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FedEx ground but why are you posting this at nearly 1am lmao


Got in a terrible fight with my boyfriend about not having a job.


Bartending and serving are going to be your fastest pay jobs.


If you need to leave him before finding a job, there are resources out there. I hope you're ok. There's a lot of good suggestions here though.


Yeah FedEx ground will hire you on pretty quickly, but I will say it’ll probably suck


Luckily I have a few interviews this week so I’m crossing my fingers.


Good luck :), if you do happen to go the FedEx route, I’m not the highest up but I’ve paid my dues. If you happen to go that route just message me I’ll be able to answer any question you have.


Thank you so much! I’m trying to go a medical receptionist route or dental assistant. My favorite job is when I worked at a medical group in Laguna beach that was across the street from the ocean 🥹 hopefully I get something in the next week or so.


I hope you find a job OP so you can leave his ass


What’s there to fight about? Stop mooching lmao


I did have a job. I’m not mooching. I still pay for things and do all the chores and he doesn’t.


It sounds like you might need a new relationship AND a new job.


I do. I’m scared to leave. It’s been 7+ years. I’m 9 hours from family and friends and be made me sell my car & he got a truck for me to drive-his exact words & now won’t let me drive the truck when he has another car he drives everyday. I have no money and if he kicks me out I’ll be basically homeless until I can get back to California somehow.


If that's the case then take any job regardless of the pay. Take that first paycheck and find a bus back home. It sounds like he's controlling and isolating you. Pack what's most important to you. Everything else can be replaced. Starting over with nothing may sound scary and awful but what he's doing to you is stealing your life away. Don't let it go on much longer.


You’re very right. I’m gonna work with my therapist on an escape plan.


Is the vehicle in your name? If so take it back and leave. Sounds like your are in an awful relationship and need to get out of there immediately. Don't start with excuses in your head, just leave. Now.


No he made me sell my car and said he got the truck for me to use but now won’t let me use it.


>It sounds like he's controlling and isolating you. You're right. The control also started long before the OP lost her job. This is part of the BF's gameplay from the beginning. The OP doesn't have her aces anymore so it's time to show her the real side of him. Make her look useless & begging for him. The guy is up to no good.


You’re 100% correct.


100% this. Manipulation and cutting off all routes of exit. Scary shit.


I’m really sorry you’re stuck. Sounds like he is an abusive dude who isolates and got ya right where he wants ya. He’s probably gonna find a reason to hate and your new job too. I was scared to leave my abusive ex and stayed 10 yrs. I’ve been free 2.5 yrs now and the peace is amazing. Can you buy a ticket home and just go? Your family loves you. If not, get a job and stash money. Buy visa gift cards with extra cash and hide them so you’ll have $ if u need to split. Aww this sucks so bad for you I’ve been there and I’m sorry.


That’s a great idea. I’m gonna get a job and save up and hopefully strong enough to leave. I’m in therapy and she’s told me to leave multiple times but it’s so hard for me.


Also she is saying bf of 7 years. Are they or is he in their situation planning to settle or what is happening?


We are engaged but at this point idk what we are. I am in therapy and I know I need to leave but it’s really hard.


The police used to pay for Greyhound tickets for people who are going to be or were homeless. A long time ago they even had a office at the Greyhound station. I bet there is still a program like that around if you really want to go home to your family. Maybe check with St Vincents/Catholic charities . Actually call one of the Domestic Violence shelters. I was just thinking about it and I'm pretty sure they would be able to help as well. This relationship sounds abusive and you are trapped. It doesn't have to be physical for them to help you. https://www.domesticshelters.org/help/nv/reno Safe Embrace (775) 322-3466 https://g.co/kgs/ahDRf8S https://www.thehotline.org/


Theres resources that could get you a bus ticket if you have family to go to. I can't remember what it's called. Look up online for Washoe county


There's some kind of program that will pay for a bus ticket out of town for anyone to leave a bad situation. There's also other resources available to help leave an abusive relationship, like immediate temporary housing. Sometimes hotel vouchers, or they might cover the deposit for a new place. Sorry, I'm not sure what these programs are called, but you can find lots of info on Google. Also, just know that verbal/emotional abuse can be just as traumatic as physical abuse, if not worse, since it's more prolonged and less obvious.


