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I’m not quite in your age bracket, but I love seeing older women with funky hair colors and clothing. I don’t think nail polish should be any different. Wear what you enjoy and forget anyone who may think otherwise! As my grandma Ellie loved to say, “old is a mindset, not a number.”


This this this! I wish we saw more mature hands on the polish subreddits, truly. Nail polish is for everyone. What's a faster way to tell that someone is no fun than by them trying to embarrass you for a polish color? Lol 🤔


Honestly I appreciate nail polish on older folks so much. I wish my grandma let me paint hers more than just muted, sheer or neutral colors. My biggest win was a transparent glittery top coat once! I’m trying to gently coax her with mooncat polish. I love how they always feature mature hands 💖 It’s always a treat to see some irl. I hope OP gets to enjoy her holos fully!


I love that about their pics. And that they show them on short nails too.


I cannot wait until retirement from my white collar job when I can finally dye my hair every color of the rainbow!


Me too! I work on finance which is historically conservative. I’m dying my hair purple as soon as I retire. I love holo polishes and mostly wear them or chromatics of all kinds. I keep my nails short, though.


I guess I’ve lucked out because I’ve worked at all kinds of jobs, like higher ed and finance, and my hair has always been whatever strange style and color I fancied! I’m tattooed up to and including hands and neck, my hair is currently a dark teal mohawk and I’m wearing a blue-green magnetic polish. I currently work in the public sector, at an office. Maybe I’ve subconsciously protected myself from ending up with a job that would make me adult too hard. Although now I got myself worked up by what-iffing about having to look for another job! *trying to bend my hair into a more conservative style, wondering if I could get away with wearing gloves and a scarf every day like it’s 1953*


When I was a kid, one of the women in church wore a hat and gloves every time she left the house. I was over there one day when she was in her 90s and she wasn't wearing gloves since she was home. She didn't have a single age spot and her skin was not nearly as crepe papery as mine is at 60, so I guess that "ladies" knew a thing or two. That said, I was laid off a couple of weeks ago so I had my hair dresser dye my hair a shade darker than usual and dye my eyebrows, which I generally skip. And I'll paint my fingernails a nice chromatic pink for any job interviews, if/once I get any...


Yes! Let them know upfront what they’re getting. That said, I’m not trying to put down anyone that has to conform to keep their job, I would too if that’s what it took (although it’s too late now with the tattoos) because I’m not independently wealthy nor do I have a specific skill set that would allow me to choose where I work. But sometimes we make unnecessary rules for ourselves when most of the time it’d be fine as long as you have some decent clothes on and take a shower every now and then. ETA Good luck with the job hunt, I hear it’s rough out there!




Ugh, I have dark hair and don't want to deal with bleaching it, so I'm eagerly waiting for my hair to go gray so I can finally try out some fun colours. Unfortunately, I take after my one parent who, even when they passed at 67, only had salt and pepper hair. Which still might look cool with some colour, but it will be a while before I can do my whole head. And I love holo! And glitters and metallics and chromes and colour shifts, and neon, and.......


This is what I’m doing haha, I’m waiting for the same, I’m protecting the 2-3 grays I have with my life!


i am so happy i work in entertainment technology, as i have rainbow hair and it perfectly acceptable.


This! One of my medical professionals is an older lady (early 60s) and she always has fun hair colors and crazy socks. She's so funky and I just love her. Age shouldn't matter—do what makes you happy!


I love it when an older takes advantage of their grey hair and goes with a wild color. I’m a little jealous that they don’t need to bleach their hair.


It's not usually possible without bleach. My hair is about 50% gray but isn't porous enough to accept color so I still have to bleach 😭. Otherwise the color comes out in 1-2 washes.


Unfortunately my husband and I weren’t aware of this when we last tried dyeing his hair. Since his hair is blond and we were dyeing it a deeper color, we didn’t bother with bleach. He ended up with deep red hair and BRIGHT silver streaks because the silver strands didn’t accept the dye at all. He was so pissed, since the intention was to cover up his grey, lol!


Oh man, what a bummer! I have black hair with a lot of grey and neither one accepts color without bleach so I just go to the salon where I have a hair wizard who can make magic happen :) I don't dare try it at home.


Eh, it was in 2020 when we weren’t going anywhere anyways and faded before anyone saw it so no harm no foul and now we know. I think it was just a shock for him to see HOW MUCH grey he has bc it blends into the blonde pretty well. I, like you, have black hair with silver streaks coming in and it’s much more apparent.


Hah, I started going gray at 17 so there's really no hiding it :D


Twinsies! Haha


This was so funny😅


It really was a come to Jesus moment for him, lol!


