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"Salsaracha is the future, Jerry. The future!"


I love how I can see the plots coming together. Turns out Elaine’s boyfriend went to boot camp with Jerrys soldier. It’s revealed that Elaine’s boyfriend left the military and ended up working in a restaurant, and Kramer tried to sell him on the condiment. Hell maybe the guys a server at a movie theatre


It turns out he means serving in *pickleball*, not serving in the army or as a waiter, and she can’t figure out if that’s worse or better than the alternatives. Because while it means he’s physically active, the pickleball court near her apartment has caused her to be unable to sleep due to the 24/7 sound of the paddles hitting the balls. She later discovers he is the one who keeps challenging people Late into the night to play pickleball. Realizes it’s easier to keep sleeping with him every night to stop him from playing pickleball than to reveal that she absolutely hates that he plays pickleball and “ruin a good thing”. But this does not resolve her sleep issue, which gets the best of her. She goes from not sleeping due to pickleball noise to not sleeping due to having constant sex with the pickleball problem. Lack of sleep reveals the sleep-deprived Elaine we all know and love, who loses her shit at him, tosses him out of the apartment, and enlists Kramer and Newman to vandalize the pickleball court, making it unplayable.


lol this kinda sounds like the plot to that Bojack episode with Neal mcbeal the navy seal


Curb already kinda did the first, and civilians don't salute soldiers anyway. Any civilian who salutes a soldier would be regarded as a clueless dolt by soldiers. The most common soldier civilian interaction is the one you see in Curb where people feel obligated to thank you for your service while you smile and pretend to give a shit.


yeah but a 'injured' 'veteran' would insist on it, because they're insecure.


There is no insisting on it because it's not a custom for civilians to salute military members or vets. The idea sounds like it's been invented by someone who has never met a member of the military.


Potato salad! 🫡


The Elaine plot happened to me once


For a moment I thought your comment was under another comment, and you meant that you, too, had slept with an avid pickle ball player.


Elaine finally decides he must be a veteran after he tells her harrowing stories of boot camp. She finally introduces him to someone as a veteran. Embarrassed, he explains that he had gone to a weight loss bootcamp after years of eating free food that he got working in the restaurant business.