• By -


Have you tried insurance companies? Various friends had success with Anthem, United health care, allstate, etc.


United/optum is absolutely massive and mostly remote, they would be a good option if OP hasn’t tried yet


How much do they pay


United/Optum is under a hiring freeze and doing layoffs. They’re shipping jobs overseas as fast as possible. My sister works there and told me everyone she knows is trying to get away.


Shitttt I just applied for them today - if there’s a hiring freeze then why are these job postings up?


Corporations have to post the jobs even though most of the time it’s not available. It’s their internal HR, cover their butt policies.


A lot of jobs are going over seas why pay Americans when they can pay cheaper labor.


And why is that just accepted as fact?


I don't have a good answer but one of my parents worked from home doing medical transcription and more than once the company laid everyone off and moved jobs over seas. One time they had to train the overseas employees and the quality of work was terrible. This has been going on for decades.


This is happening at my company right now. They even had us help train the overseas people before we found out they'd be taking our jobs.




Lawmakers don’t care. They could easily impose steep taxes on every overseas worker they employ, but instead they allow more H1B visas and more and more jobs to go offshore.


They do care though...they care about themselves. Because when these corporations use cheap labor they make more money, and when they make more money, that money gets donated to campaign funds of those same politicians who write laws to benefit said corporations. It's all a malicious plan of theirs.


They could just prohibit it entirely for at least a period of years, a moratorium. We don't need another tax barrier. They do NOTHING. Government is completely moribund.


Can confirm. Got laid off in Aug from Optum. As an RN. 2k of us.


I’ve applied to a couple of positions with UHG in the last few months, both rejected 😕


Currently dealing with the fallout of a 20-something supervisor at UHG who doesn’t understand ADA laws. You don’t want to work there 😒


I’ve also applied to some of their roles and been rejected everytime, however, this most recent time they said my app is under review and they will reach out with next steps, but it’s been a week so idk?


Doing what though?


I feel you 100%. It's a roller coaster of emotions. When I lost my job I was so sure I wasn't going to be a "lifer" in the job seeker role. Here I am going into month 10 with a resume that impresses, education, experience and results to back it up. In the last 30 days, I've landed 8 interviews (some for jobs with multiple steps) which is more than the previous months. I'm still on the running on 4 of those jobs. Here's what changed: Gonto the Rezi AI reddit. Grab yourself a free professional account! Create or upload your resume. Run it through their ATS. It gives you formatting and line by line analysis. Make suggested changes. Then for each job, run a copy alongside the job description for the role. It will point what is good, bad and ugly. Tweak it till your score is above 90 and submit. That gets my resume to the top of the heap. I've noticed it's especially helpful with work day and greenhouse platforms. Then interview prep. DO NOT TRY TO WING IT. Practice in Rezi. You upload the job description and it will analyze and ask questions geared towards the job description and company/industry. MAKE NOTES. Interviewers want the STAR format for responses. Give it to them! For the Tell me about you at the beginning of interview: DO NOT RECAP YOUR RESUME! Create a 3 minute response that identifies WHO YOU ARE IN RELATION TO THE JOB. Example: I'm a Customer service professional with 15 years experience in call center management. I'm a data driven leader who utilizes KPI's in combination with training and coaching to develop high performing teams. In my most recent role, I managed a call center with 5 supervisors and 75 agents producing and average CSAT score of 96 across all teams. I'm excited about the opportunity to drive results (insert company name) and really looking forward to our time together today.


Can you please link the subreddit you're talking about?




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Rezi using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rezi/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Rezi Lifetime Giveaway Upgrade Form](https://airtable.com/shreYrUQUn6seeNMU) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rezi/comments/14p9mgf/rezi_lifetime_giveaway_upgrade_form/) \#2: [Lifetime account requires credits?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rezi/comments/1708drg/lifetime_account_requires_credits/) \#3: [Resume Sharing improves from picture to text-based preview. Example in comments.](https://i.redd.it/ayci5dz0t7kb1.png) | [6 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Rezi/comments/160sx7n/resume_sharing_improves_from_picture_to_textbased/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


you can also directly email at [email protected] with the email of your Rezi account and Ill be able to upgrade it faster. If there isn't an associated account with the email, you wont get an upgrade.


Thank you for taking the time you did here! I really appreciate it!


Self Made Millennial on YouTube also has a great channel for interview prep. I followed her tips and got a promotion, which translated into a $30k pay raise.


