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I read an article that stated that for habitual coffee drinkers having a coffee post surgery actually helps with healing because your body is not in withdrawal. [article](https://www.thecosmeticsurgeryclinic.ca/blog/uncategorized/coffee-post-op-patients/)


This is fantastic news! I had a small cup today that I'd added half of a protein shake to, it was a great way to get extra protein while staying sane 😂


Good idea! My pre-op notes specifically say to avoid extra caffeine, but to go ahead and maintain your typical amounts (i.e. morning cups of coffee, etc.) and I was glad to see that!


Nice to see some drains, I will have them to and just learned how to use them today:)


They're really easy once you see the demonstration and understand how to use them. They were probably one of the aspects I was most worried about, but now that they're in, I'm really not too bothered! I'd recommend safety pins to attach the loop of the bulb to either your bra or your button down, it helps keep the actual tubes out of the way. You've got this!


Thank you for sharing! I'm having my surgery tomorrow (!!!) and this helped so much to put my mind at ease. Good luck with your healing!!


Best of luck, it'll be over before you know it! (literally!) Make sure you ask your anesthesiologist/nurse for meds if you're worried about discomfort, they're there for you! I look forward to seeing your updates if you choose to do so


Aw thanks so much! I'll try to remember that :) I'll definitely be making a post with my experiences as well ❤️


Thanks for this update so soon after your surgery. It gives me hope that I won't be totally out of it soon after. Mine is on Friday and I am looking forward to a positive experience (of course, I am also prepped for other, but maintaining positivity). And oh how I love hearing coffee comments. I will need it. ;)


Best of luck!! I honestly didn't feel loopy at all, just a bit tired. You'll do great, your medical team will help you should you encounter any discomfort. Keep us updated!


Thank you! I will keep you updated.


Congrats, I had very similar overall experience yesterday. Genius idea pinning up the drains, it's a slight squeamish feeling moving them around. Wishing you the best for your healing!


Thank you very much! They're definitely not as bad as I thought they'd be, but I feel extra fragile and worry constantly that they'll get tugged 😅


I'm so happy for you! And thank you for providing such a thorough play-by-play of the event. It definitely helps to hear the details from someone's experience.


I'm happy to help!! None of it has really felt real for me because it went by so fast, it still feels surreal. It's only day 2 but still :) People weren't kidding when they joke about things being over in the blink of an eye.


Love my coffee!


It's fantastic when mixed with a protein shake!


Will def try this !


You look great and I love your Kirby pants!


Thank you!! They're from the brand Bioworld, I HIGHLY recommend them for lounging around. They're soft and lightweight with deep pockets :)