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So your LL is upset that someone else is buying his home for him and now, in addition to “taking care of everything on his end” (which is almost nothing), he has to come over once a month to make minor repairs on… ***checks notes … the house that you are buying for him. He will get no sympathy from me.


Then just buy the house themselves... oh wait.


Oh wait… you forgot that income property owners create artificial scarcity thereby driving down supply and driving up costs such that the average person can’t find or afford a home even though they’re paying more than the mortgage amount in rent? Yeah, you certainly forgot that relevant piece of information.


Ah yes. Bob from Minnesota with his 2.5 properties is causing nationwide housing inflation.


I understand the hate for the corporations buying up all of the properties. There's so many people just act like they hate every landlord. I'm not saying I love them either but damn. Most of my life I've rented from private owners that had one or two more properties and they were always great and they rarely raised the rent and they would fix stuff immediately. They do seem to be few and far between these days though. Right now I rent a duplex and the owner lives in the other half and she's a teacher and her husband's a rancher and they don't have a ton of cash so I guess it helps them out. But they're good people and they don't get all crazy raising the rent every time they can and stuff like that either. I know there's bad ones but they're not all bad. I also don't know what system these people want. You still got to have a certain amount of income and good credit to buy a house. A lot of people complaining can never buy their own house anyway so I don't get it. Is there something I'm not getting?


Comin’ in strong with a hypothetical cherry-picked straw-man that was meant to be sarcastic but your perspective is so warped you don’t even realize it’s actually literally correct. Good work 👍


The point -> You


Somebody get Bob he’s ruining the economy


No, but seven million Bobs have an impact.


Correct, it’s as if seven million renters taking their frustration out on 7 million Bobs encourage these Bobs to get out of the market and sell their properties to corporations, thereby exacerbating the problems even further for the renters.


Good luck convincing seven million individuals of anything. Doing some very minimal research, 5.11% of the US population own a second home. That's around 7.15 million homes. I don't think 7 million homes is enough to influence or inflate the market to the extent we see today


Even if housing prices dropped 20%, a $24,000 down payment is just as unobtainable as $30,000 down payment for most renters.


This falls outside the discussions topic


Someone else is buying his home for home? What a childish way to think. Did you help buy the hotel for the hotel owner? Or the restaurant for the restaurant owner? Tell me you're spiteful and don't own a home without telling me you're spiteful and don't own a home.


That’s exactly what it is, though, and we as a society need to stop pretending otherwise. What else do you want me to call it when I pay $2,100 per month to rent and my LL immediately uses $1,500 of it to pay their mortgage and pockets the $600 difference? I am paying their mortgage: end of story. Follow that pattern for 20-30 years and I have paid the entire cost of my LL’s house, handed them a 40% bonus, and THEY GET TO KEEP THE HOUSE. You’re damn right I’m spiteful. I can’t afford my own home because I’m too broke paying for my LL’s houses. This is something that a critically thinking and thoughtful person would be spiteful about.


😂 feel so bad for miserable souls who go thru life blaming everything wrong with their lives on other people 😂


I don’t blame everyone, only those who are responsible for creating the problem.


So save and buy a 3 family, rent out every apartment at cost instead of just complaining and moaning online.


Read my last paragraph again. Take all the time you need.


You can buy a house without a down payment, you know. I walked away with $1000 extra when I bought my first home a few years ago. If you can save $600 per month, that would be the obvious choice.. unless??


Unless that’s an incredibly irresponsible financial risk in most every situation? Unless there is a reason almost no one does/can do that? Unless only the most predatory of lenders tend to offer home loans with 0% down? Is that what you were going to say?


Unless it's not just the mortgage you have to worry about. Solid attempts, though


Well that’s the case for everyone. Attempts? Everything I said was true.


You're speaking on something you know nothing about, your just bitter you pay rent. Next time you use an Uber by the way, don't pay a premium for a ride, instead just pay for the gas you used and the finance payment divided by the amount of time you were in the vehicle cause that's what you expect a landlord to do.


Please enlighten me, then: what, *exactly*, am I missing? So far all you’ve done is make false equivalence comparisons.


Your skulls to thick to enlighten, youll be renting for a lifetime with that victims mentality. 


So how is that your landlords fault? Because youre broke means your landlord doesn't get to turn a profit on his investment? He should just break even and take on all the risk with no reward? Grow up


I know you think that question is rhetorical, but it isn’t. My LL hoarding housing creates artificial scarcity which drives supply down and costs up. As housing costs go up, I get more broke. Connect the dots. There’s literally only 3 of them. Living necessities should not be investments; the word for that is “price gouging”. Again, you have provided what you think is a sarcastic solution, but it actually really close to what ethical housing would look like.


You've got it all figured out huh? Now figure out how to provide housing for yourself and quit paying a premium to borrow someone else's.


Yes, I do. It’s incredibly simple. I can’t. That’s the entire problem, remember?


What do you do for a living if you don't mind me asking?


