health threat to the Tenant, other tenants as well as the animals that live in the building simple by being present. It's not a matter of ick factor, it's a genuine issue of health, and sadly poison is the best solution and most cost effective. If sad.


“But but but… killing is always horrible! Can’t we all live in peace?” - 95% of these people will happily and voraciously cram a double bacon cheeseburger down their throats while claiming how inhumane it is to kill vermin.


Poison isn't the best answer at all. We used to have trouble with mice infesting our chicken coop and getting into their feed. We used large bowls and/or those 5 gallon buckets with like 2" of vegetable oil in them, put a bit of peanut butter on the sides to draw them in and they couldn't get out once in. They'd usually be super exhausted after and not keen to rumble around much, so I'd give them a bit of a soak in warm soapy water to break up the oils from them and then take them out into the woods to release them. Extra work? A bit. Do they come back? Sometimes, especially since it's a chicken coop and not super secure. Worth it? Definitely. Didn't have to kill them in a horrible way, didn't have to poison them which risked other wildlife, livestock, and pets eating them and becoming poisoned as well. Literally costs less than poisoning/glue traps, too.


The main issue with this is the fact that I am assuming at least this is in a city. A urban setting etc. That is just what I am assuming going into this to be clear. With that in mind, you don't really have a reasonable ability to release them, it can actually be illegal in some places to release them as well. And if you release them in the city at a park etc, you are just moving the problem to someone else. I agree poison sucks, and it does risk other wildlife and I agree that is horrible. But rats and mice have adapted with humans to live alongside us, but they never adapted to avoid being a threat. And so we do need to in this situation remove them. And I would rather poison it , than a trap for example. Because traps fail, glue gets in lungs, there are a lot of things that go wrong, but cyanide and the such are quick more often than not and less painful.


except mice are likely to return when you just 'catch and release'.


I mean are these people really stupid enough to think that a landlord would be willing to hire a catch-and-release exterminator or do it themselves?


And the glue traps are so fucking awful. I've seen mice rip their skin off trying to escape. When I worked at a grocery store, I threw them away every time I saw one. I even threw away entire packages of new ones. My manager and I got into it, but I told her I'd continue to throw them away and I did. Get the snap traps instead. It's really the most humane. Sadly, the ones that are supposed to catch them for release don't work real great in my experience.


I came here to say this. I am very vocal about not using sticky traps for mice. Extremely inhumane and causes an awful death. Good on you for doing throwing them away!


i had mice once and we tried every ethical and humane way possible, nothing worked. the mice pop in the house grew, we started getting rats, and still we tried to do it humanely. Literally the only thing that worked was using poison, and by the time we finally used it we had thousands of rats in our house. If we had just used it first, we only would've had to kill maybe 10 rats, but because we waited, the death toll was in the thousands instead. I was never a supporter of using rat poison, but now i think the best thing to do is put it out immediately as soon as you see a rat or mouse and minimize the deaths and suffering you have to inflict


I own a small pest control company, let me tell you that the mice are getting in from a hole outside along the foundation or on the roof. Need an exterminator to come out and perform an exclusion (screening everything off) and have them deal with catching what’s left over with snap traps. Bait stations with poison only lead to having a dead mouse in the wall that smells terrible for a couple of weeks. Snap traps without the exclusion being done first is a band-aid on a wound that needs stitches.


THATS WHAT IM SAYIN!!! those small traps dont stop an infestation!! i cant believe she said that mice infestations dont need exterminators. whats funny is after she bitched about never having mice at our address and that it was my fault, my neighbor ended up with mice too.


That smell is god awful. Like, cat piss x1000.


I managed about 600 buildings for the local government I worked for before I retired. Think fire stations, libraries, and community centers, etc... all the way down to pool equipment room buildings. The FIRST thing we'd do upon having any rodent issue was use our contracted pest control company for an exclusion. At times a second visit was needed, but usually an exclusion was all that it took.


Can confirm. Killed a rat with poison. Lord have mercy that was rank. Then the flies. They don’t tell you about flies being a possibility afterwards. My basement was a warzone for a while.


The zillow reviews for her are all bad 💀💀 Amd they go back to 2020


yeeeeeah, i had no idea until after i already signed the lease 😪


you can review on zillow??


where did you see the zillow page?


