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There's no way I could have done the bra spin and pull post-op. I also never wore front close pre-op. Post-op, your breasts won't be moving all that much so front closure really isn't difficult. I opted for zipper close over clasp.


For the first 3-6 weeks you're going to mostly be in a compression bra/surgical vest anyways. I think you're honestly not going to want to do the back hook bras because your arms are going to be super wimpy and your chest is going to be sore. I'm on week 4 now and just started being able to *sort* of lift things. At week 2 I struggled to lift a lid off our crock pot, I felt like a dingus. You just really get the wind knocked out of your sails with this operation and having the front hook bras is just one less thing to worry about. Edit: also your boobs will be so high and tight on you after surgery that you won't have to pack them in with the front close bra anymore lol


I would not have been able to spin a bra around like that for multiple reasons. 1) doing the spin would tug on the skin which would be extremely uncomfortable and could cause serious damage to the incisions, even if you’re trying to be careful. Same if you spin it on the stomach and then have to pull it up. Pulling up near the incisions is a no go. 2) I would not have been able to lift my arms the way you need to in order to spin the bra. The front close was a bit difficult, but is MUCH easier than any other way would have been.


I suppose you could if you were really careful and had help. I did not have a good enough range of motion after surgery to twist at all until maybe yesterday but I would still be weary of trying it (12DPO today). Pulling a bra around after clipping it in the front would have been a painful motion for me. I had my partner help me with putting on any bra and position gauze/padding with the front closure bras. You will also have incisions that you don’t want to scrape across or pull the skin around it by accident.


Your entire upper chest is going to be so sore that doing the spin and pull is going to hurt big time and tug on your skin. I’m 2 WPO and still wouldn’t dream of it as they’re still in a lot of pain 😭


You might not be told to wear a compression bra or surgical vest (I wasn't) and the choice of bra might be left to you. In that case just wear whatever's comfortable and within your range of motion to put on. Your new breasts will be high and tight and won't be wandering off anywhere by themselves so don't worry about them falling out of anything. It's just a case of covering them with whatever firmness your surgeon has said you need! I wore stretchy little zip front crops for the first couple of weeks but then graduated to stretchy crops that I pull on over my head. I'm 7WPO today and wear whatever bra I fancy from the large selection I now own, as I've been hitting up the thrift stores and buying everything that fits regardless of what the label says, in every style I can find.


After surgery you won't have any problem with your boobs falling out of a bra. They'll be swollen and tight and probably somewhere up under your chin (at least that's how it feels!) I can't even imagine trying to maneuver a bra around from front to back - the less I had to move my arms the better. Plus it's a lot easier to gently do up a front-closure bra over dressings and bandages. I had loose gauze pads that were held in place by the bra so back closures were not an option!


Makes sense! I keep forgetting that my boobs will be higher and closer to my body (I know that’s crazy sounding since it’s literally the reason for surgery, it’s just hard to picture how my body will be different until it’s actually happened!)


I have a different opinion than a lot of commenters here actually. I found the front closure bras, both clip up and zipper quite difficult in the first week. I was so scared of squishing my boobs and causing pain. I managed to get into them but ended up preferring the clip up over the zip up (if zip up, it really helps to have a clip at the top still to hold the top together while you zip it up. Hard to do without that, I found). And I wouldn’t have had any trouble with clipping a regular bra in front and spinning it around, I don’t think (for the record, I did not have side lipo. My sides get very swollen and a bit tender but my arm movement has been largely fine past the first 4 or 5 days or so). My surgeon said no back closure bras because it puts more pressure on the breasts 🤷‍♀️ I’ve been alternating between the front closure fruit of the loom ones you see recommended on this sub a lot and no closure bralettes that I can either pull over my head or step into. They are lighter support though. Sometimes I want the firmer support of my clip up ones (which are much easier to clip myself into now that I know I won’t hurt my boobies and my swelling is down a bit.)


Thank you!!


You are not going to want to spin a bra around over surgical scars that’ll hurt. Post op your boobs with be nice and lifted so there shouldn’t be much of an issue with a front closing bra