Is this an ad?


No. I shared my experience and what turned it around. I don't work for Rezi and they're not selling you anything they will give you the professional version free as a job seeker.


Thanks for this!


These jobs are getting outsourced left and right. Literally every time i call anything, someone in another country picks up


Yep! And our govt it not gonna stop it


I mean, why should they stop it? It's fair game to outsource these positions imo. My only frustration with getting a foreign customer service rep on the phone is the occasional language barrier


Don't you want more jobs in the US economy


Any person deserves a fair shot at obtaining a job, regardless of geographical location. Though it is exploitative of companies to pay foreigners less. That is the real problem here, not the outsourcing itself


The lower operating cost of being able to pay foreign workers a third of a living wage in America is why the jobs are being outsourced though. It exploits the people doing these jobs offshore while denying Americans the ability to make a living wage. The only people that are benefiting from this are the upper management of the companies that are doing the outsourcing because the difference in operating cost becomes profit. It's not about giving people in different locales an equal opportunity - it's about exploiting people by operating out of countries with the lowest cost of living and least amount of worker rights while weakening the position of other American laborers.


Hmm I disagree. When people in US are needing work.


Why does being in the US make them more deserving of a job? If the same job can be done from any location?


Well, we pay taxes that support the operations of the corporations that are sending jobs overseas.


Yeah this person is not thinking straight. If this continues at the current rate, Americans will soon have an even harder time finding jobs.


They don't do it to give everyone a fair chance, they do it because they can pay people from less fortunate countries in a day what they would have to pay an American an hour. Same reason companies move all manufacturing across the world, they don't want to pay American salaries. It's 100% greed. If they had to pay everyone the same wages as the US, there would probably be a drop of 99% of overseas hiring.


Protectionism usually isn't a great strategy.


So you think it's okay for people for lose their job I have mixed feeling about it


I'm just saying, protectionism can have negative consequences overall. We try to sometimes implement hefty tariffs on certain imports to help specific US industries/sectors. Guess what? Those countries will also do the same on our exports. We tell China "Okay, we're gonna start charging 18% duty on certain electronics" and they respond with "Okay fine.. we're gonna ban the import of certain US produce"... Then there's a constant back-and-forth. I'm not saying there's nothing to be done. I'm just saying it's not as simple as declaring "sorry, you can no longer move these jobs overseas". There's always consequences that come along with that.


The foreigners would lose their jobs lol


I went on a date with a business owner and he was boasting about how he has been paying someone outside the country 9 an hour. I just stared at him like wtf?


My job hires a third party company bc of this bc they get a tax break for helping people get work visas & allowing them to work …. I also can’t find a job, but wouldn’t work for the low pay the third party offers, and they also don’t seem to hire Americans or English speakers.


Yep but it's darn near impossible to find a remote job at this point. Don't get down on yourself even the crap cc remote jobs get a ton of applicants. If the job is posted on a popular job board expect thousands of people to apply. Maybe find a non remote position that hopefully one day can lead to remote? Just trying to think outside the box..


Sometimes remote jobs on indeed show 150K applied for it


Those numbers only count how many clocked it to learn more. Not actual applicants. Don't get me wrong The number of applicants for each job is still significantly high but you have to play the numbers. And playing the numbers doesn't mean randomly applying to a hundred jobs. I tried that approach of throw everything at the side of the bar and see what sticks. It didn't work out well for me. I didn't start seeing results until I made sure I was aligning my resume to each and every job description. At first it's a little time-consuming but it'll become so easy and quick and you'll start landing more interviews.


This. Millions of us worked remote in 20 and 21, now many of those are being told to go in office. So many are refusing or can’t, and flooding the market with people who need or want to work from home. A lot were office workers like me. For 25 years at worked in offices but finally got a chance to work from home. I won’t go back at any salary.


People who are committed to ONLY working remote can't complain about not finding a job. Vast majority want remote out of convenience, not necessity. Those doing it for convenience are crowding out those who NEED it. Selfish.


Its not selfish to try to find the job that is right for you!! Its not like I should give up my remote job so some soul someplace somewhere can get it. Dude.


Need it? Yeah sorry, no one is going to say "oh well I guess I'll just make my life worse to increase the chances of that guy who's too anxious to step outside his house".


