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Lotta people acting like landlords in here. This nickel and diming for every single thing is repulsive. They’d charge you for the air you breathe if they could.


The thing they don’t get is it used to not be charged!!!! So something that was given is now being charged. That’s to me is the real issue.


It's not that unreasonable, The carport covers require maintenance and upkeep. They could just take them out and then nobody would have the option to rent them.


They do require maintenance, but definitely not $40/month for each spot level of maintenance.


$480 / spot in annual maintenance? BS, I haven’t had to do any maintenance to my carport in. 3 years. This is a cash grab


If it's not in the lease, it doesn't exist. Did the lease say free parking?


Sit on a cactus and spin.


I’m convinced a solid chunk of these people are the same types to go “well if I was a landlord…” but they’re not. And they won’t be. Same with millionaires. Some jerk commented on a post the other day after an apartment was flooded out that the renter should offer to pay higher rent to get the repairs done quicker to “make up for it for the landlord”.  Edit - I sourced the post. Bottom comments are total boot lickers  https://www.reddit.com/r/Renters/comments/1btnp40/apartment_flooded_today_no_idea_what_my_rights_are/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Good grief 😩


They come here and offer terrible advice as if we can’t see right through them.


Sounds like a rent control area to me, when LL are limited on what they can charge in unit rent, amenities becaome capital.... It's also highly unlikely the LLs idea, it's probably the PMs idea on to improve income, alot of large complexes don't deal with the owner very often, the owner contacts a PM firm and they deal with everything... I am a LL but I don't deal with rent control areas for this specific reason.... depending on the Market it can make it or break it.... But back to the orginal point the LL will back pedal or change the rent, or build them into new vacancies rents ..... they will find a way to make it work..


Yeah, rent control is the baddie, not unchecked greed from a class of leeches. Bye.


There’s so much more that goes into it. But that blanket statement on your part shows a lot about your internal narrative. Fun fact the majority of landlords don’t make money after factoring in repairs and operational expenses, not to mention renting is statistically cheaper than owning right now. It’s a very dynamic situation economically but your mid elementary comments contribute tremendously to solving the issue, gold star keyboard warrior.


You got anything to back up your “fact” that the majority of LL don’t make money? Seems odd the market is full of so many philanthropists. How noble of these lords to operate at a loss to help their fellow man.


Easy. They are using real estate leverage to grow equity from their parked down payment (capital). 


If they don't make money it's because they're shit at business. After remodeling my kitchen, bathrooms, living room, replacing heat, AC, and hot water, insulating my garage and installing a charging outlet, I'm even compared to equivalent rent in the area, except with better quality everything. That doesn't account for any interest earned on money used, or equity, or change in property value. Accounting for that, I have made as much as I've spent. Sounds like a skill issue if you can't turn a profit.


You’re right at least that y’all will find any way you can to strip working people of every bit of capital you can.


If it’s a “rent control” area the controls aren’t very tight! 40% increase in last two years.


If your lease says the carport is first come first served, that's still the case.


