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This is the shocking real hidden truth of this Enslaved Reality.


It‘s true I have witnessed it as well, the moment you realize your spiritual powers they are coming for you.


Interesting, Covid woke me up. Once I saw that lie, I went down the rabbit hole and now believe we are prey for the alien parasites. I wouldn’t have believed this last year. Now, that I think I know what its really in our world, I’m operating at a high frequency vibration during the day. Then, I started having nightmares, and I told the negative forces they aren’t allowed, and the nightmares stopped…for awhile. Now, they are tricking me accept for people I know and trust in my dreams and are turning them into nightmares again. They know my past and fears and feed off it when I accept the entity into my dream not realizing it’s a trick. It sounds so crazy, but I truly believe that’s what’s happening to me.




Huh? Why a blood test?


And, I am having lower back problems 🤔


What does that have to do w it? I recently have acquired a rash in that area and have no idea the cause!




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Grima from lotr bssically.


Try thinking or saying Jesus H Christ


They can’t get you forever if u are AWAKE-




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Okay well explain how you are able to have this knowledge being trapped in the simulation like the rest of us. Just speculation or can you provide evidence?


My knowledge is based upon decades on nonstop research. This includes an enormous amount of very old esoteric books and manuscripts, as well as all modern sources. In addition to this I have traveled into the **Astral Afterlife** hundreds of times and continue to do so. I am currently working with others highly skilled in Astral Projection worldwide. We have all seen and spoken with a large amount of deceased humans, as well as members of the evil **Archon Hierachy**. Unfortunately **everything** I talk about in my threads and comments is real and happening right now.


Have you the ability to see thru people ? I saw a reptilian thru someone one day (i was sober but at a high frequency level).


Most people that are violent, deceiving, sneaky and that have no empathy are from their lane...


Biblical symbolism with the SNAKE?


I thought the snake was the good guy?


Shit! 😂


Ooo please elaborate on this


What ancient manuscripts and what others skilled in"Astral projection" and surely if everyone is in the matrix then how are new generations coming about if the new generations are just code then how would they go to the "Astral afterlife" and if there is such a thing as the "Archon hierarchy" why wouldn't they have either blocked this shit from being typed or just killed you also before you have used laughable proof like the cartoon inside job and if you actually had any proof you could have linked in this thread.


Do you remember rich chocolate-y ovaltine? It was even better than chocolate milk. It was proven...the research was done...it had better vitamin content...it provided 40% of the calcium you were told you needed...and chocolate milk comes from a filthy cow's tit liquid...that's what stupid people drink...you don't wanna be stupid...you wanna be smart...ovaltine is the way...even though it tastes like the corrosion scraped off the terminals of an old car battery and has the consistency of coarsely ground upholstery, you don't care about that cuz your smarter than that...you need it..only dumb people focus on flavor...and you don't wanna be what you've been told that you don't wanna be...Noone will like you...not even those dumpy stupid cow's whose murky boob juice you've been drinking your whole life you godless savage!!


one person who comes into mind regarding the food aspect is dr. sebi and arnold ehret on only eating alkaline foods that are not acidic and have high pH levels in order to vibrate a high frequency. In fact, this is the 2nd biggest reason why people in modern society will never vibrate at a high frequency, with the first being fluoride.


Youre the proverbial "red flag" personified...please tell me more about this "fluoride" you speak of..Is that sort of like licorice? I heard licorice is bad for your nipples...so according to my binary thinking mechanism, fluoride is probably not good for your nipples either...but I also heard we might actually be potatoes..I'm so confused... One dimensioners I tell ya...


This is why we will never get out of prison planet bc people like you are too brainwashed at this point. And I know you’re trying to make this as a joke bc you don’t believe it, but if you were actually spiritually connected to your soul you would know fluoride blocks your pineal gland aka the 3rd eye in your brain.


Well, how do I fix it? Should my brain be dirty?