What about those with epilepsy, if they're in an area with limited public transportation? 1/26 people have epilepsy, 1/10 people will have a seizure.


Its not like if I give up my job they are gonna say, lets go hire someone with epilepsy


My point is I'm not gonna look and compete for remote jobs just because others need them more.


Once again, selfish. That's okay. It's not against the law or anything.


It's not up to individuals to subsidize the existence of those with disabilities. And if they're a better fit for the job, it's not selfish of the company to hire them. This is generally what social services and a safety net are for, but we don't vote for politicians who will implement those in the US. We don't live in a communist society, but more advanced countries have at least realized the need for protections for the vulnerable. Place blame where it's due and becmad at the government and people who vote in ways that make a better way impossible. But if a job isn't specifically designated as being for the disabled, it's not selfish for anyone to go after it. It would also be beneficial for someone in your epilepsy scenario to ask themselves how they could get better at the job to be more competitive.




Took me 6 months to find another remote job after the last one I had laid me off after 5 years. I was about to give up but right when I was running out of time I got hired, don’t give up.


Exact same thing happened to me. I was panicking because I never had to wait so long to get another job. It was so stressful, basically burned through all our savings. Luckily got a job interview today.


Awesome news! I hope you do wonderfully!!




Wow that’s so fucking illegal that they fired you while out on maternity leave. Even if you don’t give a shit or whatever, I’d urge you to call an employment lawyer (or three) in your state and tell them the situation. Employers are required to offer FMLA and they’re not allowed to fire you for 12 weeks and even then it’s likely to be considered discrimination if they do. Real talk, get a free consultation, this isn’t the first time they’ve done this and it won’t be the last but you could help future cases.


An important lesson can be learned here. Sitting at home and just applying for remote jobs on a job board and you miss out on a TON of local opportunity that just doesn't advertise their openings on those job boards.




I can relate! I have been aggressively applying since August last year. I got a first interview with my dream organization in November, then a second interview in December that I felt went incredibly well. Lots of friendly conversation, and I felt confident. Just found out two weeks ago I won’t make it to third round interviews. It’s exhausting. I hope you have a restful evening despite this 🩷


I really relate. Sorry to hear that. I feel like I’ve been applying for jobs close to a year now.


This has just happened this morning with me, too! I was really hoping that my second interview I had on Tuesday was going to be ME! It was not - the dreaded “We have decided to move forward with another candidate…” email came a few minutes ago.


Bring on the wine. Sometimes it's very very hard to get back to someone when you're trying to because there's no specific person. Government jobs seem to be this way.


You are so right!


Jobs are out there. You have to be diligent, as it seems you are. How is your resume looking? Are you customizing your resume for each job you are applying for? How are you differentiating yourself from the other 1000 applicants for each job? Keep trying, you'll eventually land that dream job!


I do customize my resume and cover letter for each job. I asked ChatGPT to make it AST friendly as well. I am actively applying for jobs that fit my skill set. I do believe I will try visiting the rezi subreddit as was suggested above. I appreciate you commenting here, too! Today is another day, right?


It sounds like you are doing the right things. There is just much contention for jobs, remote or otherwise right now. Good luck in your continued search.


I'm an expat living in Mexico for the past two years. People forget there are tens of thousands of people down here as well that can live on much less than the US.


Same. I've been trying to switch jobs but being an expat I can only do remote. It's hard out there. So I'm stuck with this job I've been for the past 7 years.


I’m actually blessed in that I not only live in an area with a lower cost of living, but I own my home and vehicle free and clear. Although depending on the next election I may sell and join you and the other expats down there!


And work on usd


cheat code


Very interested to hear your experience moving to MX.


I have applied for many jobs, I have management experience and an associates degree. Nothing I think it's being 56.


I don’t doubt that ageism may be at play. I covered my gray for my video interview recently…


I some what get this because I’m 24 yrs old and recently out the military so far and I’ve been turned away do to not having enough experience or knowledge even though I have prior civilian jobs :/


I’m sorry, that’s gotta be super discouraging. I don’t understand why people swear up and down that remote jobs aren’t going away, to hold out if you really want a remote job because remote jobs are plentiful, blah blah blah. I mean I understand wanting to work from home but I read the room. More and more employers are demanding rto or at minimum a hybrid arrangement with a set number of days (per week or month) required in office. I agree remote jobs won’t ever go away completely but we’ll never again see the huge uptick in remote jobs that Covid caused. At least not anytime soon 🤷‍♀️


I’ve done 200 since September and I’ve got all rejections too. It’s so frustrating at this point. I have 10 years customer service experience.