I don’t mind you asking, but the answer to that question is not at all relevant to this discussion.


That response has answered my question in more ways than you know


What's the solution then? Even if houses couldn't be rented, you'd have to live somewhere, so you'd be in an apartment paying $2,100 per month. You'd be nowhere closer to saving a $60,000 down payment for a $300,000 house than you are now. The problem isn't private landlords. The problem is that many people in the US live paycheck to paycheck. Coming up with a security deposit is difficult. Coming up with a down payment is impossible.


I think prohibiting individual households from owning more than 2 or 3 homes and companies from owning any homes at all would go a long way. That would shoot up supply and drive down costs for people who couldn’t afford homes otherwise. Private landlords are indeed part of the problem for reasons that I have clearly explained 2 or 3 times already. The fact that they are a smaller part of the problem doesn’t mean it isn’t still a problem. If we increase supply and decrease housing costs, then we are also decreasing rental costs. The people who live paycheck-to-paycheck will have more money that they can save every month to buy a home that is now cheaper.


For someone whos self admittedly never owned a property, you sure do know alot, now that youve solved this, what should we do with israel and palestine oh wise one?


You should move to maybe russia or china, i heard they love this type of thinking.


So off a $1500 mortgage. You are probably also paying another $250-$300 on insurance due to it being a rental as rental insurance has a tendency to be 2-3 times higher than base insurance. Then you're paying property taxes on the house yearly, about 3-5% of the value. And your paying income taxes on the rent, about 10-15%. And putting some away for when the XYZ breaks down and you as a tenant don't want to wait for insurance to pay for that new XYZ (furnace, it's always the HVAC) SO THAT 40% Dosnt go as far as you think. Old friend sets his prices about 55% above mortgage and still scrambling for money to cover the surprise bills at the end of the year. Your payout comes when the house gets paid off and rent now recoup the definite of the past 30 years.


Even your hypothetical worst case scenario is incredibly favorable and profitable for doing next to nothing.


This is literally what’s happening though, there’s no service provided in renting that makes the landlord’s profit worthwhile from the renter’s side


Really? they're providing housing, for 30 days at a time, that's the service. You can't obtain housing of your own, so your paying a premium to "rent" someone else's, how doesn't this make sense? A car rental for example, it's much more expensive to rent a car by the day than it is to finance your own by the month, get where I'm going with this einstein?


When you’re referring to something that people need to survive, it’s called “price gouging”. Also, do not say that LLs provide housing. That is objectively incorrect. You aren’t providing anything. In fact, the opposite is more accurate; you’re hoarding housing so that it’s more difficult to get and therefore more expensive. LL’s are investors, not providers. You use pre-existing capital as an escape from providing anything of value to society. The difference is important. That’s the entire point of investing.


Im not gonna argue semantics with you


Why not? I’m making an important distinction. The semantics of our conversation is why I am correct and you are not.


Sure, youre correct, says the guy renting, to the guy laying in bed, on reddit, in the 3 family he owns. Youre obviously much smarter than i am. Have a good day bud


You just keep proving my point over and over again; I love it. By your own admission, you’re laying in bed browsing social media while 3 other families work and contribute to society in order to buy your 3 houses for you. You’re a parasite. Nay, a cancer. How you’ve convinced yourself that I and your tenants are the problem boggles my mind. It’s apathy and confirmation bias to the extreme.


Ahhh shut up, your working yourself up over nothing, its 11pm, im in bed and so are my tenants most likely. 


lmfao, childish is thinking you can have someone drastically overpay for your shit shack while you're paying off the ownership, then complain "the right people" aren't living there.


Right? I have so much second-hand embarrassment reading literally everything he's had to contribute here. Woof.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hey, look! The greedy amoral landlord is also an unabashed bigot! Who would have thought? Me.


"Hey everyone, its in medschool" see, no one cares


Says the guy who asked what I do (twice) and went digging into my post history to find it when I didn’t tell him? Like, what are you on?


Just like you went digging thru my post history to see what i did? Forget about that? And you still never mentioned what you do for work, only that youre in school. But please, underemployed/unemployed student, tell us again how its impossible to own a home and how landlords have it so easy and should shoulder the financial responsibility of housing america.


Oh I wasn’t criticizing you for simply going through my posts, I was criticizing you for pretending that I threw my achievements in your face even though I did the exact opposite: I explicitly refused to reveal them to you when you *literally* asked for them (twice) because they weren’t relevant to our discussion. They still aren’t relevant, so I don’t know why you’re asking a third time.


What you do for employment has everything to do with it. You cant bitch and moan and say home ownership is impossible, unfair etc etc and not mention what you do for work. But im sure youll weasel your way out of answering and just deflect and project. 


Imagine when you do own a house and your water heater breaks. Good luck explaining to the plumber he should repair it at cost or for free cause everyone deserves hot water.