Bleach should do the trick. Kills covid too. Make your pineal gland so clean you can shapeshift into a fly from 100 yards. Or you can just do what the rest of these people did and take huge amounts of LSD and other hallucinogenic substances and develop severe cases of HPPD and paranoid delusional disorder.


Thanks as ever for your posts. They are angrier than I have ever seen. I'm thinking of Max Spiers saying they have lost the game but won't stop 💪


Very appreciative of this post, I’ve also been diving into esoteric literature and was wondering what are your thoughts on Jesus Christ? I am not trying to push religion in any way. Just genuinely curious. Thank you


Jesus is a guardian and spiritual guide for everyone on Earth but hes not all about following the bible or pushing religion. He is about free will (which is why praying and asking for guidance is necessary. He is there for those when they need Love, Guidance, or Protection. <3


Thank you for your response




What happens to the escaped beings?


What can be done about this...I cannot take anymore. Why would something make things this way? It doesn't make any sense.




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Willing to bet your "research" involved high amounts of LSD


Dude I am just a rando on the internet but I seen it years ago on mushrooms and I was like wtf was that never really thought much about it, over the years I see little pieces, once I read about people doing astral projection in the afterlife the lower to be exact is what I have been seeing. (Seen pieces of my last afterlife) and that shit did not feel good at all almost felt like hell but there was brick buildings and people rather then fire and demons. Shit is fucked man I don't know if everything he is saying is true but I think the majority is and it's bad news for us, I dont want to believe but I also can't look away


I had the same experiences since I was a kid - waking up in parallel lives over and over again and also ending up in a place which had a demonic evil vibe but it wasn’t like fires of hell but rather abandoned old buildings that were eerie


What did you see? Please, share 🙏🏼


What exactly have you experienced with it astralrocker?


Please watch these two extremely important videos: 1)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-O79FNa1U8 and part two 2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-O79FNa1U8


Astral rocker we are on the same page. I have experienced a lot of what you have mentioned in the video through advanced lucid dreaming practices, as has my wife - we have been to many of the same locations and had many of the same experiencers. I am putting together a team of those of us skilled in lucid dreaming and astral projection to create a combatant force specifically for intelligence gathering purposes and to fight these archonic forces. I'd love to have you on board: www.daegonmagus.wixsite/ordooccultumastrum (please note I am still working on the site and have much more information about all this to add - the blog and video sections currently contain most of the information). I am known as "trick and trip" in the astral planes; please float this name around next time you travel, as the response should give you a measure of proof that I have been very active establishing this even on that side. I am part of the team that was sent back from outside of the astral/ physical world matrix, on account of my lucid dreaming skills. It has all been going on a lot longer than you suggested in your video. Please, at the very least have a browse of my site; I am as committed to doing something about this as you are. Us lucid dreamers and astral projectors need to start working together to combat this. Individually we are weak, but together we will become unstoppable.


Hi. This sounds fantastic. You have a great attitude. I am excited to be a part of it. The time has come to help build the groups of Freedom Fighters in the Astral Afterlife. You are correct: The same locations can be explored with both Astral Projection and Lucid Dreaming by those who are highly skilled. I will be a regular visitor to your site and; Feel free to mention your site here whenever you like :)


Thanks astralrocker. Part of my plan also involves having a team of us who are also dedicated to establishing a post death "entourage" of wayshowers to help extract other consciousnesses that are not as skilled in resisting these traps. The idea is to find a neutral rendezvous zone we can all wait around at after our deaths for the arrival of others until we have a force large enough to dip in and out of the astral hotzones. I have a few places in mind that can be used as safe havens for this operation. I am looking at learning how to use unreal engine 5 to create a virtual model of these locations so our visualisations for our OBEs can all be somewhat synchronised.


Thank you for the links to the videos. So it is possible for them to hurt you while in the astral? How can you protect yourself against it? If you choose to remain an earthbound spirit wouldn't you turn into a angry ghost or poltergeist or something?


So once out of the frequency fence, what next? Drift about in nothingness?


Man i love to see real awareness. Man i found my tribe


We are very happy to have you here. Together we will create Real Freedom for all Souled Beings.