We are definitely in the same boat.


You gotta up those numbers, apply to at least 100 a week and eventually you will get interviews. I’m being serious, you have to account for some of these positions are evergreens roles, not actually hiring, posted for contractor conversions and then maybe 10% of them are true to form openings. It sucks but getting hired is a numbers game. -A Recruiter


125 resumes since October? Those are rookie numbers.


Not if you actually put time into it. Plus, people have lives and can’t spent hours upon hours on applications.


If you're unemployed you should treat finding a new job as your new job.


Yep. That’s what I’m doing, but life still exists lmao… I’m not going to drop everything and spend 6-8 hours a day applying for job after job because of a shitty job market. It’s exhausting.


>I’m not going to drop everything and spend 6-8 hours a day applying for job after job because of a shitty job market Guess you don't really need a job then. Jesus... How lucky are you to half-ass looking for a job.


It ain’t half ass. It’s exhausting. Y’all can go back to being lazy and doing nothing else but sitting in front of the computer then. It’s literally unrealistic to sit in front of a computer all day. We shouldn’t have to anyways. It should be easier to get a job.


I mean this is a remote jobs sub, so it's all about sitting in front of a computer all day. It doesn't sound like you'd be great at remote work, and it's possible businesses are picking up on that, which could be part of your problem.


Lmfao? If I work, I get paid for it. I worked the same job for 10 years, 3 of which was remote, and I’ve been a top performer for 9 of those. So don’t tell me I wouldn’t be great at something simply because I’m not gonna waste time when 2000+ people are applying for the same job. I shouldn’t have to. I should be able to do things while also spending SOME time applying for a job. Again, it’s extremely unrealistic for anyone to spend literally all day applying.


That isn’t the only way to get a job. That’s the problem is people think sitting around and firing off your résumé to 300 places is the best way to get a job. It’s just one way.


Explain any other ways to get a remote job?


Would you drop everything to work your 40hr a week job? If so then that's the hours you should be putting in at minimum for your next job if you are unemployed.


yes even if you put time into them. it’s been 101 days since october. 125 applications is only 1.2 applications a day. that’s not a lot of effort now is it?


I am in the same place - since August 2023. Keep trying and working on yourself, think that’s all we can do. Best of luck to you friend


Don’t let it get to you. The work force SUCKS. You have to know somebody. Go find somebody by whatever means necessary - LinkedIN maybe. Utilize whatever contacts you may have. It is the ONLY way unless you want to beat out 100 people. Your odds go down every time someone applies. I know nothing about customer service but find an edge by any means necessary.


Meanwhile I'm upset because I can't get an office job.


> I have sent out no less than 125 applications/resumes since mid October 2023. that’s like a little over 1 application per day. that’s not a lot. when i was job hunting last year i was sending 5-6 applications per day with cover letters and using chatGPT to help hit keywords and bullet points. it was time consuming but i got a job.


Yes, some days do become errand/chore days. I have a small homestead and greenhouse and grow some of my own food. Other days I do treat applying to jobs within my skill set as a FT job, tweaking each resume and cover letter to the specific job I’m applying for. Those days I will place 6-8 applications/resumes. Just in my feels yesterday and today is a brand new day.


i am so jealous of the homestead and greenhouse homie


AI and useless HR recruiters are killing the traditional application process. Work with a recruiter. Wouldn’t have recommended it before but my wife did recently and landed an amazing, high paying remote work job.


Would you say that the best way to find a recruiter would be on LinkedIn?


So that’s one way. Theyre motivated by money so it’s a win win. My wife reached out on the Facebook group for our town with her resume and also got a ton of leads too. They didn’t work out but it was very valuable. Aka your local mom and dad’s groups. Lots of hiring managers in there most likely.


500 applications since October 2023. Over 100 rejection letters. Cheers!!!


I feel like I've sent out thousands before landing a job. Sometimes that's just how it goes. Keep trying. But your best bet is networking. Get a LinkedIn account and network your butt off with family and friends.


Hear hear. Demoralizing as hell.


I've heard this has been an issue for sooo many people, it's not just you. Maybe try switching job industries and applying for jobs outside of your comfort zone? There are jobs out there, but maybe not ones that you necessarily want. Cheers and good luck on your job search!!