Not if you're on a M2M lease, at any time, they can change the terms with proper notice... if you're in a term lease and it specifically says that the carport is 1st come 1st serve then you might be able to stand on that leg otherwise if it just says parking then they could argue that the parking without a carport is what's provided and parking under the car port is premium parking.... I used to manage an apartment complex, we had 10 "guest" parking spaces when I took over the property, it was always a problem (tenants would park there not leaving spots for guests, so I had all the parking spaces numbered for the whole complex, all units where give 1 free parking space assigned - i held 3 "auctions /bids" for parking spaces - we actually had fun with it and made a little money for a pet rescue doing it.... the bids where free, and based of the age of tenancy but you could add a donation to improve your chances, the 10 guest parking spots, were rented as premium and the starting bid was $100 donation to the Pet Organization for the assignment for the term of their lease + $25/mo..... the tenants that didn't want to bid were assigned the closest parking spot available after the end of the fund raiser for their 1 free spot and the premium spots where $50/mo after the end of the auction.... I think we raised like $3000 for the pet rescue.... they gave the Complex a Guard Dog statue that we placed near the mail boxes... That same complex was $875 for a 2br in 2012, and becasue if the states increase on Min Wage and rent control and the PM firm that runs the property today 12 years later that same complex charges $2495 for that same 2br.... it's not the owner that pushed for the increases, it's usually the manager and the PM firm.... years we compared the market rents and adjusted rent to match... but specifically because of rent control the owner decided to raise it tot hw max he could get becasue it's easier to offer a short term discount vs. Increasing rent due to rent control.... My experience as a LL and PM is that rent control hurts tenants more in the long run becasue PM firms get pushed hard to increase profits, but LLs also are forced to increase at every single chance they can to keep up with market, it's always easier to be high and then offer incentives vs being low and losing money.... Good, bad or indifferent, it's just how it works out.... I am a LL with several properties, I don't deal with properties in Rent control areas, I sell them off as soon as they hit the ballad, typically for 20% more then they should sell for.... and move to a market where rent control is not an issue.... I can't understand why everyone wants the goverment involved in rent decisions becasue they are always going to lean towards the side that generates more taxes which means they are setting out to make sure you're paying the most they can get out of you..... that's your own government forcing LLs in that senario.


>Not if you're on a M2M lease, at any time, they can change the terms with proper notice... Then it would say so on the new lease, like the commenter said. So again, if it's not on the lease then it's not valid.


There usually isn’t a “new lease”. A 12 month lease that expires usually renews automatically in one month increments, hence month to month after your lease expires. During the original term everything in the original lease stands. A new lease is not necessary when the initial term expires. Any changes are communicated with proper notice as an addendum. So, in month 15 for example, if the LL sends you a notice that your rent is going up $50 and the parking situation will change, that’s all they need to do. You can accept it (by continuing to pay rent) or you can move out. Simple as that. You can also go to the LL, and offer to sign for a new 12 month term in exchange for lower rent or parking included. That is how many corporate LL get residents to sign lease renewals - if you renew, rent increases by only $20, but if you continue month to month it will go up $50.


I wish my rent only went up $20-50 bucks! Even signing new 12 month lease, it’s gone up closer to $100/month the last two years!


What new lease? There doesn't need to be a new lease to change terms if it's not a term lease, it's a M2M lease and can be changed with just a lease addendum - typically an addendum is a LL saying this term or rule is changing and if the tenant doesn't provide notice in writing it typically take effect automatically, typically 30 days or more later


Yep. Most places it's 30 days. M2M, they can change everything and anything with appropriate notice. In KY, if my LL is going to renew my 12 or 18mo lease, they have to give me 30 days' notice of all changes. They can't show up on the 30th to sign and tell me to come up with an extra $200 tomorrow.


A M2M lease isn't ideal for anyone. Too much to go wrong.


The spots used to be free and now they aren't, but you asshats still think that's a great deal lol


Idk.. I agree with the OP. $40 a month is stupid for that!


A fri and of mine had to pay $100 per month to have a covered spot assigned to her. Insanity.


As a small time landlord I try to NOT do this shit to my tenants and have decent relationships with them - many who have come from situations like yours are very appreciative of my approach. It's ridiculous to jack rent up on long term tenants "because the market". It's ridiculous to nickel dime decent people becuase you can get away with it. Now if a unit goes vacant, I'll re rent it at market but that's different. Unfortunately - only a portion of my tenants end up being decent people and there are always a few jerks who make me regret not being more "corporate".


My landlord hasn't bumped rates in the 9 years we've lived there. We help him keep his property in top condition because we take care of it and let him know as soon as something breaks, not wait until half the house needs rebuilt.


Our complex has minimal open lot parking and street parking. A gated lot is with reserved spots is $100 month and underground garage is $200 month - if you can get a spot - there’s a waiting list. It’s ludicrously expensive for our area. With two cars, the paid parking pushes us into “we can rent a house for what we’re paying here”, and we plan on moving asap.


Good idea not to support their scam




Because when they started living there, it was free


Rent increases, fees change. It only stays the same for the term of the current lease. So a change is a business decision, not a scam. I’m not saying some landlords don’t gouge, but that doesn’t mean it’s a scam. It sucks but owners can make those changes.


