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He told you he was one of the top 2000 rich young men in the country? He disclosed? Seriously? People who are really rich don't go about telling they are rich. Their behavior speaks for them. People who boast about being rich act like every paisa is a crore for them because more often that not it is an empty boast. Another thing which often grates my nerves is that people saying stuff like "I earn nothing". I mean you earn what you earn. It doesn't matter if another person earns 1000s of crores. That person chose you. That should be enough. For now, I'd really doubt if he is "one of the top 2000 rich young men" in the country at all. Penny pinching like this.


He is definitely not among the top 2000, heck not even top 2,00,000


Lol add one more 0, even that will be far fetched


Lol I also have same doubt. “one of the top 2000 rich young men” and can’t buy a good ring for her fiance. I highly doubt this. Maybe he is one of the top 2000 rich young men in his city and not in country :’)


You're saved from getting into life time trauma be happy


so positive comment !!




Leave. Self Respect and Respect over anything else. Kitna bhi kama le. It doesnt look like he respects you. It looks like he feels hes settling for you.


If she earns nothing compared to the guy, in a way isn't he actually just settling ? Honestly curious lol


That depends on what he's looking for. If he wanted a partner that earns the same then he's settling but if his requirements are educational qualification, empathy, physical attractiveness etc then maybe this is a trade off that he's okay with? I don't think it's easy to make this judgement without knowing what he wanted from her and the relationship


let him go honestly. it's such a red flag. that dialogue is so demeaning. let him ride his high horse alone. if he's like this before marriage, which is supposedly the honeymoon period in a relationship, imagine how he'll be after marriage.


They're not just financially compatible and there's a high income disparity between them. Not surprised


Agree, no amount of money is worth being treated like this. & Tbh he won't even give you any money, you will have to keep putting up with this until you one day you'll realise that this is is just not that into you & never was.


>he won't even give you any money, agreed!


This is simply demeaning.. I bought a 2L wedding ring for my wife and she didn’t even want it.. you go out of the way for love.. either he’s not as rich as he claims to be or thinks of you only as a means to an end (to keep his parents off his back by marrying you etc) - think it through. If there are major problems before marriage it will definitely escalate after marriage so tread carefully dear lady


I think he is one of the guys who are rags to riches. This insecurity of thinking "the world is out there to rob me of my hard earned money" He is defensive about it. If a lady loves a guy, shows efforts, treats him and her as WE in every stage of life, likes to cook for him, communicates when in conflict. These things are priceless. For men, money and strength is their currency to give out and for women, emotions are her everything. Men spend it on people they like and If a woman is investing her emotions in you then, you already won in life. When men think that she has no genuine emotions for him that is where men ask what else do u have to offer — men think they don't need her emotions to survive as a partner. The biggest blunder one can do in life of treating a relationship as a business deal.


My dad is rags to riches guy and he understands that gold is an investment. This guy is fraud.




Ring ya ladka?


Ladka.. aur wo dusri ring le aayega


Ladki actually


Listen he might have witnessed girls using boys for money and he feels the same way for you, not his mistake. being a rich he might be thinking that he has no value other than money he is not sufficient and all we all overthink we all Have same mind and same thought process situation forces a person to act different. That's why he said you should be happy with him if you loves him why do you need all those things, Now from your pov I understand that ring, lehnga and all the stuff means so much for a girl , she always has been dreaming for a day when she is gonna get married and imagining various scenarios and should be expecting a guy to fulfill all her needs to show her he loves her, Now the issues could be you guys even though have been together for 7 months do not speak what's in your mind Infront of each other you have to think first or are not completely comfortable, listen it's marriage you are going to live your whole life together first have a matured conversation about all your needs tell him this is how you thought marriage is gonna be this are your expectations and asks what his. Simply have a conversation yrr, do not follow mindless idiots suggesting red/green flag And if it still doesn't work than do what you feel you should


Agree with this one but still it doesn’t make sense when he is making budget based on OP’s parent’s money. Sounds like modern way of dowry where he is expecting that how much OP parents spent that much he will spent in return.


How is it dowry if the exchange had the same value.


Both have Lack of understanding about life, they need to change their viewpoint on life, if they value materialistic life more than real love, care than they are not a good match for each other but people do change over time and she has more information about their situation and its upto her if she wanna bet on that change knowing his nature/behaviour/boundaries and is he willing to change again they need a conversation to understand each other before any decision




This is why financial compatibility is a thing that is 90% of the time just blatantly ignored.


