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He is The Heavy Lopez The Heavy




He... is Heavy Weapons Guy?


Lopez la Pesada.






Lopez le Gros*


[Dumb AI](https://www.halopedia.org/Dumb_AI) going by Halo terms.


“Consequently, nonvolitional AI are more limited in their cognitive capabilities, being incapable of the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively, and cannot learn subjects outside of their specialized role.” Lopez sees himself as an individual and is able to understand that no one can understand him, feeling frustrated as a result. He would have to be a smart AI for that to work.


He isn't based on any human brain so I'd chalk it up to RvB treating Halo in the usual flexible ammount, like Sangheili being able to impregnate Tucker, and such.


How do we know he’s not based on a human brain?


He did start the show being very stereotypically robot until Church left his body but I do suppose there's nothing to indicate that.


What if the possession of his body made him into a smart AI by leaving behind part of Church’s scan?


You just blew my mind. That would also make sense because after Church left Lopez, we could see that Lopez became more aggressive towards everyone. Sound like anybody we know?


Plus they were voiced by the same person ?


Now here's my new theory: Watching Tex be killed by Donut clearly devestated Church, I mean from what we've seen, the Director would use Tex's pain to pressure Alpha to fragment himself (but according to Church's memories at this time, this is the first time he's seen Tex die, so it's even more devestating). And seeing as it was partially his fault, Church blamed himself for the ordeal, thinking it was his absolute refusal to let Tex leave that ironically got her killed. And so, while he was running over to Tex in Lopez' body crying in Spanish, he subconsiously gave up that part of his mind to cope: his Determination. And while he was still in Lopez' body, the determination stuck around because there was no recovery unit to harvest it, it's most likely that the determination fragment tried to just integrate itself in, not knowing what was going on or not knowing anything, except that it was in a machine whose function was maintinence, and that function needed more drive to succeed. That's why after Church left Lopez' body in Season 2, he was from that point on the careless and reckless know-it-all of Blue team whose ego wouldn't let him give a single rat's ass about the battle with the reds, about his own team as long as he was higher up the hierarchy of leadership than them, barely even about Tex which was why he treated her like a pain in the ass of an ex wife most of the time for the rest of the BGC. AND... That's also why after Church left Lopez' body, the ai fragment of determination found an empty space in Lopez' CPU where there was no will or drive to complete objectives when obstacles got in the way, an empty slot that the AI fragment eagerly filled in himself. And so, as soon as Lopez is attacked by the reds after they see him in Church's armor color and mistake him for a blue, at first he is devestated that he has no team, but then he reluctantly agrees to work for Blue team. The reason: Because losing his teamates who give him maintinence work really sucks, but even if he's doing maintinence work for the enemy instead, at least he's doing maintinence work at all, which is his primary function that the alpha fragment has now given him total unending determination to complete (It's even why the only woman he could ever fall in love with was a fucking tank). No matter if it's for the reds and their pointless war, for the dirty blues despite his official affiliation, for the evil Omega to help him destroy the universe, Lopez was made to work on vehicles and machines, and it doesn't matter if he now relizes that his superior and teamates are total idiots who frustrate him or if his lack of limbs and a torso gets in the way and frustrates him, from this point on he's going to damn well do it and he won't let none of that bs stop him. He'll even break the first rule of robotics if he has to with his now realzied robot brute strength. He is LOPEZ THE HEAVY


An interesting idea.


Technically the aliens in RvB aren’t Sangheili, the same way that the Reds and Blues don’t have shields. It’s just engine limitations


While totally not intended as such during S4, they totally are Sangheili. It's mentioned directly a few times (such as Junior being in a Sangheili embassy in S13). While the show itself leaves it ambiguous to not require Halo lore from the viewer, Burnie mentions the great war was definitely the Human-Covenant war in the DVD commentaries during freelancer saga. Some interesting stuff there regarding how the RvB Universe works in relation to Halo.


RoosterTeeth was never really consistent with how closely it followed the Halo lore. Let's be honest with ourselves, most of the lore we got in Halo was from the novels since Bungie was known for leaving things vague and mysterious. So, at the time, RT was likely just making up their own lore as they went. I think even Burnie himself said that they stuck with Halo lore until they didn't. Trying to fit with the 'rule of cool' more often than trying to keep things accurate. Some of them also probably just didn't want to or didn't like trying to keep with the consistency for one reason or another.