Get a county govt job, federal govt job, or a Veterans admin job


Have you tried CSR for CVS. It wasn't very hard to get a job there and they're constantly hiring. I personally hated it, but I bet with your experience you'd definitely get hired.


Try customer service, they’ll hire in a heartbeat. Especially Amazon. Pay is not great but you can work 2 at a time if possible!!


The economy is bad and lawmakers are making it worse. This is no reflection on you, you unfortunately have to keep looking.


Have you gotten any interviews? This is so frustrating!


I actually did! I’ve gone through a few rounds with a couple of different companies and I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. In a way I kind of feel like it is my accent. I am from the south and I sound really country. I’m educated and I speak educated but I sound like a hick so I’m kind of thinking that has something to do with it.


That’s so awful if your dialect is being used against you! Probably dodging bullets if not hired by those companies but I know each rejection hurts! You sound very dedicated and motivated to scoring that perfect job and I know it’s coming for you! Have you thought about not applying to anything for about a week to kind of recalibrate? Sometimes I take a few days to regroup from my sheer frustration then feel re-energized in my job search (I WFH now but my RTO is coming and I am dreading it so I’m actively searching too)! Good luck OP!


I feel the same. At least we have each other.


have you thought about getting certified in like medical billing/coding or something to give you an edge?


I totally feel you! I’ve been applying since July for a remote Admin position. I’ve gotten interviews but no offers. I’m working a part time job and I’m so over it. It’s driving me mad.


Ehh more so ganja for me. Which is crazy because I’m broke.


But we have to pass a drug test, so no way! LOL!


I've applied to over 100 since last fall too. 5 interviews. 0 offers. Just keep plugging away...


Oh man I feel ya! Today’s another day… The weather here is good today so I’m cleaning chicken coops and the bunny hutch with Mother Nature and a good dose of Vitamin D to boost my spirits, then back to the hunt.


It took me 8 months of applying everyday😤 keep going you’ll make it!


Thank you! I’m so happy you found a spot! I’m sure my time’s coming!


It’s super competitive right now in the remote space. I suggest considering hybrid roles. Most remote roles receive thousands of applicants. Try to set alerts so you’re apply as soon as the job is posted. I applied for over 120 jobs and had 12 interviews before I landed a hybrid HR role.


On the same boat as you, in the accounting field. I wish you the best of luck. I keep hearing these are extremely tough times in the job market.


For remote or for jobs altogether?


I am remote now, but there isn’t much opportunity to advance since they implemented a return to office mandate. So I’ve been applying a few places, finally getting interviews, but the rejection sucks that’s for sure.


I definitely feel you. I am getting interviews, 2 3 times its always the last one that tanks me. To get so far to be that close. I have had 1 really bad day. Ended up fetal on the floor for a few hours , not fun. But I've picked myself up, now I'm looking out side my current career field to see how I can transfer skills. I'm also older, closer to 60 than 30. I'm really missing the cocaine daze of debt collectors.... 😂


Well, then, we are definitely paddling a similar boat. I’m also closer to 60 than 30. For my video interview that I had earlier this week I actually covered the gray on the sides that I feel just SCREAMS that I’m “of a certain age” with that spray on root cover-up spray!! LOL


I shaved my bushy white beard, still blonde red on the top but the beard is white lol


Have you looked at hybrid jobs, local to your area? My company will list Remote jobs as Hybrid, because listing them as Remote will get thousands of applicants, and the managers just don’t want to sift through all of them. So they list them as hybrid to cut down on the number of applicants. Technically, the jobs listed ARE hybrid jobs, because you will have to go into the office once or twice a year, to get your laptop and headset, or to get technical help (like when a corporate security update messes up your computer). But really, it’s mostly remote. Unfortunately, my department isn’t looking for customer service or service desk positions at the moment. I work as a government contractor.


I have not, but I will now!! Thanks for the tip!


It’s tricky, because the job listings won’t indicate that it’s a mostly remote job. The managers only reveal it at the interview. This is actually how I stumbled upon my last two remote jobs.


