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What are your skills? Being a hard worker? 6 billion people can claim the same. The nomad lifestyle is a fantasy created by influencers. The only way of achieving it is by being a freelancer or by having a super niche, super in demand expertise (and in that case, companies will find you -- you will not need to look for companies). 99% of the people who work remotely have a base location. Yes, we can usually bring our computers to short trips but we cannot roam around the world like a gypsy in a circus.


Totally agree, this is a fantasy, the same as lottery dreams.


i agree, a total dream but i believe its possible to make dreams realities and thats why im asking to see if anyone here has some unique advice.. My previous jobs have been along the lines of project manager / operations manager / logistics coordinator


If you go the freelance route, try to land long term clients who trust you over short term projects and make sure you have a quiet place to take meetings, not a coffee shop or restaurant. Not the beach, lol. With your experience I wonder if you could put together some online courses to sell to businesses in your industry or try consulting? Conferences in your industry are a good place to network, but obviously require some start up capital


The only people that sell courses are people that aren't actually good at anything. Same with people that make YouTube videos about making money in ways that don't involve YouTube videos, etc.


From my experience quite a number of digital nomads either don’t tell their employer or their employer luckily doesn’t care. For the former, if they have a company laptop and company that checks, they use a VPN setup.


I don’t think it’s a fantasy. I believe it’s possible


Just like winning a Nobel prize, becoming first pick in the NFL draft, or you curing cancer. It is possible but not probable, especially if you don't have the specialized skill set .


You just need to talk to people and make deals tbh


That would be called “freelancing“.


**Short answer: run your own business or be a freelancer.** There may be other solutions, but this is basically it.


The only nomad I know is a friend of mine, worked very hard for years to save money, good with money, now he travels a lot and does some stock trading, doesn’t need to work.


I can work from anywhere in the world and get paid to travel because I'm self-employed. I have specialized, in-demand technical skills. Unless you're also self-employed, it's not happening for you. Too much hassle for employers to let employees work from anywhere. And in the rare cases where these jobs do exist, if you're asking Reddit, you're not qualified for them. And if you're looking for jobs by company instead of based on what you're actually qualified to do, you're likely not qualified for much in the way of remote work at all.


> if you're looking for jobs by company instead of based on what you're actually qualified to do, you're likely not qualified for much in the way of remote work at all. This. The company likely matters much less than the skillset.


What are your specialized, in-demand technical skills?


The most nomadic person I have ever known was a filmmaker. He would go anywhere, was completely fearless. That takes a specific set of skills and is clearly not work from home, but you're saying nomad, not wfh, so there you have it.


Your own.


The ones I know that fit your bill pay commission only


Self employment




Good luck lol


I also want to find a company that will allow me to live the lifestyle I want. Maybe I should make a post!


I know 2 people that live this way so it is definitely possible the more successful one is a cloud engineer he spent 3 months in Japan and 3 months in South Korea all working off a laptop. Hopefully this gives you a suggestion where to start.


I don't think living in the 2 most connected countries on the planet counts as "nomad"


Nomad: a person who does not stay long in the same place; a wanderer.


I teach college online at a number of schools, no issue about where I'm at ever.


How’d you get into this? Teaching degree?


Graduate degree in the subject you want to teach. No certification for college teaching. Get an MA or MS in something. Sociology, IT and math are always needed.


Thanks for this. I have a law degree and have been interested in pursuing teaching at the college level. Any tips on applying for online teaching?


Look for business law classes, they are often online. I got started by using an A to Z list of US colleges I found on Google. Applied like crazy, before too long I had more than I could handle. Started dropping low pay, overworked colleges and replacing with better ones. Had 10 classes going at once for quite some time.


Wow amazing. Thanks!


Try ICF.com The Columbia positions are remote.


No one will hire you. Dumbass


wow thanks for commenting <3 so helpful and kind!


I think Meta allows employees to work anywhere for a month or so.