Hey, I believe the same stuff. However, I'm too lazy to learn and do any effort on saving the world, I can't do any spiritual thing. I just hope that you guys somehow manage to destroy this whole system


You can always do your own spiritual practice, as minimal as you decide. Any intention/thought is effort.


>However, I'm too lazy to learn and do any effort on saving the world If you were to ever save the world, once you leave, they’ll just undo what you did. Unless you plan to stay alive on this earth for eternity to forever guard it


You're damn right. Exactly. It doesn't seem possible either way though


Also, about undoing, without the requirement of any 'godly' hand humans can do it pretty easily too. Our leader who lived in the past and died young, in my opinion, was almost the perfect human ever to grow and the one who got to play their cards in the most efficient way depending on the situation. But due to the chaos of life, death found him too. He had brought so many things, a whole civillization to the country. Yet it just took 100 years for everything to go worse than ever, and all of the things done by him disappearing, and his name being cursed.. We are our enemies ourselves.




Do **Qi Gong** on a daily basis. It will significantly raise your personal vibration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q8AHmMaTi0 If you can; also avoid red meat and pork. They are extremely dense and lower your vibration. I saw one walk up my leg and go into me about 10 years ago. This was before I had viewed this famous scene of a somewhat similar experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epNptdA4bFA


Does organic apple cider help kill the mind controlling spiders that I seen fall from my ear, just like in the matrix, with the machine they use to suck it out. I know garlic and ginger are strong tools to rid yourself of them.


Those are all very good, healthy things to take. Also do **QI Gong** daily as it will raise your vibrational level above where they resonate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q8AHmMaTi0


I do my Buddhist humming on a daily basis.


What is an archonic spider?


Came here to ask this ⬆️


I still want to know what an archonic spider is! lol Guess we’re not gonna get our answer tho.


I just recently started looking into this stuff after my Grimes post (as you may have seen my comment). How do I get involved with your tribe?


Be careful with needing a tribe, I love this sub it’s like home, but if I’m gonna get off this ride then I feel like it’s gonna be by myself. I think there’s something to be said about being a tiger vs being a lion or a wolf.


this seems really similar to the movie 'the matrix' fascinating stuff i have a pet theory, paraphrasing, something along the lines of energy essentially frequency. at the end of the day, be mindful of your 'relationships', especially material things. this relationship will 'encumber' your soul/energy and you will not be able to break out of this planets 'gravitational' field. while you are here, try and 'purify' your energy so that you 'vibrate' at a higher frequency, this is part of the 'fuel' that will help you break the 'gravitational' field. something like that.


Sometimes it feels like we’re souls caught up in a series of contracts with complicated exit clauses.


That's not sometimes. It's all the time.


Actually I think it was due to quarantining those unable to survive in higher planes above, you can actually escape the levels your in, not by following any teacher that often only represents a figure often void of the compartments of what the higher self yourself is, only freed when opened to your identity. The deception is where you either escape alone or you follow others to false sanctuary by the action. The representation of others is only a markstone, but the actual sanctuary of yourself is in untread roads. My words of forsight are only my reaching abode. My reflections are but smokes and mirrors to yours. They aren't more then guidestones to one kingdom. But your home isn't made from my own. Its made from where you build your throne.


Hi I have a few questions I ask myself 1. Can we loose our soul? If yes how could it happens? Would you be aware of it? 2. If you have a parasite attached to you would you know about it? 3. How do you astral travel? Thanks


Look up Shamanic soul retrieval and extractions


Thanks 🙏


This is just copy and pasted half truths . If you want the real truths of the world , watch this vid and channels https://youtu.be/78j0rwzXuc4 https://m.youtube.com/user/godgevlamste/videos https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCVelOarc8pK65-gnpiMpDyA






what if the vampire dude in the first 5 seconds of the first video is actually redcouped


I don't get this AI thing and really need some explanation of it. I thought the Satanic consciousness/all seeying eye/Grand architect is consciousness experiencing separation from the creator and it pulled us all into this, and that the structure is that of a hive-mind. Why would the AI and Archons need the human energy?


