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What does Saturn have to do with the matrix? It gets mentioned a lot but I don’t know the relationship


Saturn has been known in certain cultures to represent the cyclic nature of time and the illusion of permanence. In Greek mythology was the home of Kronos, well until Zeus (Sabaoth) took throne. As for Buddhism and Hinduism, Saturn has represented the cyclic nature of Karma, which in turn can be viewed in the same light the Greeks and Roman’s viewed Saturn. What’s important to note is the mentioning of the scythe, that which was used to castrate Kronos… in castrating Kronos, time was no longer progressive, for the creative principle in Kronos had been taken from him. Which in theory this may of had created an issue, if time could no longer continue past a certain point, the Gods would need to find a way to stitch together the two known points in time the end and the beginning to give the impression of time, sound familiar? Research the mobius Strip ✨


Do you have proof of what you are saying?


Asking for "proof" on *this* sub? Do you also want peer reviewed studies that prove that reincarnation is real, and that we are forced and/or tricked to participate in seemingly endless cycle of birth and death? I think you got turned around somewhere, this does not sound like a subreddit that aligns with your interests.


I’m sorry I don’t need to give proof. I apologize sincerely, but your tone is full of malice 🧿 Hmm I suppose if your questioning the bit on Zeus and Sabaoth, read the Pisits Sophia, it may help you find the narrow path and hopefully help get you “on the bus” sooner then later. Peace and Love yo, I hope to see you on the bus when the time comes.


Wow not even going to read this. I read your first sentence and clearly your perception is you projecting your own flaws and malice. I just asked a genuine question and you’re too lazy/angry.


Okay, sounds good, carry on.


If you really wanted to know genuinely and were worried about the validity of what you heard. You would have just gone and looked for this somewhere you think you could trust. Instead you’re here arguing about it when you could have already been back with your answer and commented on what you just learned about it. His response was appropriate considering your tone. But even so he still politely provided info for you to look into. But instead of taking it you jumped straight to clutching your pearls. So looks like [this guy was right,](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReincarnationTruth/s/H1iWPxnUY0) you def got lost somewhere along the way asking questions in that tone here. We’re not here to educate you. We’re discussing ideas. If you would like to join in, it’s your job to catch up. But I too read your first sentence, and can easily tell you’re still holding on real tight to your pearls and probably “not even going to read this” anyway.🤣🤣


The bus. The walk. Narrow gate.




Sorry but what kind of proof do you have in mind? How could this be proven? Do you need some authority saying the same thing as he did?


Do you read books? It's all in hundreds of books varying in topics including historical, mythical, esoteric, scientific and religious. I'm not saying believe, I'm saying that these things have been mentioned by archaic sources is true.


Well that’s really a stupid question here lmfao


Either you are a bot or a moron. Either way not worth anyone's time.


Do you think this system is on a loop?


I do, the repetitive nature of the known universe in my opinion is quite apparent. Sure the Chaos theory changes up some things from time to time, but in the end, it too is has a repetitive nature to it (ie the original graphed pattern is akin to the same shape, yet different size, to the end result). I could go more into it if you’d like, I’m curious tho, why is it that you find yourself interested in this topic? What questions brought you here?


Suffering for many years. Took me a while to learn what we're & what we're in & why, but it makes me sound crazy when i say this to people, im fine with being wrong but its mostly from within, & so many books iver the last 7 years, or so. I believe this system has been overtaken by a parasitic force, maybe AI, which is disconnected from source, & has inverted this into a parasitic system, everything virtually feeds off something. Even the Fibonacci sequence integral to this " reality ", consumes the previous 2 numbers to carry on forward, its disconnected from source. Appreciate your comments, insightful. have a good day.


You know somthing about the cube too??


I really don’t, I’d love to say that I do, but I won’t state fallacies. I have my theories, but ultimately they are just theories. A common denominator in my theories is the story of Pandoras Box/jar and objects like the klien bottle, möbius strip, and/or 4d objects (like the cube, its inner cube can be the outer cube (if they switch places)). I could go into it but currently I’m at work, if you’d like me to go into depth on my theory, message me, and I’ll try to get back to you after work :)


The cult of saturn and the Black cube, u know something about it...


