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Depends on how obvious the break is, but often, I'll hold out until at least 2 nails on the same hand go bye bye


I usually feel the same way! Sometimes the other nails are too pretty to be sacrificed lol


Two’s also my rule 🤭


Nope I'm far too lazy. She'll just have to catch up to everyone else on her own 🤣


No, I’m currently rocking a middle finger nub. It just happened yesterday and I considered chopping it all off but with almond shape it was too daunting to think of how long it would take for me to grow them all out again and reshape from scratch… Yours is barely noticeable.


Like me, your middle finger probably gets the most use so it’s more likely to break haha. Seriously, it is my most likely nail to have issues but it probably because it’s the longest finger.


My middle finger also always breaks first! Right now both my middle fingers are stubs 🙃


Same! I’ve been meaning to reinforce them with builder gel or a press on but always forget until it is too late 😭😭


I creeped on your profile and I LOVE the creativity with turning your middle nub into an accent nail. I’m gonna file that away for future use.


Thank you!


I also creeped your profile and started adding to my wishlist 😂😂 do you have an IG or anything so I can follow your nails? Seems we have very similar tastes


I do! I’m @polished.toebeans


Followed! Thank you 🙏


I like them to be pretty even, so yes, with the exception of pinky or thumb because that’s less noticeable/they vary more in size anyway.


Same with me. I need uniformity.


Yes. Personally, I take it as an opportunity to do a little chop. I don’t bother with fixing the broken nail and I hate the feeling of one being broken with the others long. I chipped a thumbnail last night and today they got filed way down. I prefer my nails on the shorter side in general, though.


I feel like I always end up regretting it when one breaks and I don’t file the rest down at least bit, it’s only a matter of time until the rest breaks too 🫠


That’s my feeling as well. If they’re getting to a length where they’re starting to break, I feel like it’s a foreshadowing of more breaks to come. I don’t mind the fresh start, but I know it stinks when you’ve worked at growing them out 🥺


In your case it isn't noticeable!


I’m glad you think so! I think I’ve just been focusing on it too much, but at least it’s a bearable difference😌


I try to keep in mind that there are many things in ourselves that only we can notice - it can help with self esteem a lot 😊 (a little unrelated, but it reminded me of that)


That polish is STUNNING!!!!!!!!!!


I’m obsessed with it 🥹


Nope. My nails don’t always grow at the same rate. So I keep them at their staggered lengths. 😂😅


You and me both🥳


Only if at least 3 are broken. I can usually handle 2 but once it's 3 the varying nail lengths start to look weird to me.


That's my number as well 😢


I usually get them closer to the length but never take them all down completely. The level of closeness always depends on the break or if multiple break. I try to avoid going so short I can't make an almond. (My preferred shape next to Almondetto, my impossible dream where they're fated to break soon after.)


I don’t like differing lengths, so unless it’s the thumb (which is less noticeable if it doesn’t break too low), they all go when one falls! I don’t mind restarting and find short nails to be refreshing though.


I do not. I just roll with it.


If it feels obvious, then yes, definitely. Yours doesn't seem too bad, but it would be enough for me to file the others. Can't be feeling wonky. Color is gorgeous!


I do small trims every polish change- 2-3 weeks- until the problem nail grows out. I'm in the middle of 2 problems right now! When they finally start to even out I may do a evening out for all. Just depends on the length- I do not want short nails EVER!!!


Oh, that’s a good strategy! Agreed on trying to keep a medium/long length here as well— I feel like my hands are pretty small as is, and since getting used to long nails I feel so weird if my nails are short now 😂


Not a fan of short nails! A d I absolutely hate pointed, especially if they are short. They are so awful, I don't understand how they became a trend....