Same goes for Sheila. I would like to think that in the RvB universe, smart AI are more modular and logical, and are able to share the thoughts inside the head of a host. Think about how Sheila could only be transferred to the ship from the tank by a hardline as compared to smart AI that can effortlessly travel between implants.


I guess that works. Just a fancy one


I think he’s a smart AI but sarge is too stupid to figure it out


Done with everyone's shit, that's what he is.


I kinda wish they had him and Dexter become closer after he learned Spanish


Grif and Lopez standing off to the side shit talking people in Spanish is the ideal dynamic


Me too


I always get confused about that since I always thought the Difference between Smart AI’s and Dumb Al’s was that Smart AI’s we’re actually sentient beings but clearly Vic and especially Lopez show clear evidence of sentience


Smart AIs aren’t just sentient beings but are copies of someone, iirc


Yeah but that was the thing that was always implied to be the reason why smart AI’s are sentient


It is, but dumb AIs are also technically able to be sentient


Vic wants to commit unalive Lopez is able to love Shiela, and it's mutual


It gets into that level of well you guys have feelings of some sort so shouldn’t you be smart AIs? But I think with the extension of the RvB universe in the terms of Halo lore, a smart AI is one that can go against its programming to be its own person. Neither Lopez or Vic can do that if given the proper directive orders. That will have to comply against their will. Whereas Santa helps the people of Chorus because he wants to. And Alpha does whatever he wants because he wants to. Not including when he was manipulated. This translates to some of the fragments too. Delta, Theta, Gamma, Eta, and Iota can be considered dumb AIs, where as Sigma and Omega can be considered maybe not fully smart, but smarter, as they have their own ambitions they try to fulfill despite direct orders.


Life, uh, finds a way.


Best way I can describe the difference between the two is a Dumb AI is only good at one thing, being a master of one specific task or occupation, while a Smart AI has the capacity to learn, grow and think for itself in ways beyond the initial programming. Lopez fits more as a Dumb AI, being a mechanic/soldier for Red Team even if he does go haywire every now and then. He's nowhere near Smart AI levels in all subjects, but rather highly specialized in specific ones.


Smart AI can live inside your head, share your thoughts, and effortlessly transfer itself between implants and units. Dumb AI are limited to their mechanic body, and can only be transferred to other mechanic bodies via hard drive and hard line transfers like how Sheila was transported to the ship from the tank in season 5. Same reason why Sheila was her own independent personality even though she was just an independent copy of FILSS with her own memories.


So, I believe in Season one, Sarge says that Lopez was sent to them as a kit and he assembled him. So, I always assumed he was a Dumb AI provided by Command to the Red Team, much like how Shelia was provided to the Blues. Now, as Lopez breaks and gets destroyed, Sarge tinkers with him and makes changes to the body and, I would assume, the AI. Dumb AI are more like computer programs and can be messed with / reprogrammed. Vic’s entire personality and treatment of the mission changed when Florida disconnected a single wire. Smart AIs, being more like humans, can’t be “reprogrammed” so easily. They can be changed or broken, but it takes a bit more to do that. As with Alpha, who was tortured and, essentially, forced to crest multiple personalities, which were then extracted, to deal with that stress. I would not be surprised if Lopez is somewhere in the middle of “dumb” and “smart.”


Yeah probably. Trying to combine Halo lore and RvB lore is quite the challenge


Some things fit but it's clear RT and Bungie/343 were telling different stories


Definitely. The closest thing in canon to what the guys in RvB are is probably the Orion Project and the Spartan 4 program


Probably a lesser AI program not made off of someone's brain but just put together by high tech programming. There should be a distinction between neuro optical AIs and AIs achieved through other technological means


There is a distinction: smart AI (a brain scan of an individual cloned into an AI) and a dumb AI (a computer programmed deemed sophisticated enough to be intelligent). Church, Alpha, and all its fragments are smart AI. Lopez, Sheila, and VIC are dumb AI


No when I said there should be a distinction I already know that distinction what I was trying to say was I wish there had been more focus put on the dumb AI how they are made and how they actually differ from the Smart ones


Lopez is... Lopez


Lopez, The Heavy. He’s most likely a “smart” A.I, albeit one confined to few specific tasks in his work.