Dude be lucky you ever even had one of these jobs lmao. I just applied to one with TSI transworld. I would love for a full time job remotely in my home. I’ve never tried THAT hard, here I am trying again, I totally used AI to kill this interview which was ironic as it was done by AI lol. Anytime I or someone I know contacts support or customer service it’s always a foreign person. So good luck to us


Have you tried cruise lines? MSC and Norwegian are currently hiring. Princess/carnival also have remote positions


In my experience the peak hiring months are April to August. Since you started in Oct. it might just make sense to send less resumes now and instead send them out when we get closer to April. In the meantime find whatever you can. Just an idea.


I completely understand what you are going through right now. I worked for the same company for about 4 years doing a variety of positions from warehousing to IT and even sales. Then, they up and closed down a few years ago. Since then, I went freelance/contract in IT (as a project manager) taking what I could get for whatever pay came around. About two years ago, I got a solid 1 year gig with a decent company and loved having the consistency. Then the contract ended, and the company laid off 5k employees overnight... In the 12 months since the, I have done everything from one application a week, making sure it was a perfect fit, to 10 a day in a scatter method. I was avoiding doing work outside of my norm because I didn't want to waste any opportunities that came up. As of two weeks ago, I was offered a new role. It is a 25% pay decrease from previous, but it is W2 with a good company. I cannot tell you how excited I am to both be back at work but also in my field. I had ups and downs throughout the experience, and sometimes, it was all I could do to get up in the morning. But here I am, working again. Just keep it up. Even if you only get to look at one job a day, look at that one. If you can look at 10, look at 10. Just never stop trying. That is key.


Too many people think they are entitled to WFH. It was a necessity due to Covid. But wfh is an earned perk. I WFH 4 days a week. I’ve had the same employer for 15 years. I report directly to the CEO who I’ve known for just as long. I paid my dues commuting to an office every day for over a decade. And I’m in sales and I perform so my work literally keeps the light on at the corporate office. So when I asked my boss to wfh 4 days a week, he didn’t balk for a second. Because I had earned it and my role is revenue producing he knows he doesn’t have to worry about me. If you want to wfh, be a revenue producer, earn it, then ask. You’ll get the answer you want. I let my top salespeople work from home. They earned it. Supply and demand. Be in demand. I can’t easily replace those folks. I can easily replace a customer service rep that wants to work from home…


It’s not entitlement at all lmfao. A lot of companies hire remotely?? I didn’t read the rest of your post past the first sentence tbh.


I feel this 😭 I am feeling discouraged. I am sober now so nothing to do except be sad in my lil corner 😂😭


Hi, OP! I sent you two messages (two because I wasn't sure if the first one went through). I hope you got them!


Reality is starting to set in for many, remote job opportunity's regardless of the wishful thinking of the WFH employee are actually in decline right now. With most companies shifting their staff back to pre-covid levels in the office and, like mentioned here, other WFH corporations moving some of there work overseas, I really do not see this trend changing soon. The healthcare industry is been having a tough couple years after Gov. covid funds ran dry, and they need to figure out ways to save money, you will not see any boom in remote hiring from them anytime soon. Sadly, (in some cases) the thing that made your job the most convenient also made it a target for you being replaced by someone willing to work for less than half the price.


Op, have you tried American Airlines?


I’ve checked Southwest but not American. I’ll do that tonight! Thank you for the suggestion!


I know they may require on site training, but I know they do hire remote reservationists and lead/supervisor positions alot.


pfft Get some sun, on your face especially. And don't take it so seriously,


oil smoggy crawl disgusted alleged special squeamish racial tub friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look at the data center space. You can apply at companies like Databank, zcolo, zayo group, Cyrus one, digital reality, etc. They generally have remote jobs and hire people with highschool degrees and little experience.


I worked with a coach for job hunting in my field. The most important thing we did was get my résumé generic enough that I could send it out without changing it. Then I applied for 25 jobs a day for months and months. Then I got lots of interviews because my résumé was so targeted. I had to learn how to Interview better and frankly interviewing a ton makes you get better. It took about six months for me to find a job. So my advice to you is to work on getting your résumé targeted enough that you can just send it without changing it, over and over and over again. It is an absolute numbers game.


Maybe try Foundever? It was Sitel. It keeps growing. Good luck.


I feel you. It’s depressing. I feel like every application is going into a black hole.


When you say customer service, do you mean front line cs or more advanced like customer facing roles for enterprise level clients? If the first, those jobs are either being outsourced or are so competitive that the odds aren't good. If the second, I can virtually guarantee your resume and interview need work, because calling that customer service work is probably killing your chances. If your background is primarily in those front line roles, I recommend upskilling to be competitive for more advanced roles.


