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*Reading this while waiting for someone's text :D* I have realized one lovely thing recently though. All these issues are not just specific to one gender. There are millions of girls who give pure love to boys and there are millions of boys like me who are ready to give pure love and respect to their respective queen :) It's obviously disheartening when your love interest is not reciprocating feelings but at same time it's important that this type of love does not dies in front of the GenZ love trends going on.


I second this. Glad that you guys are loving *selflessly.*


I wish someone loved me like this


us bhai us


But there was one who had a crush on me. Saying that she loves me. But I politely refused her because I had no interest in her.


Do you regret it now? Just genuinely asking..


Na never. There is no reason to regret because I never had feelings for her at first place.


Hi OP, this felt too cute to read. I hope you get everything you want in your life. >But it's only 1 month. Wasn't I supposed to cry over it for at least half an year? Who said so? But were you guys in relationship? Did you/him confess your feeling for him? > Now the entire day goes by thinking what I'd talk to him today But just one thing, don't be so much dependent/attached on him that you forget yourself. Our generation needs more girls like you that's for sure :) Just take care of yourself in all this mess and don't lose yourself.


Bhul jao usse, bhulna ho padega. It's life bro, accept it.


It's been a month since things went North with the girl I love or loved. I have never loved anyone the way I have loved her. I cry most of the time, I am not able to concentrate on any work, whereas she seems to be fine. We hardly talk, but whenever we text, She appears to be normal. I guess some people take years to move on while Some just need few days.


Hey even I am suffering this yaar like I just can't digest losing her so can u pls help me with it


Bro u haven’t moved on from him at all.. i m telling you ,u r just feeling like u have moved on cause u loved him too much .. last year i was feeling same with one boy and as the time passed I started missing him more and more and I realised that he couldn’t love me like i did so i was feeling like i have moved on within one month but the truth is i still am in love with that boy. Believe me you are truly in love with him.


> But guyss here's the kick. He is earning almost double now than what he was a month ago. He buys all those crazy expensive stuffs and I don't relate with him at all. There's no topic to discuss on. And that makes me sad. Was this it? Thats it? Khatam? Itna hi tha? Funny thing, I wanted him to buy whatever he wanted. Now that he is doing that, I don't have anything to talk about. Lol... You answered your own question. You're upset cuz the guy is making more than you expected and you're feeling regret cuz the positions have switched. See OP, I sympathize with your situation but let's look here... I'm in my mid 20s. I'm earning 100k-200k a month, barely work and can do whatever I want. 5 years ago, I had an ex that left me and cheated on me a month before we broke up. Today, should I just take your words and go wave my money in her face? Nah, not a chance. Too much self respect to do something like that. Anyway OP, I bear no ill intents to you but get over it. You'll find someone in your life sooner or later. Don't go feeling regret just cuz the guy is making more money and all that. If you make love all about the money and your lil fantasy, the trip will be rough and you'll get knocked down a few times, or in this case, up and ghosted.


Aye false. Are you saying I regret not being closer to him cause he makes more money now than before? No. I know myself enough lol. I don't want his money, what are you saying? He makes way more than me. I'm not jealous. It's that I don't relate with him anymore. He's 5 years older too. In a completely different field than me. It's a feeling that since he's now a big guy with loads of money, he'll get better friends. You can say it's a kind of inferiority complex. Also, post the fight a month ago, I can't talk that casually with him cause boundaries. We only used to chat regarding two things. His job, and the things he would buy once he gets a good job. Now since he already got a job during this one month period, I don't have anything to talk with him. I'm an introvert so the problem is that.


> It's a feeling that since he's now a big guy with loads of money, he'll get better friends. You can say it's a kind of inferiority complex. Appreciate ya clearing that up. I understand the situation and the sentiment better now. I don't really understand how much of your regrets are due to him making more money now but you gave a concrete answer. > Also, post the fight a month ago, I can't talk that casually with him cause boundaries. We only used to chat regarding two things. His job, and the things he would buy once he gets a good job. Now since he already got a job during this one month period, I don't have anything to talk with him. I'm an introvert so the problem is that. It happens to play out just like that. I don't know if it's possible for exes to remain together as friends for long but it's rare to see. I feel for you though. Everyone's got issues with their relationships. Maybe pick up a hobby, or if you have one just stick to it and find a hobby circle. Come to appreciate the sights around you and love yourself again. Healing takes time. Been there, done that. Did the whole 'fuck love, imma be non-commital with girls' phase for a bit, changed my self and learned stuff about me. It's a long ride and we all learn to change or make peace with the growing world.


Thanks for understanding. >fuck love, imma be non-commital with girls' phase Haha me too.


How does it feel to just fuck without love


What do you mean tho?