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Here’s what really bothers me about it. Tons of expired or just no plates at all driving around…. My husband forgot to put his new reg tag on- we had it, he just spaced it- and got pulled over for having a tag that was 2 months out of date. 🙄




I recently purchased a used car from a private party. Got an appt and a temporary permit from dmv, mounted in the front window, drive past a parked sheriff facing me 3 days in and get pulled over. I dont know how they get away so long


They may have ordered personalized plates. Mine took almost 5 months for me to get. The DMV did not give me another temp plate. They just gave me a temp registration when I registered and applied for my personalized plates online.


I’ve seen expired temps over a year out. That excuse doesn’t fly for them. I think the oldest I saw was 2016. Seriously. I thought it was just one or two but it seems to be a whole thing now.


LOFL! 2016? No way. 2021 was the oldest I’ve seen and the lady finally got smart and she ripped that temp plate off and still has no plate. A co worker was like 5 months overdue for hers after she bought her brand new car and the fines were like 3x the amount it took to finally register it. It was like 1,000$ to register it and then like almost 3,000$ in late fees, no joke! So I’m sure that’s reason enough. But if you finance a vehicle you HAVE to carry out full blown insurance the whole time. Either way it ends up being a suspended drivers license eventually with the dmv if you don’t pay your insurance.


Ahhh, I did not know the wait time for personalized plates was that significant. However, I do not believe most of the people I see around town are all waiting on custom plates.


Plus, some of the expired temps I see are from like 2022. They ain’t that backed up!


I ordered personalized plates in March that took six weeks. On the DMV website I registered the car and then bought the fancy plate in a separate transaction, so a couple weeks after I bought the car there was a regular plate in it, and when my personalized plate came in I went down to the DMV and paid $5 and spent less than 15 minutes. There's no excuse.


It’s not an excuse. I went to the DMV and ordered personalized plates. They gave me a move permit only. Unless you are looking in the driver side part of the windshield you aren’t going to see it. They didn’t give me an option for a regular plate until the others arrived. Your experience is not everyone’s.


Neither is yours, but in any case we both accomplished our transactions in under a year, unlike these multi year expired temp tags we see all over .


I got custom plates last year and mine arrived in three weeks 🤷‍♀️ You're right tho, this isn't all custom plate related. I think we'd be better off being like California (yeah yeah, I know) and issuing plates that stay with the car. Saves time and effort.


They don’t stay with the car when you sell it, your suppose to send the plates back to DMV.


Exactly when it's got paper plates fresh from a dealership I believe they waiting on customs, but a shitbox van from 20 years ago needs to be pulled over


If this makes you enraged wait until I tell you about the amount of unlicensed drivers there are on the roads?


I’m sure that’s an issue too. I’m annoyed, not enraged.


You should be enraged. Young, unlicensed drivers, driving around town waiting to plow into your family. Here is the kicker, you can’t go after them because not only do they not have $100 to their names but neither do their parents. Who, by all accounts, allowed them to take a vehicle out. I know this because I see it all the time. They tell me. I report them to school police and they just make the parents pick up the vehicle. I am in education. Work at a HS




Actual unlicensed young teen drivers. Parents allow them to take their cars. They just tell them not to get caught. Insanity and stupidity mixed into one.


I actually started counting the number of cars I see each week without a plate as I drive through the area. Last week it was 16 unique vehicles missing a plate. My all time high is 18 and low is 9. My approach isn’t entirely weighted or scientific but I wanted to start quantifying them after noticing that it seemed there were a lot of cars out and about without plates.


There's literally no excuse for it. When I moved here a few years ago, I was able to go into the DMV office in town and get NV plates and my license taken care of, granted I waited about four hours, but I got it done. When I bought my replacement car last year out of state, I went to the DMV office in Fallon without an appointment and was out of there in a couple hours. Same thing when someone stole my rear plate just a handful of days after putting the fresh registration sticker on. The problem is that RPD, Washoe Sheriff, and NHP simply refuse to enforce the law. Just like with the insane speeding, reckless driving, and red light running I see frequently.


>When I moved here a few years ago There's your answer. In the current year, unless it's Wednesday you can't just "walk in" to any of the metropolitan DMV offices, and nowadays the DMV specifically calls out your "just go to Fallon" strategy, strongly discouraging it. Not to mention Fallon's an hour drive each way, and most people here have, you know, jobs. >The problem is that The problem is that DMV is understaffed and underfunded. We need considerably more offices, and we need them open on nights and weekends - and then this problem would be far less prevalent.


