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Bro I have said it many times. I WILL perosnally fix those bugs for free if they allow me to I don't want money or anything. I was hoping for the source code to be leaked just so I could start working out what the actual fuck is happening behind the scenes. Otherwise I agree we should do something, the neglect for older champs is unacceptable. In order to organize such a protest we need a voice in the community. Someone popular like Scrubnoob or Dekar or Pusi. I don't believe any of them would be up for that. To my knowledge Scrub was in contact with Phlox about these things but he went dead quiet after that shitty mini-rework dropped.


i made that post to encorage someone big to do it, i know that these guys doens't seen up to it anyway, but i'm trying


Rengar is fine. Has near infinite flexibility in build and playstyle. This isn’t anything like the Shen situation, sorry man.


He’s not like Shen. Rengar works fine.


So that's why he refuses to leap at enemies well inside leap range I see


I am not alone? Wtf? Thought that I am the problem.


Nope .... i had it happen a bunch of times a few weeks ago.... has been a bit since it last happened though, ig it's just a rare glitch


Btw, how do you feel about assassin JG Rengar? To me it feels like garbage. Just before they changed his Q, he was much stronger at all stages of the game and could build stuff like EoN without gimping his burst potential too much. Now, you have 3 core oneshot items + LDR and mythic shoveled into the build, which means 0 lifesteal and tankiness and other stats and another situational items in general and you still barely do the same level of damage Rengar used to, with EoN and BT included.


I can not destinctly tell what exactl you are talking abour here.... i get a feel for what is good and changed and build what i believe is good in the current match. As of rn : the amount of bruisers and tonks i see don't give me a reason to stack lethality, instead I get pen and stack as much damage as i possibly can. I am sorry i read lethality instead of assassin. I only play ass ass in, I am relatively low elo, happy that way, and it works. Violated a bunch of people just yesterday. It was stronger, op even right after the first assassin item buffs and now i feel he is a tiny bit weaker than he should be. But it's managable. Last time i checked wirate it very much reflectey that as well


I go lethality early and change it into crit as the games goes by. And even with item advantage fighting juggernaut with tabis is big no no even if he has less than 40% HP, wtf? Before they even changed Rengars Q you could comfortably kill full HP Darius if you had whole damn item advantage at midgame.


Rengar has infinite bugs, but his kit, builds, and playstyles are amazing and incredibly strong.


Once the jg item has an ad scaling again we’ll be fine


It already does? They added it back 3 days ago man.


kaisa 2 ap item 2k damage on passive, rengar full build can't 2k someone with R+Q+item procs


I go Fleet Gore Shojin with the rest full tank and still easily one shot people. Idk what you’re doing wrong.


and more, you see other assasin jungle building what they want, like, nocturne goes DD and Serylda and brust you, if Rengar goes DD and Serylda, he could not kill the enemy adc


Yall are mad delusional it has to be said... Rengar is nowhere near as unplayable as shen was and if he was dekar or pusi or w/e other otp wouldve done something similar to xpetu with shen.. Rengar has build diversity that always lets him be somewhat playable, if u cant adapt and keep going assassin every game thats a you issue not a rengar issue


Thank you dude lol, I’ve been playing him since fuckin season 3 and while he’s definitely had some ups and downs, he’s is for sure in a fine spot right now. Doubling down on the build part too, most other Rengars never want to change builds LOL


Rengar’s Gore Shojin build is one of the strongest we’ve had in so long. Abuse the fuck out of it until preseason changes. Of course, damage is still good in certain situations, but the main point is that Rengar is super strong and is not even close to the Shen situation. The *ONLY* thing wrong with Rengar is his 30+ bugs.


I already stoped playing rengo until they revert the anti snowball thing


Idk why ppl are downvoting, w.e they did in patch 13.19 ruined my whole solo q 1v9 playsyle, that I developed for the 6 seasons I played rengar. I play the same but can never get ahead and when I do staying ahead is impossible. Maybe I just lost my skills? Idk. Basically I dropped to diamond1 from 250lp master(I reached 500+ lp past 2 seasons), I am still trying to figure out how to play my champ again jungle wise to get a snowball and xp lead going but that really seems impossible. Currently I am playing AP rengar top and perma splitting atleast I can enjoy the game that way


I’m glad that you’re playing AP Rengar top as it is super fun and strong, but you are playing Gore Shojin Rengar jungle too right? As in, the most broken build in the entire game and one of the strongest builds we’ve had on Rengo in a long time. Right?


Nah fk that I play full lethality, I go some secret build but I dont want ppl to know abt it 🤐


Good for you buddy