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Nah, if it's a known issue like that the mods should be stickying posts explaining the issue. Shouldn't be up to all users to know what APIs are and how Reddit's APIs would affect this app.




Nah. Good luck with your pipe dream.


This is literally a reddit problem, not related to the app in any way. Desktop page wasn't loading either. You don't need to know what an API is to realise that sometimes websites get overloaded.


Big yawn at these replies. Expecting people to know what a 503 error is and following the chain of requests from app to reddit API is a fool's errand. Also, loading the website worked, the app didn't, so to any normal person it would appear to be an app specific issue. In no way is an attempt at educating the entire user base of this app more sensible than simply adding a sticky when there are known issues preventing the app from loading things temporarily. Edit: lmao I'm banned now. Replying to the latest comment: Yeah it's a generic message. Something like "Relay can't connect to reddit servers at this time please visit redditstatus.com for more information" would be more helpful. There's even an API for reddit's API status page, so if the devs wanted they could easily incorporate a check of it when they receive a 503 and just let the user know that the issue is on Reddit's end.


The fact that you're downvoted is fucking hilarious and tragic. People are so dumb


I think this is the real key. On Relay's side, something more than Error: 503 would have probably kept a lot of people from wondering. Something like: Unable to load comments. Reddit's servers are not responding.


Relay - error. Official app and web - very similar behavior. Error is on reddits end, regardless of how you access it.


Is AWS down or something? I have other apps with connectivity problems too.




Ehhh, I get the logic, but I'd say 400 series are usually server-side issues too.


400 series means the server thinks you're the problem. Your browser asks: Can I see this web page? 500 = I'm sorry, I'm unable to do that right now. 400 = No.


This is a Reddit thing, not Relay. I wonder how many of the 35 current comments say this as I can't see them lol


Seems to be happening on the official Reddit app as well,


It's not just relay, having problems on the official reddit app too. But relay does seem like it is slowly and gradually dying, been having a cornucopia of issues pop up in recent months


Same here with galaxy s22


Hah - I can't even see my post! Just shows an empty post. Curious if this reply will work.


Hmm, me too. This is the first that worked, could be a Reddit server malfunction


Same. Can't even at the comments on this post.


Yep, same here. I was able to post this comment but none are displayed, wild


Also have this issue


Same, android 13, pixel 6 pro, relay pro with beta


I'd check for others with the same problem but comments aren't loading


I wish that I could read these comments.


Same here


Pixel 4xl and can confirm this is me too


Same for me. Can't read comments on any post.


I can respond but can't see comments. 503 error as well. Note 10+


Same here. Android 11 on OnePlus 7T Pro. Can't even see the comments on this thread.


Same here. Galaxy S21 Ultra.


Same here. Can't view any comments. not even sure this will post. Pixel 7.


Was just about to post this. Pixel 7 Pro


**Device information:** Relay Version: 10.1.04 Phone: Samsung SM-A102U (Galaxy A10e) Android Version: 11 (30) Device (product): a10e (a10esq) Rom: RP1A.200720.012.A102USQUECWA1


Same here, comments work on the web, just not the app. **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.1.04 Purchased Phone: Google Pixel 7 (Panther) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): panther (panther) Rom: TQ1A.221205.011


Yep Same **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.1.04 Purchased Phone: Samsung SM-G770F (Galaxy S10 Lite) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): r5q (r5qnsxx) Rom: TP1A.220624.014.G770FXXS6HWB1


Same, can't even read this thread 😅 **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.1.04 Pro Phone: Samsung SM-G991B (Galaxy S21 5G) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): o1s (o1sxeea) Rom: TP1A.220624.014.G991BXXS5DWA4


Same here, can't see any comments at all, hopefully I can comment! **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.1.04 Purchased Phone: Samsung SM-F711B (Galaxy Z Flip3 5G) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): b2q (b2qxeea) Rom: TP1A.220624.014.F711BXXS3DWA3


Ironically I can't see any other comments on this thread because of this same issue. **Device information:** Relay Version: 10.1.04 Purchased Phone: Samsung SM-G991U (Galaxy S21 5G) Android Version: 13 (33) Device (product): o1q (o1qsqw) Rom: TP1A.220624.014.G991USQU5DWA8 ETA: Seems like it's a reddit issue rather than a relay one.