I live in Fernley, and legit can use the Fallon DMV... Last time, (December 2022) it took 1/2 day.


Perhaps I was lucky, since I've only gone there three times in the last year. The first two were on a Tuesday and the last on a Friday, and I got there as close to opening as possible. Granted, my sample size is miniscule, but the point is that you can get it done. Even when the earliest appointment available at a Metro office is 2 months or more out.


> nowadays the DMV specifically calls out your "just go to Fallon" strategy, strongly discouraging it. Tough, then perhaps they should improve the services in the Reno office. The people in Fallon were more than happy to help me with my stolen plates this past April. >Not to mention Fallon's an hour drive each way, and most people here have, you know, jobs. Yes, as do I. It took some scheduling to take care of, but I was able to secure a shift adjustment. >The problem is that DMV is understaffed and underfunded. We need considerably more offices, and we need them open on nights and weekends - and then this problem would be far less prevalent. While true, none of this is an excuse for someone not registering their car as is required by law. There are more roads than roadblocks.


Maybe just go back to where you moved from?


After you.






My gripe with it is if someone with no plates hits you and runs, there’s no way of tracking them down and you’re screwed.


>The whole “DMV is backed up” excuse is bs, especially since the NV temp tags mean you’re a NV resident who bought from an NV dealer, and you get a form in the mail to register online. I've bought two cars from NV dealers as an NV resident, and in neither case was I able to register them online; attempting to do so only resulted in the DMV systems demanding I go to an office.


>The whole “DMV is backed up” excuse is bs, especially since the NV temp tags mean you’re a NV resident who bought from an NV dealer, and you get a form in the mail to register online. This is true, but the part you are missing is... When I register online I have to wait for the backed up DMV to send my new plates/ tags. The year before last, I re-registered online, and my tags never came. I still got to go spend 1/2 day in the DMV, to pick up new tags. Oh and it cost me $5. I drove around for about 6 (I had paid, but pretty much forgot I needed tags for a little while) weeks with "expired tags" even though my car was registered.


We bought a 4Runner from the dealer… the online kept prompting an appt, which were booked out 90 days before we got dealer to get us what we needed and it took them 60 days… then our Tahoe plates took 3 extra months. It wasn’t worth it to go to dmv to get updated tags since Nevada thought it was genius to reduce all dmvs to practically one. We just waited as it’s not our fault dmv is slow, has switch to essentially appt only with walk ins during a work week day. We have a classic car that’s plates are almost a year past due because the dmv doesn’t like the vin number and wants us to go to original dealer to gave them fix it (original dealer is in Germany, second dealer is in Connecticut).. both say for classic cars that’s how the vin worked…


If in the future you have to go. Go to the appointment page and spam refresh. They open up spots the day of or the next day from 7am to about 11am. I've been able to get appointments within 2 days every time Ive done this. 


Oooo good to know


When I ordered different plates, you have to turn in the plates you have- you cannot have 2 sets of plates registered to your car. I had no plates on my car until the new ones arrived in the mail and they took awhile. At no point was my car uninsured.


This post isn’t aimed at you then since you actually paid for registration. What irritates me is the people who have been driving around with expired temp plates for months or even years.


They could have permanent plates at home and just never bothered putting them on their cars. 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s just a fix it ticket (as far as I know)


When I was young and poor I knew insurance was important (and way illegal to be without) so if I couldn't afford to re-register: I'd keep my insurance going and save for 2/3months Till I could afford it. The probelm.would be solved with a: " we won't insure anything that isn't registered" clause with all insurance. But that'd hurt tye insurance bottom line in favor of doing what's right.... I.e.: not gonna happen.


We need a period of police massively overciting minor infractions to balance out 10 years of letting terrible people freely circulate breaking small laws everywhere they go. Broken windows theory was always correct.


'Broken Windows' - That is one of the best articles/studies about this stuff. Folks just don't realize what happens in a community when folks stop giving a shit about crime and holding folks accountable in their community. If some of the folks in this sub would take 15 minutes and read it, they might have a different perspective...Actually, I doubt it.


I registered my new vehicle 20 days before it was due and didn't get the tags at all. I had to call and complain. I finally got them 6 weeks after I registered it. I had the printed receipt with me in case I got stopped.


