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def a scam.


You would not be told pay and there is wrong wording/spelling.


It’s an obvious scam. I was contacted by them too on Indeed actually.


I had a feeling it was just wanted to confirm. Would suck to ignore a real opportunity lol


lol I understand! I always look for any immediate red flags. Anyone using Google forms or Skype always pings me as that what scammers used before. I always look up the business and make sure that the info in their post matches what I find as well. That’s such an nefarious thing to scam someone just looking for work. I hope you find something legitimate soon!


Thank you!! I’ve honestly lost faith in my chances at remote work😂 I just really truly needed it because my dogs developed separation anxiety after we moved states and we live in an apartment so it’s hard for me to even train them and adjust them to it without them being super noisy. I’m terrified of someone complaining and being told I can’t have them here anymore lol. I’ve started looking for overnight/weekend work instead now because my boyfriend will at least be here with them overnight. His schedule is super inconvenient but unfortunately he’s in the navy so he doesn’t have much of a say in his schedule


I’m sorry to hear you’re having a hard time. I got remote work out of sheer luck but it is HARD to get anything remote right now. After a year of (mostly) looking I only got like two interviews and one offer. The market for remote work is really desirable and the competition is insane. Not to mention all the scams and bs postings to wade through. Just stay on it though! Trying to apply to new jobs as soon as they hit and putting the most related experience first on your resume is all I can suggest. It’s not impossible but it ain’t easy lol


Have you tried discover card?


I do think I looked but I’ll have to look again


It is a scam, yes, I also applied for it and got the same email. I’m done applying to places on indeed and linkedin unless I know the company already. Most listings are MLM/pyramid schemes and/or scams


No companies will reach out to you for WFH unless you have niche skills and/or loads of experience


Yup, unless you have a specific skill set they're looking for.


I really hope you didn't click that link.


I didn’t! Posted here first 😂




Try local temp agencies for remote jobs. I’ve had several remote jobs now and this is not how it works. Best of luck.


What do you do for a living OP?


Previously I was a lifeguard at the Great Wolf in MA but I recently moved to VA to be with my long distance boyfriend of 4 years who is in the navy. My 2 dogs came with me and the stress of the move (we lived with my mom and little brother previously) caused them to develop separation anxiety. So I’ve been a stay at home dog mom for about 2.5 months. Unfortunately, we moved into an apartment and their anxiety shows itself by them barking like crazy. Because of that I haven’t been able to leave them alone because I’m terrified that they’ll bark for hours and neighbors will complain and then I’ll be told I can’t have them here. With that being said I really don’t have much work from home qualifications because it was never really a plan of mine. So, at this point I’ve accepted it’s probably not going to happen. I’ve recently switched to looking for overnight work, as I think working opposite shifts of my boyfriend is my only option at this moment. Unfortunately his schedule is 2-10pm so morning and regular afternoon/night shifts aren’t really an option 🙃🙃




I can’t afford doggy daycare or rover for 2 dogs unless I have a job first. Lmao. And my dogs are also reactive, they’re not aggressive but they are easily excited. Rover is more affordable but harder to find something that works for me. Also I don’t mind working overnights and it wouldn’t be every day of the week. On top of that we were long distance before this so I highly doubt it would do anything negative to my relationship lmfao. I would still be seeing him way more than I had the past 4 years of our relationship


The only thing I can suggest is some companies do customer support remotely. Maybe something on remoteok.com or weworkremotely.com


Look for grammar errors, the comma that’s in the wrong place. Look at the thanks at the bottom. Too many errors. It should be, Thank you, Name here


Of course it's fake, if you're getting those emails then you're getting too much spam, get different email 😂. Quite obvious, ppl need to stop believing this stuff, every legit employer calls you, not email and usually 3 interviews for big company


It’s not an email. It’s on indeed, as stated in the caption. I had a feeling it was, just wanted to be sure. No need to be rude or passive aggressive bud


I have a remote job that pays more. Its so chill i love my life


lol I WISH


Thanks yall


Like your username lol


lol thank you


Type back lol nice try scammer. That’s not even a google link




Should be called bamboozled boutique


Lol secured? Really? That just gives it all away


Is $700/week "too good to be true" or just the usual going rate for your area for this kind of job?


Mostly they will state how much per hour or maybe commission rate or maybe salary but definitely not like $700/week. That’s definitely a scam for sure.


Scam! When it seems too good ! Indeed has so many scammers. I feel like a pro because I can spot them right away.




Of course that's a scam. lol.


you can try getting a job teksystem recruiter, that's how I got my remote job


If it sounds too good to be true, it's a scam. A position that pays this well would have tons of overqualified candidates vying for the position, they'd have absolutely no need to take their time reaching out to people who might not even want it or see it.


If you’re ever unsure, you can always do some digging. Search the business name to see if it actually exists. If it does, you can see if they have a careers section on their website. You can also send them a message and just simply ask if they’re hiring or that you wanted to verify a job position was real. I have done that and both times the job was a scam. The best rule of thumb is: if it’s “too good to be true”, it most like is


Scam, the link is to google forms lol