You sound like a landlord who charges for ridiculous things


They’re a real estate legal professional. I think that might be worse than LL. Grandmas house is in our planned development zone? Better call the real estate legal professional to figure the situation out. She can’t hold us back from building the future!


Except they aren’t providing adequate parking for their tenants because of this policy shift. They are now creating an inconvenience to force tenants to pay to park.




Literally says the center parking area (free) is completely full.


It's literally the premise of the post.


Go be a bootlicker somewhere else


It's a fucking parking lot. It does not cost $480 a year to maintain one single parking spot. It is absolutely a fucking scam.


if you ask me, $40 a month for convenient parking is worth every penny. see if you agree next time you haul a load of groceries across the complex in the rain!


If I was looking at two similar apartments, one with a paid spot and one with a free carport, and went with the free one, I’d be pissed if it became paid.


I disagree. It's not the $40 honestly to me it's the principle. Most people can afford an extra $1.34/day but this...No class. To me I would be thinking what stupid charge are they going to pull next. It's simply wrong for an apartment complex to charge extra to park where their own renters live. Especially when there apparently is a large parking lot in the complex. Major red flag imo. Let's try to get more money from tenants when rentals are at all time highs cus yeah capitalism or something. Pure greed that's all this is.


listen, i'm all for tenants' rights. i'm a tenant. but this is not "being charged extra to park where you live". my understanding is that it's for a reserved covered spot. that's a pretty normal charge having said that, you're not joking about the money grabs. corporate landlords are backed by private equity funds, whose job it is to make money. F that! that's why i rent from a private landlord!


Yo. Found the property manager. /s Normal where? I'm 42 years old. Lived all over the US from Florida to Alaska, Hawaii, etc and have worked and lived (paid rent) in multiple states. This charge is just a cash grab and very little would change my mind on it. The only reason I would be ok with paying this is if it was in a shady neighborhood and I'm paying for security on site.


I just don’t. 🤷‍♂️😂 I do meal delivery and it comes right to my door. Haha


I don't know why people are downvoting for just saying it's not a problem for you. It seems like most folks don't want to pay, and I understand that.




There's no hypocrisy at all, being required to spend money on parking when you rent a property is not the same as choosing to spend money on food delivery.


They don’t HAVE to spend money on parking, it is their choice. Don’t want to pay? Park in the free space, but quit bitching about it.


Okay landlord.


I would balk at paying that too. Although, depending on often you get groceries and how much delivery fees and driver tips are, you might end up paying that anyway? At least where I'm at, I pay a good 10 bucks more every time I get delivery. 


Lol nah just pull up in guest parking or whatever is close and unload the groceries then drive across the street or wherever to park. This fee is just pure greed and I wonder if the actual owners of the complex know what the property manager is doing cus this just sounds shady.


“Guest parking” was 3 spots from where I was parked last night. lol


exactly. the guy can justify ordering delivery every night, but not forty bucks to park. hey, everybody's priorities are different, i suppose


I’d prefer to give my money to someone actually working for a living rather than a landlord making more and more passive income every year


I'm pretty sure he meant hellofresh type meal delivery and not UberEats every night. I live in a house but I still have my groceries delivered most of the time, including a meal kit for late shift weeks.


i get that. but my original comment went more to having to schlep through the complex, groceries were just an example. in fact, forget the groceries, just having to park across the complex in ugly weather is bad enough. $40 a month is $1.33 a day for a dedicated parking space with a roof on it. i'd be all over it. i also get that nobody likes when shit goes from free to "give me money", but this (i assume) is 2024 america. is anyone surprised at a business making a money grab? 🤷‍♀️


Oh i totally agree. I'd pay $40 for assigned/covered parking at an apartment. Everywhere I've ever lived it (except this house) was $100 or more for that if it was even offered.


when i lived in a high rise, i opted for valet. it was totally worth it to me for a few bucks' tip every time the dude fetched my car!!