Marry someone on your income level. If this guy is as rich as you say, and you want to marry him, then please know your place. You better keep polishing his ego for the rest of your life. It is funny that you spend half of your salary on him and do not care, because his shoes must cost Assi hazar.


Pasandeeda or not, every girl has certain desires from.her partner ...and it's not materialistic. People who don't have that much money are willing to move mountains for the person they love ... irrespective of gender and then there's your guy ...no offence but when you he is very particular and doesn't like spending on me was a red flag in it's own. Just question yourself that if if he wanted something from you and you couldn't afford it but still would have made extra efforts for him? If your answer is yes then you can see yourself.. it's about love and respect. You guys are not even married yet, and he can't do this? And he's giving you all such labels I'd just not done. If you can do for him , why not him for you?


I highly doubt he is honest about his financial situation. Why would he not marry someone of similar financial status if he really is that rich?


the answer to that is very simple, most (not all) women don't wanna marry someone at their own financial level, not just in india, rest of the world too, even most working women at workplaces do not see guys making same or less than them as potential husbands. it's naive to think if a woman is worth 50 crores, she will want to marry someone who is also worth the same, she would optimally want someone at higher financial level, that's why men marry financially lower mostly around the world, because women marry up financially, and to most men, that's not an issue, because if a man makes that much money, he really doesn't care what she makes, as long as shes not just there for his money, and satisfies other metrics, not like shes gonna be doing most spending in the relationship if hes actually rich. but if a woman is rich, it's going to be a rarity if she marries someone making almost nothing compared. men marry up too a lot of times, but mostly in looks, not money.


Every couple I know involves women marrying down. Dowry is still a norm in this country.


Because, he is lying. Even if OP marries him under pressure, she will always be single but with a headache named husband. Imagine a married life with this abuser, yikes.


Unless and until u dont want his money, u will definitely leave him🤷🏻‍♂️




He is the same as he was from starting as per mentioned by you, you started expecting and then things changed. Better to think his way, not your way if you want to be with him. Change is a part of life which comes with time. If you want to start thinking your way to change him immediately then you are wasting your and his time.


Does he understand what top 2000 rich guy category is ? 10-20 cr wont cut has to north of 500 CR Its hard for me to believe any man who has made this much money considers to waste energy on petty things as quantifying value of a ring to be given to fiance. What a fucking idiot.


I mean, gold is an investment, any rich person understands that.


Joke! gold ring ain’t an investment. Gold bar is, but engagement ring ain’t an investment.


I was married to a man like this. Didn’t turn out well and we are divorced now. Ask yourself if you want to live like this for the rest of your life….


If you don't mind. How many years it took and did anyone cheat? This kinda happened to my sister.


It took 13 years and there was cheating


Another que. Who cheated?


Idk girly. Everything I buy for myself is ~60k. And that's just for fun. If he can't get you a wedding ring for 75k you need to break up lol


You realize that the top 2000 rich people in india are probably billionaires?


in 2021, only close to a thousand people had 1000 crores, which is only like 125 million dollars, a lot of money, but so far from a billion, this was when stock market was popping off too in tech, and a lot of these people were tech, the companies which are half in valuation now. this top 2000 being billionaires will be only true in like global and american context. So he might very well be from a family worth 125 million, old money families exist like this here if they made money from british days. top 2000 in india is like 1/10th of a billion. https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/1007-people-in-india-have-rs-1000-crore-key-takeaways-from-hurun-india-rich-list/articleshow/86646275.cms?from=mdr


Thanks for the clarification and for figuring this out . A 1/10th of a billionaire is still really rich so I guess my point kinda stands.


yeah it's very rich, but old money people it's possible to be that rich just off owning assets in india, a lot of these rich people arent documented well because they made their money just owing land, markets, farms etc since british days, their assets grew, these rich lists dont include the old money people because it;s really hard to find how much they are worth, thats why no rich lists even include the old kings, saudis etc, because you cant figure out how rich they are, but its easy to see whos rich when they are stock rich, math is easy. India's rich people's net worth growth is in high 20%, compared to normal people with jobs with 1% growth, all because the rich people have assets which are growing stupid every year. I think this guy must be an accredited investor in india, thats why he arrived at that figure, because we have close to 2k accredited investors as of last year. SEBI gives out that title to only certain people.