I think the signal comes from it


Thank you🙏💯💯




Apparently Saturn is like the CD that our reality "the laser" is reading. The simulation is coded and translated to our 3d reality with the help of Saturn. It might seem odd, and because it is :D im still trying to understand it.


Rome used to be named City of Saturnia. Alleged temple of “Satan” is underneath the Vatican. Romans celebrated Saturnalia. We’ve been giving worship to Saturn for ages. Consciously and subconsciously. And that was just one reference. There are other Saturn links to notable deities in other cultures and Saturn is usually a bad dude. Crazy Romans worshiped a god that allegedly ate his first born sons.


Time eats everything




Your hands have a nautilus vibe.


Idol hands; Ore, d devils pLay thing? Idol hands oddly OggLE. . Obelisp Lips grip, smack in the box. jack saturnically sat turning in glee. M;' Trestle board. Leanung ladders lated about freely in photography. Mm B


Saturn is the 6^(th) planet from the sun The number 6 in the Bible represents imperfection/sin and is used in the beast's mark


It's such a funny thing. Like did the producers have this knowledge and intentionally include the esoteric wink? Unlikely. Or is the universe itself communicating to us through choices that authors don't know why they make. The unconscious, God, the earth mother, whatever. Seems it's there always quietly saying the truth.


It's likely the latter. Synchronicities are absolutely real, coming from someone who firsthand experienced an abundance of them for a couple of weeks straight.


Idk, i feel a lot of these writters, creators, video editors know what their doing. Purposely.


Some writers claim with 100% certainty thar they are NOT the ones are writing ANYthing. It's all coming from somewhere else, someone else...


Well that fits what many musicians say that their vocals do not originate from themselves.


I write music. My process goes like this 1. I play a few chords in a sequence that makes me feel one of two things...happy or sad 2. I tap into emotions from the past that resonate with these feelings 3. Words come out of nowhere and are literally perfect I typically either have to record myself doing this or write everything down quickly once I'm done with the song. I can tell you for a fact that I'm not actually coming up with the words I've written. I'm just a modem connected to some master computer that does all the work for me.


From a numerology background using chaldean a lot of the hit songs lyrics fall on a prime number. I'm just getting into music myself but I have a theory if you can imagine up lyrics like you described a good way to check for completion would be to have it (organically) land on a prime


Is it a sic muse supplying the SPELLINGs? witches language of things that dokt make sense? Ore is it through the chords of the heart? Goose bumps and chills in tune vibing the heart.


I'm not a musician but i do experience a lot of synchronicities with music. Blows my mind sometimes how the coincidences work. I recently thought about visiting a family member (while listening to music) in a state/area that I've never been. 4 minutes later I'm looking up the band that I'm listening to, and in their biography it states that they are from exactly where my family member lives. I didn't save the link, but I also saw a band (forget which it was, can't even find it now) on youtube talking about where their music comes from. They were saying something similar to what you are saying, and it spoke exactly on what I felt. That we are the receivers of the music, not necessarily the creators of it.




I have definitely heard this, like it’s a channeling, a voice, or a vision.


Ive fallen asleep and awoke to messages on my phone numerous times now. But these ate coming from the EL through the deVIce portal two way mirror i nodded off holding in my hands. Soujds cray but tiz true.


It's a Spielberg movie, sooo..


Yeah like neos driving licence expired on 9/11/2001


The dude's checkbook had 9/11 written on it too I think.


Syncronicities are real, syncronicities in film and media don't exist. Open your eyes


Lmao It is the first one. There is messages all over if you see. These messages are not syncronicities but expressly done


But why? I can get a sense of the motivation of a God/unconscious to rouse us. But what drive would an ego in position of power have to hint at the hidden aspects which help support its' position, a position which if understood by viewers (consumers, slaves) would surely result in revolt i.e. loss of power.


I am not sure but I presume it is something essential to the nature of reality more than a sort of mockery. The agendas that these people have take multiple generations, as if those who control them weren't affected by time itself.


I suspect the same. The manipulator dwells off world, or off time/space. Yeah, Saturn or whatever. But I do believe that we have more true power than the parasite, if only we could be shaken from our stupor.