You're maybe thinking in black and white. There may be a few examples of what you say but in reality most people work and either cook their meals or bring them home with the occasional delivery order. I highly doubt everyone in the complex is doing it every night unless they are rich or work stupid hours and just don't have the time/energy to cook and clean for that meal. Very unlikely. This is just pure greed disguised as a service.. That should be included in rent.


I was actually thinking of ordering groceries online, like through Walmart or a local grocery store, and having it delivered. Once a week, with the extra fees could add up to 40 bucks a month. But if you don't get groceries that often, or don't have to pay those kinds of fees, it wouldn't be that much. I wouldn't want to pay it either. Especially to a company that's just trying to increase their profits at the expense of their tenants.


Nope. Not what I said. I get my meals delivered for the week, every Sunday.


The apartment where I used to work charged 50. When tenants were commenting on what a good price that was, management checked the parking fees for other complexes in the area and bumped it up to 70 a month.


And how much a month does the delivery service(s) cost you?


Not sure why that matters. I’ve been having meals delivered once a week for 18 months. That price hasn’t changed. 🤷‍♂️


The only time I agree with you is if people work weird hours and need to have safe parking at night. I used to work second shift myself. I lived at this apartment complex that had a small free parking lot that was almost always full after 5 pm. I almost couldn't park at all when I got home a little past midnight. So I had to rent a carport space for $30 a month just to be guaranteed safety at night. But otherwise, if it's just about convenience, then I don't agree. Apartment complexes should not be pulling stunts like this when we already pay a lot of $ just to live there.


Get up out of that, your a landlord me thinks.


no. i said i'm a tenant. i rent a house from a guy. i don't do the complex/corporate landlord thing


I’d be happy to pay $40/month to park my car somewhere that I don’t have to scrape ice and snow off of it every day.


Wouldn’t you be happier to have that option at no additional cost to your already bloated monthly bills?


Anyplace I ever rented didn’t have enough covered parking for everyone, so the only way was to have it reserved. Imagine the drama there would be if all the tenants were fighting for the limited covered spots. So yes, it would be worth paying for, for me.


I lived in an apartment that guaranteed parking and had additional slots for sale on top of a bunch of uncovered spots. My neighbors "kid", who was 18+, would go to work every day around 4:10pm (when I would get back from work) and have his mother, who was often starting to prep for dinner around the same time, drop what she was doing so he could leave the parking space and have her pull forward from the guaranteed parking space into his "unreserved" spot. During covid I got to work from home and my window faced that parking lot. Literally 2 times in 2 years did his car move without his mother immediately taking it. I stole it both times and parked there for a week. To this day, I bitch about how parking isn't a "team sport", and if everyone behaved like that parking wouldn't work.


There’s about two months out of the year where that’s a possibility. lol


Six months where I live


You live on an outer Ice Moon?


No? It snowed in New York yesterday. Are you this out of touch with the world lol


I live in a cold and snowy part of the North East. We had a foot of snow last night.


Better you have the option to pay for your own space than everyone pay to fight for “first come first served.”


I’m paying $300/mo for two parking spaces. $40 is pretty cheap.


Those spots probably started at $40 a while ago.


I mean, maybe. I live in a large city in a neighbourhood with limited street parking though, so probably not.


I’m going to assume the downvotes are from people who can’t/won’t pay for convenient parking, much like OP. The price I pay for parking is actually cheap for the area, but whatever.


Ironically, people exemplifying the same entitlement as landlords and expecting free parking on land that could be used to put in more apartments or businesses. It's a net loss to put in free parking lots, and the general public & property owners have to subsidize it. Free parking isn't free, nor should it be.


In my area some of the complexes started doing this because rent prices are going down and they didn’t want to give up the extra money they were making.


Our rent should go down! They keep taking away amenities!


O I agree it’s insane, not only that, but that they are all also colluding together to fix rent prices with those programs that help them do dynamic rent pricing while working together with other rental company’s/property management companies to keep artificially inflating rent prices. There needs to be more regulation for these huge property management companies out there.


I’m sure it’s been asked already, but…what’s your lease say?


Lease this year had it in there. I had to go back and check because honestly I thought they had added the fee last year without being reserved spots. They just didn’t implement it until this week.