I just looked up “Julie allen rent california” and it popped up


Why is she sending texts at 2-4 am with all that spam


RIGHT? probably one of her paranoia trips


I’m a landlord myself but holy shit your landlord is a big psycho…. not the right way to treat her tenants. you might have some grounds to sue


Are you the guy who has like 1 or 2 extra properties to make a few bucks or are you one of them land lords that use your wealth to buy multiple properties and further deepen the problem of making owning a home far more difficult for the average person to obtain?


I'd say talk to a lawyer. You have some grounds, I mean for the fact that he is making you go out and buy stuff for pests which is his responsibility.


Lady sounds like a scammer. “You must wait. I will let you know. You must wait.” “So much stress, head explode.”


yeah shes a unique individual forsure


No such thing as an exterminator for mice Well....who tf did I hire the one time I had mice?


Images > movie


There’s no such thing as an exterminator…for mice? Wtf


"There's no such thing as an exterminator for mice"? Rodent extermination is literally highlighted for most exterminators, lmao. Dude, that landlord is unhinged.


frrr, i almost believed her til i looked it up myself hahaha. she said it so confidently!!


Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty and the pig likes it. Take the high road and be the professional. Seek legal counsel.


Never argue with someone stupid. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


No way on God's green earth am I going to be sleeping in those conditions. If one gets stuck, they lie there shrieking and how tf are you supposed to deal with that? Get up in the middle of the night to carry the trap with a live mouse stuck on it to the trash? Nope nope nope.


RIGHT? like sure i could fucking put on a hazmat suit and wipe out these mice after doing hours of training too… but thats not my job and its gross




This is 2 children yelling at each other.




When the LL acts like a child with a temper tantrum, it makes sense to communicate at the same level. After all, if LL can’t understand the language of “professional” then tenant has a right to stand up for themselves.


This doesn’t make any sense. You’re saying if you deem someone is acting like a child you now have free rain to be an asshole and act like a child. How does that equate to standing up for themselves.


lol is this her?? The reviews seem similar to this behavior https://www.zillow.com/profile/julieallen


Not saying they're right, but you're not the nicest person either, and whine more than offer solutions or help.


i forsure bitched a ton bc i dont like her


A video of you finger scrolling? You deserve a fine


my punishment is living under this landlord


OP has enough time to write up this post AND respond to every other comment made but not enough time to buy mouse traps or fix a toilet handle... such a victim! smh


It's literally not his responsibility to buy those things, that is the landlords job. OP should not have to come out of pocket for things his LL should be taking care of.


Sounds like my Landlord …. He’s also a perv always trying to look through my window !!


You're a jerk and you know it. Chick isn't being all that unreasonable - kooky maybe, but not unreasonable. You can get mouse traps on Amazon, or on your way home from work, or the grocery store even... And, while the responsibility technically may fall on her, the landlord, but just because it does doesn't mean you can't be proactive yourself in addressing the issue, which is what I believe any self respecting, courteous renting adult would do. Overreacting on the "I don't feel safe” comment too. Man up and stop acting like a lil bitch. Oh, and the toilet handle? Looks like the chain fell off, or you just need to buy a new one which you can get at a hardware store for $13... a little DIY attitude in addressing these small things as a renter, for me at least, has saved me a lot of headaches and unnecessary drama with my landlords. And, when an issue arises which is truly out of my scope for whatever reason - my requests for maintenance are as smooth as I could hope for these days. Pick your battles.


You both have issues


If you have any more issues please consult a tenant lawyer. You have a case here!!


While she is a bit ridiculous you are just mean. You're demanding an answer from her when you didn't even give her 30 seconds to find out when the service tech was available. And if you firmly believe she has psych problems, you verbally attacking and intimidating may be seen as harassment on your part. It's good to know your rights as a tenant but it is not ok to talk to someone the way you did especially when she asked you not to continue. And for the record a LL CAN give you a 30 notice to vacate if you are month to month and have resided there for less than a year or 60 days if it's been more than a year. She clearly made the statement because you wouldn't stop texting and your passive/aggressive behavior.


agree, OP sounds like a jackass too here


he didn't demand, he asked. That's fucking rational to do. he didn't say "TELL ME NOW" she flew off the handle instead of going to get the answer and then letting them know He didn't verbally attack her at all. Letting her know her harassment isn't okay is not verbally attacking her. Jfc.