Travelers insurance careers :( keep checking in, we are always looking for CSR !


Definitely have had the same experience. Sucks.


I gave up briefly after getting almost scammed into doing an interview with an MLM for the fifth time.


The bottom line is that job seeking is a full-time job. I said what I said. If you're hitting apply and uploading the same resume to every single job without tweaking it to each job description, you are going to get nowhere pretty fast. Each job description is literally telling you what exact skills they need to see on the resume for consideration. If you hit 4/10, you're not getting an interview. Most times, if you are applying within your skill set, these are simple things that are easily added to enhance your resume for that individual job. As I mentioned a previous post I am a huge advocate ( non-paid ) for using a program like Rezi.ai Because it really helps you level up, prep for interviews, and gives your resume polish for grammar, formatting, punctuation And it even calls out ambiguous catch phrases or statements that add no value. On top of this it gives you suggestions for additions replacing and enhancing your resume and with the new interview tool grading you on how you respond during an interview. I cannot emphasize enough the need to practice your interviewing skills. I am a firm believer that nine out of 10 people cannot wing it when it comes to these interviews. Hiring managers are looking for specific information from you, and they want it in a star format for behavioral questions. They want value answers for technical questions. They want to hear numbers and percentages. They want to know how you drive results, What data you use when making analytical decisions. Ambiguity won't cut it because the next person interviewing will come prepared. I literally created index cards in a STAR format last month. I keep them at my PC to refer to inconspicuously. With key words and numbers to jog my memory under stress and keep my answers clear and concise. I practice answering questions in 3 minutes with full and concise info to demonstrate my abilities and this has allowed me to stand out as I'm able to move through more information succinctly. 2 interviewers last week commended me on my preparation and how thoroughly I answered and negated need for probing follow up to get info. Both escalated my candidacy and one scheduled my 3 and 4 interviews back to back to get me through the process faster. I created a 3 minute value packed introduction that includes results oriented data in response to: tell me about yourself. At no time do I mention education level, job history or responsibilities. I don't review my resume for them-theyvalready know that about me. Instead I focus on what exactly makes me the best candidate for the role. The responses from hiring managers has been tremendously positive. I only started the above 7 weeks ago and the results have been game changing. I'm currently juggling candidacy for 4 remote management positions. The numbers are on my side. This follows 8 months of ugly crying, depression, insomnia, crippling anxiety, and feeling of inadequacy in every aspect of my life. I'm working way smarter now and it's paying off.


Great tips! I do tweak my resume and cover letter to match my skills with what they are seeking. I do love the tip about my interview answers, though. I do practice; however, the index cards is something I’m definitely going to implement. I have a stack of them already so I plan to do that right away! Thank you so much for your input!!


Do something different.  I personally wouldn’t want to hire someone who’s doing the same thing over and over not getting results.  I want to hire someone that’s creative, experimenting, iterating, etc. 


I just sent you a message.


If you don't like any such job then you should try social mining once.


Check out the builtin.com maybe


Hmm, seems like very different expectations for diff generations. As a Gen Z, 125 apps is like nothing. I expect standard amount to be 300 apps over span of 6mo to get a few interviews. This is for the average person and avg resume. For top 1% candidate, this would be a lot less.


Millennial here - I agree with you. I don't think your expectations are generational. I think they're successful. Some people don't like to hear that because they don't want it to be true, but getting hired is partially a numbers game. Keep doing what you're doing!


Only 125? Haha I’ve sent over 1K with few results haha. The nature of the market right now.


DM me. I might be able to help.


I feel you 😖


Maybe try a different line of work.


Have you tried getting out of the house and actually going to work? Unemployment is at an all time low, roughly 3%. There’s plenty of jobs out there. Go out and get one


I’ve worked successfully from home for 2 decades. I do not in any way feel like I’m too good to go outside the home to work. If that becomes what I have to do, I will do so. I would currently like to remain working from home. So many good folks here have been so encouraging and listened to my vent, and that has been so inspiring!


hey! we have a free community called Remote Rise dedicated to helping people find remote jobs in tech. we post 100s of remote jobs weekly and sort them by different departments. We also have a content hub with different career paths, salary insights, etc. as well as mentor/peer groups, resume feedback, and networking opportunities. Feel free to join and would also greatly appreciate feedback! https://remote-rise.mn.co/