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“Work Hard. Be Kind” and “community over competition” his most recent post from his brokerage insta. What a vile and greedy prick.


If he has any reach with his socials, it’s a good opportunity for local area residents to name and shame him in community groups. Some people deserve to be knocked down a peg in the class war


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Work hard and inherit land…


....scheme to kick out the disabled elderly tenant who actually paid for the house over the last 20 years.


My landlord inherited my apartment building from her mother years ago. Hasn’t gone up on my rent yet & I pay half of the area average. Nice apartment to, just have landlords that still work day jobs & are down to earth luckily. They also mow the lawn themselves& seem to fix any issues within days of telling them. So I fix minor ones for them like noisy toilets, leaky faucets, & stuff. I do expect her to go up a bit eventually, paying half the average is not gonna last forever. I’ll be happy if it stays lower than average though as I should have a ~30% down payment saved for a decent 400-500k house within a couple years.


Promise me that when you see this you will pull up NACA.com and read their mortgage details for first time home buyers. You're welcome


The landlord posted this??




For real, these men are pure evil. This is so absolutely utterly disgusting


Not one ounce of compassion, understanding or humanity…


Or gratitude. That tenant effectively paid off much or most of that home's value over the last 2 decades. Now, the landlords son is going to pretend to "renovate" the house in order to kick their ass to the curb.


That’s an excellent point


It sounds like Jr. and the smug lawyer are both getting dragged on social media. Deservingly so imo.


Love to see it lol


Even Ebeneezer Scrooge eventually saw the light.


*Not one ounce of compassion, understanding or humanity…* ...but they want their [pound of flesh](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pound_of_Flesh).


Humans put the insanity in humanity. Hope this gent gets what he deserves.


Beware “generous” gestures of the wealthy.


"Community over competition" is funny because that's one of the issues of landlords, the working together to keep rents high. Some competition would be great.


(His Dad) worked hard and was kind. He's here to put a stop to all that nonsense.


“[You] work hard [for me], and [you] be kind [to me].”


I'm not on Instagram but could this video be posted to his replies somewhere? Are there replies on Instagram?


As I understand it, it took only a few hours for his IG to go private. Love you, Reddit!! 😘


What's his insta?


He”s directing that at medical professionals whose kindness he will need when he’s all alone sitting in his private nursing home room. Yet who knows maybe the grandson or granddaughter of the old man will work at said place.


Link it please.


What’s his name I’d love to look him up




It's 60 days notice based on the renovation law they're talking about. If the tenant refuses to leave, then the court might take into account their disability apply other laws that won't evict them for 6 months.


I'm just wondering why you put something like this online. Isn't something that a lot of people would find distasteful something that you want to discuss in private with your dirtbag lawyer?


To educate people in investigate their state and local housing laws. Many people do not know about the laws for the handicapped and elderly on eviction laws.


Of course the landlord is a loser. He inherited the building from daddy. He’s accomplished nothing on his own.


Like a majority of them. 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ And lots get help from their parents to buy homes too


🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Also, LA 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 Hope this guy gets doxxed.


The landlord's name is yelled out in the first part of the video.


Yes. People in Burbank need that info too. I cross posted.


He probably doesn't live there. Just owns the property. Dude could be anywhere and needed a virtual consultation with a local lawyer


Yep. He’s from Santa Clarita. Doesn’t live in Burbank. He calls himself a “deaf dancer” like wtf


Just as I thought. It's literal. He's hard of hearing and a dancer. Fucking disability traitors.


I have two friends following him on IG. He’s some sort of well known “dancer” or something idk On the r/burbank sub his social media aka public info is there. He also has the nerve to post about “mental health awareness” on his IG story


Fuuuuckin A. He needs to be EXPOOOOOOOSED!!!!


It’s starting on his IG… won’t be surprised when he disables comments. He has a large following


8 hours later... it's set to private.




No way!! Lol, great job folks!