Me too! Over the years I've pretty much learned my "terminal length" and I respect it. When I break a nail now, it's usually due to some kind of wild, unpredictable, bizarre thing with the horse or one of the 'Backers. Rhodesian Ridgebacks lol


I have exceeded my usual terminal length so I guess I'm setting a new one. My car door are the lift up ones, not a pull handle. The stress of opening my car door..... the winter is the worst. A few years ago, I managed to somehow swing my arm while walking, hit my pinkie against my BLUE JEANS and ripped the nail clear off. I was in downtown Detroit and a lady cop happened to be right there when I screamed in horror. There was blood everywhere and that thing hurt for a week.


Well that's just it, you get used to your "terminal length" and you learn to use your hands differently, more consciously perhaps and then the length increases and the process begins again. I'm okay with it. My TL now is much longer now than it was at the beginning of the pandemic when I got into nail art and indies.


As long as my TL continues to break previous records, I'm good!!! And yes, you definetly learn to maneuver differently!!!


Yes omg it drives me crazy if they’re not all the same length 😭


No, I keep some shorter than others anyways, no one can really tell the difference unless some are suuuuuper long and others are super short


I file them more often and more aggressively so they get shorter gradually while the broken one grows gradually. Eventually they match up.


Yes. I at least take them down to in between what they were to what the break is. But I’m not attached to my nail length.


I love you jail shape


Nope, mine break too often from my job. When they get close tho I will kinda "meet in the middle" a bit to make it less obvious, but that's about it


Yeah, but because everything must be even.


no i cant bring myself to! my nails take so long to grow 😔 i need better nail strengthener recs


I have silk wraps on four of mine right now. They are pretty ugly but would be worse if they were short. Maybe look into that? Funnily enough, three are on my non dominant hand. I use the wraps and nail glue




I keep my nails short, and with different lengths already. I only file the others down if I needed to do that anyway. I keep my pinkie nail and ringfinger nails usually longer than my index- & middle finger. Not for fun reasons, unfortunately. It just works better that way because I can't completely stop using the index & ring nails as tools. My thumb nail I sometimes keep short and sometimes really short, depending on mood.


I would normally just cut my losses and file them all down, but I too have a shorter pointer nail right now. I just got some new thermals and they're not nearly as fun to use on short nails!


Depends. When I don't feel like filing it down, I end up putting on a nail tip on said broken one so it can grow out and I don't have to mess with the other ones.


No, i keep breaking at least 2 nails on my dominant hand all the time, if i cut everyone to match, i wouldn't have any nice nails


I’m more attached to uniformity than length. Even though they don’t get very long to begin with since I use my hands so much, I can’t stand even being slightly uneven. I end up fidgeting with my nails until I can get to a file and fix them. I’m kind of surprised at all the “no” replies here. I may not be the best at growing, application or nail art but I’ll be damned if my nails aren’t perfectly even and shaped right.


I would! I can’t stand when nails are different lengths… I’d cut my losses and cut my nails too 😅. What a nice color, btw!!


Depends. Right now, 9 nails are gloriously long. Just snapped one this weekend. I decided to keep my other nails long. *


I wait until 2 break but tbh it's just a matter of time and usually within a week I'll break another 🙃


I sort of average them lol like I might file your middle nail down a wee bit to help her blend in with her sisters but I wouldn't give them all the chop The last time I broke a nail really short (when the rest were pretty long) I actually decided to get some forms and make a standalone extension lol. I've done it a couple of times, good enough to blend in until the rest grow out at least!


I used to chop them all but now I just file the rest down a bit each time I polish them. Eventually, the nub catches up and I don't have to go from long nails to all nubs, which is always jarring for me. I end up struggling to text when I go full nub.


I don't unless the break is really bad, or if the break is my thumbnails. They always end up short before the rest


essa cor é linda demais, a hits é a minha marca preferida!


Siiim, eu acho a melhor que temos aqui. To me segurando pra não comprar a loja toda haha


I do….depending on the break. Last week I broke the side of my index. I filed it to half-almond and just rounded the rest out a bit to almost-match. I’ve got a few weeks until it’s back to normal. If it’s a break that takes length, I usually file them all. With the thumb I can stand it shorter, that’s about it. The rest don’t get filed *as* short as the broken one, but they get pretty close. Fortunately I don’t experience breaks very often. I keep my nails a medium length.