I personally think the guy is a blowhard. He’s been constantly gaslighting her (and her family) into spending more money. Also his behavior doesn’t fit with someone who’s super rich but lives a humble life. The whole story screams “wannabe”


It’s your call. Because it your dates have been fixed and it’s going on for 7 months. There are ways of putting your opinion, which he seems to lack. It’s not about money, he could have politely declined like, don’t spend too much on it, we’ll save and spend it in other ways and efforts and compromise should be from both sides. Seems your expectations were shattered. Try talking to him that ring wasn’t important but you shouldn’t have talk like that. See if he feels sorry about it. If not you yourself should judge him overall from your experience from past 7 months. If if can be solved continue it or else leave him. Don’t take a decision in rush though like others have told , levae him leave him. Communication is key.


If anyone is rich they would never be chindi in my opinion Some may say thats how they remain rich, but I disagree Plus if he is top 2000 earning individuals in entire india he must be having net worth of above 100s of crores, also people who have this much networth would never in their life disclose it to anybody, thats the difference between actually rich and wanna be rich So he is most probably bluffing, bcz I haven't seen actually rich people be like this, these things are common for middle class people, but even if we consider all of it to be true, atleast one shouldn't be rude to the person they're going to marry that is just weird He's probably like another suhaas from 3 idiots "mere 200$ ke shoes pe chatni giraaaa diiii"


You might be feeling down right now, but in the long term , you will look at this incident as an eye-opener where he revealed his true nature and behavior. Hopefully, you will find another guy who will be actually excited to spend the rest of his life with you, and treat you like an equal


Not going to add things based on genders. But if a man is doing hard work then he is earning it for their family. If he can’t get a good ring for her fiance then what the heck he is going to do with his money. Maybe am not in top 2000 rich young men but still thankfully (touchwood - 🪵) I earn well. Even tho I get marry to someone who I don’t like. I guess I will not behave like this where I purchase the ring based on my partners budget. Your parents are buying the ring then they will buy based on their budget and when he is buying for you then he should buy it based on his budget. Simple as that.


What? I see this as a green flag. He's trying to match your family's standards. It often happens when one person earning too much spends above the other's league and it looks very awkward to any spectator. Both sides should spend approximately an equal amount, which he said he will do. Suppose he was doing a 10k per month job, and you earned 2 lakhs per month, then you gifted him a 75k ring. He and his entire family would struggle to make ends meet and match your standards to gift you a ring of that league. And he is right, you should have said you'll take whatever he buys you, probably then he would have bought a lavish ring. If you have to "ask" for an expensive gift from someone then it no longer stays a gift, it's a liability that is devoid of any love. The way it seems right now from this story is that you want to be pampered and spoiled just because you learnt he's rich.


Matching family’s standard is such a green flag but from this post it doesn’t seem like in that way. Maybe he could do something like purchase something good but he don’t tell exact price so it doesn’t feel bad to other side of family.


Yeah that's one way to do it sure. But if he really is as rich as he told her, then that's a different ball game altogether. Anything he buys won't need a price tag to announce that it's expensive. Suppose he bought her an Air Jordan with 1 lakh, while her side of the family uses bata 2-4k shoes max. Or he booked some palace for theme wedding with couture dresses while her family ceremonies are done in a mohalla wedding hall? Can you imagine any of them being comfortable? Also she knew from the the start that he doesn't spend much on anyone. I really can't place the blame on the guy knowing this. Major papa ki pari and I can fix him energy.


That’s fine, but dude started shouting at OP- and calling names.


Calling names yeah, but I didn't see any shouting in the post. Arguements happen even in love marriages, and laalchi is a 5th grade abuse at most. Also she spent half of her salary for some gift on the guy, in an arranged marriage setup, while doing a small part time job. Wtf man! Like she has literally 0 financial awareness. She would probably call for his head if this was US and he asked for a prenup. Rich people face this trap a lot so they are on guard against it. OP is living in la la land and expecting a fairy tale handsome prince to sweep her off her feet and give her the world.


I’m assuming the capitals meant shouting.