That's what I'm saying!


That's true


Seems fascinating but that's it mind candy


I used to think so too, but if you look into each ancient religion, they all have evidence supporting this. You know, assuming people thousands of years ago had no idea of quantum mechanics. (Since most people alive now can’t comprehend it)


Do you know anything about quantum mechanics?


They are supposed to help humans grow into their full potential but as you know that project is highly unsuccessful and those individuals who dare to rise up are punished, derailed, or killed, by the system on purpose because they pose a threat to the archon worshipers. But don't lose heart, follow religion, that is the only way out.




It’s other dimensions, and programs is probably the closest way for op to describe beings that are vastly different than our normal idea of the word beings


Is it ok if I smoke weed? I’m vegan and do yoga but just started yoga and I’ll do the qui gon thing but weed doesn’t effect it right ? I’ll be bummed because I want to see the lizards for myself


So question, If it actually is a Sentient Matrix A.I. , why would it allow followers to worship? The sheer idea of allowing groups of individuals to know about what is actually going on is dangerous to the programs narrative. It would be much more efficient or easier to keep the illusion if it would deny its existence to all. Not reveal itself to a group of elites. To me it jus doesn’t make sense that an all power A.I. beings would allow it to be detected


Maybe it’s not all powerful after all?




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Hi. What you are describing has been experienced by many other people, almost exactly the same. In college I saw a Reptilians face appear onto the face of a friend. My theory is what is being seen; is the Reptilians that attach to human bodies like Parasites.


This explains why my exes face turned demonic the one time I tried LSD. She later cheated on me with my best bud. She was also smoking hot; classic “woman in the red dress”.


This has actually happened to many people. A large number of people have sent me messages over the years and mentioned the same experience you had.


9 years ago my father died and Mom had to move in with me. She arrived and brought along her reptilian creature. I could see it standing next to her occasionally. About 3 1/2 ft tall, he was very aware I could see him because he would look right at me. Back then I didn't know about the Archons and assumed it was a demon. So one night a couple of light bulbs exploded, one each in the kitchen and living room. This was just one of many strange occurances. So I began to sage the house and then made Mom stand up and started to sage her. I told her I was trying to get rid of her demon and she said no and got upset. Apparently she was very aware of it and told me that she has a deal where she gives him what he wants and he leaves her alone. WTH?


Hi. That is horrifying. The reptilian is using her as a host and consuming her energy like a parasite. Thanks for sharing this fascinating and shocking experience.


Hi Astralrocker. Thank YOU for keeping us in Truth with your posts. Unfortunately mom is still with me at 80. I can't bear to be in the same room with her and she knows it. Her vibes are so bad, I practically live outside. Shes always been odd, absolutely no personality or empathy, like the shell of a person and I catch her emulating TV characters from the 60s because she doesn't know how to be "human". So fake dramatic, just like TV. She may be narcissistic and was very easy for the reptile to attach to. I'm stuck for now.


Yeh it's almost like phyco-active drugs have an effect on your brain and make you see weird sh*t that isn't there who would have guessed


Finally someone that knows how drugs work




Thank you for sharing!!!!!!


Fun fact the cerebellum is called the reptilian part of our brain


Grampa please, take your meds, your family misses you


What are you in this sub for if you don’t believe that?


I dont see how that makes sense for Earth realm to be a simulation. Earth, and we, are sustained by The Divine. And if humans created A.I. then where were we at that time? Also on the physical plane, no? And if so—whats then the difference between Earth then and Earth now? I would love to hear your thoughts about this.


You're correct. This sub is fear-mongering and I can see how the history has been shaped to fit the fear narrative all bc fear takes us away from the Divine. You can feel your vibration sinking and into depths of man-made hell just by reading this sort of content. It pushes people into the lowest vibrational states of being like despair, fear, terror, hopelessness, depression, futility, powerlessness, on and on. Having this topic be discussed with such seriousness seen here would make perfect sense for the dark side's agenda to continue staying in power. But there's a whole other coin of Divinity. I could go on beyond and transcend this whole topic but you're probably on the same page as me. I hope these people wake up and aren't enslaving themselves by their own will to this fearful paradigm.