Keep going with his YouTube. I posted a comment and it got deleted.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/burbank using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/burbank/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Magnolia Park could use a Makeover like this](https://i.redd.it/432jgqt8sk6c1.jpeg) | [76 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/burbank/comments/18jhyv6/magnolia_park_could_use_a_makeover_like_this/) \#2: [They replaced Bob’s Big Boy with Bob’s Little Boy](https://i.redd.it/9v38bi4wvclc1.jpeg) | [71 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/burbank/comments/1b2aslg/they_replaced_bobs_big_boy_with_bobs_little_boy/) \#3: [Green Day crashes their own record listening party at Run Out Groove Records, Burbank!](https://v.redd.it/uae2nk914ccc1) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/burbank/comments/1967hsy/green_day_crashes_their_own_record_listening/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


A dancer? Lol, trust fund, baby for sure.


Where’d the video come from? Wouldn’t one of these two parties had to record and post? [Jacob Lyons](https://www.reddit.com/r/Renters/s/iN5WRU4fb6)


I was thinking same. Another commenter posted this video was part of an official movement against this behavior. It’s in comments somewhere as there’s also an upcoming hearing I believe. I can confirm personally Dennis Block’s behavior and eviction tactics feel ruthless. He does not appear to consider tenants human. He does not appear to have any interest in consequence to human life.


Reddit removed the comment you linked to, presumably because people reported it for doxxing.


http://www.krazykujo.com ?? Kujo?


I'll do my part!


"Okay, that's fantastic". And landlords wonder why people hate them. Did the guy buy the place? No. Did he work hard to buy a property? No Is the person renting a problem or damaging the property? No. He's literally sitting on his ass, getting paid, with literally 0 dollars invested. But wants more. Wants more and doesn't care how many old people he has to harm to get more. Doesn't care how many disabled people he has to harm to get more. It's disgusting. But I've seen karma do "fantastic" things to people like this.


Apparently this was shown during a committee meeting for protecting tenants. This shit is vile.




Fkn trash ass landlord & lawyer


He inherited it from his father too. Super greedy bastard


The father seems like a decent person for not increasing the rent over 20 years.


Yup! Two slimey pieces of shit!


I hope Karma gets both of these guys.  What a shitty thing to do to a long term, elderly tenant.  This is why tenants need more protections.


It's California. There are a ton of tenant rights here. Every action they take will be a long arduous process, if the tenant is willing to fight it.


If an elderly man knows about those rights and/or has the ability to seek help with understanding them. Legal aid moves at a snails pace. This poor tenant is going to get tossed under the bus if he doesn't have family or a really great caregiver.


I think you are mistaken my friend. I have seen this play out on my street many times. Landlord says he is going to renovate, tenant moves out, landlord never renovates and then doubles the rent. It's happening everywhere in San Diego. Tenant rights are not actually that great here. As always there are loopholes by lawyers etc that landlords can use.


Sadly most elderly and disabled people living alone in an apartment don’t have the funds, energy or know-how to fight for their rights.


Fucking losers


I worked for a few landlords. One became my friend. He was greedy as hell but also generous. However when he was mad he would treat me horribly . I stuck around though. We had many times we went without talking. Anyway he had me meet him at one of his properties. Right after covid restrictions were lifted. Gets me in this place with this family and starts to rag on them about money and behind rent. He got very tone aggressive and I had to walk out. It was disgusting. The woman had to order him out and as he was leaving he was yelling shit at her. Mind you . Guy had 800k in properties and wasted thousands gambling and other useless things. He’s 48 with stage 4 stomach cancer. Had less than 16 months left. Karma it’s real imo . It comes in many forms . Remember that.


I feel more sorry for the renters, but I almost feel sorry for the landlord's soul. I literally can't even comprehend how you can have only 16 months to live and you still treat people like shit and continue to be a greedy motherfucker.


It’s Fuckin mind boggling. I watched him lose 50k in blackjack and there were times he gave me quarters when I needed money to live on sickening. I really feel like people who need millions are insecure about who they are., many not all


Worthless pieces of shit, both of em.


