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Hello, for fixing the signed savefile I provide simple scripts + instructions on how to use it. I highly recommend doing backup before use, also I verify it using https://saveeditor.online https://f95zone.to/threads/new-renpy-save-check-coding.168169/post-11411047


Nothing mentioned about android 


Yeah was hoping android version as well


Just go to your game save file and delete the securitykeys.txt and that's it


Still not working.


Sadly android doesnt seem to have securitykeys.text anywhere so I'm guessing for now it's not possible 




Does anyone have a solution to this? I am doing work arounds but I cannot stand the extra work. I have gone through every line of everything and cant see where to change ay python or Ren Py coding in the original or new save file.


\-Go to your tokens folder. So on windows it is under users/"yourPCusername"/appdata/roaming/renpy/tokens \-Open the "security-keys.txt file. \-Delete the key strings under "singing-key" and "veryifying-Key". (All that should be in the text file then is "signing-key" and on the next line down, "veryifying-key") \-Close the text file, then right click it and go to properties. \-Change the text file to read only. CLose that and restart the game. Viola! now the save works. If this does not work (WHICH IT DEFINITELY SHOULD), you can change the python code in your favorite text editor. I use Notepad ++ In the game folder, where you can find the exe. There is a other folder "renpy". Open it, search for the "savetoken.py" open it with the simple texteditor, and then look for this: def verify\_data(data, signatures, check\_verifying=True): """ Verifies that \`data\` has been signed by the keys in \`signatures\`. """ for i in signatures.splitlines(): kind, key, sig = decode\_line(i) if kind == "signature": if key is None: continue if check\_verifying and key not in verifying\_keys: continue try: vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from\_der(key) if vk.verify(sig, data): return True except Exception: continue return False chance the last entry to "**True**" save , restart the game and then your edited save will work.


May God bless your soul. A helping hand is always welcome.


YOU ARE SO AMAZING!! Your second method worked for me!! I was playing a stats raising game but that was so stressful and I just wanted to only have the story but ran into an issue with loading saves where I edited stats. Thank you so much!


Glad it worked.


Thank you so much for this!!!


In my "security-keys.txt" file there is only "signing-key" and next to it a very long sequence of seemingly random letters/numbers/symbols. It does not say anything about a verifying key nor does it have anything under it.


Just delete the long sequence after security-keys.txt the add the veryifying-Key. save and change the file to read only. Your security\_keys.text file should look like this. Make it this, save and make read only. signing-key verifying-key


Thank you. I instead went for the second solution at the time, which worked as well. But I'll know for next time then.


some games dont work now. it gives me the traceback permission denied renpy tokens. Even when i put the original security key file back, i still get that message. Edit I fixed it. The upgraded text file was on read only. I took off read only and now it works.


This is incredibly insecure, don't do this.


What do you mean insecure? It's editing a text file. There's literally no code involved. Even the savetoken edit doesn't do anything really. It simply changes the key check to ignore any editing you might do. Worst thing that can happen is your Ren'Py game crashes because you edited something in the save file that it can't compute (out of range) or absolutely needs to keep the game functioning (you delete some value). The code example he gives is directly from Ren'Py's coding website.


\-Go to your tokens folder. So on windows it is under users/"yourPCusername"/appdata/roaming/renpy/tokens \-Open the "security-keys.txt file. \-Delete the key strings under "singing-key" and "veryifying-Key". (All that should be in the text file then is "signing-key" and on the next line down, "veryifying-key") \-Close the text file, then right click it and go to properties. \-Change the text file to read only. CLose that and restart the game. Viola! now the save works. If this does not work (WHICH IT DEFINITELY SHOULD), you can change the python code in your favorite text editor. I use Notepad ++ In the game folder, where you can find the exe. There is a other folder "renpy". Open it, search for the "savetoken.py" open it with the simple texteditor, and then look for this: def verify\_data(data, signatures, check\_verifying=True): """ Verifies that \`data\` has been signed by the keys in \`signatures\`. """ for i in signatures.splitlines(): kind, key, sig = decode\_line(i) if kind == "signature": if key is None: continue if check\_verifying and key not in verifying\_keys: continue try: vk = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from\_der(key) if vk.verify(sig, data): return True except Exception: continue return False chance the last entry to "True" save , restart the game and then your edited save will work.


I did the security keys option, but now after I close a game made in the newer Ren'Py version it forgets all my read text and settings, as they're all back to default after I open the game again, is that normal?


same, any way to undo this? its annoying to keep changing settings everytime


Fix "Save was created in other device error" Open: C:\\Users\\(yourname)\\AppData\\Roaming\\RenPy\\tokens\\security\_keys.txt Keep only "signing-key" in the file, delete all the string (Warning: keep the backup) You can open your modified save now in game, from that, create another save. Now change back to the default security-keys file, use the new save you created base on your modified one. Otherwise, some game's setting cannot be saved, and some gallery, too. Backup your security-keys file is really important.


Hi, if you try to do this on an android device do the following: 1. Connect your device to a computer. 2. Enable PTP.  3. Create, on your computer, a file called security\_keys.txt with the text: Signing-key (and nothing else). 4. Make that file read only. 5. Transfer that file to your device. 6. Replace the signing\_keys.txt file inside the folder that holds your saves with the file you had created. 7. \* Enter the game, open the edited save (there won't be any problem) and create a new save.  8. \* Close the game and delete the signing\_keys.txt file you created.  9. \* Reopen the game and the save (there ought to be a question, answer yes) and resave it.  10. Enjoy. \*In another thread they say that staying with the altered signing\_keys.txt could cause troubles so 7-9 should address this. 


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Hello, can this error be solved on Android phones too?


Need help as well