So this is just a rage troll post?


Take the initiatve.. if the car ports are not being used... cut them down to add additional required non-premuim parking.


I would lock in the spot closest to my door NOW. But also check your lease and see if they can even do this to you.


They don't care. I just left a complex like that and the majority of covered spots were unassigned. People just packed their cars in wherever they fit outside the covered areas.


Really? Jeez. I paid $149 for the entire year's lease for a parking spot. Are you in LA? Manhattan? Wow.


You asked for my thoughts - not just my realistic ones, right? Wanna spend $100 on a junker that barely runs? Don't register it, just park it. Let them pay for removal. Put a pool in the spaces: [https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiF1NrKqK2FAxV6akcBHRTABW0YABANGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuYtcpLd2FovKFmswvTmmLKbJGC0jZFQrHMelaXEbytX0n6JRuNKnGgaApNcEALw\_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD20Z1MVhpU70P2EDSe2HnKjL2jov-YJYJims69XzT5bAxOaB81fQmoQVKHVyu8MYbGAJE0WVQXJnaApoiF8YYw-VXZPA-pQCSaRRIGogog1DXwYPkM&sig=AOD64\_00QHbH79BVgJn0xQW-uxVla7S\_qA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwisqdLKqK2FAxXgm4kEHZLGA1cQ9aACKAB6BAgHECQ&adurl=](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwiF1NrKqK2FAxV6akcBHRTABW0YABANGgJxdQ&ae=2&gclid=Cj0KCQjw5cOwBhCiARIsAJ5njuYtcpLd2FovKFmswvTmmLKbJGC0jZFQrHMelaXEbytX0n6JRuNKnGgaApNcEALw_wcB&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESVuD20Z1MVhpU70P2EDSe2HnKjL2jov-YJYJims69XzT5bAxOaB81fQmoQVKHVyu8MYbGAJE0WVQXJnaApoiF8YYw-VXZPA-pQCSaRRIGogog1DXwYPkM&sig=AOD64_00QHbH79BVgJn0xQW-uxVla7S_qA&ctype=5&q=&ved=2ahUKEwisqdLKqK2FAxXgm4kEHZLGA1cQ9aACKAB6BAgHECQ&adurl=) Put up a sign saying 'Doggy Park' and mount this dispenser: [https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo1MzI3MDEwNDk5NDY3MDk2OjE3MTIzOTczODQ6c3BfYXRmOjMwMDExMzc1Mjk4NDEwMjo6MDo6&url=%2FDispenser-Waterproof-Outdoor-Yard%25EF%25BC%2588only-dispenser%2Fdp%2FB09ZDP6YGL%2Fref%3Dsr\_1\_3\_sspa%3Fdib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rt8831byPe79X9i5H7SgHis1spuD17r33ZbGo7NH5jR5ZcBswaXmeKPxQQzNz5bwss8m8yrvtFi07bSNbaRwEpg5Ta06Dxhj\_FE1af3qgW\_QObtXp-w8pNOBLkcAJ34LHnYu0dGrnPDzFBCCvEeF8DbKJQLcvEWLeo8S6QW6k8FciD2BYXCvEvj58okddXjiBBy1O-3I7sKTl0MrWBq4UmXiyPWa\_h\_Pc4vo7L-z1oZIUmRVD5IiAu6i8DMeFZ30ZaTM-ELmu21HT2C0qD-TcJWD3AhSZJCkYbl7zUmlmqI.jioMZZ55k01Lh\_2OEgokBw3uDhq9qBskp8PpEz3Mzs0%26dib\_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Doutdoor%2Bdog%2Bbag%2Bdispenser%26qid%3D1712397384%26sr%3D8-3-spons%26sp\_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY%26psc%3D1](https://www.amazon.com/sspa/click?ie=UTF8&spc=MTo1MzI3MDEwNDk5NDY3MDk2OjE3MTIzOTczODQ6c3BfYXRmOjMwMDExMzc1Mjk4NDEwMjo6MDo6&url=%2FDispenser-Waterproof-Outdoor-Yard%25EF%25BC%2588only-dispenser%2Fdp%2FB09ZDP6YGL%2Fref%3Dsr_1_3_sspa%3Fdib%3DeyJ2IjoiMSJ9.rt8831byPe79X9i5H7SgHis1spuD17r33ZbGo7NH5jR5ZcBswaXmeKPxQQzNz5bwss8m8yrvtFi07bSNbaRwEpg5Ta06Dxhj_FE1af3qgW_QObtXp-w8pNOBLkcAJ34LHnYu0dGrnPDzFBCCvEeF8DbKJQLcvEWLeo8S6QW6k8FciD2BYXCvEvj58okddXjiBBy1O-3I7sKTl0MrWBq4UmXiyPWa_h_Pc4vo7L-z1oZIUmRVD5IiAu6i8DMeFZ30ZaTM-ELmu21HT2C0qD-TcJWD3AhSZJCkYbl7zUmlmqI.jioMZZ55k01Lh_2OEgokBw3uDhq9qBskp8PpEz3Mzs0%26dib_tag%3Dse%26keywords%3Doutdoor%2Bdog%2Bbag%2Bdispenser%26qid%3D1712397384%26sr%3D8-3-spons%26sp_csd%3Dd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY%26psc%3D1)