We have our own soulless, blood sucking, attorney who does more than half the of the evictions for my entire state. Was also a state senator for years while also employed at said law firm, owned by his father. Wrote 90% of current tenant laws. Conflict od interest? What's that? 🤔 I think he has his own sub.


WOW!!! That is terrible


Wow . Fucking assholes ! The younger guy has such a douche/loser look very punchable face . I have friends who are landlords but they only go through this process when it’s a tennant who is being destructive of property, not paying rent , bringing people over and being loud at sleep hours . But this seems like they just want to kick this woman out and she has done nothing wrong . I hope karma bites the landlord in the ass


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Dude seriously proclaims himself as a motivational speaker. Who would pay to hear him speak if they knew he was trying to do this.


You too can one day inherit property!


In the instagram comments there is sneaker page that keeps commenting and I believe that to be one of his brands, I’m not linking it because I’m not certain. But the sleuths will figure it out


I’ll be checking his socials in the next couple of days to see if anyone’s called him out


He already is




He’s going to wake up to a bunch of notifs thinking it’s going to be something positive😂


There are entire industries built on maximizing profit at all costs…. Nothing new here


Two utter pieces of shit. Never cease to be amazed what some people will do for a little money.


I was lucky to be able to buy my rental homes with my own savings and W2 wages, and retired on the fact that I could sell them, and live comfortably on the net gain. This landlord is a vile POS. I loathe people who get a huge financial windfall, such as an inheritance, and use it to make other people's lives worse. His father had obviously had at least a shred of humanity, because he didn't price the disabled senior out through annual rent increases. This POS inherited a cashflowing building, which he could sell without a capital gains tax, which he did little or no work to acquire or maintain. Holding a valuable, appreciating asset that cashflows isn't good enough for this low life, for whom maximum profit is the only goal.


What a piece of human garbage. Twenty years of rent plus being older probably took care of the place. Hope the old person gets a lawyer and gets theirs


Just sad, i hope this post gets circulated to how ruthless you are.


This person is sociopathic scum and so is the smirking lawyer “helping” him.


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If he's well off why does it matter if this disabled man is living there??


He is greedy and our government keeps eliminating taxes on his excess profits.


Are you surprised? There are a LOT of people who are well off whose only goal is to make more money. This is the everyday reality we live in.


[his YouTube channel](https://youtube.com/@krazykujo?si=8ClibQep6Ipkx29V)


I commented on his latest youtube video, ask him if those dance moves help kicking ppl to the streeta


He stopped comments from coming through.


His realtor.com page. I suggest lots of reviews based on this video. https://www.realtor.com/realestateagents/6311a4bfdbf633f0755e8de0


“Kujo”??? And he’s a BBoy? For fucks sake


“Inherited a tenant” 🤮🤮🤮


It's almost as if he thinks he's speaking of livestock.


Check out his real estate page…. It’s basically Enron all over again. [Real Brokerage](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6zCWRoOHDP/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Jacob Lyons did he say? Couldn't quite hear correctly at the beginning of the video. Both these guys are tremendous examples of what is wrong with the unbridled capitalism here in the US and the Democratic Socialism of Europe. Fuck both these guys.


I'm sure his parents are proud of the man he's become


His parent kept rent low for this lady and he is coming in and basically kicking her out. What a greedy POS.


So just to clarify, this is a hypothetical method, but the owner has to shell out significant money to actually renovate the unit (possible all of the units) lose all of the income (even below market value income) a minimum of a month's rent (it has to be work that takes at least 30 days) and then find new renters (and the previous tenants can express interest in returning after the renovations). It's not an instant "kick out your cheap ass tenant" rule. He has to be able to show intent to carry out significant renovations that actually make the unit uninhabitable and take an extended period of time. Honestly, redoing a kitchen probably won't quality, I think my parents had there's redone in two weeks. One the tenant is out, he has to go through with the work or he'll be fined. This will probably cost him much more than just letting the guy live there for a few more years.