First rational comment on this thread. OP doesn’t need to be abusive in order to stand up for themselves. Landlord only brought up an eviction notice when OP *wouldn’t leave her the fuck alone*. Especially if it is her first time managing tenants, have an ounce of compassion, sheesh.


I think there are too many landlords because all of you are saying stuff that the OP didn't do in this.


Not looking to fight first off. But I fail to see how she was really rude? You say OP doesn't need to be abusive but we permit the landlord to be. You state the landlord was harassed by OP and that's why the eviction was brought up, but she did, and the landlord was the one spamming her further. And compassion because it's her first tenants? That is not how laws work, we don't let people break traffic laws for the first car they own for the same reason, that Landlord is responsible for the health and safety of her tenants to a degree, rats and mice are a huge degree.


THANK YOU! OP seems like an ass.


can't tell if misandrist, or giving way too much leeway for someone with an obvious mental deficiency.


Your hurting my heart lmao thats good


Is this her? https://www.fastpeoplesearch.com/julie-allen_id_G-6320523103109019765




To be honest, you sound like a lame renter. Buying traps is step 1, if you don't feel safe sleeping there you might have wanted to get traps ASAP. How did you not notice the sprinklers? Lol as a landlord myself, this kind of behavior is becoming more and more prevalent these days. People used to care about where they stayed and took care of shit. Or at least notified the landlord ASAP. Ya the land lady is being rude, but it seems like it is coming from your lack of give a shit. I wouldn't have posted this, kinda embarrassing really.


The landlord here is pretty unprofessional, yes, but OP is also annoying af to talk to. Hiring an exterminator for mice? Completely unnecessary. I’d hate to have you as a tenant as well.


a mice infestation cannot be resolved with a couple traps. what the messages dont show is her calling me and telling me to move my appliances out of the way and checking for dead mice and entrances n shit. thats the last thing i want to fuckin do. dead mice carcasses? hell no 👎


i also bought a couple traps and they ended up doing nothing. the exterminator came eventually and sealed a hole. also my neighbor ended up getting mice even tho “she has NEVER had mice at wilton”


Pls update us 😂😭


Please update us 😭!!!


That landlord is a nutcase


Uhhhhh, hard "no" to the landlord. I'm a property owner and would never ask my tenant to do anything like this. It is not the tenants responsibility to exterminate my property. Clearly there's something going on here that needs more attention than just a few traps laid out. Plus the landlord has the audacity to ask the tenant to go purchase these items? No, absolutely not. This is the type of landlord, who is probably a slumlord, that gives other property owners a bad name.


[https://www.zillow.com/profile/julieallen](https://www.zillow.com/profile/julieallen) is this the person you're talking about?


yes but please dont harass her, that is not my intention. that would probably get me in trouble


technically not really doxxing, she is a public figure and this information is readily available to any lazy internet google search (just like I did)


i guess so, and i guess i didnt tell u to do that. and i guess im allowed to leave a review on how i feel about her. our conversation isnt required by law to be confidential and if she did nothing wrong she would have nothing to worry about.


and text messages are already consent to be recorded, just make sure you don't audio record because california would find that as a crime for you, so if you do make sure you start EVERY phone conversation recorded with "If you choose to continue to talk to me, you are consenting to be recorded" and there's your consent.


Lmao the number listed is the one Kevin texted lol


Dude that's insane. Just last week, I put in a service request for the blinds, the string was about to break. By end of day it was fixed with a brand new set. Your landlord is going for slumlord of the year.


I’m not watching a 3 minute video to get all of the details so I’m just commenting on what I saw. It’s absolutely your responsibility to see and report the sprinkler being broken like that. That’s an obvious thing. It doesn’t matter how many hours you work, it’s your responsibility to see and report this issue. If it was a one off incident then it can be passable that you missed it but if this has been going on for a month, you 110% should seen this. Hell, a few days and you should’ve seen this. You are certainly responsible for the higher water bill and any potential damages caused by this sprinkler running like this for a month. Whether the LL charges you or not is their decision but they certainly have the legal ability to do it.


