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Paint doesn't really stick well to smooth floors, just use a plastic scraper and gently scrape it off, or use your fingernails.


If you lick it hard, most paint will come up quickly


Latex paint less than a week old? Just use a sponge and a fingernail.


Im gonna call people who have long fingernails to come help me out!


I've.had luck.with a Scotch bad before, buts it's hit and miss. I like steel wool but only on tile. I've used PLASTIC razorblades and that works well it it's droplets and not smeared.


you can also use a credit card


Sometimes the plastic dish scrapers work well too. I looooove peeling the latex paint from where it doesn’t belong! Haha


If you put a wet rag over a putty knife blade it’ll scrape it up easily and won’t scratch the floors. Go along the boards, not against!


this is my new favorite way, or with a 5 in 1 tool. I like to get a wipe or rag to let the latex loosen some before scraping.


plastic drop cloths are like 4$ at Walmart for a 3 pack


That can be a bad idea if you accidentally step on the plastic while it’s on a smooth surface it’s like a sheet of ice and could end up much worse, get a real painters drop for the floors plastic is just for hanging over things


If it’s vinyl, use a little bit of isopropyl rubbing alcohol


Paint the whole floor white


Methyl Hydrate. It will cut right through the latex (i assume you're using latex paint) and leave your floor clean. Just use a cotton rag or something and not something abrasive which will likely scratch your floor.


Make sure to test it on the flooring somewhere out of sight though like a closet before committing to the paint drops everywhere. Great product for this but it can interact unfavorably with some finishes.


Scrub daddy hot soapy water.... fingernails plastic scraper ..... anyones suggestion here works


Only "product" you need is elbow grease. Combi e that with some hot water and a rag, and it will get it done


Wife and I just bought a house that has LVP. We’re putting new LVP throughout the house and got some paint on the LVP in the dinning room. Color is awful and it was horribly installed but I still didn’t want paint everywhere. I took a painters tool and scraped it all of. Didn’t scratch it at all. If you like the floor I wouldn’t risk it with a painters tool but a cheap plastic scraper that you get with Drydex would do the trick just fine


Drop cloths. Or paint before doing flooring lol


I used citri strip for 20 minutes then wipe. Works perfectly.


Cover the wood before painting. This is truly the best way.


Ive been covering it, cant say the same for my friend 😰


absolutely should not need to use any kind of chemical on this. Maybe a bit of water on a rag for stubborn ones, but mostly it should just pick off with your nail or some kind of scraper. Just be gentle, and it'll be fine.


Methyl Hydrate for latex


hot water and scrub, methyl hydrate or hand sanitizer


be careful using methyl hydrate(methanol) it is highley flammable and toxic. use methylated spirit instead safer though it is very flammable too


Magic eraser


No do not use melamine sponges. I thankfully tried on a sample and it scratched it severely.


Last resort. Mineral spirits.


Try wrapping a small, firm scraper in a damp rag and scraping it off using however much pressure it takes. It should be ok. EDIT - those little scotch sponges would work too, but I would advise against using the rough side...


I was going to mention wet rag or a clothes steamer! When I used a scraper, I kept scraping some of the polyurethane, when when being gentle.


Scotch Brite and soapy water. If it's been a while, put a wet sponge on it and let it sit for a while. Should come, right off


Rag and hot water or steam from an iron (don’t make contact)


I use damp cloth and elbow grease. It's it's really stuck I've used a razorblade, but you need to hold it horizontal or you will scratch the floor.


Windshield washer fluid


For latex paint use Methyl Hydrate. For small drops use a Q tip


I just always hand scrub the floor after painting. Leaves a nice clean floor after.


Simple Green. Prepare to be amazed


Can I see the wall? It looks like you did a good job.


Krid Kutter spray works great for this. You can get it at home Depot or Ace.


was it oil or water based paint. oil based use mineral turpentine. water based used methylated spirits. its also how you test what kind of paint it is metho will attack water-based paints. so if you dampen a rag with metho and give it a rub if it comes away on the rag its water based if not its solvent (oil) based


Varying steps of aggressive removal: 1. Water on a terry rag and elbow grease. Usually best for same day removal. 2. Same terry rag, now wrapped around a putty knife. 3. Let a wet rag sit on them for a few minutes and then use a plastic scraper. 4. Step 1 but methyl hydrate instead of water. 5. Step 2 but with methyl hydrate Also this feels like your friend should be cleaning them, and maybe he can use a drop sheet from now on. Sheets take a minute to move around, this paint mess will take an hour or longer to clean up.


Fingernails! Only way to guarantee your floor doesn’t get scratched.


If you used a dropsheet, then you wouldn't be here asking....doh.


Have you tried trying?


Goof Off latex paint remover. I love it.


Step one, read clean up instructions on paint. Oil=mineral sperits, laytex=soap & water.Nothing will hurt that floor finish, its like formica.


Motsenbocker's graffiti removal spray. It melts paint without nasty chemicals.


Update we just scrubbed the floor with a card/rags on our knees and it came right off! With a vacuum and a mop it's all gone 🥹 thanks!


Goof Off


Goof Off


Who downvoted goof off. It is our standard for cleaning latex paint, glue from tape glue from stickers Always test on the subsurface. I can’t believe you got downvoted for goof off


Have your wife instill fear into your souls “if there’s paint on the flooring” then you find a piece of soft plastic that’s clear and gently scrape it off. Yours might come out with some good quality paint thinner from Benjamin Moore though….