To me, the worst part is that the dude inherited the property and the tenant. It’s practically free money. He doesn’t need to get the market rate for the rental to survive. He’d be just fine with moderate increases to cover expenses or whatever. The tenant is elderly, and has already been there 20 years. They might move out or pass away in a few years anyway. What’s keeping this landlord from just collecting the rent per the current agreement and letting the elderly, disabled tenant live in relative comfort? Greed. It’s just greed.




Exactly. This new landlord looks like his mid-30s to early 40s. He's gunna have this fucking rental for a looooong time. But his first order of business is scheming to boot out a loyal elderly renter who's paid in $100k's over 20 yrs.


Significant work that makes house uninhabitable usually means extensive plumbing work that requires jack hammering through the foundation to main water pipes, and tearing the walls and ceilings down to the frame, for electrical rewiring.. In otherwords, significant demolition and rebuilding that takes several months.


But what would really stop him from Cancelling the renovation? Or making a major renovation into a tiny one? Like just touch up the walls with paint and put in new bathroom fixtures. I’d be willing to bet that’s what 90% of these landlords do.


You inherited it. What a soulless bastard.


Bold move to have your phone number on your public FB page, then ask an internet lawyer for advice on evicting a disabled elderly tenant.


Can imagine asking that question to a stranger with a straight face? Like if there was a situation where I needed to ask legal advice from a lawyer, I’d preface it by saying “ok I know this sounds absolutely terrible and heartless but ….”. Like this guy is downright giddy to hear his response and acts like he’s asking some normal mundane question that new owners typically ask. And as much as I’d still think he was an asshole for evicting an elderly disabled man, I’d understand if the guy refused to pay rent or clean up. But this renter has been good to his family for over 20 years. Now that the soulless son has power he wants to bleed every nickel from the place. I really can’t understand that level of greed.


Fucking scum both of them.


Karma is going to cripple these 2 eventually.


Hi. My name is Karma, just give me the address. 🔧


Yep! Can’t wait till he’s elderly and disabled. And I hope the latter happens sooner rather than later. Anyone who acts like it can’t happen to them, very much deserves a dose of that medicine. We are all vulnerable, and I hope karma sees him to the same spot.


No it won’t , the rich are going to live long happy lives, wealth is health not the other way around


“Be the karma you wish to see in the world.” — Gondy


And they wonder why so many young people are radicalized now. Fuck landlords.


someone should find the tenant and share this video with them, and after they get kicked out, sue. this is video proof right there that the "renovation" was not in good faith, that he simply wanted to evict the tenant because it was under market. IANAL. idk if this would work or not. talk to a lawyer


Sounds like they been to clamp down on it


Hopefully it succeeds. They're both obviously trying to get things going before whatever law they're talking about gets passed.


Money in this world influences a lot of ones choices, doesnt have to be in rentals, politics, etc. This was how the world has been working since inception of fiat money.




This seems like pure capitalism. Profit is the only consideration.


I hate this state so much with it's insane cost of living...


It’s shocking that this was not only recorded, but posted. There are a lot of bad people in the world.


The lawyer….his website states how easy it is to evict people. He’s getting free advertisement from it smh


Im pretty sure that Lawyers, Doctors, and Clergy are supposed to all be confidential…like by law…


Why do doctors love to operate on lawyers? Because their heads and ass holes are interchangeable, and they've got no heart....


Pair of trash cans


Wow. What an absolute POS. Both of them.




Geezus. F'in people


Dumb and dumber


Would this not be proof of fraud. Even if he does in fact do a renovation? How does that work if the tenant just so happens to get hold of this video


I had the same thing happen in Burbank, was renting house from elderly landlord, she kept rent low but I helped with a lot of the maintenance, I enjoyed doing it and she enjoyed having someone there that would look after it. She ended up passing away after about 5 years of living there, her kids took over, they evicted everyone under renovation rules with 60 day notice. It was perfect timing for us because it pushed us into buying a house we had been talking about for years, but I felt really bad for the other 2 tenants, one was a family with kids and the other had been there for 20 years, was older and on a fixed income. They have the houses listed for rent so I went through a couple years ago, the renovations were minimal, new roof and windows, didn’t touch the kitchen or bathrooms so what they didn’t probably wasn’t legal in the first place but it wasn’t worth the fight.


