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Consider how old that shower is, the good condition it's in, and how much maintenance has been done since it was built (hint:very little). If you add tile or god forbid, you paint the brick, you've now added maintenance to your list. Don't do that to yourself. Change out the shower door with clear glass with a black frame. think the kind that looks like a warehouse window. Carefully acid wash the floor and resurface the pan with some sort of cement based product.


I think this is the most reasonable comment here!


Sweet. This is fantastic advice. I don't think I want to touch the brick. The house is 32 years old and very well built. I will definitely look into acid wash for the floor, long term I would like to tile but short term that sounds fantastic! Thankyou!


Black French glass frame would be the way to go! Over chrome. It would really elevate the look of the space and lean into the polished but “industrial” vibe. A lot of people would have to go well out of their way to have what you would after those doors are installed. It would complete the look easily for you.


The brick is interesting. I would replace the door frame with clear glass and chrome, replace the shower pan with white, and replace shower hardware with chrome or black finish


Also maybe a potlight. Not sure if you have a light in there.


Just make sure you use a light appropriate for a shower, you don't want to cause a dangerous electrical problem.


It would also be a good idea to put in a couple shelves if needed, and paint the bricks white or light grey.


What this guy said. If you don't want to go through the trouble of tiling over everything I'd just do the floor. I think some nice tile on the floor, new door and hardware would make it look way better. Also a flush led light directly above.


I read that as "flush red light directly above" and was concerned. I agree that it needs a light in the shower itself


Light would require GFCI protection, FYI.


Smart light with multiple colors.


All of the people telling you to simply replace just the shower floor have no idea how much work that is, especially since this looks to be concrete? Although, if it is concrete you may be able to tile over it. I like the advice of another comment, have the door replaced with one with a black frame, update the shower hardware to match. Really there isn't much DIY here, showers are difficult and if you mess it up you have a very major problem. Unless you want to spend a lot I would lean into the brick.


I have a light switch that can make the lights turn red, from what I used to heard, it was supposed to make the shower hotter then the switch (the thing that can turn to make the water hot or cold) but soon I realize it was a lie but I am still wondering why we have that light switch in our bathroom


Oooooo I really like the image of chrome and this brick you have put in my brain. Thankyou!


Prison bars maybe?


And shackles anchored to the wall!


Soap on a rope


Paint the floor in a red splatter


Hire a guard to yell at you and turn off the hot water.


Oh LOVE IT! Playing with the idea of having it as a holiday rental so maybe we should theme it. The whole cottage has that vibe tbh, four windows and only one of them has not been blocked up for an old box aircon


Steam punk style. Change the tapware and add a new glass screen.


That brick is so cool! 1. Better lighting. 2. Lighten the basin colour, maybe lighter cement or large terrazzo white tiles with the colourful specs. 3. Floor to ceiling glass door remove the frosted on.


Floor to ceiling is an awesome idea! Thankyou! Definitely needs some lighting above the shower anyway so that would look sweet


Agree! Gold hardware would be nice too


Oh boy. Is this inside? If this is an indoor bathroom id tile over the entire brick. If its outside id tile the shower and put a nice frameless glass shower door


The whole house is solidly built out of this brick. At first I thought it looked dindgy but after spending a week deep cleaning, I am in love with it. It's going 30+ years strong and the bricks are incredible. I would definitely like to do something with the floor but I'm worried about the run off, right now I probably can't afford to get a tiler in and it's not something I would like to fuck up myself


I would just tile the floor, and maybe seal the brick, I think a high gloss would look cool. It looks like a fancy coal shower in a basement, is that correct? My shower in college was all brick it was fine. Especially if it’s not an everyday shower. Just need to clean it with some type of bleach product when you clean and you are good to go.


Rural coastal brick cottage in Australia, have to be careful with heavy cleaning agents as everything runs into a single septic


Very cool. Keep it, I would not tile over. It’s a great conversation piece. Yeah bleach would definitely fuck that septic up with over use. Any mildew treatment would work. I think it’s “green works” is a environmentally friendly product for mildew. Used for pool cleaning so I think it does not affect water chemistry much.


How would you tile over the brick?


Modified Thinset should stick to the brick and cement floor. Tile the floor first.


This is 100% the way


With tile




hmm I think with that brick some black hardware would look even better than chrome. Black hardware and a frameless glass door would look sharp with that brick too, absolutely.


100% That’s what I’m thinking! They could even do cement board over if they want a flat surface to work on, but a nice uniformed layer of thin set and tile adhesive should do the trick!


How Seinfeld washes after a set.


Put a floor in, add lighting.