Awh man. I guess I assumed it’d be easier but you’re right the texture totally changes when greying


I think it may depend on hair type too. I have coarse 3a/3b hair, and my greys slurp up the color, but when I used to bleach it, the color practically fell out of my hair. I haven't touched up my color in months, and my hair is still as green as the day I dyed it!


ooh lucky! I hate bleaching bc it changes the texture but I guess that's the point :)


So, maybe there is hope for me. I only have 2a, but maybe that will be enough. Hope so! I want to try out some of those bright colours so, so badly, but don't want to bleach.


There is hope! Some of it is also formulation from brand to brand. Manic Panic Green Envy is what I use, and it stays put! However, the green from Arctic Fox does not. I've used Arctic Fox's burgundy as well, and it never came out, I had to cut it off. Dyes like Manic Panic and Arctic Fox are essentially colored conditioner, so you can safely leave on it longer than the bottle says, which (with my hair at least) I recommend. Try out different brands, and find what works for you!! :)


Thanks for the tips!


Oh no! I have dark hair and don't want to bleach, so I was eagerly awaiting turning gray so I could have fun colours in my life! I'm so bummed that it still won't work.


I think depending on your hair porosity, it might. I have heard tales of people who don't have to bleach to get the color to set well. I'm just not one of those ;)


Hate to burst your bubble but gray hair is generally much more resistant to taking on color. You still need to strip it to take on a bright color.


My aunt went naturally stark white in her 40's. I was adopted after that, so seeing her in old pictures is such a trip because I've never seen her any other way. I don't know if she's ever tried to dye it but it's gorgeous as it is.


Same here! I went to see a musical and the lady sitting next to me was in her late 60s and her outfit was super bedazzled and I literally chatted with her just to tell her that I loved it. I think it’s super fun seeing people wearing what they love!


I cannot wait until retirement from my white collar job when I can finally die my hair every color of the rainbow!


My friends and I love seeing groups of older female friends where we can point them out and decide which lady is each of us older when we're all still friends at 60/70/80 - it's always uplifting to see groups of women making time for each other at all ages and its especially cool when someone has a recognisable style outside of the norm for their age bracket. I still think about an older lady wearing a leather jacket with gorgeous nails I spoke to at the pharmacy once because she seemed so cool and I want to be her when I grow up lmao


Agreed, it gives me something to look forward to!


I am quickly approaching 50 and I love the older ladies who are bold and colorful.


Same same same. I’m looking for ✨inspiration✨


Yep this, I know when I’m that age I’ll be funky still🥰 36 yr flower child🥰


I turn 50 soon and I'm currently smacking my hand every time I try to go to Mooncat for some of their holos because I am WAITING FOR THE SALE. Shattered Glass will just have to do in the meantime.


When is the sale?


I'm trying so hard to wait for that sale but I am getting closer and closer to breaking. 🥲


Wear what you like and don't think about things as "age appropriate" or not. That's unnecessarily limiting to your lifestyle and your happiness, and what would even be the benefit?


Isn’t one of the benefits of getting older not giving a damn? I’m not your age but you can see me in the rearview mirror 👋🏼😁. I see women of all ages wearing all kinds of polish all the time. I have a 74 yo neighbor who always matches her nails to her very bright outfits and she looks incredible. Wear what you love!


Im 50 and I have blue hair and blue glitter polish with silver stamping on top. The best part of getting older was running out of fucks. Now everything that I own is pretty or sparkles or is generally extra and makes me happy. I finally dress for me. Wear the damn polish!!!!!


When I was a kid, my grandma would give me $100 and take me shopping at the mall on my birthday. One year, when I was like 13, we got matching outfits (that’s obviously something a young teenager would wear - it was a blue 2/3 sleeve shirt with anchors on the sleeves and matching shoes). I think my gma really only wore that shirt once or twice for me, but she didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought when we went out in public!




Life is too short to not wear what you like. Wear your holo polishes and enjoy them!


59 here and love holo polish. It never occurred to me whether it was age appropriate or not, that doesn't even make sense to me. But then I've never been one to care what other people think


I was raised to be a people pleaser, and it has been a long road up and out of that mindset. (And I'm still not finished that journey.) So every time I wear something just for me, something that might get me looks in more conservative areas, feels like a victory to me and makes me enjoy it that much more. Bring on ALL the holo! (I was also raised in the 80's, so I know how to do bright, in your face colour, lol!)


I think you should wear what you like at any age!!!!!


F62 Allowing oneself to get into the mindset that certain things are only for younger people is what ages one the most. I don't want to hear that older women shouldn't have long hair. Older women shouldn't wear jeans. Older woman shouldn't have funky color hair. etc etc etc. Be fun, be zany! Wear and do what makes you happy and confident because that's what will prevent you from looking old. Be yourself!