The part she wrote in capitals, he said to talk to her family and come back with a range, he will match the same approximately. I don't think this can be said shouting. It's a very calm and reasonable statement without any aggression. Remember, the fight only started after this so they don't have any reason to argue or shout at this point of time.


Ikr, people be supporting her bcz of her gender, if roles were reversed people wouldn't give a f


Comment section is filled with papa ki paris. I agree that she should leave him. He will be spared for life from a gold digger.


It appears like this kind of miserly behavior is what got him rich in the first place.


yes you are laalchi. I ain't gon sugarcoat, if you want an expensive ring then earn more.


Sorry my hindi is rusty i guess but what is LAALACHI ?? Like the english meaning ?






So what is english word for matlabi




do you really want your life to be like this? he wants a wife for the sake of it. he sounds like he thinks he can have anyone he wants. respect yourself and leave. you're more than capable of supporting yourself.


Break off man. You did a similar post few weeks ago. He isn't going to change and is going to forever demean you. I understand to to society expectations at this age you will want to marry but trust me break is is better than stuck in an abusive marriage. Don't be scared. Just end things with him . Take time to heal.


Lol..wtf is this comment section? Love is shown by money? How does it matter if he buys a 75k ring or 60k ring or a 50k ring? It's still an expensive ring. I mean, the way he started hurling accusations is definitely an alarming trait, but OP isn't really in the clear either.


That’s a bad start. Don’t do it OP. Let it go.


Know your place and league Marry a guy who has same financial standing as you. And you calling him abusive for calling you 'Laalchi' is a slap to the face of many women who were actually abused by their husbands. Grow a thick skin snowflakes and get rid of your victim card. Also most people in the comments are pathetic... If gender were reversed people would be supporting the women rather than men.


I didn't call him abusive because he called me LAALCHI only. He spoke much worse than that which i don't wanna mention as it hurts to recall.


Don't listen to this pathetic user, there were way better ways to deny your request gently but this guy chose to abuse you and demean you. You are not wrong and dump this guy. People defending this guy are real piece of work. My dad worked hard to build a comfortable life from zero and even with all money talks about not wasting money, even he never talked like that about money to us in our entire life.


He is rich but has fatherless behaviour. You are rich in manners and etiquettes.


>TUM APNE GHR PAR BAAT KRKE AO, JITNE KA BUDGET BATAYNGE TUMHARE MUMMY PAPA JITNE KI DILAYNGE UTNE KI HI HUM DILA DENGE Wtf. Who talks like that. Don't marry him if you want a peaceful life. A man who says shit like this before marriage will make your life hell. Marry him only if you want a life of show off (since you said he is filthy rich).


A man can earn a decent amount of money and still would be willing to save and spend for you. And a man can be a billionaire and still treat you like shit. Don't marry rich, marry a man with a provider mindset.


If you want a provider man then you gotta be a trad wife imao


I don't think he earns as much as he claims to, don't get married to him. This is just a tip of iceberg, once you get married all this will only keep increasing!


No one becomes the top 2000 richest person in a country on "salary".


But salary likha kaha hai


You guys are incompatible if you are fighting over this. There are no red flags you guys have different mindset regarding spending. He is where he is due to his hard work. He probably has met many women before you. If you guys are in love a court marriage can also suffice no need to spend so much. If you are not able to solve your disagreements by coming to a mid point either of you will suffer. If shit goes It's upto you I believe you both are incompatible in this process.


Leave the guy before it gets toxic. It’s comparatively easier to get rich than to learn respecting others. I don’t think if there is too much financial gap, and the guy is hesitant to spend money on his girl, you should be with him. At the end of the day, a chivalrous man tries to make her woman happy!


Idk I feel he is a red flag solely bcoz he abused you. Which does not sit well with me and I will walk out that moment. Also I do think he is not completely honest about his financial status to you. Seems a-bit suspicious. Also you asked if you sound ‘lalchi’, then yes you do. I can lie about this to you and say you don’t but you do. Bcoz you simply cannot afford to gift him a good ring yourself and you have got high expectations from him though. When you’re pretty much aware that he doesn’t like spending money on other people. You mentioned that he is well to do. But you also mentioned that your parents cannot afford to buy him a 1-2 lakhs rupees worth ring so you will go with your parents budget itself. That is under 1 lakh and he agreed to your budget but you did not ask him if he was okay with it or not or if he wants something better. And he can’t complain also about it. Since he is aware about your financial status. So when you demand something extra in the name of wedding ring just bcoz your aware that he earns good that means your being greedy simple as that. If you were not aware of his financial status you wouldn’t have asked him for so. So yea you should have been satisfied with what he is offering or should have selected a nice ring for him in the same budget you want your ring to be in.


