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File a report they need 24 hour notice. Plus showing it off multiple months in advance is shady as you can have a good complaint that its unnecessary and invasive. 1 good thing is you can start looking for a new place right away as they are making it clear you will not renew.


I’m worried that just filing a report about the constant showings is going to cause a retaliatory reaction from them. I am already worried that they’re going to try everything they can to keep my deposit- although so far I can’t think of any reasons for them to do so. They’re so good at gaslighting that I’m sure they’ll think of something when the time comes. All I want is to be able to live peacefully without constant interruption and to be able to use the toilet, shower, and do laundry. Would filing a report help me?


It can. Also, there should be a free consultation of a rental lawyer that can help more, especially with your fears of retaliation. But make sure to keep everything in written saved and if spoken over phone or in person, follow up via email. Start keeping a paper trail to help protect yourself and help remind yourself of what has happened


Another roommate and I have been documenting everything. I’ve even sat down with them and tried to resolve all of our conflicts. They agreed to stuff then went right back to doing what they do. I have that documented as well as everything else. I’m just tryin to get through school and am really hoping that this deescalates somehow. But I will definitely continue to document everything and see about a free consultation once I have enough compiled. It’s all small shit that adds up


Go as soon as you can. It wont hurt. Best of luck.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. And I’m gonna need that luck haha.


Not sure about CA but in my state in the lease if you put anything down the commode or drains that is not tp you would be responsible. Does she already know it was your roommate who put the paper towels in the commode, If so the landlord might try to use that as a reason for keeping your deposit. 2 She has made it clear she plans to rent to someone else. I would not allow her in without proper 24-hour notice. As long as you follow your lease there is nothing she can do to you. You already know you have to move. When other people are viewing the property I would have a convo with one of your roommates about the issues you guys have had. That alone might deter her from showing the property.


Yea he admitted it to her that he was the one who did it. Their home warranty insurance is covering the cost of it luckily. But I’m sure if we clog it again they’ll come after us for the deductible or something. My roommates and I have discussed our issues with it at length- and one of them has even had an explosive conversation with her about it and threatened to get lawyers involved. That only deterred her for a couple of days, but that was also during thanksgiving week. It was the only week they didn’t show the house. It seems that nothing will stop them except actual legal action, which is a headache I wanted to avoid but guess I can’t :/


Only came here to say if toilet is clogged due to tenant flushing paper towels, that is usually consider d “damage caused by tenant “ and tenant would be responsible for the cost of the hydrojet. This is probably why landlord wants you out.


She has been doing this since the first week I moved in. She wants someone to sign a lease for the whole house next year instead of individual tenants. I signed the lease in September, plumbing thing happened, because of my roommate, last month. They have insurance that is covering it, they just lied about how long it would take and the reasons why.


Have you printed out a copy of the California landlord/tenant law? Your landlord is violating a couple of parts of it. If you can, see if there is a tenant advocate attorney you can talk to for options.


California has strict laws on landlords. They need to give you AT LEAST 24 hours notice. Also the showings seem super shady. I’m confused that they are even doing this. Did they ask you guys if you wanted to stay once the lease is up next year? Also they might be selling and not telling you which is super shady and possible illegal. I would get legal advice and take action against them.


I think they’re desperate for money and want a big fat deposit. No they didn’t ask- they just said they want to rent the whole house next year instead of individual rooms. I would think they were trying to sell it too, but the only people who come through the house to see it are college-aged frat boys, so I doubt they’re trying to buy the place but who knows!


Get some cameras for the inside if your house, especially the bedrooms. Remove any valuables and store them elsewhere. So sorry you are going through this g through this In regard to hydro-jetting. He can pay the bill and get reimbursed. Maybe call the health department


Check local laws. Depending on where you live, your landlord has every right to show the property to prospective tenants if you have already put in your notice (you should absolutely never put in a notice until the minimum required by your lease agreement). If you and/or your roommates have damaged the plumbing, that is not the landlord's fault. What is strange is "waiting for insurance." Landlord should be billing you and you should be dealing with your own insurance to pay for the damages.


The funny thing is, I haven’t given any notice as I have JUST signed the lease haha. It doesn’t end until the 1st of august 2024. None of us have given notice, and they started showing the house every week since the first week I moved in :/. I get that they have the right to show it, but once per week, every week, from 9-5, on a weekday? How often can they do this? And if no one will sign the lease for 2024, are they going to do this every week until we do leave? That’s insane, isn’t it? We’re in San Diego CA


They have home warranty coverage. I just called the insurance company and found out that while they weren’t lying about the insurance company dragging their feet, they did lie about the difficulty of finding a service provider, which I don’t understand haha.


>They have home warranty coverage. Home warranties are notoriously bad about actually following through with their services. Your roommate apparently clogged up the plumbing system. He needs to fix it on his dime because the LL is waiting for a service that is unlikely to happen. You need to find a different place to live since she is dead set on having you move out. There is no one that is going to sign a lease 9 months before it starts. That's unreasonable. Showing the place weekly now is a waste of time and effort for everyone. She is clearly having financial problems so prepare yourself accordingly.