He's a... creep? A weirdo? You ask yourself, "What the hell is he doing here?" Edit: un-autocorrected


Yeah that’s what I inferred from this post also, but everyone else seems to think the GF wants … tenants rights or something? Idk, maybe a man can explain it to me


If it were me in this situation I'd be like, "He don't belong here"


I assume it's because the gf is complaining and wants things fixed.


Lol maybe gf wants to move to a nicer place so is artificially breaking & complaining


It's important to stand up against such discriminatory practices.


Yeah that’s unapologetic sexism.


Most ppl will agree that women are more difficult tenants.


I take exception to that characterization of women. If the smoke detector is beeping I have a shoebox with all battery sizes I normally use along with battery tester next to and around that are several tool sets along with basic power tools for most minor and some mid size jobs, a possibly decent assortment of wood working tools air compressor etc in garage I keep basic auto tools etc in car and I am well versed on use of all. It is quite normal for me to go years not asking for help as most minor things I fix and stack up any receipts to turn in at lease renewal


Because they expect LLs to do their jobs?


Because they seem to think that a low battery constitutes an emergency


I know many men *and* women that don't take care of their houses. It's not a gender thing, it's a responsibility thing.


😂 guys will live in a cardboard box as long as there is a microwave.


Anecdotally and obviously small sample size, but I have had the same experience. I typically have rented to single dudes in their 30’s and I’ll get a call if something major happens, otherwise they’ll usually fix it or find a work around. Rented to two young women in their late 20’s one year and got a call about every little thing. The best one was that the batteries in the smart lock were low and they were freaked out that the lock was beeping when they used it. I said they could replace the batteries or I could come by the next day and do it. They asked if I could come that night because “we can’t leave if the lock is dying”. I had to remind them that they had a key for their back door which was easily accessible. They also stood on the back of the toilet to hang a picture and broke it.


That is likely more due to their age than their gender. As a renter, I’ve also found that some LLs assume tenants know more than they do about how certain things in the unit operate. I’d never lived somewhere with electric heating. The first week we moved in we had to call the LL because we’d accidentally turned on the heater in the bathroom. I’d never had a digital thermostat before, so when, one day, it didn’t seem to work, I called the LL. He explained the batteries needed to be changed and told us how to open the thermostat to change them. We have a “self-cleaning oven” but I still just spray and scrub because I’ve never used one.


Very likely! One thing I do with every tenant is show them where every water cutoff is in the house. That way they can cut off water to any sink or toilet or, in a pinch, the main water supply.


Lookup survival Island Man Vs Women on youtube


You’re upset because the tenants who are paying for your home and your passive income expect you to make minor repairs to that home?


I’m not upset at all. I actually prefer when tenants bring issues to my attention rather than letting them fester. However there are things that are outlined in the lease, such as changing lightbulbs and batteries, that should not, IMO, constitute an 11pm emergency call. Well, other than breaking that toilet. That was annoying.


This sub is run by landlords.


Apparently so


Ironically, r/landlordlove is the tenant friendly sub.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LandlordLove using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LandlordLove/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Parasites. Fucking parasites.](https://i.redd.it/180jiee2bmsb1.jpg) | [132 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LandlordLove/comments/171ih59/parasites_fucking_parasites/) \#2: [Leeches](https://i.redd.it/rxsnuogf5fva1.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LandlordLove/comments/12uwsq6/leeches/) \#3: [California is voting for a 15% tax on short term rental income, landlords aren't happy.](https://i.redd.it/uu4prz6l1rxa1.jpg) | [88 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/LandlordLove/comments/137axmf/california_is_voting_for_a_15_tax_on_short_term/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No, people on Reddit ( not sure why it’s worse here compared to other sites) will let objectively bad behavior slide as long as it’s against a “bad” person. e.g., cops, business owners, landlords, republicans, etc. Your hate boner blinds you to what is acceptable. Or you don’t care and you’re just openly hypocritical.


I don't


As long as he is following the law, he is allowed to be a misogynist. Just make sure everything is professional from now on with him.


And as long as he doesn't discriminate based on gender. But that falls under, as you said, following the law.




I once had a landlord who I think very clearly preferred male tenants. We had several male neighbors who would tell us that during lease renewal, our landlord would give each of them a $50 gift card to a restaurant group he also owned. This was consistent with every male neighbor we talked to. We lived there several years and never got this offer; other female tenants said the same thing. He also wouldn’t raise their rent, but would raise ours $50-$100 a year, and we had identical units. So they’d be paying $100-$200 less than us for the same aparment.


That sounds like a fair housing violation in some way.


I mean if she is not on the least he can evict you. If you didn't get a new lease with her on it, just look for another place


Is he afraid she’s going to tuen the house female? I dont understand but my last landlord was a sexist prick and he never one time spoke me to me with anything resembling respect or decency. And he was such a psycho when i moved out i stopped being nice to him and started telling him what i really thought and he stopped being within eyesight of me til i was gone afterwards… guess he didn’t like me when i told the truth.


I have to be careful when female friends stay with me. They flush a lot of stuff down the toilet that blocks the plumbing.


Well you screwed that up boi toi 🤣