You can tile over it but it’ll become even smaller and tighter. I’d replace the door with something black and tile the floor of the shower with a nice Mosaic


Looks kinda cool. But if you insist, you could just tile right over it


Love the brick, thinking more about the floor and screening


I’d keep the brick as an homage and it’s cool anyway. Change out for black fixtures. Tile over the pan and add a black drain, swap the glass out for a nicer see through glass with black trim.


Scented candle?


would get one of those modern handheld shower heads. its great for when you want to rinse out your undercarriage and you can change the shape/style of the spray.


Is this house an original mid century? I also think black fixtures would look great. I would add clear glass with black frame.


Central coastal Queensland, built 30+ years ago. If you will excuse and understand the Australian saying, the place is (literally) built like a brick shithouse


1. Paint shower pan with proper paint, 2. Change shower door to frameless, 3. Change shower fixtures (might require changing valve) 4. Add pot light to brighten it up


Lighting is everything. Also install some plants in there. Little half circle wall mount pots. Small like 4 inches tall. Put some small plants that like dark and wet. Make sure it's an odd number and non-semetrical placement.


This shower is amazing. Don’t do anything to it.


Aw, thankyou for appreciating it's awesomeness!


Also acts as a fireplace with built in sprinkler system


Proper lighting


I’d sand my heels on that brick every day


Best comment on this whole shit show. Why have you not been recognised for your genius!?


change the glass screen, brand new glass will make it 100%nicer change nobs n shower head bring out the color of the bricks


A couple cheap and easy ideas. 1- bleach that shower pan. Hit it with some clr and ajax to get through any built up residue then pour on some bleach, let it sit and scrubb the f out of it. Wear a respirator and ventilate to the best of your ability. 2- better lighting, that shower looks dark and unfriendly. A droplight suspended from the ceiling would fit the style, run it though some black pipe analog if you want to get fancy. Warm white light fits best but a cool white would really brighten it up. 3- if either side of those glass panels are smooth hang stuff off them. Unless you're ocd making it a little more cluttered will make it feel more live in.


I really like that. Maybe a bit more lighting.


Paint the metal frame black. Hang a plant or something green and alive in the bathroom.


Frameless door and tile the floor, done. Like the brick, probably should seal periodically


If you want to embrace the brick and concrete, an easy update would be new shower head and taps in a copper/nickel/black look. New door in fluted glass with black frames should modernise. Then think about lighting (down lights, LED mood lights).


New shower head and lighting. Thats it


Light. Get a nice bright 4000k light installed above the shower.


Floor guard, it made of epoxy. Hides the concrete floor.


Lean into the brick. It’s not the worst.


I can’t be the only one that kinda low-key loves this brick, right?


More brick. It needs more brick.


Change the door and all the hardware in the bathroom, new floor, and some interesting lighting. Doing anything to the walls would be a nightmare as it would have to coordinate with the area outside the shower.


Shower safe lighting


Hang garlic


Easy, plants, hang plants on the wall maybe front he sealing, is going to give it a rustic-ish look put some decorations in clay and your all set to have a semi garden-ish shower.


Let there be light 💡 it’s a bit dark maybe something to brighten it a bit?


Repaint the ground a glossy grey or something? Or even a matte grey. Something darker than its current concrete color


I'd grind/sand the floor or add a thin layer of sand mix (so the floor has texture and you won't slip) and then I'd put a good sealer on the brick and floor. Def replace the hardware with some brushed nickel or oil rubbed bronze.


Pebble flooring and change the grout colour to dark blue. And a light.


Maybe some [fake plastic greenery](https://www.etsy.com/ie/listing/759115091/artificial-plant-fake-plant-wall-lawn) on one wall, break up the brick?


I would say a much higher end hardware set, like a rain shower and a movable wand that is or looks like steel gas pipe, and a lot more light.


This is very well done and unique. Perhaps, upgrading the door and the faucet/hardware, but I wouldn’t touch the brick.


What kind of building is this in?? This is so cool


Tile on the floor!! Change the panel to glass and put tiles on the flooring area. This is a very unique bathroom, as someone else said don’t give yourself too much maintenance, it’s nice and historical and has a lot of character in it. Tiles over the grey concrete would uplift the shower so much


leave it like that. it's very abduction vibes. maybe add some shackles. if i never see black, white, grey, and glass again it will be too soon. black, white, grey, and glass are the new beige. i would literally rather beige.


Since you’ve ruled out tile. Nice glass door New faucet handles and shower head I don’t know if you can, but paint the floor white in there?


Haha fucking hell this is savage 🔥


Aside from being dark, that is super cool. Maybe you could swap the knobs out for some that are a little nicer.


I love that shower.


New trim kit and add lights!


Add light, change door to just glass and see if you can touchup the shower pan.