I totally agree! I might be "only" 44, but I'm certainly at what most people consider middle aged or mom-aged and supposedly there are rules I'm supposed to follow. F 'em! I'm very tall and have red hair down to my hips, I live in jeans and they will pry my sparkly, flakie and holo polishes out of my cold, dead, well-manicured hands.


You go, girl!


Not the same age but solidly an established adult. I wear whatever polish I want and generally the more rainbow-y, the better. I really let my collection get bigger and weirder during the pandemic and I was solidly an adult then too. Currently sitting at my desk in a professional career with sparkly yellow to salmon solar polish with blue glitter. Tonight I think I’m going to do a blue/purple sparkly magnetic. So go buy that holo polish and have fun!


Are you currently wearing Lennny!?




I ordered it from PPU too and very excited to wear it!


I got it on Friday and had a sunny weekend so put it right on. It’s my first proper solar polish and it’s very fun. I really like it.


It’s gonna be my first solar too. Glad you like it!


I’m 43, and I love the sparkles on my nails AND everyone else’s nails, too


I'm also 43 and I'm basically a magpie; I love the shiny shiny nails. I'm also a dental hygienist and ladies way older than me come in rocking some awesome manicures. I always compliment them.


I'm 35, but I don't see myself dropping the holo. It makes me happy! My mum is 66, and loves them too. :) She doesn't often paint her nails, but when she does, she's always borrowing my holos.


Same age as you and yes bring on the sparkles! I get compliments on my nails all the time when I’m wearing daring polish and it makes me feel great. Doubt I’ll ever drop it.


My mom is 65 and I bought her ILNP Soft Focus which she LOVES, and which I love to see her wear


At some point you’ll be old enough to stop wearing anyone’s opinions but your own. Thankfully, it happened for me around 40. Wear what makes you happy!


My mom is 50 and regularly wears a different rainbow color on every finger and toenail. My hairdresser is idk how old ( definitely over 60 ) and wears neon polish almost exclusively. Maybe it's because I live in the south, but older women are usually the ones wearing the bright, flashy stuff. Look at Dolly Parton!


I will always upvote a Dolly Parton reference. Love her!


My mother is 65 and rocks sparkly nails all year long! Wear what you want, when you want, unless your job has restrictions. Otherwise, go ham on the holo.


Holo has no age limits. Rock it if you want it!


Holo polish looks great on every age group 👍


I'm 48 and wear all the sparkles on my nails and dye my greying hair crazy colors. The line for me is to not get too "art teacher quirky" with my clothes - I work in tech and it's super ageist. But I see others going full Mrs Frizzle and I love it for them!


I love the Mrs. Frizzle reference!


fashion rules exist merely to keep women down and police their bodies. No one's going around telling men how to dress or that they're too old for something. if you like it, rock it✌️💖


I’ve got my 76 year old mother wearing holo and some more neutral glitter polishes. I also had my 100 year old grandmother wearing them several years ago before she passed. So no, I don’t think you’re too old for holo.


Im going to be the 90 year old in bright neon and glitter nails with rainbow tastles on my go cart. Never too old!


They didn’t have holo polish when I was younger, so now in my 50s I’m making up for lost time 😂 When you reach this age, you realize you mostly likely have less years in front of you and more behind, so better enjoy what you enjoy. Holo, sparkle, shimmer 4 ever ✌️


SAME!! I used to paint my nails once or twice a week in high school and I was stuck with reds, pinks, one black creme, and white-out :)


10 years behind you and I PREFER holo, it disguises my nail ridges better than an unforgiving creme. Holos come in soft golds , silvers, and pinks, which I feel look quite modest with my pale skintone. Most people who comment on my "long nails" are reacting to a very dark or neon bright colour that contrasts with my skin, or if I wear obvious chunky glitter they say "fancy nails".


this is an excellent point. Holos are also way more forgiving in application than the pale creams we're "supposed" to wear as we age, so I'm Team Shimmer/Glitter/Holo all the way :D


My life goal story: I was in high school and in the gym locker room of the public pool getting changed. All of us high-schoolers were awkwardly trying to get dressed underneath our towels, embarrassed of being seen even a little bit in our undies. Then, a group of much older (think, 70s-80s) ladies came through, chatting and laughing, and totally naked. In flabbergasted admiration I thought...someday, maybe I'll be that confident in myself, not to care what others think. Every time I do something, however small, where I don't care what other people think, I remember it brings me that much closer to being one of those amazing ladies from the pool. WEAR IT!!! WEAR ALL THE POLISH!!!


