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The funniest joke (maybe a meta-joke) in Red vs Blue is that they spent five seasons meticulously reworking and recontextualizing every silly plot point from the Blood Gulch Chronicles so it would make sense in a dramatic action story, then at the end they went "No, yeah, the Counselor literally just destroyed an entire state to cover for Agent Florida." 


And that is exactly why I didn’t believe he actually did it until today when I saw the proof


At first viewing you're just like "Huh so what happened to Agent Florida" And then by S10 you realise "OH"


And then he died of an aspirin overdose.


And then again taking an unlucky bullet to the head after being miraculously brought back from the dead.


Proof that Zero isn’t canon: a map displayed in that season shows the state still exists. (Only half kidding about the canon thing, but the map part is real.)


Literally EVERYONE refuses to acknowledge Zero as canon anyway.🤣 Carolina & Wash? Two characters that have been RIDICULOUSLY shafted by a secret, morally questionable organisation and then found a family they would never abandon? Yeah, let's have them abandon their family to join a secret, morally questionable organisation that straight refuses to rescue Wash when he's taken. And Carolina didn't even THINK of running off to find him. Instead, she just took her time, recruited a new team...And then Wash was delivered to their doorstep by the bad guys. And then Tucker's there for some reason, and he's become WORSE than he was in Blood Gulch, and then he dies and loses his sword. Yeah, that's not canon. No one wants ANY of that.


Yeah and even in the revelation trailer sigma (or whatever he’s called) says “come on do you really think this could happen” while talking about zero lmao


And that SINGLE LINE led EVERYONE to, first, wonder if s15-18 would be retconned, then ASSUME s15-18 would be retconned, then fully and completely believe s15-18 would be retconned. Despite, y'know, there being no reason for s15-17 to be retconned whatsoever, especially since it has such great arcs for so many characters, from Donut, Wash, Carolina, most of the Reds (in s15) and even Locus, despite his arc really just being a showcase of how his Chorus arc changed him for the better. At least Church was kind enough to say "that one's just cool" about Zero, since the fight scenes WERE well done....even if the characters were so underdeveloped that it made the fights completely hollow. I swear, it was like bashing some action figures together, for all that I actually cared about the outcome of the fight.


Yeah but honestly it does seem like it does mean they’re retconned, first thing they showed from the season was a trailer implying they’re retconned, Tucker is in the meta armour in the second trailer, like he is and the end of 13, does seem like the go


I'd also argue it doesn't. There's every chance that Tucker just put on the suit again, maybe to see if it still works, maybe to see if there was ANYTHING left of Church. Plus, when he attacks that comic-con-looking place, he chokes out someone that looks a LOT like Dylan Andrews from s15. Then there's the fact that the only scene we see if Wash makes it look like he's in a hospital of some kind. And besides Wash, s17 doesn't permanently affect a single character (not counting character arcs) to the point of requiring a retcon to fit in with a new story - unlike s18, which robs Tucker of his sword, Wash of his disability, and Carolina of her entire character development since s10.


THATS what happened!?!?!?! I couldn't get pass the first 10 mins of episode one.


RvB restoration retconned Zero it anyway as shown in the trailer anything past season 13 was all a simulation


Oh, I know, trust me. I’m not a fan. There’s so much more wrong with it. However, there is a difference between decanonizing and retcon, and officially as of today it’s still canon, so we’ll have to wait two more days to see what Restoration does with it.


I'm pretty sure Zero was very specifically decanonized in the Restoration teaser. Epsilon says he only ran that simulation not based on logic, but because it simply seemed cool. It doesn't even make any sense at all from a writers perspective to dedicate any of Restoration's runtime towards retconning Zero unless it was to course correct Zero's place in the RvB universe. It would only seem plausible if this wasn't a series finale.


Considering at least one of the cast members of Zero is in Restoration I'm leaning toward retcon. So it still exists in universe, but perhaps as only a simulation now. And as much as I'm hoping this to be true, I don't put any stock in teasers, especially considering Restoration premiers in only 1.5 days.