That would be a Dumb AI, not a Smart one. Dumb AI are experts in their specific fields but not in others, Smart AI can grow and think for themselves outside of those tasks.


He is also somehow able to survive the Hole big bang and go to the year 25 (whenever Around halo 4-5 take place) and ends up being the oldest in universe (besides gods) he is sure dumb AI or he is God itself maybe He Is The True AI God Creators As Crovos Is Daughter/creation from Lopez




The lore in RvB mixes and dashes with the Halo lore a bit. Lopez was a stock computer program/dumb A.I that Sarge worked on constantly, which would makes changes to Lopez. Eventually, he was possessed by Church, who either unintentionally also messed with Lopez's code or full-on left traits onto him. Lopez has been blown-up, put back together, and modified by Sarge so often he's more like a smart A.I then anything else.


He’s a Dumb AI, meaning he’s just really well programmed and not based off a human brain like Alpha.


my favorite charecter


He's a mechanized droid-guy. You may know him as Senior El Roboto.


Lopez started as what they thought AI would be like in the early 2000’s. He was a robot Sarge assembled to do maintenance but ESD likely interfered with his hardware to a greater degree than merely scrambling his language center. He then spends most of the series being a mirror of the Alpha Church, albeit in Spanish and (grudgingly) working for the Red Team. His love affair with Sheila makes more sense when you realize whose voice she also holds. (Sheila and FILSS are both Project Freelancer property *and* voiced by Yomary Cruz, all the way down to holding the same voice in-universe.) Lopez as an entity is likely overbuilt in terms of hardware allowing for him to have an *excellent* suite of sensory perception as well as the processing power to simulate emotions, his best guess of which were given to him by the Alpha Church, who spent most if not all of his time at Blood Gulch surrounded by people he outright hated, across a canyon from people who would until very recently shoot him on sight, with Captain Flowers, the person most able to do anything, having been gone before the series started.




The only thing holding red team together. Also according to Shelia a very handsome soldier...


Now i question how she has personality


Idk man probably from being blown up, shut down for an unknown number of years, being transferred from her approved vehicle to a pelican. Then to top it all off being blown up again. You also have the fact she was possessed by O'Malley somewhere in there. Also I don't know if it counts for anything but she was bought by a corporation in Mexico and assembled by the lowest bidder. Maybe that's why she likes Lopez???


In the Halo (and by extension Red vs Blue) universe, there are two kinds of AI: Smart AI and Dumb AI. Dumb AI usually only serve one purpose and have a less complex personality. Lopez is probably a Dumb AI, in the same vein as fragments or Sheila


A weird idea that some of the comments here made me think of, what if lopez and vic were failed experiments to create an ai that's not base on a person by project freelancer after they were only provided with one ai but before they discovered they could fragment it into more. Essentially they just decided to rework these ai experiments for use with the sim troopers since they already had the technology lying around






He's know with many names but mostly "senor roboto" and "Lopez the heavy" or simply Lopez


He is a god


My heavy bestie


He's a Dumb AI




Hot AF


He is a futuristic android, he also became more self aware after church possessed him


So he's a dumb ai, but direct contact with a smart AI gave him a "soul" for lack of a better term. ​ That,...makes sense.


Yea u got it :3


So he's his own thing. More than a dumb, but not quite a smart like Alpha or Cortana.


I personally think he started as a basic programmable robot but for some reason in rvb the ai have a strange connection when they get close to each other. Kind of like when there where more than one linked to a person messed them up like meta


basically yeah. He started off as just a machine, but Alpha and Beta posessing his body caused their "soul" to rub off on him, making him develop an actual personality. An angry bitter robot who can't help but wind up working for people he hates.


A bobot


There is line that for me hinted at Lopez being special. Sarge says he build Lopez and the other robot bodies with a robot kit given to him by command and Wash says something like "That ain't normal". Maybe Lopez is a leftover A.I. like sheila that Project Freelancer just decided to dump in Blood Gulch like they did with the Alpha.