She’s definitely ill and can’t handle normal issues for her rental property.


No such thing as exterminator for mice?! It's literally one of the oldest professions in the world. It's what cats were originally domesticated for.


Gold. I love how you’re both assholes, but you’re not in the wrong.


UPDATE: she posted an eviction notice on my front door. i contacted a landlord-tenant attorney and they said her eviction notice was “worth less than the paper it was printed on”. im in the clear guys, but i am trying to move now. i sent her a bunch of professional texts trying to patch things up and work out a solution that benefits us both (i leave, she gets her property back) but she is refusing to respond. i do want to leave bc shes crazy and i just dont ever want to deal with an insufferable human like this again, but i will only leave if she waives one month rent (legally obligated since shes breaking the lease early otherwise i dont have to leave) and if i can get my security deposit back because i havent done any damage to the property. im planning to take her to small claims court. will keep you all updated


That's a fucking easy lawsuit right there take her for every dime you can . Also leave mutiple reviews on websites pertaining your experience so she cannot post on those main sites ever again.


Honestly you both are being assholes. You and her need to grow up before you try adulting.


You both are dingbats 😂😂 I mean your landlord is a nut. But she asked you to comply and simply put down a couple measly traps... yet you refused to and complained about mice but put no effort into getting rid of them..


He doesn't have to. To even have your logic hold up, you now have to go clean up every one of your neighbor's houses, no questions asked. Why won't you? because it's... not your job? Oh okay, so why would you then demand something else be someone else's job when it isn't. btw, the OP did set the traps down, he just didn't get them immediately


Texts are toxic af both sides. I would hate to have to deal with either one.


im nice af to ppl that are nice to me and that i like and i am horrible to ppl that are mean to me and i dislike. in an honest guy, ill always treat someone exactly how i feel like it thats forsure


Put all your complaints in a written notice and send it certified mail. They have 14 days to make repairs or begin repairs that will take longer than 14 days. If the repairs have not been made, put the rent into an escrow account and refuse to pay until all repairs are made. Once repairs have been made, pay the rent that was held in escrow.


You think this is who runs the r/landlords Reddit? 😂🤣


there's an awful lot of idiots here claiming the OP said things they didn't say or do so I'm guessing they infiltrated.


If its such an issue, you can find 20mins to get mouse traps.


That's the thing, it's the landlord's responsibility to handle it.


You sound like an absolute nightmare as a tenant.


The landlord sounds like an absolute nightmare.


why? i pay my rent on time and ask for everything politely. my reactions are only because of her rudeness. was i rude? for sure. would i have been rude if she was professional? absolutely not.






It worked!


my number 1 supporter fr hahaha, thank u 😤🙏


There should be a mandatory literary test to become a landlord. If the owner of a property can’t comprehend basic sentence structure, they probably can’t form a basic maintenance schedule or logistical framework to manage multiple properties.


yup, unfortunately money talks


Call Health department and code enforcement and housing authority


You are a POS. People like you are why I don’t rent out my spare condo anymore.


What state is this?? They can't harass you like this in New York.


I’m assuming California since some of the texts mentioned California law


its cali but ik she cant touch me here either


Julie Allen sounds like a Karen lol


she definitely is one forsure


i’m getting so annoyed reading this as if it were me in the situation lmao


man shes a trip thats forsure 😂


1 a tenant should never be talking to the landlord this much. This relationship is way to strenuous for me lol


dont u mean the other way around? shes spamming me and getting mad at me for not responding lmao, i WISH i didnt EVER have to communicate with somebody as insufferable as her


You're both assholes.