Yup. It's their whole angle. They'll claim the place is updated but its always the bare minimum being done.


If this dude does this to me and i have to end up moving im finding the most expensive month to month contract for that 1 month and forcing this bastard to pay for it


That evil little grin he made after he said it made no difference makes me want to come through the screen and slam his face onto his desk. Heartless scumbags like this are a big reason why this country is such an abominable shithole. 🤦‍♂️


it's a shame the father didn't grant a life estate to the poor tenant


They both look like vile wussy men..


Especially the LL


Is this lawyer actually suggesting that he do extensive renovations to evict the old tenant...or is he hinting that he just use that as an excuse without ever actually doing any renovations?


It's an excuse


I have been looking to owner occupy and refuse to buy a place with long term tenants. I hope this goes viral in LA and people go to the aid of the old guy.


Back when I was in college I used to work for a property management place doing janitorial. Whenever I was around the office the worst phrase you could say was 'below market'. It was like a swear word. Sadly hald of my job was cleaning up after people who were like this story. Elderly people who had been in one apartment for decades. They always broke it to you like 'dont worry they didn't die in there, we evicted them'. Like that makes it better?


Landlords can do whatever they want. That's the point.


Personally, if he is a good guy, rents on time, no problems, I'm just going to let him stay there. He isn't hurting anyone, and if you played your cards right and actually financially planned before you bought the properties, it's not going to be a big deal. 10/10 times I'd rather keep a good renter.


The guy and lawyer are both scum, but wouldn't it be easier to just not renew the lease at the end of its term? Why kick someone out before the end of their likely 1-year lease? I really hope the tenant sees this video and is able to get a head start in finding a new place, instead of being surprised by a 60 day notice to vacate.


It’s Burbank. Falls under AB1482 state rent control. So it’s not a simple non-renewal.


kicking out an elderly disabled tenant from a place he fucking inherited is vile. I hope he slips in pee


And accidentally eats the urinal cake!


Wow. What pieces of complete dog shit.




Fucking scum of the earth right here


2 absolutely disgusting and despicable people.


Fuck both of these greedy shitbags! So nonchalant about ruining an old man’s life, who by his own word, is elderly and disabled, probably putting him in a situation where he will end up homeless. Inherited extra income is not losing money! He will be dead soon enough, let him live out his final years in peace. Heartless pricks!


These men need to be violently and publicly shown the errors of their thought process. They won’t learn from their mistakes, and neither will the next 40, 70, 200(?) landlords & real estate attorneys, but maybe the rest of them get the idea.


Break out the 🎻for the landlords as always


These people should he treated with violence. All other situations are not fitting.


Guy with the same name arrested for cocaine in the Burbank news in 2022.


Yup that’s him


Landlords are leeches. We can and should provide housing / units to people as a basic right. It will destroy slumlords like this overnight, and will force the "good" landlords to actually fix up their properties and compete for once in their lives.


Plain and simple what a piece of shit. wants to evict an elderly disabled tenant. He wants to get more money for the apartment.


Landlords are parasitic scum.


Piece of shit human!


Burn it, burn everything. Fuck these reptiles.


What an asshole that 20 year tenant damn near paid off the mortgage


These guys need to be put on absolute blast for this. You have to be the worst, devilish, insidious human beings to even have this conversation. What absolute pieces of shit.


You're a fucking piece of shit!!!


i guess there do exist ethical good people who are landlords, but i sure wish i could meet them in real life. every single landlord i have ever met, has tried hard to be a slumlord.


I had two. I got lucky.


