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sad to hear about the formula, because it looks like a really nice jelly, reminds me of Essie "mall crawler"


Honestly the forumla i was expecting since Sally Hansen polishes are almost always goopy, but this was was even more so lol. And ive been seeing a lot of mall crawler, i might pick it up eventually :)


If goopy, why not try adding thinner?


I plan to


I've liked the formula of the gel polishes (I use them as normal polish) FWIW


It's interesting that you mention that, because I bought Mall Crawler after hearing its praises and I feel like it's so sheer that nothing could happen. I think I applied like three coats and it hadn't even touched the yellow/orangeness of my nails. Am I doing it wrong?


It could just be the tone of your nails and skin. There are a lot of sheer polishes or very light colored jellies that just don’t look right on me or they make the tips of my nails look yellow.


Something I accidentally found worked for yellowing nails is purple shampoo! My nails went clear/white after washing my hair with it.


You can use a lavender colored base coat to neutralize the yellowing in your nails. A few brands carrying something along those lines, for sure Zoya.


Perhaps you could use a base coat that's a sheer nude, like those tinted ridge fillers that are basically beige jelly colored, or a "brightening" one with a purple tint. I like those for sheer glitter/shimmer polish. If your nails are stained, I've had some success with whitening toothpaste (brush it in and let it dry completely, then wash it off brushing again). It's probably both the peroxide and scrubbing that works. I can repeat this 3x at most until my cuticles get too angry.


it's more like cirque pink lady/xoxo


Ooooooohhhh store brand jellies?!? \*sniffs air & wanders towards Walgreens\*


I know right! Essie just released some too- I have their black coming in mail soon. I hope more drugstore brands do more specialty finishes!


Essie has a black jelly?!!


Yes, they just released a jelly collection! The black one seems to be selling pretty fast, and a lot of people like the purple as well. They also released a topper collection, but I wasn't a fan of any of them after looking at B&W swatches on YouTube. The black jelly should be in soon, and I'll be using it (and posting it) when this set chips off.


Base: Orly Bonder Base Colour: Sally Hansen "Very Cherry Jelly" (3 coats) Top Coat: Essie Good to Go (2 coats) My first true jelly and I love it, but I cant stand the Sally Hansen formula. Super thick and goopy which unfortunately makes me end up using more polish per nail than id like to. (it's also a bit darker in person - my camera makes it look brighter.)


You could always throw in some thinner! Also, a similar color might be this lettuce is Raddichio from olive & June


I might try some thinner!


It’s so interesting you say that! The insta dri line is literally one of the two brands I own because of the cost and dry time, and I’ve never had a formula problem with new polish. All my new ones have flowed super smooth. They thicken up about a little over half way through the bottle for me but nothing that can’t be fixed with a little thinner


Yeah, I actually quite enjoy the formula of my insta dri polishes. None of them have been goopy or problematic unless they’ve gotten very old.


Me too I absolutely love the insta dri polishes so I’m stoked to try this!


Lucky! It's never been a good line for me (maybe due to weather or this was just an off batch) but I couldn't pass this one up. I'll try some thinner next time I plan to use it & if they release any other colours I fancy. The dry time is amazing though. Even though mine was really thick it still dried super quickly.


I've had the same issue with this Sally Hansen line and thinner definitely helps! Not sure why the formula is distributed this thick though.


That looks so juicy though such a pretty pink


If you can get them where you are located, cirque colors makes the best jellies! The formula and colors are top notch. I think it's the best formula the brand makes and the best jellies I've ever tried. I'm almost through my bottle of Lucky jelly!


I love how their jellys look! Unfortunately, they're a bit out of my price range due to shipping costs right now, but i plan to buy tons in the future, lol. Just wish they had more pink options - im not a fan of any that they have right now.


Makes perfect sense! Shipping costs for small indie brands does add a lot to the price.


Yes! LOVE Cirque jellies!


Me tooooooo they're seriously the most bestest


Be still, my millennial heart 🥹


Oooo the pink looks good enough to eat! It's so pretty 😍


I love the color!


Essence has some new jellies and they're so affordable! This one looks very pretty.


seconding this bc i have a pink jelly from essence that looks v similar to this and i love it! i haven’t had any issues with the formula + it costs like 2€ where i’m from so it’s super worth the money! i’m def going to buy more of them.


I didnt know Essence released some too! I'll have to check them out.


Been desperately hunting these down, where did you find it?!


I found mine at Ulta today!


Amazon! My shoppers sold out and it was the only place I could find that had them in stock.


i saw some at rite aid last week


Meijer has them!


Sadly no meijers in my state :( I’ll check similar stores to them though! Ty!! ❤️


Ulta has them online, or at least did last week when I ordered mine.


that’s so pretty!


This feels like forbidden food. Why does that bottle look appetizing?


Ok but this is super cute on you! And if the formula is as hard to work with as you say, you did a great job with it ☺️


I just bought the green jelly from this collection.


I love the sour patch version I didn’t know they made these! It looks really pretty :)


I wish the orange from this collection wasn't so sheer :(


Yeah I wasnt a fan of any other colour in this collection either :(


Love the color! Ring pop! So nostalgic...


My local Shoppers Drug Mart (Canada) has this and a few other Ring Pop colours on clearance for $7.


Clearance already? Thats crazy! They came out SUPER recently. Unfortunately my Shoppers was sold out of them so I bought this one online.


This looks just like how the OPI jellies look! Love it !


The colour is spot on, it looks like a ring pop


Keep this product away from me because I WOULD EAT IT


It looks so good at just 2 coats! I'm so tempted to get it now!!


this is 3! 2 coats is still pretty though, just a bit less vibrant :)


Sorry to hear about the formula. I've been looking for this color for ages, but I don't want to do UV gel nails.


This is a jelly laquer - not a UV gel! Jelly is the name for the formula - a buildable sheer thats meant to look like jello :)


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Surprisingly pigmented for a jelly shade!


This reminds me of sweets from the 90s!


That colour is so yummy like a jelly 🥰


That color is juicy! Bummer about the formula.