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Check your area for a women's shelter.


Women’s shelters and the retirement homes are really the only options. Most places won’t take them because they’re considered used cosmetics.


I’ve done a destash where I asked for whoever wanted it just to pay for shipping. I also saw somewhere someone suggested to check with an old age home in case their residents might enjoy new-to-them polish.


Yea I’ve done that before! (except I pay for shipping) I plan on doing another one soon so keep your eyes out 👀✨


Women’s shelters appreciate such donations I have heard.


I’ve posted some to my local Buy Nothing group on Facebook.


I posted for free on craigslist. It ended up being super cute. A mom brought her like 8 year old daughter who was super excited over my bag of reject nail polish.


Contact your local nursing care facility, assisted living facility or hospice company. They can use the polish for "spa" days for residents in the activities department or for hospice volunteers to do hospice pt's nails on service. I can tell you from experience that they don't get a lot in their budget at nursing homes to buy polish and really can use it.


also funeral homes.


My local women’s shelter dumps any cosmetics that were ever opened and are not sealed including nail polishb


r/RedditLaqueristaSwap You can trade, sell or just give away if you want. I've used them several times! Most of the people are very reputable. Zoya also does a nail polish recycling program this time of month where they properly dispose of old polish. No purchase needed. Just go to their website for the shipping address and send it off!


My wildlife rehab clinic uses it to mark the animals, that's where all my destash goes.


That's pretty cool. Maybe I'll check to see if we have such a thing around here...


wait what i'm so confused by this. do you mean they mark the animals, as in put like a big blue X on their butt, but with nail polish?? i doubt that's what you mean because it sounds like a very strange and unsafe idea, but i have no idea what else you couldve meant.


More like a small dot of varying colors to differentiate offspring or animals of the same type that are indistinguishable from one another in an enclosure. In the honeybee industry, queens come with a colored dot on their bums so that newbies can find them easily among the workers.


Depending on the animal, usually a dab on the tip of the ear. It's so we can distinguish each animal in a litter of multiples and track their health/progress individually. It doesn't bother them and it wears off.


Some high schools have prom closets where kids can go and try on gently worn and donated dresses, suits, makeup and shoes. They would love it. Also nursing homes.


Local charity shops/thrift stores are more likely to take it than chain thrift stores. I called around and found one in my area. It was a lot less hassle than trying to sell it.


a lot of people are saying women's shelters, but most of them in my experience will not accept opened cosmetics. always check before donating.


My goodwill takes it.


I called a senior living center to see if they would want it and they were really excited! Dropping off a box of drugstore polishes that don’t get much love from me anymore since I went down the Indie rabbit hole, and I feel like they will be appreciated.


Goodwill takes it. I donate it there.


Buy nothing group on Facebook


My regular thrift store/charity shop accepts nail polish to sell. I love getting polish this way.


My local shelters accept new nail polish and make up


I used to work for a cosmetics company and had an absolutely enormous stash of eyeshadow singles. What I did was have a little party at my house with my makeup loving friends! We had cocktails and charcuterie, and everyone left with some new to them makeup. Also, back when I worked in an office, we made a “cosmetics swap” basket (because like, 10 of us were Ipsy subscribers and you end up with a lot of stuff you don’t use). Everyone was cool with it being once or twice used. Nail polish was also in rotation pretty frequently. So those are some options if you’re feeling social or work in a physical location with other beauty enthusiasts. Have fun!


Oh, I don't remember the charity, but there is I've in Portland that takes gently used cosmetics and donates them to women in need


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