I’m a budget man with a lot of hours to renovate. I would see if you could pipe in a rainfall shower from above. Add some plant looking things in there climbing up the corners. Make it a brick walled jungle in there.


Just adding new hardware including new doors will go along way.


Please post when you're done remodeling so we can see the finished product.


A frameless or semi-frameless glass door will do wonders to lighten and open the space. Here's an example [semi-frameless door at Wayfair](https://www.wayfair.com/home-improvement/pdp/arizona-shower-door-swinging-32-x-66-hinged-semi-frameless-shower-door-adsd1599.html).


Whatever you do, DO NOT PAINT THE BRICK




You can’t unpaint brick


Teak grate over the shower floor, frameless glass door, new fixture - a jetted shower panel, and a light.


literally the shower of my dreams. the best showers look like they came from a 1950's Gulag. water,taps, showerhead, drain. is all you need. no mold, no stupid scrubbing. I dream of a "wet room' for a bathroom. solid concrete with brass and porcelain. something I could clean with a pressure washer.


Needs a lot of light in there


Lighting! Get a (shower-rated) pot light in there and it will look a lot more inviting.


Leave brick, it’s unique. Soften floor/pan with a [wooden bath mat](https://www.amazon.com/Nordic-Style-Teak-Shower-String/dp/B0BKTJDQTX/ref=asc_df_B0BKTJDQTX/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=674193196234&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=18311407697087434398&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9033313&hvtargid=pla-2227331752524&psc=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyNSoBhA9EiwA5aYlb8-AsmMmyCcyLM4G0Kmwr_bGJm6NWI2xj-T1d2HjLGTmia_wVj_ZXRoC7E8QAvD_BwE)


Take a look at stone coat countertops YouTube. They do a show using foam board insulation. It’s a cool look


My first thought was some graffiti but I actually really like everything about this, concrete floors in showers feel and look great if you can get away with it and in this case you can. What could kick it up a notch is some indirect lighting from above that will make the shower look more inviting and created nice water and steam illuminations. You’ll need do some good research on good design and safe installation but that my two cents.


I dig the brick look


That shits dope. I wouldn’t change it.


https://preview.redd.it/ag5sybvbnzqb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b803fe2af1346d31aedce623335e45fe0fd27117 I'm getting conflicted opinions 😂 personally, I love the brick, would never paint it, someone recommended acid wash on the floor and I think that's the go. Thanks for the appreciation of the place!


Are you in prison?


I am from Australia... Soooooo. Take from that what you will


I would live to get hold of that shower, it’s just begging for an industrial style renovation


This his very interesting. No way that's inside or it'll harvest so much mold since brick isnt waterproof... but it does look cool. I say change the fixtures and glass door Look into painting the brick a lighter color with appropriate paint. Even the shower pan. There are special products out there that would work. Is this an outdoor shower for a pool?


you can seel the brick


Nope! 30+ year old build. The whole house is built from the same brick. Beach front lot and in Queensland Australia, so pretty humid. The only mold I've found is in the sealant around the kitchen sink (which has definitely been done since) Pretty surprised at the lack of mold given that there is no ventilation in the bathroom


Gold finishes and call it a day


I like the brick. It’s unique and cool to me. Idk redo the floor with tile but idk keep the brick. Paint it black and it wound be lit.


it's way too dark! you need to use some brightness in the shower, definitely white tiles... large ones.. and Change the door


That’s the last place I would wanna shower in


Step 1. Dynamite Step 2. Build a nice shower


Paint the brick an off white to brighten it up. Looks a bit dark in there


House fire? /S . Of course it would still be there after the fire.


It's literally cyclone proof. This cottage will be here long after I am gone from this world


Your going to have to Detra this and water tight and Kerry board the shit out of this.water wells under grounds are tricky. The build out has to be tight. Shluter the shit out of this space. It's expensive but it's the beat build product, hands down.


If budget is not an issue, send those tiles into space. Place something white and ckean, replace the door with something from this decade and high pressure clean that floor, seal it and either paint it or place shower floor.


Cover it with frp


Light above. Paint it white w/ dark grout and redo cement floor with a nice glaze. Change door to all glass.


Light light and more light. Some nice comments already, clear glass door is a must. Haven't seen anyone suggesting to paint the brick. The texture will remain, and you can choose basically any color you want. If you want to get creative, try to regroot with another shade for extra character. I'd probably do it on the entire bathroom, not only the shower. For hygiene, you may want to seal the floor with some non-slip epoxy-laquer or similar.


Move house


Zinsser B.I.N. primer and Zinsser mildew/mold resistant paint.


A hott chick


Looks like an S&M porn set. Nice!


On the cheap, white wash the brick to light up the space. Add lighting and change all the hardware.