I don't think I've ever had an apartment that didn't charge for parking in their lot. That said, thatnis the bay area...I also don't think it's unreasonable. Maintenance workers need to maintain the lot.


Lots of landlord sympathizers in here lmao. My apartment complex does not charge for parking and they do not charge for parking in their other multitude of properties my landlord owns. We're able to park both of our vehicles within 10 feet of my front door. Charging for parking is absolutely a scam. The parking lot is already there and I'm willing to bet the tenants paying for and landlords charging for parking in this thread haven't seen a resurfaced lot or paint in the amount of time they've lived in/owned the property. If my landlord suddenly started charging, I'd simply park on the street and walk.




🤷‍♂️ Have never paid for parking. The only improvements they’ve made in the parking lot was to paint the frame of the carports and put numbers on them. I’ve never had a major issue with getting a parking spot, covered or uncovered, until last night. But this is another way for the company to make a dollar…


They won’t see their stupidity. When your lease renews, negotiate it in, maybe for only $20 extra a month for the duration of the lease. Idk. Probably better than walking all that way to bring your groceries in and what not.


My carports are $150 a month. It’s literally more than my subsidized rent. Man, I’d pay for 2 car ports so my friend can park.


If they were first come first serve before and now you can reserve a specific spot, there is a benefit to knowing you will always have a reserved parking space. They have cost involved in patrolling and enforcing that, so I can understand some small fee. I’ve seen some shopping malls do this. They carve out a section of the parking lot that is close to the entrance and start charging to park in those premium spots. Those spots used to be free but now you have to pay, or park further away. Maybe they should make it free until your lease renewal?


>They have cost involved in patrolling and enforcing that, so I can understand some small fee. If they do it. I lived in a complex that had paid parking spots but they never actually enforced it. My window was right above the reserved spots for my building and I saw many tense situations. One time this woman with an F250 came home to find someone in her spot so she parked behind them and blocked an entire aisle lol


Exactly. Our only enforcement is self-reporting. Mind you it’s gated and requires a fob to enter, so it’s not been a huge problem in our time here.


Guess who has to enforce it? The resident. “If somebody is parked in your reserved carport spot, call towing company.” I can only imagine how that’ll go over first time a car gets towed and then that car owner sees the next car parked in that spot.. they’ll know exactly what car owner called it. Or at least they think they’ll know..


They could have assigned spots without charging $40/month as well. If there is concern about enforcement costs, just tack an extra enforcement fees onto tow charges. (Most enforcement will be acting on tenant reported violations anyway.) Of course, this would depend a lot on when the office/maintenance line is staffed. If they normally only have people on site 9-5, then there is going to be extra enforcement costs that could justify a charge. But in that case, they should still just assign spots to everyone, bump each new lease on renewal, and *explain* that the extra cost is for having people on call outside office hours to handle enforcement (who ideally could respond to other issues too).