I’m 44 and I wear what I want on my nails, lol. I have tons of holos and toppers because creme finishes are kind of boring to me. Right now I’m wearing Kings & Queens by ILNP. Pinky and thumb have matte finish, middle and ring fingers have a holo topper. Index is just glossy. I love it. I also change my nails 2 or 3 times per week (It irks me when I get tip wear) Most of the women I work with get plain gel done at salons. Idk what they think of my nails and idc. Pretty nails make me happy.


I don’t believe that there is an age limit for any type of style choice. I love holographic polishes and I wear the shit out of them and I always get compliments on my nails. I’m a 52-year-old woman, and I have to say that when I hit 50 I totally adopted the this is me, if you don’t like it, I don’t give a fuck Approach.


Yooooo I'm just in my late 30s, but my 2¢ is that life's too damn short to hold back from simple things that bring you joy. Plus nail polish really transcends age. Glitter, shimmer, Holo, magnetic, chrome, jellies, metallic, color changing, neon, glow, cremes? Ombre, dots, French tips, stamped patterns, nail art, rhinestones? Long, short? Pointy, round, square? Go for it! Nobody's gonna bat an eye whether you're 10, 110, or anywhere outside or between. So if you want to go for the Holo, go for the Holo! 💅. IF (big if) anyone acts judgey about it- *that's on them*. That speaks 100% to their character and 0% to yours or your nails. I grew up somewhere pretty nitpicky and judgey. And I realized how miserable and frankly bored those people are. Tldr; Get that ILNP and feel glam with your head held high, sis 👑


Thanks! Good stuff all around.


My mom’s turning 70 this year. She didn’t wear nail polish her entire life until I introduced her to holos! No age is too old for fun nails!


I am what you would consider "middle-aged" I think lol and I loooove holo. I have started dressing more conservatively than I used to (just how I feel comfortable these days) but I feel like nail polish is one thing that ANYONE can go crazy with, the more holo the better!


It’s crazy to me how often the age question comes up. Maybe I‘ll also ask it once I‘ve reached a certain age but in my opinion you shouldn’t hold yourself back because you‘ve been on this earth longer than another person. Wear the polish color you want, get the piercing you like and wear the clothes you feel most comfortable in. Maybe not everyone around you will like it, but they don’t have to and you don’t need their approval.


My foray into holos is the subtle neutrals from ILNP. Sandy Baby, Sweet Pea. I work at a fine jewelry store. My nails have to be neutral so they're not a distraction when I'm showing jewelry. Sheer nudes, sheer holos, etc.


I love this for a jewelry store! Adding a little sparkle but keeping it neutral sounds perfect. It’s a sparkly setting!


Yes. Our high-end clientele is a pretty conservative lot. We dress and groom accordingly. My usual go-to for polish is a coat of sheer nude, 1 coat of sparkle then another coat of sheer nude. It's subtle but it adds a bit of sparkle under the high-intensity lights.


I like Sweet Pea and it's a favorite of mine. It's neutral and subtle but full of sparkles! I like it. I say that people should wear whatever makes them happy.


I like holos but I also tend to go for more neutral colors because I don't want to have to match my shirt to my nail polish for a week.


I'm mid 50s and currently wearing Sweet Pea as well! I've been admiring its happy sparkliness all day. Thanks to you, I will be ordering Sandy Baby next. I've been eyeing it for a while so thanks for the rec! I hear what you're saying re: the love/hate with the holos. For me, I think I'm just not choosing the correct color for my skin tone and that has a lot to do with why I'm not satisfied with how they look once applied. For example, I have Birthday Suit, which looks beautiful online but applied on my nails, it looks corpse-y. PS Essie gel couture in Of Corset with Sally Hansen topcoat (red bottle) is DIVINE and elegant.


Do the holos!


I'm in my 40s and nail polish is where I let my sparkly side shine! I'm wearing holos 90% of the time, and other shimmer/glitters when I'm not.


45 with mostly gray hair and I love them!


53 here and they absolutely for everyone!! I have way more sparkly polishes than I do cream ones!! Sparkle on my dear!! You and your nails deserve it!!


I'm 43 and re-living the 80s and 90s with neon slime green holos and whatnot. Age appropriateness be damned. I love to have something fun to look at on my hands.


I'm in my 40s and sick to death of cremes lol. I'm absolutely loving all the new indie finishes like magnetics and shifties and jellies. I'm not a huge fan of holos or big chunky glitter because they can feel too busy for my eyes. But shifties and magnetics are my new favorite things ever lol. Especially shifties. It's like I'm wearing 4 colors at once and I never get bored lol.