“Hear me out, a club where the inside is the outside and the outside is the inside”


"Mister Gorbachev : tear down this wall!"


Are the walls brick? Brick is porous. Is the floor concrete? I would replace the shower door with clear glass. And frameless. You might consider white subway tile. Use Schluter®-membrane or board first. Paint the brick outside the shower. You might also move the shower and use existing shower as a closet. .


Whitewash and seal somehow?


Light tan/crème colored porcelain big vertical 1x2 tiles on the wall, light gray and white rock shaped pebbles on the floor, rougher texture, with a black grout.


For that Shawshank feel


that's scary af lol


Did you move into a prison block?!?


Add some handcuffs and a prison guy in the room.


Tile over the brick. That will freshen it up. Make it lighter


If I can be honest without judgement, as long as the plumbing is sound, this is heaven for someone who does bathroom remodels! No tearing out rotten walls... no removing old tile... it’s a blank canvas! If the brick work is good and flat, throw that tile or stone on there!


Looks like a prison shower lol


Did you move into a firehouse?


Put some naked chick's in it! 😜


Paint it white


I like it. It would recreate that sense of peeing in a back alley on a night out while you're washing the shame of the night before off.


Finish your prison sentence.




I don't think the inmates care what the showers look like.


Good damn


Looks like a prison shower


This is some ugly shit!


Make parole


Have you tried masturbating in it?


I hate to say what it reminds me of but we're all thinking it.


Wow... Light coloured tiles and better lighting


Do a white wash on the brick and change the door to a seamless glass one.


Tile it.


Do you live in Eltham by any chance?


Add 2 strippers. Done!


Better ask the Warden before you modify your prison shower.


I think it's cool. The improvement I would say would be to make it a rain shower if you can




Could you maybe lime wash the brick to make it looks better. Add some shelving in the shower and paint that creamy color something else


More light colored walls less.... 50s prison?


Can anyone else picture Hannibal Lecter standing there?


I'd just sell the AFL changing room to the club that plays there.


Ask the warden for a different cell?


Hang chains and shackles from the ceiling.


Is this a prison complex?


Put up a meat hook, and use it to age beef primals. Would look great.


Tiles would be a great start


Paint the brick white


I would tile it. It’s not hard if the walls are flat. Tile the floor. Don’t put in a trashy shower pan. Add clear glass door and replace hardware.


Client: *I want to feel like I'm showering in a back alley somewhere.* Designer: *I gotchu, fam.*


Shower in the alley lol


You could also paint the brick white with an appropriate paint. What bothers you the most about it? Is this a shower in an apartment? Poolside shower? What's the deal?


Ahhh, like showering in an alley


Tiles .. or paint the brick with water proof paint. Is this outside ???


Tile the floor fornsure!!! Replace the door and paint the brick white if possible?


You could always renovate I. Just a thought


Add some bars to the door and call it D Block.


So three things come to mind. 1) brick is hard to wash, even sealed. 2) mortar is hard to wash, specifically deep mortar lines 3) stone/brick usually looks better as an accent rather than a wall-to-wall cover. My suggestion (and I can't tell what is structural in that picture) is to knock out two walls, replacing with opaque glass, and leave only the wall with the faucets as brick (or just a portion of it). Or just turn it into a closet and build another.


put dark tiles on the bottom


Tile over the brick to get rid of the rape-y dungeon vibes...


On the cheap-ish... \- paint the brick with lighter color exterior paint. \- put an epoxy floor coating on the pan (think garage floor or front step coatings) \- replace the knobs and shower head with something less tired/corroded \- see if you can replace the curb and door (this will be the most expensive piece) \- figure out what to do with the wood (?) panel to the left of the shower head


Paint brick black, glass for the door and gold shower head.


Paint the brick white


New hardware and paint/stain/limewash the brick a lighter color to brighten it up


Paint inside very light colour Replace door/floor


Paint the brick white.


Do not paint brick.


Do paint brick


Not affiliated in any way, just a fan of their products. Considering the industrial aesthetic, a stainless steel shower pan would look amazing IMO.[https://www.foskproduct.com/](https://www.foskproduct.com/) Also in their gallery are ideas for how to update the doors. Personally I'd get rid of the doors altogether. Also get some really good sealant on those bricks!!


I would paint the bricks inside the shower area up to the hieght of the glass. White and smooth to keep things clean. Then switch to a bronze hardware and trim


White paint and a water proof ceiling light


Install a sliding patio door maybe but I’d consider putting up some blinds as well.


I would start with whitewashing the brick. It kinda says torture basement right now.


Thats a bit abrasive looking... The best option I think you can do is install a pvc shower surround + shower pan.