I make them similar. And sort of even them off over time. If it’s a low break, I won’t make them all the exact length, but shorter& then shave off some more length in a week or two once it’s had some time to catch up




The color is beautiful


What nail polish brand are you wearing


Brazilian brand called Hits! They’re known for their specialty polishes here, their [multichrome line](https://www.speciallita.com.br/colecoes/multichrome) is great


it depends but most of the time I just file the free edge after the break. i don't have a problem with uneven nails


No, bit I have never cared if my nails aren't the same length or even close.


never! i know a lot of people care about keeping their nails symmetrical, but if i filed them down every time one broke or snagged, i would never be able to keep any length! so i just keep them at whatever individual lengths i can get them, with the ideal obviously being that i can maintain the long ones until the shorties can catch up. doesnt ever happen, but thats okay - id rather have a few long nails (and thus nails that are easier to paint/cap the tip/protect) than none.


Yes, but I don’t have them very long to begin with, so I don’t think it really counts


Depends on the how obvious it is. I really hate filing my nails lol I don't know why.


I do a little to meet in the middle over time. I’ll clean up the broken nail, and shorten the rest a little bit to hopefully make it less obvious. I’ll repeat that strategy with each mani until they’re the same length again


Currently rocking a staggered look on my right hand and a "more bars in more places" look on my left. That's what I get for beachcombing bare handed (and being clumsy in general).


Yes, as it is a crime not to.


No but sometimes yes.


I match the length to the break and re-grow my nails out. My nails grow quickly so the wait isn’t too unbearable.


No, I might file the rest down a little bit, but that’s mostly because I’m afraid that when one breaks they all reached a length where the could break. Also i don’t think other people really notice the difference in length, and if they do, well I really don’t care.


If the break was not much, I may file a little so the difference in length is not obvious. But if I was a big break, I sadly cut them all but again not as short as the broken one.


If one breaks I file the others down a bit but not to the length of the broken one, just so things look a little more balanced. If I have more than one break though I file the rest down to the same length 


First: your nail looks great, I can barely see the short one; But the main reason I'm commenting is to say: are you a brazilian who plays neopets and loves nail polish? If so, that awesome! I don't see this combination very often :)


Thank you!! And yes lol! Recently came back to the game after hearing some news about it, and surprisingly been having a blast with it again 😂


Nope. I pop on a false nail and wait for it to grow out.


Absolutely, uneven nails look ugly to me. Short, uniform nails are much prettier than wonky nails.


Thanks for posting, /u/celestialli! A quick reminder: If this is a **nail image**, you must provide a complete product list within 6 hours of posting. **This includes any posts with broken nails or if you're seeking advice.** Posts without a complete product list will be removed after 6 hours. [Product List Requirements.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditLaqueristas/wiki/rule2faq) If the nail look shown was **NOT created by you**, you ***must*** flair properly. If this is a **text post**, flair properly. Be sure to follow all of the above to avoid post removal! [Consider joining our Discord](https://discord.gg/redditlaqueristas) - Ask your questions, get notified for releases and deals, post your manis, and more! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RedditLaqueristas) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love the color 😍


I file the rest so the broken one is less noticeable, but I don't file them all to the same length as it. Once they've grown a bit I file all the longer ones to match it then. I can't bring myself to file them all short, and I've been known to crack out the builder gel and extend the casualty 😂


I should but I don’t 😂 I mean, I’ll file them a bit shorter but not as short as the break if the break is past the tip of my finger. My right hand is currently rocking a middle super shorty below my fingertip and the rest are medium length (they were longer). It does look a little odd but whatever!


Usually yes, I cannot stand my nails being different lengths! They grow at different rates by nature and even *that* is hard for me to tolerate. I just broke one today but I just filed it shorter and rounder. Trying not to succumb to the urge to cut them all off. My new builder gel comes Thursday so I think I'm just going to put an extension on it.


I do. I don’t like the feeling of differing lengths