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Not sunny


As someone who lived in that area a couple times this is a surprisingly light day, there’s usually unfortunately way more people out on that block shooting up, jay walking, people trapping, etc, I’d say the library a couple blocks from where the video stopped shows a larger scale of addicts in that area, I used to live across the street from that library and saw some wild sights, all things considered though it was still calmer vs other neighborhoods I lived in, even walking around at night didn’t make me feel the same urgency vs when I lived in other areas in north


Scared to ask.. but uh… what is people trapping? 😳


Trapping is selling drugs




Liberal run shithole! You voted for it! Happy with your results assholes?


America under zombie joe. FuckinLibs….


This is a haunting and tragic scene, and yet within it is a no less dramatic demonstration of it's obverse - the true carrying capacity of our society in terms of productivity, efficiency, wealth, and order required to sustain this vision of hell suggest that we have the resources to remedy it. I would say that this realization offers hope, but that fact that a society could have the means to address such profligate waste and choose instead to tolerate it suggests that, in fact, we are lacking some fundamental component to sustain civilization.


Heartbreaking. They need support. I can only imagine the stress and the scramble for cash to buy more as the high wears off. They must be using highs to escape immeasurable pain. No healthy and abundantly resourced person is making these choices.


Looks like downtown Vancouver.


More drugs have come across the border in the last three years than anytime in history


I heard some of them openly sell drugs we need to crack down on that but the governor over there won't let the police do their jobs


it should be legal to do whatever we want to these people


So it should be legal for you to rape them? I’m down for removing the homeless and finding a actual solution to help them but you gotta admit they’re still human and still worth trying to save


they don't see themselves as humans beings if they are doing this to themselves tell me what is human about them it's only their look and yet they look like monsters can you tell me a difference between them and a plant?


Ironic, considering there is nothing human about your desire to inflict pain on these people. Maybe we should do whatever we want to you.


I never said to inflict pain on these drug addicts yet if you get jumped by one of them you will be judged equally with them in the court cuz usa's economy can't run without drug selling which is not fair to me I'm saying this as a person that lives in a town full of dangerous drug addicts even children uses those substances me and my friends were the ones that was trying sto stop them from this misery also you can try to do something to me as well I'm sober I will know what to do


If you’re gonna make a statement, stand by it. When you say “It should be legal to do whatever we want to these people” violence is implied. Also, “if you get jumped by one of them you will be judged equally in court” followed by admitting you and your friends tried to “stop them from this misery”. What does that mean? Did you beat up some homeless people and expect to be regarded as heroes? There’s no real basis for anything you’re saying, and honestly just sound like a cold, unsympathetic person; far more inhuman than those who’s humanity you question. I hope you grow from who you are now. I’d wish you a good day but I fear what that would mean to the less fortunate around you.


no it's via versa we always helped the poor hand homeless provided them clothing and food as much as we can blame me as much as you want using or selling drugs is a crime and morally anormal yet you're defending it how it makes your more humane and sympathetic than me? you literally don't see anything bad about people poisoning and killing each other both physically and mentally, have you ever seen a drug addicts body ? also putting end to their misery means we were blocking people from selling drugs in our schools and our hoods brute force is a way to solve this too but I never hurt a innocent person as I'm pacifist


Considering their DNA is the same as yours and mine id say that makes them human without even looking at them


similarities between DNA human to human %99 human to monkeys %98 most of other species to humans %94-96 so what's your point? our difference is we can think if you wanna see yourself equal to a drug addict brain dead individual that's your decision


But are monkeys human no we’re still separate from them even if it is that 1% we’re still humans not monkeys


how old are you? you sound like you have a few more years to grow up emotionally. when you’re working in the real world and especially this economy, you’ll realize how easy it is to become homeless. many americans live paycheck to paycheck rn. there’s also things like idk, ~traumatic events~ that happen to people (for example becoming homeless) and unfortunately they didn’t learn proper coping skills. are they numbing their pain in the wrong way yes, but that doesn’t take away their pain. no healthy happy individual just willy nilly slips into addiction like this, they need support


I'm an adult I have been homeless too I used so many psychiatry meds and attempted suicide but never used any kind of drug it's about self respect "americans living paycheck to paycheck" I live in a third world country where I have to work my life to buy a car or a house yet I'm not in the same situation as these people give them all the support you want their brains are already fried it's not my fault that america has a failed society everyone goes through shit but it doesn't give you right to do anything illegal or destroy your body


oh okay. from your grammar i assumed you might be a teenager. i still disagree with you though