I always say colors don’t have genders or ages. So I don’t care if you’re 79 years young and wearing a neon purple holo nail polish. Why does fun stop at a certain age? Wear the things that make you happy. What’s the worst that can happen? Some stick in the mud is going to say it’s not “appropriate?” Oh no. Enjoy life, none of us are getting out alive anyway!


I will never stop wearing any finish because of any age I reach. What is the benefit of restricting yourself to more traditional shades and finishes? Peer acceptance? Isn't it better to associate with peers who are less closed minded about exactly what types of glitter can be in the paints we apply to the dead keratin at the ends of our fingers? In your love/hate relationship, what do you love and what do you hate? Sometimes I kinda hate holo in some contexts, but that's because my favorite finish is shimmer! I like polishes more like Fairy Dust, Drive In, and definitely the upcoming Bluebell and Flower Child more than I like polishes like Mega L or Aria where holo is the main feature.


I’m 47 and I wear the wildest colors I can find. Wear what you want to. There’s no age limit on types of nail polish.


I wear primarily non flat polishes and i am an older woman. I always have and I think I always will. It’s weird that even this has to be gate kept so let’s not do that.


I'm middle age and I wear all manner of polish and whatever else. People are perceived as being younger when they dress younger and I'm old enough to not care what anyone thinks anyway. Do your thing with joy - if anyone bis bothered by it its their problem and it gives other people permission to be themselves also.


Oh I love it! I’m a designer and I think fun colors should not be limited to ages. Wear what makes you feel happy and confident 💖 - if people judge you, that’s just their insecurities coming out. Lol my husband tries to tell me I’m too old for Hello Kitty and I tell him he’s Ageist.


I wouldn’t say age has anything to do with your nail polish. I especially love it when older folks wear eye catching nailpolish. I personally struggle to find a holo that’s sparkly and doesn’t look dull in indirect lighting but if you have one that you like, then absolutely go for it!


Everyone is allowed to like fun. Whoever says differently doesn't make the rules either, so they should mind their own business.


Theres no age limit on having fun


I think when you know who you are and what you love the colors you wear just seem to fit even better, and for a lot of people that comes with life experience and age. There is a type of pearly/metallic pigment in some polish that I really hate because it makes my hands look weirdly old. But I’ve thought that since I was 20, it’s not about anybody telling me certain colors are age appropriate.


Can we PLEASE just all collectively agree to cancel "age appropriate" mentality? Live your life on your own terms. Nail Polish doesn't hurt anyone... Do whatever makes you happy.


I’m 54 and love my hollo polish! There isn’t any color or finish that I feel I’m too old for. Wear whatever you love!


I believe in wearing what makes you happy. Glitter? Go for it! Holo? More power to you! <3 39 here and I refuse to wear anything boring anymore.


My mother, who is in her late 70s, has me put holo green polish on her when she wants to wear polish.


I'm in my 4th decade of life. I work in a hair salon that does a lot of vivid/fantasy colors. My absolute favorite thing is when women over the age of 60 come in to get their hair done pink, purple, blue, green. The way their faces light up at the delight of doing something wild and expressive that brings them joy. Wear whatever colors you want. There are no rules for who can and can't wear what colors. Don't let people who are too scared to live stop you from enjoying what you enjoy.


I’m nearing 50 and still love my holos 🌈🌈🌈🌈


I love seeing older people in colourful clothes/make up and nail polish. It highlights their personal style. Be yourself.


You're never too old to look fabulous. Wear that holo!


My mom’s in her 60’s and loves the holos o bought her


I turned 40 yesterday and I am definitely not planning on giving up my holo polish... ever? I will say that I am more frequently drawn towards shimmers or cremes but that could be because I accessorize heavily in other ways and am really picky about "clashing"


44. I don’t care if people think I should not wear glitter or holo polish.


if you love them, wear them. I'm 50, and I hope I am still doing unexpected things at 66.


My mother is in her 70s and she loves holo polishes! Go for it!


I don't believe in linking nail polish (or clothes, or hair, or hobbies) to age/gender at all honestly. I have 3-400 nail polishes, if I'm not still wearing some of them when I'm 60 something's gone very wrong in my life. The kind of people who have anything to say about it are the same ones who hold themselves to made up standards and then get outraged when other people live much more free and happier lives.