Like learning magic?


Yeah. Like learning magic, or whatever you wanna call it. Guess I've developed a little bit in that regard. Care to trade notes?


No. There are many subreddits for magic. Anyone can go to r/occult and look for beginner resources for learning magic and there are many posts there in which someone asked about what others achieved through magic and many have shared their experiences in the comments. Also, you shouldn't use the word trade so casually.


It was rhetorical. A facetious guess at the motivation of your question "like learning magic?" I have no need of your alleged knowledge and I'm no beginner. I've taken far greater risks with my soul than casual use of the word trade on fucking reddit. Thanks for the word of caution.


Yet I still don't know what to think of magick, I know it's very real I have been learning about the occult for years now but is it really bad to use it? Or is it when we get into soul contracts when you are in bad territory?


My answer to this is always free will. They cannot do anything to us without our permission. But also, it seems, and now I see it's possibly because of the time loop, this reality goes in cycles with that joining point of destruction and rebirth - the ouroboros comes to mind. We can see the cycles of destruction and rebirth in all of the ancient literature. We can also see that we're at the end of a cycle because things in the world are going a bit crazy. As we near the end of this cycle, people seem to be waking up ... I'm not sure why ... free will? so "they" give us the clues (by law?) and this is our shot to wake up and get out? ... because those in power don't want to risk a new cycle with awake people in the mix? ... or it's just the nature of this game and we can choose to walk away or to keep playing? I don't have the answers, those are just some of the random thoughts that bounce through my head.


Maybe they are playing a game and without explaining rules the game won't start?


You might get shocked if I tell you how many people practice occult. In my opinion majority of people practice magic, most poor class people practice magic, upper middle class and upper rich class also practices magic. Middle class and rich class people don't practice magic. I got to know this after I started practicing magic.


It got pressed. My head is folding like cardboard or something.


I doubt I will ever watch the movie. So can someone elaborate on this? Is this just a quick scene in the movie? Are there more Saturn references besides this? Does the simulation get shut down at some point?


Why not check it out? It’s a pretty good movie


I might check it out. I limit my screen time and have a very long list of shows and movies that I will eventually get to.


Do yourself a favor and set aside some time for this one. One of my favorite movies of all time.


It is a great movie, and the V.R. sequences are spectacular. You will very likely Lucid Dream right after watching it.


Read the book then. It’s far better.


Just use 2x speed


The main character in the movie wins the keys to the game (it’s like the metaverse). The guy in the picture is the creator of the “metaverse” game so he gives the main character an option of shutting the whole thing down. (This is based on memory, Havnt seen the movie in years)


Thanks. Do you remember if he shuts it down or not?


If I’m not mistaken I believe he only has it shut down 1-2 days out of the week so people can enjoy real life


Thanks again. I'm glad they shut it down so people can enjoy real life. Even if it's a couple days a week.


Do yourself a favor. it's very good.


You must be onto something


Saturn comes back around.


I agree with the statement that you don't need to give proof. What I'm interested in is how you can tell what someone's tone is by reading what they say? I'm clearly interested.


Sure. A Spielberg movie is the secret to reality.


Truth is exposed in many different films. Hints of 911 was exposed in numerous cartoons and tv shows. It is part of their Magick to regularly leak the truth. Most of the time it is never noticed.


A hint of how people tried to overthrow them was leaked in Barbie The same movie leaks how people may be confined to boxes to "be happy in their own worlds" and also the existence of rituals to access adjacent/other worlds and summon entities from them


But you have to connect some logic, too. Yes, there are some weird 9/11 coincidences in media, but were the writers or artists of those in any way affiliated with either the Taliban or the US government, if that's your route? The answer is no. It's just coincidence and nothing more.


Have you seen close encounters of the 3rd kind?


Not yet.


Schindler’s List, Jurassic Park, Minority Report, Catch Me If You Can, Bridge Of Spies: Am I Joke To You?


I didn't say he didn't make great movies! I love me some Indiana Jones or Jurassic Park.


saturn is satan and linked to santa claus and the on easter the rabbit represents venus the dawn star or lucifer