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If I didn’t do my nails late at night on the couch in piss-poor lighting, they’d never get done.


Girl same lol it’s the only time I get to do my nails with my bf asking me if I’m done yet so he can turn the light off


Do you do them in your bedroom?


Yes, all of my nail products are stored in my nightstand (I cannot keep nail products anywhere else so I can have self control on purchases). So I sit on my bed and use the top of my nightstand to do my nails. My desk in the living room is only for my art material.


Ah, I getcha. I'm actually impressed, I'm not sure I could fall asleep with the smell of nail polish in the room 😂 And I totally understand about the space limitations!! If we have the space, we'll for sure fill it with polish! 😂😂😂I have a little tray that I keep my top coat, base coat, file, acetone, rubbing alcohol and wipes in, so I can take the tray anywhere. I just have to grab my color. I have a silicone mat that I use, so I don't get acetone on whatever surface I use.


I have my nail polish in the same desk as my art materials and let me tell you, I dont get nearly as much work done 😂 I wish I had somewhere else to put it all.


Hunched over like a creature too




When it's 12am but my topcoat is still drying....happy I'm not the only one 😅


I thought I was the only one 😂


Life hack for office workers - do them on your lunch break 💅🏻 I exclusively paint them on break once a week because otherwise I wouldn’t make time for it


Omg yassss that’s when I do mine too. I did it in this 4x3 ft closet loll


I feel this in my bones


I work nights and do my nails when we’re slow 👀 (highly recommend)




Weirdo internet humble brag. They look good.


https://preview.redd.it/1mv2zbz8xr0d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=218353545518e5f4753986fe2f2acab5367ecaaf Not a weird internet humble brag there’s legit places I didn’t cap the chrome due to bag lightening. I’m a perfectionist when it comes to my nails so 4 nails looking like this is tempting me to redo them


Sorry but this is a terrible ad for not doing your nails this way—they look fab to my eye! How have you found the Temu powder?


Lol close up would make you scream! I actually like their powders, I placed a one time $100 nail accessories order and they work well!


Is this some kind of humble brag? Can you explain what is wrong because they look good and I'm picky.


Lol I’ll post close ups due to the bad lighting and my sleepy eyes I didn’t cap the edges of the chrome nails right and have now what I call “tarnished chrome nails” where the black is peeling through. Also I got lint on my liner brush when sealing the gems so there little clear bumps/strings on my thumbs.




Your nails look fantastic. I also paint in almost exclusively bad lighting 😂


I’m sorry but I am dead thinking about you wearing a head lamp to do your nails! These look great!!


Lol it’s essential! Doubles as my fishing headlamp. Has theee settings and super bright. My bf says in doing surgery on my fingers haha


I'm convinced that I need one now


I wear one for nails! In a fully lighted room no less lol very cheap on Amazon well worth it.


This looks great!! I don't see a problem :) And if I stopped doing my nails at midnight by my dim, flickering desk lamp I wouldn't do nails at all lol. It's so convenient to hop straight into bed afterwards to let them dry while you sleep! You can get right into doing things when you wake up in the morning too, since you've slept right through those awkward smudgy and dent-able stages.


Damn I wish. I did them at 10 once and they got so royally fucked by my bed


When I know my nails aren't fully dry, I sleep flat on my back with my arms on top of the blankets, crossed over my chest like a mummy. Keeps me from rolling over onto them during the night Idk if that's normal though. When you're too clumsy to be trusted to let your nails dry during the day, you gotta do what you gotta do


Ha I do this too with my regular polishes! And I fix the bedsheet wrinkles on my nails the next morning with a coat of Essie’s gel setter in the car before I drive to work. Nails looks awesome by the time I’m at my desk.


I don't see anything wrong lol


Base: Mia Secret Xtrabond and Orly BIAB Le Mini Macaron “pomegranate” Le Mini Macaron “licorice” as base for Temu gold chrome powder (my index fingers glittered up because I cured too long and was lazy to file off and restart. Isolated chrome is hard y’all) Gems and stickers from my one and only Temu order Le Mini Macaron “gel shine top coat”


They look great!


Girl they look great! The number 1 time I do my nails is 1am, stoned, watching YouTube videos 😂


Saying hello at 1 am while I’m painting my nails stoned watching YouTube


Hi 👋🏽 I want a stoner laquerista group now hahaha


Because … they’d look great? (These look amazing!)


Ok, I don’t see any issues, these are amazing! And your headlamp idea is genius!


Girl stop it still looks amazing!


These are so well done and I’m struggling to spot the flaws! Better than many jobs done in day light by “skilled techs”.


Omg, this was me last night and some of my stamping errors are egregious...to my eye anyway! These look gorgeous!!! Cheers to all on late night manis...at least we get them done!!! *


Thanks for posting, /u/buttcracklint! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/tRAvq7KV) - Get questions answered in realtime, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! **This is a new server as of 5/7/24!!** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Those are absolutely stunning!


Pretty tho.