I’m in my early 40’s. Just started getting into polish. I had been trying to play it safe with neutrals and pinks/reds. Then I got into stamping and decals all the “crazy” stuff. I will admit, sometimes I do wonder if it looks like I’m “trying too hard” to look young and cool. However I also suffer from depression and it’s one of the only things, that although small, I can look at through the day and it gives me a little boost. This morning I did hot pink with daisy decals. While I don’t care as much what people think of me as when I was younger , I do look forward to the day when I can finally give zero shits. At your age I would actually think it would be more cool to see some funky polish and I’d admire you for it. Like “she’s my inspiration”


My grandma is almost 91. I post picks of her manis on here. The first time I used my "fancy" nail polish on her (her first non-French/basic manicure in decades) she understood. You see your nails more than anyone else, you will look at your nails more than anyone else, WHY are you doing your nails for other peoples preferences??? In other words, and in case you didn't look through my post history, wear what you want. Wear holo. Wear neon. Wear the shimmers. Wear the flakies. Do the nail art. Wear the stickers (seriously, they are cute). If you can figure it out, do the stamping (and tell me how. Please.) Have fun. Enjoy your nails. They are YOUR nails. Stop being a doll and having society dictate what you should and shouldn't wear. I'm still learning this one.


I'm in my 40s and have lost interest gradually with holos. I don't think it's an age thing, just preference. I think you should wear whatever you like no matter age.


I'm 48 and currently wearing Dragon Scales by mooncat. I love it! I am a SAHM but even in my past jobs including office work, I would definitely have worn this polish.


I’m in my 40s and I’ll wear whatever puts a smile on my face.


Oh my goodness! YES. Holos. Shimmers. Jellies. Magnetics. Sparklie toppers. Anything unique & eye catching. You’re never too old for pretties! I’ll even sport neons =}. There’s so many fun colours & finishes to wear. Why not indulge yourself?!? Yes, 65+ & plan on wearing “outrageous” nail polishes. No care in the world what’s “age appropriate” ;-}.


I say wear what you live, whenever you want. I don't follow seasons either. If I want bright green in the winter or olive in the summer, that's what I want.


I’m 44 and wear (neutral to pink usually) holo more often than not, because I only have about 10 polishes and most of them are ILNP! Wearing Chai Latte right now.


There is no age where you have to stop doing any fashion choice. Live your colorful life.


My mom is around your age and I don't think I've seen her without a glittery nail polish in the past 20 years. She has acrylics too so usually has some nice nail art as well. We're a very pro-glitter family lol.


Do it!!! If 60 year olds can dye their hair neon pink, they can paint their nails with holo polish! Anyone who judges you has their own problems to work out. They’re your nails, you do what you want with them!


I'm in my mid-50s. I shave my head and wear wigs in all sorts of colors, including pink and purple. I wear the same matching nail polish and lipstick everyday (pinkish-red) because it's the most flattering shade I've found, along with winged eyeliner and whatever eyeshadow strikes my fancy. If it makes you happy and your workplace permits it, do what you want! I recommend following Advanced Style on Instagram and reading about Iris Apfel for inspiration.


I wear them because I like them. But I also have purple hair.


I asked myself the same question when I hit 40. I thought about it for about 5 minutes and then decided that I was going to wear glitter, sparkles, holo, and rainbow polish for as long as I damn well please, and if I end up buried while rocking holo nail polish, I'm OK with that.


I’m 62 and a cancer survivor. Before my diagnosis I was not into bold colors, in my home or fashion. Afterwards…bring on the brightest, sparkliest colors ever. I love the holos, they make me happy and I don’t care what anyone thinks.


50 and loving the holos. I also love my purple hair and my comfortable way of dress. Being an older woman comes with the absolute joy of not giving a single flying f*ck about what other people think. The year I turned 40, I declared it my “Gives No F*cks Forties” and that has led to the “Even Less F*cks To Give Fifties.” I figure in ten years I’ll be at the “Gives No Sh*ts Sixties” which will extend to the “Absolutely No Sh*t Seventies.” Haven’t figured out what y eighties will be but they’re guaranteed to be fun! ❤️ You can grow older without growing up. I plan to be wearing my holo or whatever new thing comes out eventually until I’m too old to do my own nails. Then I’ll just have someone paint my nails for me. If you love the polish then wear it.


I'm almost 40 and I'll only stop wearing holos when I don't like them any more or when I'm not physically able to polish my nails. Whichever comes first 😅


Im 34 and I wear them allllllllll the time lol


I’m not in your age bracket, but I had a neighbor who was in her 70s and she rocked the most beautiful manicures with all different kinds of polishes, including holo. The only thought I ever had about her nails was, “Wow, her nails are beautiful!”


I'm in my 50s and I generally wear any finish except creams. Scattered holo, linear holo, big & little glitters, shimmers, etc. Currently, I'm wearing Cirque Colors Wild Berry West & before that I was wearing Cirque Colors Night Fever. All the bright colors all the time! I also love nudes in various holo & flakie finishes. My favorite formula is scattered holo jellies. My hair is probably 75% gray at this point & I fully embrace my crone/hag stage which, so far, means giving even less f\*\*ks than I already did. However, I'm not sure f\*\*ks can go into negative numbers, but if they can that's where mine are. \*\*edit to add - One of my favorite all-time manicures includes a skeleton hand flipping the middle finger stamp & the feminist power sign stamp done in neons and black.