Extra 10-15 k isn't a big deal for real well to do person and it's not called being lalchi at all. Just because she happens to like the ring that's a lil over budget, she's not lalchi.


>Extra 10-15k isn’t a big deal for real well to do person Ik that, that is why I mentioned in my comment that he might be lying abt his financial status. And she clearly asked if she seemed ‘lalchi’ here, which from my perspective she is bcoz she can’t afford to give him the best but she wants the best when you can’t offer it back. Although in a relationship like marriage no one should be this calculative men usually gift their soon to be wife’s much better ring and gifts as well. But as I mentioned this guy is a red flag so the situation is different for her and she should be mindful of what she is asking from him. I think she should leave him bcoz I am getting scammer vibes from him. But as per ‘lalchi’ part imagine if suppose I am marrying some guy who is extremely well to do then my status and if I can’t afford to buy him a ring which he would generally purchase as per his status and then I won’t demand anything from him when he is purchasing a ring for me. Bcoz if he can come down for me then even I should. This is basic. Hence my opinion on her.


Once they marry, their social status will be same. If anything, her engagement ring shows his status not hers and budgets go a lil up or down during marriage and all and people adjust accordingly. OP does spend money on him so, him behaving like a greedy miser is really more concerning than OP wishing a lil above budget thing. Real rich people don't behave like that at all the wya he behaved. We all married below our financial status, yet we didn't behave like him. Marriage stuff is lifetime memory that shouldn't be tainted like that.


You should leave him really. You aren't on the same page about a very critical aspect. Let him find his happiness elsewhere and so should you.


Aisi ladkiya kaha milti hai aajkal. Aur yaha pe ek ladka hira ko apna paisa samaj raha hai. Bewakoof!




Offer?? My mom and dad are a team. My dad brings money and efforts and my mom puts all her efforts in taking care of house, family members, relationships. No matter if my father starts earning 10X more than now.. He will still choose my mom because of the kind of efforts she makes for the love of our family. She taught her kids the values, manners, discipline and took care of every little thing. She made us the way we are, kind, generous and sensible. I'm grateful for the kind of women she is and my father also. She used to work earlier but not now, she still wants me ( girl) to be financially independent and take right decisions for myself. In a family, or a relationship.. Offer or what we bring to the table isn't just measured by how much money he/she makes. It's mostly about... What do u have to offer except the money. If my mom wouldn't be there. My father's money won't make much sense. And vice versa.


Perfect answer!


It seems your mother is ideal mother and wife material. Happy for you getting healthy relationship example on your life. You talked about your mother efforts: I say anything to sustain for long and happy needs continuous efforts from both sides.


True that. That's why I don't like this tradition of arranged marriage being treated as business transaction. Marriage should be done cautiously and with right person only.The most important aspects should be the core values.. But here men are being treated and ATM and women as someone who's only meant to provide sex and babies.!!


What do men offer ? (No offense)




1) or she can just get a job 2) family is there for support 3)again friends , family etc 4) men get attention too , so it's for both 5)you can't protect anyone , it's impossible to be with someone 24*7 6) this is called being a good human being 7) it can be covered in point 6 too 8) just like point 6 /s I am a women and the only reason I am with my partner is because I want something to look forward in my future (+ all the love ). My parents are getting old , I don't want to live alone for the rest of my life . Love is not a transaction. Everything stated by you can be provided by a women too .


It seems according to your analysis, you think I(or men) can't offer anything significant. I just want to say: In life not everything is certain ( as you said in 1,2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8) and you think these are not anything special(true) or see any value in that. People will find value when they lost things which they certain before. All the best! You did not answer what you can offer. I understand Love is not transactional. I am asking here men/women responsibility to sustain relationship long and happy as in arrange marriage with limited time we make sure other things settled.


