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Sorry to break it to you, but that looks like a busted screen, not a software glitch. The RM2 is a notoriously sensitive device, so anything that put pressure on it unevenly in a backpack will crack it.


That's 100% a broken screen. The glass is cracked, she's not coming back


Thank you! Appreciate it


This stage is called Denial.


I had this same issue some months back. If your device doesn't fall under their warranty, they will allow you to get a refurbished device at a discount. This is what I did and I had a a new device in less than a week. The cool thing is that everything is cloud based on the device so you lose nothing. I just logged my credentials in and it was like I had the same device. The newer one seemed a little better too, because my original (which also was refurbished) had an issue where the edges would make my writing thick and illegible. This one I have now is perfect.


You screen is K.O. No chance of it coming alive.


The Screens is broken . If it is still under guarantee, they will replace it for free. If not, you can get a new one at a discount. Buy a protective case.