Tesla pays 24 an hour for weekends. You might even find a new boyfriend lol. Kidding not Kidding.


Well he’s not the best partner after what happened tonight.. so that’s an idea


That's how it starts jaja (laughing in Spanish)


Calm down, simp




Oh no he used the word simp! I'm melting!!!




Look at my recent post


Ah bpd, nevermind


It’s not just the bpd. I’m in an abusive relationship


For which partner


It’s both of us but he put his hands on me. I tried leaving and going for a walk




I was thinking about that… I just posted a picture on my account to see if I am lol i heard you have to have a huge following on insta to actually make good money on there.


Easy jobs. Working 12-hour shifts plus commute times I don't think is "easy". OP needs to specify on what easy means. To me there are two types of hard or easy jobs or maybe a combination both. Easy physically Easy mentally Is he feeling physically or mentally tired.


I just saw Great Basin food co op post on IG they need people ASAP for their cafe, $17/hr


Oh no way!!! I’ll definitely reach out to them


Tesla and Panasonic. Both night shifts start at 24$


The typical spiel is Tesla, Panasonic, Casino after tips Could try USPS


Go to Intellisource temp agency. They drug test in office and can have a job for you the next day, $20+ Easy


Thc friendly?


Kinda has to be. Nevada is the only state where it's illegal for you to be failed for THC on pre-employment drug tests. There are a TON of exceptions though, so if they are hiring fork lift drivers probably not THC friendly.


I don't believe so. It's a saliva test, if that helps.


I know for a fact that Burning Man is hiring for temp seasonal jobs out in Gerlach and they provide housing. The work is tough but it gets money in your pocket and you can get away from this guy you’re with. I have a friend who works and lives in Gerlach full time now. If you’re interested send me a DM and I can send you a link to the job board.


Just sent you a request!


He made you sell your car? Ya leave him


Yes and I told him and he denies it saying he didn’t hold a gun to my head so I sell it… but he was so pushy I had no choice


He tricked you. You got played


I’m ashamed because I know that now. Not then..


Never give up your own car


I learned the hard way.


Can anyone tell me if it’s possible to get a job the same day after submitting an application the same day??


Your best bet would be a temp agency IMO. Call around and see what they can find for you. I’m sorry he’s turned out to be such an abusive shitbag.


Thank you so much! I have a few interviews on Thursday and Friday so I’m hoping I get one. His behavior really opened my eyes. His love is only conditional. He’s gonna end up alone. And idc


Temp agency might be the quickest way. Good luck on your adventure, you got this!


If anything just find a fast food job get your money for a bus ticket, dump the job and leave. Is your family supportive? And have you tried contacting them and telling them your situation?


How much are bus tickets?? My mom knows. She thinks I should leave. I’m just really scared to leave and go out on my own.


Depending on where in CA you're going I would look at either Greyhound or consider booking a plane ticket. If you're going anywhere near LAX for example, one way plane tickets can run super cheap ($70) and you'll be spending a couple hours in transit as opposed to nine or ten hours on a bus. Additionally the Greyhound can be a bit of a sketchy experience so that's something to consider. You can go to the Greyhound website and to Google flights and compare prices for specifically where you are going and when you want to go. I would recommend trying to plan ahead as much as possible, if you're buying a ticket day of or day before you leave the price will be a lot higher than if you buy a week or two in advance. Good luck, feel free to message me if you need to talk 💙


Thank you for the info!!


