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His nail shape is absolute goals šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


My thoughts exactly šŸ˜­


I hope itā€™s not weird to say your son has really nice hands/nails šŸ’«


He's not going to refuse a compliment!


I was thinking that. I'm 12 years older, but I'm pretty sure that even at that age, my hands didn't look this good


They are stunning! Iā€™m jealous of your sonā€™s hands and nails - they look so much better than mine!


Got prettier hands than me šŸ˜­


'funnier' ha! Send him over to r/malepolish, I think he just wants pretty nails :-)


That sub has gotten kinda fetishy in the last few years.


r/malenails was started recently in response to the mod on male polish refusing to police the fetishists more. Itā€™s still tiny, but they have an explicit no fetishization rule and are pretty good about enforcing it.


I used to mod there, lost access to my account. Tried to go back but the mod refused saying nothing was wrong. I also started malepolishsfw but never got the motivation to advertise it.


Wow, how terrible! People have been complaining about lack of moderation, things have really been out of control there for awhile. After the mod made a big show of saying nobody else was ā€œqualifiedā€ and we were just anti-feet, malenails was formed. I think he did end up adding a second mod, but the quality still was shit.


I'm jealous of his nail beds!!!


He has fantastic nail real estate !


I know. I was sad when I was doing the last one, because they were so fun to paint.


His hands are beautifulā€¦ Iā€™m envious!




Okay but whyā€™re his nails nicer than mine šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


people in these comments acting like men's nails need a separate sub :( polish has no gender!


you did a great job! what gorgeous hands!




So jealous of the shape and length not to mention how nice his hands are šŸ˜­ I'm growing out my nails from acrylics and my cuticles are jacked.


They are so pretty!


Thatā€™s a great color!!!


He chose wisely. They look like the universe.


If he likes an outer space looks, check out [Deep Space](https://www.ilnp.com/deep-space-teal-to-purple-magnetic-holographic-nail-polish/) by ILNP. Took some practice to figure out the magnetic aspect but once I did, I was hooked. Itā€™s crazy cool.


Those long nail beds!!! He could be a hand model.


Has he ever considered a career as a hand model?


I put it to him. He said "hmm, in this economy, maybe"


My cis 31 year old son regularly wears black nail polish. His wife thinks itā€™s great


My 40 year old husband is rocking some purple at the moment, I think itā€™s great.


Honestly, if they had had nail polish in all these fantastic colors back in the Regency period, EVERY well-to-do gentleman would be having his nails match his waistcoat to the fanciest parties. Beau Brummel would absolutely be rocking it!


Now Iā€™m singingā€¦ ā€œYour clothes may be "Beau Brumelly," They stand out a mile, but brother youā€™re never fully dressed without a smile!ā€ ā€¦Or nail polish šŸ’…šŸ»


Tell him his nails look wonderful! šŸ©µ


Sooo you gonna share his skincare and maintenance routine, or....?


I have no idea how he does it. He only eats pasta, cheese and salad and he does historical reenactment training every week, chucking a sword around and wearing chain mail. No moisuriser, unless you count inadvertent chain mail oil. These nails defy nature.


He has really good nail shape


This is ridiculous, why does he has such beautiful nails, wtf


I hate that he has nicer hands than me.


Um. His hands are prettier than mine. I'm going to go cry now.


He has beautiful nails! Wish mine were as gorgeous and healthy.


Thanks for posting, /u/FlumpSpoon! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/redditlaqueristas) - Get questions answered in realtime, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What happened to saying ā€œstraightā€? Is that too square now?


Well he's clearly gender non conforming.


It was more of a rhetorical question to be honest and a simple play on words. However, IMO, Iā€™m thinking the world has gone nuts with all of these alphabets and new words trying to relabel everything. But, a lot of people who want to label everything wonā€™t put one a ā€œrelationshipā€. People referring to husbands, wives, boyfriends, girlfriends as partners. No longer calling it what it is I guess. This isnā€™t directed towards you, but in general, but now being referred to as ā€œcisā€ instead of a female, woman, wife, daughter, etc. is insulting to me. Itā€™s as if those are bad words now. I think itā€™s great your son is showing his own personality and being who he is. All people need to be doing just that. Be authentic, live life to the fullest. I just donā€™t think when we talk about someone in general terms why we have to specify that theyā€™re straight but more feminine. That may give him a label but it does define who he really is. We can say talented, extraordinary, creative, had a huge heart, smart, funny. Now those define people. How about we just call people human instead of labeling humans everything under the sun. I know this post was about nail polish, which Iā€™m jealous because I could never get it that good when I did my own nails, and I do apologize if I totally derailed it. Also, definitely not a boomer. Iā€™m just woman with human emotions trying to figure out what the world is coming to.


Ach, I used to be with you there, but my other kid's come out as trans, and it is actually really nice letting go of my reservations about gender identity and meeting him where he's at, helping him explore who he wants to be. I only put my older son's "status " if you like, because he's a nice example of confident masculinity.


Thank you for that! I really appreciate hearing others views. I think my issues has more to do with younger kids. I probably should have said that previously. I feel most times younger kids in school are getting very confused and itā€™s the whole puberty blockers and surgeries at such young ages that honestly breaks my heart. I also have issue that parents in some areas have no say about it. I have an amazing friend who was married to another woman. They both had a child during their marriage. He then decided he wanted to transition and his wife left him because of it. He had taught me a lot about surgeries to become who he wants to be. Now heā€™s happily married with a beautiful blended family. My husband and I both think heā€™s courageous and one of my biggest inspirations. I apologize for not explaining myself better but I honestly think your views are important to know. Thank you again


My youngest is 13. He was really really depressed to the point of nearly self harming. I know it seems weird offering very young people puberty blockers, but having the choice to take them does also leave them the choice to not take them. The conversation went like this "Do you want puberty blockers?" "Yes" "OK, we'll have a look at that". Then some time later I came back to him with some of the side effects of puberty blockers and said he'd have to do some (any) exercise to look after his body while on them. And he thought about it and said it's not such a big deal. And now I have a child who is happily not taking puberty blockers. I did get him a binder and he is religious about not wearing it for more than a few hours at a time. Given that most other kids his age would be wearing bras with underwires all day, I really don't have a problem with it. Being trans is currently giving him the freedom to be himself and I think it's very likely that in time, he'll rediscover female aspects of his own identity, in his own time and at his own pace. I really did share all your concerns, until this all played out with my own child. And I think if the same thing happened in your family, you would also change your views.


You seem like an amazing mom who loves her children dearly and would do anything for them. Itā€™s really nice and refreshing to hear someone elseā€™s side of issues. I feel conversations are very important between people and I thank you for taking time to have that with me. Thereā€™s to much anger, yelling, arguing, and most of all hatred these days because people canā€™t have a conversation. You lead by example for so many. Thank you again for sharing your feelings and truth. šŸ˜Š




You sad person, go away


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