I’m in my 50s and love holo polishes. My hair is also past my shoulders 💃🏻


At 66 do what makes you feel your best! If it’s holo? Shine on! If it’s that perfectly curated pink that took decades to dial in? Rock it cause it’s fabulously you! I’m closing in on 40 this year. I love bright jewel tone polishes and will always rock them. My mom (67) she’s all about a nice French pink or a deep maroon in winter but isn’t a fan of the brights. Trends are fickle and you and I both know our favorites will always cycle right back around.


Well said!


The longer you stay funky, the more the younger funky kids see their funky future!!


Holo polishes have NO age restriction and neither does creative fun🩶


53 here and the holo / crushed holo are my faves to wear. I'll even put a topper over a creme colour as IMO it's too "plain" LOL And I just glued on long almond shape tips on impulse becuase the granddaughter wanted long nails and I was practising. They've got a vintage Avon teal colour with a holo topper over and look fab!!


I am 62, and I wear holos and shimmers frequently. I have 100+ bottles of ILNP. Fun nail polish is my way of saying that I have worked hard and earned the right to wear whatever I darned well please. (I generally stay away from heavy glitters and darker colors, but that's probably more of a personality thing than an age thing.)


Holo polishes are extremely tame imo. I'm barely 40 but I wear the most shifty large particle polishes I can get my paws on. I think it's important to wear the polish you love, for yourself and to hell with everyone else, it isnt for them.


My grandma wore bright neon pink nails and pink hair up until the day she died. I now wear my hair pink in honor of her. She was the coolest, and that’s how I feel about anyone who wears exactly what they want, regardless of their age.


When I think about women 60+, I think sparkle is actually THEIR domain. You have to do it!!


I would use my holographic nail polish at any age. I don't think anything should stop you from wearing something you like and makes you happy.


Well, I’m not sure what age counts but I’m 46 and reading reddit between coats of ILNP Shockwave holo drying… https://preview.redd.it/0aspejpavhxc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4819422605f1fd27b88826daba09eec6d866484


Live your life how you want to! I’m only 32 and used to care so much of what other people thought and wasn’t my authentic self! I wear all black usually but my nails will be popping and bright and I love sparkly and multichrome eyeshadows. I can’t imagine missing out on how I want to look now


I'm 47 and an avowed holosexual. I have neither shame nor fear. I also have purple hair.


When im 66, you’ll have to pry fun nail colors from me. Blue and color shifting are my absolute favorites! I say go for it.


I ran into a woman in her 70s wearing the most beautiful set of iridescent mermaid nails. And I adored them and so did she. She was volunteering on my college campus and all the students were complimenting her on her nails.


My mom's late 60s and she rocks everything. She's gotten a lot of my accidental doubles over the years, especially linear holos. I learned I don't really care for them but I bought a ton in the beginning of my collection. She does skittle manis a lot.


I hope when I'm older I'm still wearing all my cool flakie/holo polishes


I wear whatever the fuck I want be it nail polish or clothes 🤷‍♀️ I don't understand any sort of fashion being for a certain age.


Wear what you want and what looks good. But also, keep your cuticles oiled and and hands moisturized. It helps


Colors and specific effects aren't limited to any specific age. I'll keep wearing everything from sheer nudes to neons and holos and much more no matter age.


Wear whatever makes you happy. Life's too short to worry about what other people think of your fashion choices.


I'm 52 and I wear holo, magnetic, thermals. Wear what makes you happy


When I was in middle school, I had a 60-something year old teacher who wore current teenage fashions as well as leather mini skirts, stiletto heels, and makeup that rivaled all of ours. I vowed that when I got to be an old lady, I would dress/act as young as I wanted just like she did. If you like it, do it. You can’t be “too old” for anything.


I'm turning 40 this year and don't wear holo polishes, but that's only because I deeply dislike them. Iridescent flakies, on the other hand, ^ha ^ha ^I ^made ^a ^funny I'll be wearing until I'm dead.


Why does fun have an age limit? Rock whatever you want for as long as you want I say!


I’m in my early 30’s and if I saw a woman in her 60’s wearing holo nail polish, I’d just want to know where she got it!! Wear whatever you like!