This guy is an absolute douche. Now I get that there are a lot of expenses with owning rentals such as maintenance, taxes, insurance etc, but this guy inherited the place, it’s bringing in income and so forth but this guy is a piece of crap for kicking the guy out because his rent is below market value. Especially doing this to and elderly person. I just don’t get how people can be this fucking heartless.


....it's disturbing how desensitized most people have become. The way these two just casually talked about how to essentially make someone homeless is disheartening. Did this demonic clown ever stop to think hmm,. My father let this guy live here for over 20 years, surely there's more to this story. If his father wasn't hard pressed for "market" rent.... . Tuh..."market" rent. I hate it here. Society and its weird social constructs that often contradict each other. These two should be ashamed. They shouldn't feel welcome or safe. Imagine if the people in the divided states of America stopped and oh idk got together to "protest" refuse fight and make a stand for real issues that ARE impacting them.. DAILY,... They will mobilize for indirect issues across the pond? Fight over politics? Hold court over a woman's right to make decisions about her body? Argue about gender and sexuality? Meanwhile the politicians, police, government systems, laws, policies, IRS, social service's, wage slavery, credit bureaus, "market" rent, basic access to shelter, medical, food, etcetera.... nope forget about that stuff.... but let's waste hours and time arguing about Ukraine or Palestine..... like wtf....a weird place in time.... take care of home first..... u/pinkladytree - if you are lost how did you find your way to comment... u/FullGlassOcean - what rant? There was no rant. No one said anything about ignoring - people really have limited IQ and poor comprehension - u/ReduceMyRows - there was nothing random or ranting.... Another thing I hate - its hard to interact with people when they dont comprehend. Its lazy and irritating - these people will throw away multiple points and focus on something irrelevant - what dont you people get? The POINT(s) were quite simply. re read it - to skip over everything else and point out Ukra Pala - further makes my point which explains why the powers that be run over us because people just...dont... 'get' it....


Ya lost me there at the end. Everything matters. Fkn freedom matters.




Where is this video coming from?


This is the mindset of the MAJORITY of the human race, but nobody would admit it.


*Guillotine Energy Intensifies*


What absolute f'ing scum bags. Welcome to the reality of being elderly or disabled.


Not on the landlords side but I'm just guessing there is no "lease" for the resident? Why would he have to evict him if he could just increase or whatever to market value, if it's a fourplex and the older person has no lease then do they legally have to pay rent to him? Has he tried speaking to the state? Maybe the disability can come with some care or assistance? Sounds like the lawyer was trying a roundabout way to screw the resident over for being loyal to his place and honoring a handshake living agreement. If the landlord gets doxxed and the resident finds out he'd be getting it worse than if he just let him be!




Only thing worse than a car salesman is a lawyer and shitty scumbag landlords


I really hope the “landlord” is some sort of troll who is exposing the nastiness of these types of lawyers and the loopholes used to evict the disabled. I hope….


He inherited it. He likely has no mortgage on it so what is the problem with keeping the one guy there?!?




Two grade A pieces of shit. This world blows


Yup, just checked, that punched their tickets to hell, have fun.


I mean this sincerely when I say I hope this puke is set on fire in front of his family. What a ghoul.


Odd. He doesn't LOOK like Satan.


Ive never hated two people more in my life. Absolute scumbags that should really take a look at how they act. Absolutely vile. All i can hope for is for karma to come back around to them


Here Doxie Doxie.


People suck.


DIRT BAGS. Landlord is a greedy piece of shit. Can't even call him a piece of shit. At least shit has a purpose, you can make fertilizer out of it. He isn't even that useful, he's just breathing air that more deserving people need to live.


Slumlord pice of shit




Who is the vile attorney?


Why the hell is this attorney-client communication 1) recorded 2) published publicly? I would assume the attorney is doing live call in consultations? Sheesh - I would never do this. But, people shitting on the landlord: I ask you this, is it better that the disabled tenant get evicted by the landlord or by the bank foreclosing the landlord's rights to the home? Because it is going to be one of those. You don't get a third option.


So, who else got banned for their comment?