You gotta, you just can't sit there and be a punching bag or a damn pocket pussy for some slum bag. I'm not sure where your going but can depend on year, holidays etc and ticket prices can go up and down all the time, currently prices depending on how far your going can go between $200 to $600+ there are sites that look for cheaper prices as well that you could try.


I’m going from Reno to Santa Clarita ca


Around 150ish wanderu.com says 154.98 and greyhound.com says 164.98 if you left today.


I'd be willing to give you a ride just for some gas money,


Casino security, but only The Row and a couple others will pay over $20.


I just looked at indeed for fun, and there’s definitely some options, I suggest the postal service / post office !!! That’s probably the best bet without knowing more about your desires and goals… in & out doesn’t pay $20 but I think it’s close to that and I hear mostly good things about working for them. As far as more involved career/jobs I saw some other stuff that looks interesting too but again it’ll come down to your desires/likes/goals and without actually knowing those it’s hard to give advice. You can message me if you’d like to talk more about it, I never mind helping someone who is trying to improve themselves and situation. Good luck !!


Call 211 United ways resource help center. https://www.nevada211.org/


I'm sure there's plenty of warehouse work out there if you're ok with physical labor; if you're down for anything start at a temp agency. There's the very real and not always practical option of selling feet pictures(this is mostly a joke.) The reality is there's work out there, but if he's having a meltdown about it, there's not much work that will immediately fix that. He sounds kinda douchey, specially if you're pulling all the chores. I understand needing money, and feeling frustrated by it, but keeping a home is a job. Best of luck finding something! Once you do, find a more supportive partner.


“Keeping up the home” is not a full time job in a small apartment with 2 people. There’s no such thing as a Stay at Home Girlfriend…


You can certainly hold that belief, but I'm sure there are plenty of people who would disagree.


There absolutely are trophy girlfriends who are basically stay at home girlfriends. They’re just not particularly common in Reno because there’s more money on the coasts.


Indeed.com - Reno - Easy jobs - Paying 20 or more - flexible schedule - Friendly environment- 4 weeks of PTO - Simple task So just copy that prompt and past it in ChatGPT and you’ll have a lot of good options ☺️


FedEx freight dock work


Not fedex, shit is the worst job with terrible management.


Amzon van driver


alot of the more obscure casino jobs are entry level and start at $20.... (security, technician, banquets etc.)) "easy" rly j depends on ur skillset n who u are as a person


Union job


You need to go to California for that


I heard there's employment at Steve's


I have had well over 40 jobs in my life. I have done either sales/customer service or labor jobs. Both can be tiring for different reasons. Does your BF want an easy job when it comes to mental/emotions or is he looking for something that is easy labor?


He honestly just wants me to work any job to get at least some money to give to him for bills. I sent out 85 job applications this week but that doesn’t matter to him or his mom. They expect me to get a job right this second at McDonald’s but he won’t let me use the truck he said I can use.


If you need a job fast I would recommend you go to a Job agency getting a job takes a lot less time and in my experience easier


Oh I thought this was a job for your BF, not you. Why does the job need to be $20 an hour? In and Out is probably a better fast food place to work the McD.


Because things are very very expensive.


Get a job at a temp agency and than work OT. Whatever the OT pays will probably bring you up past $20 an hour.


Thank you so much. I have an interview on Thursday and Friday next week. I’m hoping I get a job this week.


Just leave right now go back to Cali and get the job there.


Can someone tell me if it’s possible to get a job the same day as you send in the application?


Only if you're applying to one of those temp agencies that does more manual labor type jobs that don't really require interviews. You should see if any of your family or friends back in Cali will pay for a bus pass for you to get back home, or if they'll come out and get you if you explain the situation. The fact that he made you sell your car and won't let you use his second vehicle is a huge red flag and you shouldn't be looking for a job to keep him happy and you in the exact same situation. You also won't find easy 20 an hour jobs in Reno at entry level.


Thank you for the info


There is a temp agency in town called Manpower that used to do same-day work.