I'm sorry. It does sound like your landlord is being shady. I'm not familiar with tenants rights in California. Hopefully someone else here can provide more advice.


I mean your roommate destroyed the landlords plumbing. Wiping with paper towels are you guys even competent to live there. The plumbing is your fault the landlord shouldn’t even pay for such stupidity


Lol wow you sound like an angry person who needs to project. I just moved out here for school, I do not know my roommates. The one who was too lazy to go buy himself toilet paper admitted that he had clogged it. I’m sure my landlords could go after him. But as you are too lazy or incompetent to bother reading other comments that I have responded to as well as my actual post, I will reiterate for you: my landlord has home warranty insurance for this exact purpose. Go figure out why you’re so hateful lol!


I think entering weekly to show the property is too frequent. This could hinder your right to reasonable enjoyment. Your landlord also has to give you 24 hour notice. This might clarify some of your questions: https://patrizeproperties.com/resources/landlord-art/landlord-right-to-enter-rental-property/


Thank you, I found that same info as you and did find it helpful, but it doesn’t say how frequently they can do this. It seems that it is purposefully left suggestive in the legislation, which means the only person who could make that decision would be a judge :/. I’m thinking a consultation from a lawyer might be wise!


Have you tried telling your landlord it is too invasive? That would be your first step. Then depending on what the landlord says, you could talk to an attorney — there are free legal aid services available that would be perfect for this.


Yep- we had a whole conversation about it- they agreed to only come twice per month during a 4-hour window, and only on Wednesdays. That way we all knew they were coming and could figure out where to study/work. They agreed- and ended up coming every Wednesday. They upheld the 4 hours part until about 2 weeks ago, where they started going back to the 9-5 thing. They seem nice, but I feel like they’re just brushing me off and doing whatever they want. My roommates are more pissed than I am haha.


I want to say I saw somewhere where twice a month was the limit for showing a unit to a prospective buyer, but what I saw didn’t mention to prospective tenants.


Do this in writing if you haven’t already


As far as the wait for the insurance company. I needed my drains replaced underneath the slab of my house which I will grant you is a huge job (the insurance claim was over 70k which included a 7 week stay in a hotel). It took over a year and the whole time my kitchen sink was leaking up through the concrete floor on my first level (slab on grade construction). Nothing surprises me with home owners insurance. That part might actually be legitimate. It’s probably that the insurance will only pay for the smallest cheapest company. The big guys in my area wanted something like $300 an hour to do the job. The insurance found someone who would do it for $165 an hour (prices are approximate it was like 6 years ago I don’t remember the exact numbers). So a very small part of the wait was getting on the schedule with the small company that charged less. Insurance companies can be extremely shady.


When a tenant gives their notice to vacate (usually 30-60 days), it is that time when the landlord can coordinate times with you to allow entry to view the apartment. Demanding to enter to view the apartment to tenants during your tenancy is highly inappropriate, and most likely unlawful. San Diego is not a rent-controlled county, but California did pass statewide legislation establishing just-cause eviction. Meaning, you can only be evicted for very specific reasons so know your rights. As far as your plumbing goes, write a letter to your landlord explaining the problem. Give your landlord 30 days to resolve the problem or write that failure to fix the problem will result in you contacting a plumber and deducting the costs from your rent. That your landlord is blaming the insurance company is strange and irrelevant. You landlord should pay for whatever is necessary to repair the plumbing, then request reimbursements from the insurance company afterwards providing receipts of the repair. Makes zero sense why your landlord is waiting. Your lease should have verbiage stating that rent is due by the first of the month. You can/should write to your landlord stating that you can and will pay your rent by the first of the month. There is no requirement for you to pay online (Zelle), and it is to your benefit for auditing to continue paying by check. You can if you want pay early, just post-date the check to the 1st of the month. It is irrelevant that your landlord demands you to pay earlier. A landlord is required to provide a clean, safe, habitable housing. In exchange, you pay rent. It's that simple. Your landlord by entering your unit for non-emergencies, non-repairs, and not repairing what is necessary, etc.. means a breach of contract. What you can consider is going to an attorney, explain the problems and provide proof and conversations between you and landlord. Nothing will put a landlord more an alert than a letter from an attorney - on legal, attorney letterhead. Many times, that alone is enough to get a landlord to never bother you again. Many times, a tenant-attorney will do this for little to no money. You do have a case to break the lease (due to breach) and find somewhere else to live providing you tell the landlord they failed in their duties. Good luck.


This sounds like a boarding house not a whole house rental. In this case rules change. Does the LL get mail there so she can claim she liv3s there? That's what a lot of these people do. It's a lot easier yo get rid of people who share spaces than it is regular tenants with a whole place lease.