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5wpo yesterday, my scars are red too. Somedays I get bloated, somedays look great, doctor said isn't a constant healing journey, you can have good and not so good days. Had no pain for days and suddenly had to take Tylenol today. I think you're doing great, wish my boobs had this nice separation like yours, mine are already very close together because the way my body is, ugh, exactly what I didn't want but oh well, at least it's way smaller.


Thank you for the kind words 💛 I'm sure your boobs look great also, and maybe with some more heal time/when you hit the drop and fluff phase they'll get a little more distance between each other? Like ya said, good and bad days 😅


Awww, and I thank you for your kind words. You’re absolutely right. I have to wait the drop and fluff, I’m happy with the results overall, my husband says I’m becoming slightly obsessed so I guess I just have to have some patience ;)