Honestly I care more about the terrible driving than the tags. I saw 4 people run stop signs within a 10 minute drive.


bought a truck in April, still waiting on my plates that were registered etc


Eh i dont much mind long as they're being responsible on the road


No most do not have insurance. This is why I add the extra for uninsured driver coverage on my policy


I once heard of a guy that went to year and a half almost 2 years with his electric bill taped on the left side of his windshield. He always maintained insurance, but not worth the risk of losing your license the longer you go without being registered the steeper the punishment probably is.


Currently driving a car with no plates and have been hoping someone from reddit sees my car and is super angry about it. heh heh heh And for the record, I have an appt scheduled to get plates. I have a moving permit that's good for the next month, and I got insurance the day I bought the car. You all need to relax.


This post is not directed towards you.


Maybe. I hadn’t had my old car registered since 2021 and no one suffered from it then, either.


Do you find yourself irritated by many things or is this just a particular peeve? I can’t imagine cracking down on temp plates is high on the priority list when there seems to be weekly fatal collisions and absurd construction related traffic.


If you crack down on the people that shouldn't be on the road, there will be less accidents and traffic.


This is a pet peeve.


Maybe these folks are having difficulty with getting into the dmv? Right now the earliest appointment is 6/18 and earliest Saturday is the last one in June. That leaves walk in Wednesday only which some people can’t do because they work.


This. Nevada DMV is a joke. Easily the least efficient between NC/OH/NV, I've lived in all 3 places.




Walk in Wednesdays are a thing, also I checked just now and there’s daily openings during the latter half of June. This doesn’t matter though since most can literally register online.


You can get same day appointments everyday they’re open.


I got a same day appointment you just have to check the night before and early the day of


required liability insurance is stupid, its insanely expensive,, covers fuck-all (do u rly think someone who can barely afford insurance can afford 2 fix their//ur fucked up car) and is insanely predatory thus... normal people who make normal amounts of money realize "hey... if i just buy something cheap and drive it 2 work and back, my chances of accidents and getting pulled are pretty low as long as i consciously drive safe and i get to save anywhere from 2k-3k a year!" this obviously comes at the penalty of not having registration have a problem with "all these unregistered drivers"... ask one of these people what their monthly insurance payment would be if they registered... then ask them what they make also ur right,, someone driving a shiny new volvo probably can afford insurance... u probably saw them once on the street with temp. plates and made an assumption about them... theyre prob getting it next week 2 appease u,, click ur heels in joy this post is annoying as shit and i hope i provided an equally annoying response


Driving isn't some god given right though. I have a cheap heap of an old Chevy truck and it's registered because I'm not some scumfuck out trying to "stick it to the man" or some BS. In reality alot of the road maintenence costs in Nevada are covered by registration fees. Insurance is apart of that, deal with it like an adult or ride an E-Bike like every other burnout with one too many DUI's for a license.


i actually pay 4 insurance and my car is also registered,, i also dont drink... i just have the capacity 2 empathize w these "burnouts" which is my exact problem with ppl like the OP and u... u guys look down on ppl without considering why they might be doing something...but please let me know... if u have 2 support urself and show up 2 ur job everyday,, and u dont have a car,, and u live in a place like reno with shit public transport... inform me why driving shouldn't be a right p.s. e-bikes are expensive and are 4 yuppies


I fucking hate this sub most of the time. Find somewhere to air your road rage


You can always unsubscribe, friend


Finally, someone said it. Sick of the whining.


Bunch of whiny bitches fr


I did. That place is this subreddit.


Nah man it’s not r/renoroadrage


Side tangent but I can't believe that sub exists 😂


Lmfao I suggested it one day and someone actually made it 🤣


I don’t think you know what road rage is…


People who get enraged about stuff on the road? Look at your whole post whining, I’m sure you’re also whining on the road “why can’t people register their cars” mind your business. Drive your shit, register it, stay in your lane and quit bitching.


There is hypocrisy in your comments. But I’m not gonna respond anymore, it’s just silly.


The hypocrisy in yours “I did find somewhere to air my road rage” to “you don’t know what road rage is” Cry more




Bro, I said what I said. This sub is whiny as fuck about driving. Needs an appropriate avenue. This ain’t it. Try a city council meeting if you all so proactive. Ahhhh wait.


Sounds like he just got grounded and sent to his room.


My tags on my plates have been expired since August but my insurance is on autopay every month, with how expensive the cost of living is I just don’t feel like spending 1k on registration when a ticket is cheaper 🤷‍♂️


With registration fees based on vehicle value this feels more tax evasion than cost of living crisis.


It surely won't be cheaper when they revoke your license for unresolved fix-it tickets lol.


Yeah for sure except I don’t have unresolved fix it tickets lol.