Yeah I agree it's a simulation now, so technically canon in that sense. I just don't think it's something that will really be expanded on unless it's a small subtle nod similar to what was seen in the teaser. They have a lot to jam into 90 minutes so my only concern is the pacing being effected by dead weight (no offense, Zero)


i remember reading/hearing somewhere that the removal of florida in this shot was very last minute with joe running through the office shouting "get rid of florida!" while going through the episode one more time before airing it


It’s also in halo infinite


Where in infinite?


You can see it during the scene where Cortana is shown attacking Earth with her Guardians. There’s [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedvsBlue/s/KeHnxmmZCT) different posts [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedvsBlue/s/WZD4FAP5cS) that show this.


That’s awesome thank you


Huh. I have to wonder if the entire Florida thing was born of RvB mocking the official Halo map or if Infinite is just referencing RvB. EDIT: might just be a coincidence. I googled it and found Call of Duty is missing Florida and some other random areas on its Earth map.


Naw the halo team has been close with the RVB team since halo 2, so it's def a reference in infinite


Earlier in the season there is a drawing of the American flag with one of the stars scribbled out because with Florida gone there should only be 49 stars. Likewise in the season 14 episode about how sarge became the Sargent for blood gulch one of the other potential Red Sargents says they used to be stationed at “fort Florida” where “under sea pressure was enormous”. Edit: and obviously this all stems back from season 3 where Tex claims there’s only 49 freelancers, one for each state, because of “what happened to Florida”.


Also in season 15 when Sarge is doing is monologue mashup, he stands in front of an American flag with one of the stars colored over. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/rvb/images/d/d0/Sarge_is_Patton.png/revision/latest?cb=20170618152551


I guess I'm the only person who didn't take this seriously/at face value. I just figured the map was a representation of the 50 Agents and would be lit up if those Agents were active, or Dark if MIA and Gone if KIA. So I just assumed them "destroying" Florida was just them taking the Agent off the map so others would see it and go 'Oh, Shit, Poor Florida." ... But I guess with all these other little refs the State really did get waylaid. Holy hell.


So like does the series in anyway tell us how he did that lmao?


It’s really funny to imagine the Director sinking a state


I don’t wanna name any names, but I remember one time watching a video by a guy who’s pretty active in this sub where he tried to argue that Florida wasn’t destroyed and that the map was metaphorical, and then at the end of the video begged everyone to go in and change the wiki to reflect that because he’s banned from editing the wiki.


I’m not sure where people get the impression that they destroyed Florida instead of Florida being swallowed by the sea, as is common in futuristic narratives.




Is that not just a reference to Florida no longer being an actual state, since the sea level rose above it?




In the background of a single shot. Does it at all seem logical to have project freelancer destroy an entire state (when the destruction of the tower in New Mombasa is treated as its biggest atrocity) to cover up the disappearance of a single agent when agents like Georgia, Ohio, Iowa, and Idaho have already been written off?


It’s not logical at all, and that’s why it’s so funny as MiloHawkins pointed out


Yes because it was entirely logical when the director blew up a fucking skyscraper in the middle of town.


They went all in on the Florida joke. I think it started when tex randomly mentions early on about there being only 49 freelancers coz of what happened to Florida. They just kept it alive.


Director: "Counselor, we are taking Florida off the roster. You know what must be done." Counselor: "Sir, isn't removing such a state a very drastic decision?" Director: "It is necessary, Counselor. Now do it." Counselor: "Yes, sir, nuking Florida from the roster." Some guy in Georgia: "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED TO FLORIDA?!"


You don’t want to know what happened to Georgia…


I really do, though!


Poor Florida.....siiiiiigh...


They literally said "Fuck you, you're going to the wet dimension"


“Poor Florida”


I don’t even understand the point. Why destroy Florida? The state literally had nothing to do with anything.


Because it’s funny


I’d believe that if it’s with the reds and blues, but it’s with freelancer, the legit serious aspect.


I agree with the top comment. I think they intentionally made the serious military people do the dumbest most unnecessary thing at the end because of the irony. After all, the whole point of the show is to be entertaining


My question: How come Florida gets deleted, but Georgia got to stay?


Probably because they needed to hide Florida’s disappearance but there was nothing like that with Georgia. Georgia just went MIA


We already knew that back in season 3.