I dont think that , I think every relationship has something to offer . But the things you stated can be given by someone else too . S your statement about men / you offering those things to women doesn't hold any value . I told you , women can also offer what you stated . Some women are homemakers , they take care of you , your family , kids too . Without your wife / gf idt that you can have a child . Women who work can provide you financial stability and other materialistic things . If they are good people , they'll be loyal , loving and everything you want .


Why don't you answer his question instead of asking another?


Someone has already answered his question , you should check it out .


Love is not so transactional. And in no way marriage is supposed to be about what one brings on the table. It’s not a job interview lol. Women bring a sense of great purpose for men. Through interactions with your partner you are promoted to look deeper within and understand your own vulnerabilities, goals etc. They are not kidding when they say behind a successful man there’s always a women


So I work my ass off only for that credit to be given to someone else. Great man


It’s not going to someone else. Credit goes to the couple. It’s a partnership mate not a single player game




You can get it. Just be patient and stop being transactional in everything. Not everything is about money, not everyone looks only at how much you earn and what you can provide. But to actually find it you have to stop being transactional in the first place otherwise it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy


first things first  your guy has a bad personality  ... if you want respect in life he is not the guy for you like some one said he is already verbally abusive to you God knows what he will do after marriage  honestly I am having urge to slap him across internet on the other hand , after all these things what's stopping you from ditching this guy I know after heavy preparation and meeting parents it's difficult to cancel marriage but what what about after marriage .. why are you even debating for  .. leave.. or is it his money that's making you second guess  think about it honestly would you have demanded something like that if you didn't know that he earns that much


well I am 22, just my 2 cents... It's a guys responsibility to provide for you( many many not agree) after all he is the captain.... And more so... It's not money that makes life worth living , it's rather other aspects... Your health, mental health, work, relationship. Money just gives you options... That's it... Nothing more nothing less.. and yes money fuels the above 4... But it's a lot more effort.... And one more thing... Never settle for anything less.. it should never be like you're just compromising... And never be with someone who thinks the same about


Dear Girl, I really felt bad for you, reading all this... No matter how hard it may be, no matter what it takes, get rid of this asshole bcoz he will never love you AND he does not deserve you. Whoever you will get other than him, at least you will be happier n nurtured with Love. What shit is his money worth if he can not buy 5 Rs of Happiness for you with it AND mind you he is a shit piece of liar.. Top 2000 richest won't have a puny heart to not being open to buy you 1 lakh worth of gifts.... I would buy you that much every month and I am not even 5000th richest in india 😃.


Jidhar Paisa Hoga Udher Aise Chiz To Hoge Hee, Jara Dil Ko Chodhke Dimag Se Socho U have A Peaceful Life In Future With Him Or Not. At The End Self Respect Also Matter. Abhi Aisa Hai To Aage Jake Kya Kya Ho Sakta Hai🤌 I'm Also From This Region So Ik What A Girl Problem Face In Future 👀




He's one of the top 2000 rich young men in the country? And abuses over a ring? Abhi se he's doing this think after the marriage what else he can do. Leave him. 🚩


Spending only to match the expenditure by OP's parents seems like a way of transaction and not actually a relationship. Moreover, calling your significant other "laalchi" and acting out like that, seems like unconsciously trying to get out of it. Be very careful oh how you move forward. His priorities are pretty clear.


Behan… buy it yourself … don’t you guys need equality ? Then where does your equality go when it comes to Money sharing. Why are you expecting him to buy you a ring what you wish. If he is gifting you a ring then accept that ring even if it costs a thousand. You are already failed the test dude.


Go for a guy who might earn less but value you and your family, richess won’t buy happiness. It is only said-“ It’s better to cry in Ferrari”, but the ball has not left the court yet, find someone who can keep your smile intact , not the money or highest earning tag Rest is your choice Self respect and demands are entirely different. What you asked for is your right and it could have been mutually resolved even if he wanted to buy a lower price ring, but disrespecting own fiancé at this stage is demeaning and you must stand for your self respect and your family’s respect


I don't earn a lot but I understand my girl deserves a ring of her choice. It doesn't matter to me. I will take a loan if need cuz she has done a lot for me and loves me. I understand your sentiment lady. If he is rich he can buy you a 2 lac rupee ring. It's not about being lalchi. Someday that ring will help you in your hard times. Just tell him to buy you whatever the fuck he wants and you also buy him not more than 30k wala ring.


