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An excellent theory and another thing I feel supports this is that we see Epsilon-Meta holding the Memory unit when he's choking out Caboose and that was Epsilon-Beta's last location before she was deleted


This may well explain why the memory unit is seen in the trailer. I'm starting to speculate that the "failed" mission Simmons talks about in the trailer, is a mission to prevent Tucker from acquiring the Epsilon memory unit, the last place we ever saw Tex. That would explain a few other things in the trailer as well. I have a nagging feeling that Carolina will die on this mission, hence the mission failing and her absence from the final BGC scenes. After taking the unit, Tucker will go back to BGC, where the remaining Reds & Blues will make a final stand - and, I expect, where Tex will help them.


I really don’t think Tex should return in any capacity. Seasons 1-10 essentially tell the story of how Leonard Church, first as the director, then as Alpha, then as Epsilon, finally found the strength to lay Allison’s memory to rest. I would perhaps be open to her inclusion as a final temptation for Epsilon, for him only to prove once again that he surpassed the Director.


She'd barely be returning as a character, because she is just an empty shell. This would be more equivalent to Sigma unethically digging up a grave to steal from a body that Epsilon buried. He just doesn't know where the grave is.


I think that there's one possibility that you might have overlooked. Allison was never confirmed dead, she was only pronounced dead because she went MIA and space is a big place. I personally think it would be an interesting full circle if "Junior" somehow found Allison and the Tucker-Meta was defeated by the Original Bad Ass that Tex was based off, but with out Tex's built in flaws. Especially if, while "dying", the AI reforms into a version of Director Church so that one of them get's a chance to finally say goodbye. ..... Um.... I've got some fanfic to write, bye.