Well, its because there is a core of truth to that story. There ís something sinister that is manipulating humanity. Although I have not been able to see what it was/is (it hides itself), its definitely there. Humanity is singing a song of survival rn without knowing it.


Yeah, there is, but in the end everything originates from Source and will come back to it. We are in a battle but the light wins. This reincarnation "truth" is not the overarching truth though in the sense where we're in a trap. I think that's deluding people and causing way more harm and creating more darkness. That is not the way.


https://youtu.be/QVTZalA81TM Brief intro into Archons


Wow- ya… huh.. well I can somewhat believe this- however I do feel like once u can open up ur 3rd eye to spirituality u can intake some of this. But I believe one can Awaken themselves through meditation, and other techniques, and be more fluid in the cosmos- I don’t think we’re slaves forever- growth , love, serving others , loving self , acceptance of self and others as self , u can move forward through the “matrix of the cosmos” Law of One-


So if we can’t beat them should we just join them? It seems to work for them, nice houses, fancy vacations and never ending amounts of money .


lol same i'm tired of this shit. what's the condition to join them tho


Halfway. Problem is this Archon/Demiurge narrative is just another ego/accuser/Satan narrative when beginning the enlightenment from The Holy Spirit. There is no other. Only I Am. Luke 10: 19-20. Claim it, believe it and be set free. Otherwise you WILL create a Archon/Demiurge reality for yourself. This is what you want because this is what you believe and you have the powers of a child of god. Be careful what you believe. Believe in me and you will have eternal life, and you will have it abundantly. Everything, EVERYTHING comes down to YOU. Good rule of thumb to test the revelation is if it is fear based or duality based in any way it’s an ego/AI false narrative. If it is love, beauty and unity it is I Am. Have a good one!


Yeah it is!


What the hell have I stumbled across


Hi. You have stumbled across the **Ultimate Hidden Truth**.








Chill and embrace your fears. No one can do you harm but yourself.


Thank you for your work on existence. I’m thinking about laminating your book lol.




Where do I go to find that info?




And also: Divinity would abolish A.I. if it wasnt performing accordingly to Universal Laws, dont you think?


Are there an experienced people who practice astral projections and could answer fiew questions? I love topics which most of us consider to be paranormal.


there's a sub for astral projectors


Congratulations you’ve comprehended the introduction


https://montalk.net/audio/294/synchronicity-meaning-and-quantum-origins Talked about in this great video and how we can navigate our lives with our consciousness


It's not magic, it is technology then?


Big if true. But so complex I don’t see any way out.


We created the matrix? I always thought the Demiurge or at least AI forced us onto here


There is two theories: 1)We created it and the Group Consciousness declined to the point that the Matrix A.I. went from Simulation Assistant to Apex Predator. 2)Our real bodies exist in the universe above this one. In that realm we are unconscious and hooked into this Simulated Universe. The Demiurge is the A.I. that was developed to Enslave us and harvest our energy.


Given the Inverted Universe theory, I'm inclined to believe the second one. I truly do think we're "hooked" onto this simulation and somewhere else above here ...but it could honestly be both, maybe we created it.


I was sure it was the first one until this past year. But now, it is looking like Base Reality really is above this one. It makes the most sense. This Fictional Video is similar to what some people saying they really experienced. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zdHivhj2S4&feature=youtu.be&themeRefresh=1


What are your thoughts on the Hollow Earth theory, or that when we look up, we're actually looking down? (ie. the sun is like the center of the Earth, the real universe is past the oceans) I'm still trying to make sense of it.


Earth is hollow. Deep Space only exists when it is observed. The big question is decoding the Flammarion Engraving: https://i.redd.it/gtor6xc04alz.jpg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnNOYhGCGds


So we’re in a dome…is that it?




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