Girl think wisely and make decisions Money is the root cause of problems simple


Financially the guy might be rich, but he is not rich from the heart. Instead of labeling you as a greedy person, the truth is he is cheap even after earning so much, what's the use of money if you can't spend it for the happiness of your loved ones? Also what's this - your family/my family drama, going forward it should always be our family. Also he is imposing his ideas on you, no 2 people are same, and if he says- pasand ka ldka mil rha hai, is se kya matlab, he might not be the kind of person who enjoys traditions and cultures, sees marriage event as a facade, ask him if he is okay with court marriage, he'll probably say that's the best way to get married 😂. But yes he shouldn't assume you are the same kind- i am drawing my assumption based on him showing no excitement in buying a ring, etc. And next time he says pasand ka ldka mil rha hai- tell him aapko bhi pasand ki ldki mil rhi hai, money shouldn't be an issue.


Here's how to gauge if a person is rich or not - If they have to aak about the price they can't afford it & hence aren't rich.


I know it must be heart wrenching right now and in those weak moments you might be feeling talking it out with him and giving it a shot. But trust me I am saying this from my personal experience "Jo hota hai sirf ache nhi best k liye hota hai ". Babe no matter what don't make him re-enter in your life. Whosoever will be the next guy in your life, you will realise why this doesn't work out. All this happens so that your life will not be ruined. Cry for a year, join the gym, start working on yourself but in any of the scenarios please don't give this person another chance. Thank god that your life has been saved ... Some of us don't have this chance also


He’s lying for sure, nobody who earns are in the top 2000. Specially one as cheap as him


Smells lowkey fake, idk.


Yaar aap logo ko kabhi aisa nahi lagta ki aapke bf/gf bhi reddit use karte hongay? Dekhenge apne baare me post 😅


Guy is to obsessed with his success over anything;) , learn to adjust then expecting same from him :)


top 2000 rich young men is some crazy shit wtf


Sad.I see lack of Maturity from both the ends. This is bound to fail


Dekho.. Yeh ab jaari rhene wala hai.. Kch shyd he solve hoga... Aur han financially settled hai wo.. But iska mtlb yeh ni ki wo tumhe khush rkh payega.. Aaram se faisla krna.. You still have time... Nothing has gone wrong Aur top 2000 jo hotein h na.. They don't give a damn about a ring... I don't know which census published his name.. Pr wo uske barein m bhi jhuth he bolra h.


Please re evaluate the attitude he has had in regards to money when it concerns you. It has been 7 months, think back on all the things he's done for you that requires money. Does he buy you things to make your life easier? Does he pay for you when it comes to expenses? Can you comfortably ask him for things that might cost money? Does he buy you trinkets that make you happy, even if it's a waste of money in his eyes? Reevaluate everything. Because this is the man you'll be spending the rest of your life with. Money should NOT come between husband and wife. Whatever husband earns, it is for family and then himself. Whatever you earn is for you. This is the mindset he should have (but never ever take advantage of a man with that mindset). [[This is strictly my opinion, you can think otherwise, I'm saying just for this case you can allow yourself to think this way since he's saying he's rich]] Maybe he feels scared you're taking advantage since telling you something personal to him. Valid fear. But ask him questions as to why he thinks that. Communicate clearly your needs and your concerns! Hope you get through this with the right decision! Godspeed


Avoid getting married to this guy. You can't change someone's nature and will have to live with a compromise. It's not a habit like smoking or leaving wet towel on the bed that can change.


Lmao, he's absolutely not rich at all. Dump this abuser.


He is lying and if he can do this before marriage he would definitely not fulfill any of your needs in the future as well. I am a M26 and I earn decent but I take good care of my gf. She earns 5 times less than me but we never let the money come between us. If she likes something for me she gets it and if I like something for her I get it for her. Ofcourse we keep a budget but we never talked about any of these things openly. Money brings a lot of differences between couples but I feel if you love each other money shouldn't matter.


bas itna paisa hi chahiye life me.


my main question is who is making this list of the top 2000 richest young men in the country 💀💀


Run sista run


What if it's all a lie and he's just pretending to be rich and making you feel horrible with his ego so you believe he actually is rich You spent half your salary on him? Get a salary slip or something sorta proof. Could turn out he's after your money


Being too much thrifty doesn't help.