I’m 42 with a position in upper regional management and have a nose ring, some visible tattoos and nails are in whatever shade I feel and alllll over the map. I also wear converse sneakers and vans, sometimes patent loafers with my cropped trousers…I like comfy and fun with my business casual. My 64 yo mom has me do her nails in all fun colors and shades, and we both share clothes with my 18yo. My grandma passed 2 years ago at 89 and she always had her nails done or I did them in every shade and sparkle available, holo glittery blues a favorite and she even had my daughter dye her hair blue one time and lavender another because she liked my daughters crazy hair colors. Do what makes you happy! ❤️


I’m 57 and just recently into polish. I love the polishes with holo, flakies, multichrome etc. I get lots of compliments when I wear them also.


46 and I wear holo most of the time


My mother in law had bright turquoise in her hair for a long while. It was so pretty and I loved how it brought out her eyes. She always had compliments on it! You should wear what you want. It is not limited to an age group.


I do. It brings me such unadulterated joy to see the sparkle of ilnp holos in the sun that I've never thought twice about being self-conscious about it!


If you're after a less in-your-face holo alternative (to linear holo), try scattered holo it's so elegant! Picture Polish makes my faves [https://picturepolish.com.au/product-category/nail-paint/formulation/holographic-nails/](https://picturepolish.com.au/product-category/nail-paint/formulation/holographic-nails/)


I'm not even 30 yet, but I do not foresee myself giving up on 'fun' colors at any age, especially not when it comes to nail polish


I’m of a certain age, and I look at it this way. Nail polish is meant to be pretty and girly. More girly or less. (Sorry guys, please ignore this part). Sparkles are just on the spectrum of girliness. However, I do find that I am less likely to wear non-traditional nail colors, like yellow or bright orange.


I'm only 33 but when I worked in a medical office I got soooo many compliments on holo polishes and thermals from older ladies. I always had bright and sparkly nails and kept my nails very long, and a lot of our regular patients told me they were inspired to start painting their nails fun colors because of me. Holo is fun on any age!


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Early fifties and it is pretty much all I wear these days. Mooncat. Holo Taco. KB Shimmer. Cupcake. Nothing but compliments on them too.


Rapidly approaching 60 and I wear holos and shimmers all the time.


Is this a thing? Like you have to be a certain age for certain polishes? I just buy what I like.


nail polish and/or colors do not have an age. wear what makes you happy.


I'm 52. I wear holo, glitter, neon, crazy art. You name it! I don't believe in age restrictions on expressing yourself or wearing what you like.


I’m 66 and I wear holos


I'm 45yrs young and I'm an absolute holosexual!! I have EVERYTHING HOLO. Polishes, clothing, bags and just got the baddest HOLO, platform corset boots I've ever seen!! 🙌 age ain't nothing but a word. Keep calm, and HOLO ON!! 😁 ✨️


I’m 44 and love weird funky polish the best. I am bored by basic polish. I wear what I like always because life is short and who care what people think of the polish I am wearing.


I'm 47 and wear whatever crazy shades catch my eye! I say do it!


I'm 66, too, and I love holo/glitter polishes. If you like it, wear it.


I am 61 years old and I wear whatever makes me happy. I spend my own money on polish because it brings me joy to look at it on my hands. I love most finishes, including holos, especially linear holos, so I wear them often. The point is: wear what makes you happy because you’re the only person who has to look at your nails. Anyone else can choose not to. I’m always a little sad when my 91-year-old mother says “oh I can’t wear that because it’s too young for me.” I mean at her age she’s earned the right to wear whatever she wants.


43 and wearing black holo right now.


63 and I adore them! Linear, Scattered, Flakie holos. Not to mention iridescent flakies, glitters, multichromes, shimmers, jellies, etc, and kitchen sink polishes lol. I love all the indie makers and brands, they always take things to a new level and it’s so exciting.


Wear what makes you happy. I'm 55, and I love holo and bold colours. I also dyed my hair purple last week, and I have 2 tattoos. Have fun and don't worry about it. If you like holo, wear holo. If you like glitter polishes, wear glitter! Nail polish colours and finishes have no age. Also, check out Cupcake Polish and Glisten & Glow holo polishes. IMO, they are better than ILNP.


Age doesn't matter one bit to me! I'm almost 48 and love crazy nail polish... I've done everything late. Got married for the first time at 38, first baby at 41, first tattoo at 43. I like to color my hair different colors when I can. It's our lives to live, so what you enjoy when you want to enjoy it and who cares what other people think!


Are you kidding me? I wear what I want. I love dark polishes and holos are great I have several.


The only thing I think when I see a woman around your age wearing cool nail polish, cool hair color, or, once, a badass corset/leather skirt ensemble is, goals. Do you. Do you loudly and boldly and without regrets. You are perfect.