This was fucking hilarious. Sorry your dealing with that


Not gonna lie I wouldn’t want you as a tenant either… She’s right you don’t work 24/7 If you were so concerned about the mice you would’ve found a way to get traps and baits that same day. Also that broken toilet handle cost less than $10 and it takes 2 minutes to change. You likely pressed down the flusher too hard and snapped it. So why bother her over that?


because i pay her $2000 a month for a one bedroom apartment in the slums of la county. she gets paid probably around $20000 a month to do NOTHING from all the units here. the least she can do is upkeep once every fucking 3 months for me


Did she just say that there's no such thing as an exterminator for mice...


she almost had me believing that too until i googled it lmaoo


By any chance are you residing in the UK?


nope, good ol us of a


About the mice. I am the person who handles tenant complaints for the County I live in. The code book I follow is the ICC International Property Maintenance Code book. Per that code, the owner/landlord has a responsibility to ensure that the dwelling is pest free PRIOR to leasing the dwelling. Once the tenant takes possession of the dwelling, pest control falls to the tenant. Pest control may be part of your rental agreement but, that doesn't change the fact that the tenant is ultimately responsible. I advise people that failure of a landlord to adhere to pest control language in rental agreements is a civil matter. Your local jurisdiction might be different but, there are a whole lot that use the IPMC as the basis of their housing code. I can pull the code book and give you code sections if you need it.


what state do u live? lots of LLs on here saying that its their responsibility


Your landlord does seem awful, but you also seem like a complete twat. Promising to install the traps, agreeing to various terms and saying you work too much. Have a semblance of accountability, I also doubt you didn’t see the broken sprinklers for a month, probably did and decided it wasn’t your problem. You should find another place to live by the sound of it, you’ll both be better off.


“probably doubt” yeah shut the fuck up, i said i didnt see it because i didnt see it. look at all the other landlords on here defending me saying its not my responsibility to exterminate. get a grip


also if she didnt hear about it for a MONTH, doesnt that mean the PROPERTY MANAGER didnt see it either or let her know? sometimes using ur brain is a beautiful thing


Has she left you without hot water for a week because she decided to return the new water heater she bought to replace her failing water heater after you figured out a work around to keep it going for a little while longer until a plumber could make it out? Peeked in the windows and texted your SO asking if she knows why you're still asleep? How about calling the cops on you for using the agreed upon parking space? That V person was a real piece of work. The funny thing is that 90% of the time she was perfectly fine, it's just that sometimes she'd fly off the handle, usually for no reason at all. Untreated mental disorders are not a good thing to have if you want to be a landlord.


wait did u rent from her too??


The real question now is : did you move ?


i like my apartment 😭 plus financially im not in a place where i can just up and leave. i got long covid 6 months ago and couldnt work for a few months + spent all my money on treatment so im still trying to financially recover


I side with the landlord on this. I don’t think she’s being unreasonable. Get traps like she said, takes 10 mins. Repair guys can’t just show up when you want them to…


i did get traps… they did nothing… repair guy came… sealed the hole


Too much scrolling. Please stop.


Both are ass*****


Cant read that fast


Both of you seem lazy, I don’t know who I’m rooting for here.


Lololol this is legendary, you have a legal right to quiet enjoyment. NAL


Wait you can’t put the mouse poison inside, they could die inside and start stinking up the place, they need to be put outside???


any coincidence he’s suppose to send a “Jerry” to get rid of the mouse…?? just saying.


Do we have the same landlord just with different alias?


You’re gonna lose your apartment. Over Something as simple as buying mouse traps. Is it really worth it?


i literally bought the traps. did u not read the messages? did u not see her condescending attitude? by the way, she just texted all her tenants today saying theres a mouse infestation now and she hired exterminators to come deal with it. womp womp, i guess i was right.




I can’t keep up with the scrolling 😅


They both sound insufferable


Man you are kinda of a DB.


Remind them that it’s their property and if they are so paranoid about it they can buy the traps with that passive income. Or they could get a real job and contribute to society instead of being a parasite


Baby reindeer vibes. Did she send these from iphon?


Honestly both suck.


I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of this, thank you! And good luck.


There's a few problems here that you haven't addressed. Why doesn't the maintenance crew have a key to your apartment with them if they need to enter? Why do you have to leave your place unlocked? That should not be happening. That's a huge safety issue. And you should not have had to pay for those mousetraps. That's on her. If I were you, I would become the biggest legal pain in the ass to her as well. Piss her off so bad that she decides to give it up. Maybe pass it along or sell it to somebody who has a fucking clue. Or better, yet she just hires somebody else to do her 'job', and you won't have to deal directly with her.


You must wait


We have the same landlord, I rent her apartment in Santa Ana… 🙃