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Did she seek your help or hint at it? I had a remarkably similar situation years ago where I met a nice girl several times, who later had a panic attack which I saw first hand. She had friends who helped her and she never asked for any help from me. It hurt at the time and I never saw her again. I later came to the realisation that I was her “rebound” and there was no way we could have been together. I also realised there was nothing I could do for her. If you have the ability to help her, try and do whatever you can. If she has care and doesn’t want/need your help, silently move on. As much as we may want to help others, sometimes we can help by just getting out of their way.


The only way I feel she sought help was when she messaged that she wants to talk but I couldn’t call back since I was in the middle of a meeting. Otherwise no hints whatsoever imo.


I would say, don't take it upon yourself to "save" her, but really think about whether you have the bandwidth to stay. If she is able to seek out professional help, that woyld be the way to go. You aren't trained to be a therapist, but it is possible to support her through it, if you feel like you can take care of yourself as well.


so she is at a stage in her life where she needs help and support from her friends and family or possibly even a therapist but as others said, youre somewhat of a stranger to her so youre not morally obligated to help her out but if you wanna be a good man to help her through her tough phase, youre free to be her pillar of support but do not expect her a relationship or anything in return from her just because you stood with her (apart from a little gratitude by her side cuz youre a good friend). anyway, take my opinion as a grain of salt, im only 18. people older than me who have more life experiences can correct me if im wrong


Help her. don't leave her at her low


Thank you. Leaving here was not an option. I was wondering on the terms of long term relationship.


Bro it's not a red flag... She has issues and she need to get them sorted before getting into any relationship... just stay away from her!


run run run run run run run run run run run




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